Money Doesn't Buy Happiness
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Money Doesn't Buy Happiness: Chapter 6

M - Words: 1,063 - Last Updated: Sep 27, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 11, 2014 - Updated: Jul 11, 2014
160 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Ill update soon! x

They reached the tour bus and he climbed on board, Steve had stopped talking to him and didnt even bother to get into the bus with him.

He sighed and sat on the bus sofa leaning his head back.

"Hey, Blaine," a familiar voice said and his head flew to the left.

"Jessica," he said lazily. She was leaning against the bunk beds with her arms crossed. "I thought you were coming tomorrow or something?" He said.

"Well, I was but I heard you went wandering and thought that you might be a little lonely," she had a bright fake smile on her face.

"I wasnt lonely," he said.

"Right, but you know that Steves pissed at you?" she said her smile seeming to be more genuine while saying this sentence.

"Im aware," he said rubbing his eyes. He was stressed already but she was just making it worse.

"I dont understand why you have to disobey him? After all that hes done for you," she said moving towards him. He let his hands drop into his lap.

"Just leave it, I just went for a walk," he said frustrated. He didnt think that going for a walk on his own was going to get him into as much trouble as it had.

Took out his phone and had a look, he was hoping that Kurt would text him at some point as he didnt get the chance to get his number.

"Waiting for someone?" Jessica said dropping into the space next to him peering at his phone.

"No," he said shoving his phone back into his pocket. He didnt want the rant he would get if she found out that he was waiting for a text from a boy that he had just met.

The bus shifted and started to move. "Do you know where were going?" He asked and Jessica smirked.

"So he really is pissed at you huh," she replied and he frowned.

"Do you?" He repeated.

Jessica gave him a sigh before replying with, "Westerville, Steve decided that he wanted to end the tour and start the tour in the same place".

"Why?" He asked.

"I dont know, I guess he found it sentimental, the fact that it will start where you were born and end where you were born," she said.

"Oh, yeah I guess," he said pushing himself to his feet.

"Where are you going," Jessica said standing with him.

"Going to lie down, its only just noon and already its been too long of a day," he groaned.

"Do you want company?" Jessica said following him and running a hand down his arm.

"No, you can lie in a different bed but were never doing that, ever," he replied lifting his arms making sure that Jessica let go of him.

Jessica frowned. "One day Blaine," she mumbled before walking back down the bus to sit back on the sofa.

He didnt know why she didnt get the point, hes gay and there nothing that she or he can do to change that. He felt that she had it in her mind that if he slept with him then he would magically turn straight, but he had slept with a couple of girls before and it didnt feel right, it just felt wrong.

He turned and headed for the cubby that he used as a bed and climbed in. He had just gotten comfortable when he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket; he rushed to pull it out smiling when it was from an unknown number.

He opened the text and read:

I had a good time today, though it was only for a couple of hours, thanks for hanging out with me it made my day – Kurt.

A smile grew on his face and he added Kurt to his contacts.


Kurt had been sitting on the sofa ever since Blaine had left, he had no idea that his manager (well he assumed that was his manager) was that full on.

He had stared at the number that Blaine had given him, maybe it was fake? He didnt understand why Blaine wanted to talk to him, wanted to know things about him.

He gave up and typed in a text closing his eyes briefly before pressing send. His heart started to race, wondering if he had done the right thing. He used the term made my day; he had debated writing made my life but had thought that might be a bit much.

He laid his phone on the table and rested his now linked hands on his lap. He hated playing the waiting game, especially when there was a big chance that there wasnt going to be a reply.

Luckily he didnt have to wait long and his phone buzzed; he looked at the phone scared to see if it was from him. He slowly sat up and grabbed the phone, opening the text.

I had a great day too; when we meet again we can make it longer. Im sorry that the day ended how it did but it turns out that tomorrow night Im performing in Westerville, you should come! Ill pay ;) – Blaine

He couldnt stop reading the sentence when we meet again, it was like he was certain that they were going to see each other again. A smile grew on his face; it felt permanent like it was never going to go fade away.

He didnt know if he wanted to go to the gig, well he wanted to but he didnt want Blaine to have to pay for him. He also had work the next day, which he was sure that they werent going to let him have off.

He sighed writing a text out, he couldnt believe that he was saying no to Blaine Anderson.

I would have loved to but I wont be able to get more time off work and as much as I hate my job, I cant afford to lose it. Maybe another time? – Kurt

He waited a few minutes before Blaine texted back.

Aw that sucks, of course you can come to any gig just give me a text. Where did you work again? – Blaine

He read the text internally groaning, he really wanted to see him again but he couldnt lose this job.

I work at the Lima Bean, theres only one. Hope you have a good gig though Blaine! – Kurt

He leaned back into the sofa feeling as though he could just melt into it, Jessica was so lucky. If only he could have the heart of one Blaine Anderson.


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