Sept. 27, 2014, 7 p.m.
Sept. 27, 2014, 7 p.m.
He sat on the edge of bed as Blaine spoke into his phone, he wasnt completely sure of who he was talking to but he was trying not to listen in to what he was talking about because if it was important then Blaine would tell him himself.
"Kurt," Blaine said and he looked over his shoulder. He hadnt even noticed that Blaine had finished his call.
"You ok hun?" He asked. His heart ached for Blaine because Steve was an asshole, he wouldnt even out his worst enemy and it had happened to his boyfriend.
"Im fine, I got another interview with the tv show I was on yesterday, I typed so many different things into twitter and almost pressed send but it wasnt enough, I just couldnt do it that way," Blaine said looking to the floor.
He crawled up the bed towards Blaine and lightly grabbed Blaine chin pulling it upwards so he was looking into his eyes.
"Im so proud of you," he said pecking Blaine on the lips.
Blaine scoffed. "Ive hidden who I am for so long, I had this coming," he said and he frowned letting his hand drop into his lap.
"No one has this coming Blaine and I will argue with you about that until the day I die," he said and Blaine closed his eyes.
"I wish I could have been as brave as you," Blaine whispered and he choked a laugh.
Blaine opened his eyes. "What?" Blaine asked and he raised his eyes brows.
"Blaine, I never had the choice, people just assumed I was gay and that was that I couldnt hide it," he said gesturing to himself. "I mean look at me and dont get me started on my voice," he said.
"Im sorry I didnt think of that," Blaine said taking his hand in his. "But youre perfect and dont ever think otherwise, i didnt assume you were gay though," Blaine stated.
"Not your fault, it only meant that the only person that I had to come out to was my dad, and he already knew he just wanted to wait until I was comfortable to admit it to myself," he said trying to keep the tears down at the thought of his dad.
"Your dad sounds amazing," Blaine said giving his hand a squeeze and he smiled.
"He really was," he said turning and wrapping his arms around Blaines waist. "So when is the interview?" He asked wanting change the subject before he burst into tears.
Blaine started to run his hands through his hair, he was going to moan that he had just styled it but didnt bother wanting to feel close to him.
"Theyre doing an exclusive thing tomorrow morning," Blaine sighed and he nodded into Blaines chest.
"Do you want me to go or stay here?" He asked.
"You can do whatever feels comfortable for you, just keep in mind that if you come with me people are going to know who you are and they may not like that were together," Blaine said and he adjusted himself so he was looking Blaine in the eyes again.
"I know, but people know who I am already because of the picture, if they know what I look like I wont take them long to find out my name so it might as well happen now I guess," he said and Blaine nodded but he had a sad look on his face.
He laid his head back on Blaines chest.
"So do you want me to say youre my boyfriend in the interview?" Blaine asked and he thought about it, it was defiantly going to happen sooner or later.
"Yes," he whispered with a smile leaning up to kiss Blaine on the cheek.
"See, youre the bravest person I know, I was just thinking of forgetting the interview and skipping country," Blaine giggled. It was nice to hear, Blaine had the most perfect laugh it was so sweet he could almost taste it. He laughed with him.
"Thats an idea, not a good one but its still an idea," he replied and they both burst out laughing.
"I love you so much," Blaine said still giggling and he held him tighter.
"I love you too babe," he replied.
They spent the rest of the day in each others arms and ordered room service. He couldnt bear to let Kurt out of his arms even to go to the bathroom or to answer the door, he felt empty when he wasnt there.
The day turned to night and he couldnt sleep.
Kurt had fallen to sleep against his chest a while ago but he couldnt get himself to close his eyes. He slowly moved out of Kurts grasp and walked out to the balcony staring over the city that was laid out in front of him.
It looked like it was buzzing, truly the town that never slept.
He sat on the floor of the balcony and stared through the bars watching as the lights flashed and listened to the sounds of the vehicles until the sun started to rise.
"Blaine?" He heard Kurts voice and then his head poked outside. He gave him a tired smile. "Couldnt sleep?" Kurt asked looking concerned and he nodded running his hand through his hair. "You should have woken me, we could have not slept together," Kurt said and he pushed himself to his feet.
"Its ok, I didnt want to wake you, you look too adorable when you sleep," he teased and Kurt smiled smacking him on the bottom as he walked by him back into the room.
He looked at the time. 6AM.
"The interviews in a couple of hours," he said groaning.
"Im going to be there supporting you the whole time, you just look at me if you need too and remember that you dont need to be scared," Kurt said walking toward him and he opened his arms inviting him in. Kurt wrapped his arms around him and he smiled.
"Ill do that," he said taking in Kurts scent, it was the most homely smell in the world.
"Can I ask you something? And feel free to say no if you think its weird," he asked and Kurt nodded.
"Of course," Kurt replied leaning back slightly so that he could look him in the eyes.
"Could I wear your hoodie to the interview?" He asked feeling a little silly. "It just calms me I guess," he continued trying to find an explanation for his odd question.
