Aug. 18, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 18, 2014, 7 p.m.
So Ive finished writing this fic and there are only two more chapters after this. Ill post them tomorrow and the day after :) xx
Hope you enjoy this chapter :) x
He was so happy when he heard Kurts voice, at first he thought he was dreaming but as he turned in Kurts arms he noticed how real it felt.
Kurts words had made him want to cry, the fact that Kurt like him back made him feel as though he could fly.
"What are you doing here?" He asked noticing that Kurt was not in his old room with him.
Kurt looked at him kissing him softly on the forehead. "I went looking for you; I looked everywhere until I came across this police officer, I wanted to report you missing but he said that he had caught you stealing and taken you home, I came here as fast as I could. Your dad said that he hadnt seen you in a week, I knew that was a lie so I wouldnt let him shut the door, he finally let me in and asked if I wanted to see you and obviously I agreed, he led me to this room and when I saw you… I –I thought you were dead Blaine," Kurt said starting to cry.
He pulled him into a tight hug.
"Why the hell did you follow him up here? It could have been a trick Kurt," he said into Kurts hair.
"I had to find you, if there was any chance then I had to take it," Kurt sobbed.
He sighed; he couldnt believe that Kurt would do this for him. He felt something covering his head and he raised his and feeling for what it was.
"Whats this?" he asked Kurt and Kurt looked up.
"Oh, I needed to make a bandage to stop the bleeding," Kurt said and then unzipped the hoodie he was wearing revealing that he wasnt wearing a shirt.
"Is it bad?" He asked touching the back of his head hissing in pain as it started to sting.
"Youll be ok, its just a bump," Kurt smiled, though he had tear streaking running down his cheeks.
"Thanks for making me a bandage," he said before thinking about it. "Though, Im glad you did because now Ive seen you shirtless," he smiled and Kurt giggled.
"Trust you," Kurt whispered and he smiled. "How does your head feel?" Kurt asked and he shook his head.
"Not bad now that youre here," he said stroking Kurts face with the back of his hand.
"We need to get you out of here," Kurt said kissing him on the nose. "Can you stand?"
"Yes, but I want to stay here forever with you," he said looking into Kurt beautiful blue eyes. Kurt smiled his cheeks turning as dark shade of red.
"Come on," Kurt said pulling out of his arms and climbing to his feet. Kurt put his hands out offering to pull him up and he grabbed them.
Kurt pulled him until he was standing and let go, for a second he thought he was going to fall but Kurt sensed this and grabbed him around the waist. They stood still for a moment and them he nodded feeling like he was good to stand on his own.
Kurt stood by his side for a minute before walking to the window, staring out.
"Do you know any way out?" Kurt asked him.
"The door," he giggled pointing to the locked door.
"Funny, any possible ways out?" Kurt asked.
"No, well I mean we could jump out of the window but I dont really want to break my legs," he said walking to stand next to Kurt.
Kurt went into his pocket and pulled out a phone, his eyes widened.
"Kurt you have a phone!" He said pulling him into a hug.
"It doesnt have signal in here for some reason," Kurt said and he grabbed the phone from his hand.
"Its hard to get signal in here, but its possible, you just have to find the right place," he said walking around the room holding the phone out in hope of finding some signal.
"Blaine Ive done that already, I didnt find anything," Kurt said and he turned to him.
"Like I said its hard," he repeated and continued to walk around the room.
After a minute he hit a spike and got two bars.
"Kurt, Ive got two bars," he smiled trying not to move an inch. "We should try not to move the phone so texting is the best bet," he continued as Kurt rushed over to him.
"Ill text my dad and tell him to send the police over here," Kurt said as he handed him the phone slowly.
He walked to the back of the room and sat down against the wall.
"Done, I told him to send the police here and not to ask questions," Kurt said looking more chipper as he came and sat down next to him.
"Great," he replied resting his head on Kurts shoulder. Kurt laced his fingers into his and he smiled.
There was a clicking noise and the door to the room flew open. His dad stood there with a strong frown on his face.
"I knew when I saw him the first time at the gate that he was your queer," his dad sneered at him walking further into the room.
"I just want you to let him go, hes nothing to do with this," he said. If there was a chance of getting Kurt out of here then he would take it. He felt Kurts grip on his hand tighten.
His dad laughed. "He is now, he knows youre here and even if he didnt he wouldnt stop looking for you, he must be desperate," his dad spat.
