Sept. 27, 2014, 7 p.m.
Sept. 27, 2014, 7 p.m.
Ill update soon! x
He couldnt believe it; Blaine had asked him to hang out with him. How did that even happen?
They were walking slowly through the park, his hands were shaking.
"Was there anything that you wanted to see while you were here?" He asked shyly. He was barely looking at him scared that he was going to disappear if he stared long enough.
"Not really, just wanted to explore, its not often that I get to do things like this," Blaine replied.
"Like what?" He asked.
"Wander freely without my manager going on at me or people wanting something from me," Blaine said and it made him feel a little sad. He hadnt ever thought of Blaines life being like that.
"Oh, so an autographs out of the question then?" He joked sending Blaine a smirk.
Blaine giggled and gave him a little playful nudge a spark ran down his spine. Just his touch felt like electricity.
"Do you want to sit?" Blaine asked as they passed a bench.
They stopped and he nodded, moving towards the bench, they both sat down.
"So tell me about yourself?" Blaine questioned and his heart jumped. Why would he want to know anything about him?
"What kind of stuff do you want to know?" He said but it felt weird, Blaine was practically a stranger but he felt like hes known him his whole life.
"I dont know, anything," Blaine replied with a smile.
"Fine, but be careful what he you ask for," he smiled. "My name is Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, Im 24 and I was born and raised in Ohio. My mum died when I was younger and I was brought up by my dad. I wanted to be an actor on Broadway, so once I left high school I was planning to move to New York but I found out that my dad had cancer so I didnt go, a year after that he passed away and the dream to be on Broadway just disappeared. I got a job at a café and a small flat and thats how Ive been living ever since," he finished and took a glance up at Blaine.
"Wow," Blaine said and he thought that he might have gone too far.
"I said be careful what you ask for," he smirked and Blaine gave him a sad smile.
Kurts story broke his heart, he didnt know why he asked him to tell him about himself but Kurt was interesting and from what he has seen of him he really liked him.
He thought for a second wondering whether to tell Kurt about himself, he would leave out major details but just tell him the small things. But he probably already knew them.
"I would tell you about myself but I bet you already know," he said what he was thinking, leaning back onto the bench. It was sad that no one really knew the real him.
"Yeah, but you could do it anyway, I might learn something I didnt know," Kurt said and he nodded.
"Ok, my name is Blaine Devon Anderson, Im 23, I was born and raised in Westerville and went to Dalton Academy for Boys. In my last year of high school our Glee group The Warblers entered a competition and we won, my manager now was there and talked to me after saying that he could make me famous if I signed with him and I did. It was great, I got my first single out and it did really well so I made an album, went on tour and it just got bigger from there," he stopped.
He didnt really go into any detail, maybe he should have done? He had only just met Kurt but he trusted him, but that was one of his faults, he trusted too much.
"How did you meet Jessica?" Kurt asked out of the blue and his eyes widened, he had forgotten about that.
"Um," he muttered. He really had been caught off guard.
"Sorry, should I not have asked?" Kurt said and he shook his head.
"No no, I just wasnt expecting it," he said accompanied with a short laugh. "I met Jessica a couple years ago at an private event that I had been asked to go to, she came up to me and we connected and we started dating a week after that," he lied putting on a fake smile which probably didnt look convincing.
"Ok," Kurt said with a small smile.
"So what about you? Anyone special?" He asked and Kurt laughed.
"No," Kurt replied wrapping his arms around himself.
He didnt know why that answer excited him; never in a million years would he be able to date Kurt.
"Youre gay right? I mean I never asked," he said. He knew that the man in the store had rudely stated that Kurt was gay but he never asked if he was.
"Yes Im gay," Kurt whispered and he frowned.
"Do you get that a lot? What that man did?" He asked and Kurt looked at him but he looked far in thought.
"Not as much as I used to in high school, but sometimes, I mean I work in a café its hard to escape," Kurt answered with a shrug.
"Im sorry," he said. He felt like a fraud, Kurt was out and proud and he was hiding because it might hurt his reputation.
"Not your fault," Kurt smiled.
He phone started to buzz in his pocket and he sighed looking at Kurt.
"I need to take this, do you mind?" He asked and Kurt shook his head.
"Of course not," Kurt smiled. He swore he could have melted on the spot.
He stood up and walked a small distance away from the bench bringing the phone to his ear.
"Hello?" He asked.
"Where the hell are you?" His managers angry voice travelled through the phone.
"You said I had the day off, I went for a walk," he replied a little annoyed that Steve always had to put a lead on him like a dog.
"Your bouncer is lucky that he doesnt get fired for letting you wander, you could have gotten hurt," Steve argued.
"Dont be so dramatic, I have a hood on and no one has even recognised me," he scoffed.
"Get back to the hotel now," Steve growled.
"Why? Ive not done anything wrong, Im not a child Steve," he said wanting to spend a little more time with Kurt who was giving him a concerned look.
"Just do it," Steve yelled and he shook his head.
"No, Ill be back later, bye Steve," he said before hanging up the phone. He was in so much trouble and he knew it, he put his phone back in his pocket as it started to ring again.
He walked back towards Kurt knowing that Steve and his bouncers would come looking for him.
"Hey, I know this is forward but can we go back to your flat?" He asked a little embarrassed but he needed to get out of sight if he wanted to talk more.
"Yeah," Kurt said standing up.
He pulled his hood further on his head, trying to cover his face that little bit more before shoving his hands into his pockets as they started to head towards Kurts flat.