Dec. 20, 2014, 6 p.m.
Dec. 20, 2014, 6 p.m.
Blaine walked into the living room, hed left his and Kurts lunch on the table in the kitchen and hoped it wouldnt get cold before Kurt got home. But it was only pizza so there would be a way of heating it up if he had to.
As he sat down on the sofa the doorbell rang and he paused. Did Kurt forget his key? He slowly got to his feet and walked to the door the floorboards creaking slightly under his feet.
"Kurt?" He called out hoping that Kurt would answer so he was sure that it was him. But there was just silence. "Kurt?" He called again putting his hand on the door handle. He really wished Kurts door had a peep hole.
He pushed down the handle and pulled open the door the tiniest bit before peeking out.
"Hello Blaine," a smug Sebastian said leaning against the wall on the other side of the corridor. His heart jumped and he wanted to slam the door shut, locking the door tight but he didnt. His mind was spinning.
"Wheres Kurt?" He asked and Sebastian laughed. He pulled open the door a little further and glared at him. "I said wheres Kurt?" He said more firmly and Sebastian stood up from leading on the wall and took a step towards him.
"Kurt hasnt trained you very well has he?" Sebastian said and he didnt answer. Sebastian took another step forward and took hold of his arm. He yanked his arm back as the warmth of Sebastians skin hit his, he didnt want him anywhere near him. He wanted Kurt.
He didnt even see the fist coming but the familiar feel of pain suddenly came back to him and the impact made him fall backwards in shock. He fell back through the door of the apartment and ended up laying in the doorway.
"I guess Kurt hasnt ever told you this, but I know youve heard it multiple times before, youre a whore Blaine and thats all youre good for," Sebastian sneered walking towards him.
He let the horrible words sink in but he wasnt going to let someone like Sebastian break him.
"What do you want?" He said still lying on the floor not bothering to try to get back up as Sebastian walked slowly around him.
"Oh I just wanted to prove a point," Sebastian said coming to a stop by the front door again.
He frowned before pushing himself back to his feet. "I dont care what your point is, wheres Kurt?" He yelled a sudden rise in anger flooded him and he walked towards Sebastian giving him a shove backwards.
"Kurts fine, you should be worried about yourself," Sebastian said rushing back towards him. Sebastian grabbed him and spun him around before slamming him up against the wall in the corridor. If he still had the bruises hed had when he first got to Kurts then it would have hurt but he hardly felt it. "Youre starting to get Kurts stubbornness," Sebastian snapped.
"Youre going to leave Kurt alone! Hes done nothing to you!" He yelled in rage and pushed Sebastian off of him but Sebastian just came straight back and grabbed him dragging him harshly back in to the apartment.
"You need to learn some manners slave!" Sebastian yelled and he stopped struggling letting Sebastian push onto the floor of the living room. That word, he hated that word Kurt had taught him that it didnt define him anymore. He shook his head, there was no way he was going to let Sebastian get to him.
"Wheres Kurt?" He repeated. Kurt should have been home by now, he must have done something to him.
Sebastian walked up to him, grabbing his chin in one hand and yanking his head up making him look him in the eyes. "Youre so beautiful Blaine, you should come back with me and we can have some fun. This was never about Kurt, only about us. I told you Id never find a better looking slave and I was right, Ive been waiting to find you again," Sebastian said and he pulled away disgusted.
"You will never even come close to the kind, amazing person Kurt is," he yelled earning another punch, this time it caught his lip and a tiny bit of blood ran down his chin and his mouth filled with the slight taste of iron.
Sebastian smile at him before backing away, starting to move around the room knocking things to the floor, pictures, dvds, cds and any other little nick knack that Sebastian could get his hands on. The living room looked trashed before he managed to get himself to react, he pushed himself to his feet and ran to Sebastian grabbing him and dragging him as hard and as fast as he could towards the door. Luckily the element of surprise was in his favour.