"Yeah Blaine, whatever will make this better for you," Kurt said with a smile and he nodded.
"Thank you," he said.
Once they were all ready and dressed, Blaine wearing his hoodie making him glad that he had brought two, they walked out of the door.
They pulled their hoods over their heads and headed for the stairs, they were on the fifth floor but thought there would be fewer people if they took the stairs root.
They reached the bottom in no time and made their way out of the hotel, Blaine only had to stick his hand out into the road and a taxi stopped immediately. He was a little nervous of what was going to happen but he trusted that Blaine was doing the right thing.
He and Blaine held hands all the way to the studio but the taxi stayed silent, he could feel Blaines nerves radiating off him and he just wished that this was something that he could do for him, but he had to tell the world himself.
Once they got there Blaine paid the man and they both got out keeping their head down just in case there were any paparazzi around, he was sure that they knew that Blaine was having an exclusive interview had gotten out by now.
They ran into the building and a couple of flashes confirmed that people knew who they were even though they had their hoods up, inside they were met again by Tracy who led them back to the set. She hardly talked to them before she was off getting her make up done.
The boy who was all over Blaine came back and did Blaines make up though this time his grin was twice the size. He groaned and walked in the other direction; he wouldnt be able to watch this without pouncing on the boy.
"So," the make-up boy grinned at him, he noticed that Kurt had walked off to the other side of the studio and he wanted to follow but he didnt want to be rude. "I heard you play for my team, maybe you want to hang out some time?" The boy continued starting to rub foundation onto his face.
"Oh, Im sorry Im taken," he said pulling down his hood to give the boy better access to his face. He suddenly feet bad that he hadnt seen this last time even though Kurt had warned him.
"Oh right," the boy said looking shocked and then glanced over to Kurt. "Him?" The boy asked and he didnt like his tone.
"Yes," he said not hesitating, he was in no was ashamed of being with Kurt.
"Ok," the boy said simply with an eyebrow raised before he continued to finish his makeup in silence. "There you go," he said before giving him a small smile and disappearing into the back.
He rolled his eyes and turned to Kurt was walking back towards him. "The shows about to start," Kurt said and he felt his heart start to beat fast.
The lights dulled and the sets light glowed to life.
"I dont know if I can do this," he said feeling sick.
"Of course you can Blaine, courage," Kurt said and he smiled grabbing hold of Kurts hand.
The show had started and Tracy was going on about what was on today and wishing the viewers good morning, he held onto Kurts hand tight hoping that he wasnt hurting him.
It wasnt until he was called that he gave Kurts hand a final squeeze and let go walking onto the set.
His heart was racing; he sat on the sofa smiling keep an eye on Kurt who was behind the several cameras giving him a comforting smile.
"Good morning Blaine, nice to have you on again," Tracy smiled and he nodded.
"Nice to be back," he replied keeping his hand nervously in his lap.
"So lets get straight to the several rumours going around," Tracy said looking at the stack of papers in front of her, which probably had his life story on. "So you and Jess broke up?" Tracy asked and he nodded.
"Yeah, it just wasnt working out," he said and Tracy nodded.
"Right and then you fired your manager?" Tracy continued and he nodded again, Steve had really told them everything that would make him look bad.
"I did," he said.
"Why did you do that?" She asked and he hesitated. Should he tell them what Steve was like? He thought of a second.
"We had a lot of differences and I wasnt going to change who I was because he didnt like that," he said. It was the truth, not the whole truth but he was better than Steve, he didnt need to spread shit about him even if it was true. He also didnt want to take the chance of it making him look like he was making stuff up.
"Ok, but then he tweeted a picture of you, a picture of you kissing a man," Tracy said raising an eyebrow at him. "Is the picture fake?" She asked and he took a breath.
"No, the pictures real," he said looking at Kurt looking for comfort. He felt like he was going to be sick.
"So youre gay, bi?" She asked looking confused.
"Im gay, the rumours are true," he said nodding trying to keep a small smile on his face.
"And the boy in the picture, is he anyone special?" Tracy asked and a real smile widened as he looked to the floor.
"Yes actually, hes my boyfriend," he said and looked to Kurt who had also had a smile on his face. There was a small pause before Tracy carried on.
"So what do you plan to do now that the tour has been officially cancelled?" Tracy asked like the other question didnt mean anything.
"Um, Im not sure right now, I think Im going to discuss it with my boyfriend and go from there, but Im not giving up on my music thats for sure," he replied and Tracy smiled.
"Thanks for coming on the show and being so brave today Blaine, hope everything goes well for you, and Ill be right back after this break," Tracy says before the programme cut. Tracy got up and didnt even look at him walking away in the other direction.
He didnt even care and rushed towards Kurt pulling him into his arms.
"You were amazing, Im so proud of you Blaine, you dont understand how proud," Kurt said into his ear holding him tight.
"Its all because of you Kurt, thank you so much," he said feeling a tear run down his cheek.