He let go of Kurts hand and pushed himself to his feet.
"Dont you dare talk about him like that," he said taking a step forward.
"Blaine, please," Kurt said standing behind him.
"Anyone must be desperate if they even want to consider giving any time of theirs to you," his dad continued walking further towards him. "But then I guess queers with stick with queers," his dad smirked. He just wanted to punch that stupid smirk off of his face and he would have if Kurt wasnt standing behind him right now.
"I didnt like your son because I was desperate; I liked him because he was a decent human being. He so much more that you could and will ever be," Kurt said moving out from behind him until he was standing next to him.
Suddenly, his dad moved forward grabbing Kurt by the neck and shoving him against the back wall. He leaped after him and grabbed his dad trying to pull him off.
"DAD STOP IT!" He yelled trying to pry his hands from Kurts neck. Tears had instantly started to fall down his face.
His dad ignored him and he could see that Kurt was starting to have trouble breathing.
"DAD PLEASE, I LOVE HIM!" He continued trying to pull him off. Suddenly his dad let go, Kurt fell to the ground coughing trying to get air back into his lungs and his dad turned to him.
"You what?" His dad said moving towards him.
"I love him," he squeaked tears still furiously falling down his face.
He didnt see the fist coming, just the pain that came after it and then he was falling to the ground.
"Love? Youre pathetic," he heard his dad say before he heard the bedroom door shut again and the click to signify that it was locked.
"Kurt?" He asked looking up from the floor. He noticed that Kurt had gone quiet. "Kurt?" He asked again crawling towards him.
"Im fine," Kurt said with a small voice.
"Are you sure?" He asked cupping Kurts face in his hands and Kurt nodded.
"Are you ok?" Kurt raised his hand and trailed where his dad had managed to land the punch on him.
He nodded. "Im fine, Ive had worse," he said trying to lighten the mood though it didnt work. He dropped his hands into his lap.
"You said you love me," Kurt said looking into his eyes. "You love me?" Kurt continued.
"Yes," he said looking to the ground. He hadnt been properly in love before but he was pretty sure this is what it felt like. He looked to the floor tears welling up in his eyes. "My dads right, I am pathetic," he said wiping the tears.
"No youre not," Kurt said and he felt Kurt touch his face, lifting it until he was looking back into his eyes.
"I love you too," Kurt said and he felt his heart flutter.
"You do?" He said and Kurt nodded.
He pulled Kurt in for a kiss, electricity running through his body as soon as their lips touched. The kiss deepened and their tongue started to slide against each others, he groaned and Kurt did the same in return, it felt like magic.
When they finally pulled apart they rested their foreheads together but a noise from outside made them look to the window. It was sirens, the police were here and they were going to be free.
They both stood looking relieved, well that was until the door swung open. His dad stood there with a large kitchen knife in his hands.
"Come here boy," he pointed the knife at him. His heart sunk.
"No," Kurt said clinging onto his arm.
He turned to Kurt and pulled him into a hug. "I love you," he whispered into his ear before making him let go if his arm.
He looked towards his dad who looked like he was becoming inpatient and walked towards him.
As soon as he got close enough his dad grabbed him and pulled him close, placing the knife against his neck tightly.
"Blaine," Kurt said through tears as his dad pulled him down the stairs. He knew that he was probably going to die.
"You got me into this, now you can get me out," his dad said through clenched teeth.
"This isnt going to help you, its only going to make it worse," he said and his dad scoffed moving towards the front door. "Dad stop," he tried as there was a knock at the door.
His dad moved to open it and stood back as it swung open tightening his grip on his waist and the knife.
"Dont you dare come in! Ill kill him, Ill do it," his dad threatened.
"Put the knife down!" One of the officers yelled but his dad didnt budge. "Dont make this worse for yourself sir!"
"Ill kill him, the stupid faggot deserves it!" His dad continued.
They didnt hear the officers behind them until there was a sound of a shot going off. From what Blaine could figure out, his dad was shot in the arm making him drop the knife.
His dad was on the ground with handcuff around his wrists a minute later and he felt himself falling to the floor. His head felt fuzzy, he could hear someone calling his name.
Kurt was at his side, calling his name and asking if he was alright but he couldnt answer, his mouth wouldnt work.
Everything started to fade, slowly turning to black but this time he didnt really mind because he knew that he was safe and when he woke up Kurt was going to be there.