"Get out of here!" He yelled throwing Sebastian out of the door before slamming it shut before leaning on it to make sure that he couldnt get back in. He should have done that the moment hed seen him, but he needed to know what happened to Kurt. He still needed to know but he knew that Kurt would be pissed if he let himself get beaten the shit out of.
He slid down the floor catching his breath as the adrenaline ran through him, he needed to go back out and look for Kurt but he wasnt going to until he knew Sebastian was gone.
He waited a couple of minutes and was about to stand when he heard another knock on the door and then someone tried the door handle, he pushed hard with his back to keep the person out. For a moment he thought it was Sebastian coming back to try again but then he head a sniffle
"Blaine?!" He heard Kurt yell and he sighed with relief and jumped to his feet, he didnt even wait a second before pulling the door open and running into Kurts arms. He could tell Kurt was crying again and seem to be extremely out of breath.
"Are you ok?" He asked taking Kurts hand and leading him straight into kitchen. He didnt want him to see the living room just yet and he didnt really want him to see his face either so he kept his face turned away.
"Im fine, are you ok? I messed up Blaine, did he come here?" Kurt asked sounding choked up. He was kind of glad that he couldnt tell but he would have found out by the state of the living room and his face.
"Yeah he came here," he said turning to face him but he looked to the ground.
"Blaine? What did he do?" Kurt asked taking his chin in his hand and lifting his head to look into his eyes. Sebastians face flashed over his eyes and he pulled away flinching slightly. "Blaine Im so sorry," Kurt said holding his hands but he shook his head.
"Its fine, Im fine but your living rooms a bit messed up but Ill clean it, I should have stopped him earlier," he said but Kurt cut him off by pulling him into another tight hug.
"Blaine its my fault," Kurt said but he just shook his head. Nothing in the world was going to make him think this was Kurts fault.
Kurt pulled away and took another look at his face without touching this time and he frowned. "Can I help clean you up your face?" Kurt asked and he nodded letting a small smile show on his lips.
Kurt went away for a few seconds before coming back with a wet cloth, he then began to dab his split lip.
"Thanks," he said when Kurt pulled away looking into his eyes.
"Im so sorry he hurt you," Kurt said and he shut him up with a soft kiss on the lips.
"I dont blame you, I was worried that hed done something awful to you, what happened?" He asked and Kurt looked to the ground looking ashamed.
"He took me to this shabby janitors closet and wanted to do it, but I told him no and shoved him away. But it wasnt the no that made him angry it was just when I pushed him, he said that I need to learn what happens… he locked me in…," Kurt looked the floor not finishing his sentence.
"We need to do something about him before it escalates," he said and Kurt nodded looking up at him.
"It already has," Kurt said before walking past him and into the living room.
He gasped when he saw the sight of the living room and sighed before going around starting to pick up all of the items that were scattered on the floor. Blaine joined him a second later and he thanked him with a smile.
Sebastian had crossed a line that he shouldnt have, no one hurt the people he cared about. No one and he was going to pay for it.
After theyd cleared up the living room he laid down on the sofa opening his arms for Blaine who came and curled up into his side. He just wanted to hold him in his arms and make sure that he was ok. He didnt have a clue what Sebastian had done to him but by the look of his face it didnt look too pretty.
Blaine looked up at him and kissed him on the neck, he smiled and looked down at him pecking him on the lips.
"Youre the best thing thats ever happened to me Blaine, always remember that," he said and Blaine smiled his bright honey coloured eyes flashing at the words.
"Youre the best thats ever happened to me Kurt, by a long run and no one will ever make me feel otherwise," Blaine replied and he pulled him closer even though that probably wasnt possible. Blaine hid his head in his shoulder and he closed his eyes embracing the feeling.
It was at that moment that he knew that nothing was going to come in between them, though he wasnt ready to say it out loud he was sure that he was in love with Blaine and no one, not even that asshole Sebastian was going to change that.