Teach Me, Master
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Dec. 14, 2011, 5:40 a.m.

Teach Me, Master: Chapter 9

E - Words: 3,582 - Last Updated: Dec 14, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Nov 08, 2011 - Updated: Dec 14, 2011
810 0 4 0 0

Kurt sat frozen in place, blood coursing panicked through his body and rushing to his cheeks in hot torrents. His eyes shot quickly away from Blaine’s face to avoid eye contact. Beautiful, sexy, sweet, perfect Blaine, his boyfriend, the only one who had ever really understood and cared for him, thought he was a freak. A freak who looked at dirty kinky websites online.

Blaine fixed surprised yet tender eyes on his boyfriend, taking his hand in his free one.

“Baby, I…”

He was greeted with a strangled half-screech half-moan as Kurt looked at their joined hands in shock, then jumped and made to move away.

Blaine merely tightened his arm around Kurt’s waist, reaching the other arm around the boy to hold him tightly in his arms as Kurt struggled against him futilely.

“Kurt, please, don’t run from me. I couldn’t bear that.” The man’s voice was slightly amused. Blaine pulled away to look into his eyes, but Kurt merely hid his face in Blaine’s neck, hands still clenched around his shoulders in a struggle to get away.

“I… I can’t do this right now. Just let me go. Please, just let me go. I’ll leave right now and go home, and we can both just pretend this never happened, and maybe I can transfer into another class, and we can just avoid each other and forget about each other and maybe I’ll never be happy again, but that’s okay because right now I just want to leave, and… Please. Let me go.”

Blaine held Kurt for a long while until his struggles and protests ceased and he just sat, stiff and tense, in his arms.

“But Kurt, baby, that’s the furthest thing from what I want. And besides, I love you too much to let you go.”

Blaine felt the vibration of Kurt’s questioning mumbles against his neck and chuckled lightly, trailing a hand up the boy’s back to massage his shoulders.

“Kurt, you’re my boyfriend. And I hope you will be for a long time. I wasn’t lying the other day when I said I want to know everything about you. I know we haven’t known each other for very long yet, but I just… I want you to trust me. And I want us to be open with each other,” he said with piercing sincerity, running his fingers through Kurt’s impossibly silky hair. “Let me show you that you can tell me anything, anything without being afraid of me judging you.”

“And besides,” he said simply, nuzzling his nose against Kurt’s cheek and grinning adorably, “I’ve been on that website before, too.”

Blaine reached again to pull Kurt away from him and look him in the eyes, and this time Kurt relented, eyes wide but still not making contact with Blaine’s.

“You messed up my hair,” he pouted.

“Oh please, you’re perfect.”

Kurt blushed, examining his fingernails and biting his lower lip adorably.

“Now come here,” Blaine murmured, taking Kurt’s hand between his two larger ones, then laughing. “And please don’t chew off your lip.”

Kurt still wouldn’t meet Blaine’s eyes.

“Kurt. You’re a teenage boy. And, hell, I may be technically a little over that age, but I’m a teenager at heart. You have urges. We have urges It’s normal. Relax. You don’t have to hide them from me. I never want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me.”

“Okay.” Kurt looked at their joined hands uneasily.

“See? We’re communicating now. That’s a good boy.”

Just like in the dream… Kurt remembered achingly.

“You’ve been to that website, too?” he almost whispered.


“Did… did you like it?”

“Yes.” Blaine smiled unabashedly.

“Do you want that? In our relationship?”

“Kurt, baby, I… It’s a fantasy, okay? It’s an urge I don’t really understand. I guess it’s just part of my nature. We’re not at a stage of our relationship where we need to worry about sex, sweetheart. And whenever that comes, we’ll deal with it together, alright? I’d be lying if I said that I’m not excited by the idea of doing something like that, whether it be sexual or not, but the most important thing is that you’re comfortable in our relationship, because you are what’s most important to me, not my fantasies.”

Kurt bit his lip.

“Come on, Kurt. Talk to me.”

“What do you mean, sexual or not?”

It was Blaine’s turn to blush.

“I… well, you know. Um. Not all relationships like that are confined to the bedroom. Some people employ the same dynamic in their normal lives as well. It just depends on what works for that couple.”

Kurt’s eyes widened. The way he had kneeled before Blaine in his dream as they were eating, watching tv…

Blaine felt Kurt’s soft, elegant hand stiffen between his.

“Shhh, honey, it’s alright. It’s nothing we need to worry about.”

“Blaine, I, well, I liked that website, too,” Kurt whispered, eyes on Blaine’s face but not quite meeting his eyes.

“That’s perfectly normal, sweetheart.”

“No, you don’t understand. I… it’s more than that. I had – oh God, this is so embarrassing, I can’t believe I’m telling you this.”

Blaine looked at him tenderly, encouragingly.

“I had a dream. The other night.”


“You were in it.”

Blaine smiled.

“And… I kneeled in front of you. Except it wasn’t sexual. It just felt, I don’t know, safe, like I always feel around you, except even moreso, like I was giving myself to you, and you were just taking care of me. And I called you Master, but not, like, in a way that was, well, sexual. It was just nice. And you called me pet.”

Blaine was just looking at Kurt, eyes wide, and Kurt groaned, hiding his face in his hands.

“You must think I’m some kind of freak.”

“No, no, no, baby, no. I had a dream similar to that the other night.”

“You… you what?”

“It was a bit more sexual in nature, since we’re going to be honest with each other, but yes.”

“Did you… I mean did you like it?”

Blaine sighed, reaching an arm to wrap around the boy who was gazing at him so openly and innocently.

“Kurt, I… I liked the fact that you were letting me take care of you, that you were giving your problems and entrusting them to me instead of having to deal with them yourself. I know how much you’ve been through and how much you’ve hurt in your life, and I love the idea of taking care of you and being responsible for your well-being.”

“I like the idea of that, too,” he admitted softly. “But in my dream, I mean… in real life, people don’t act like that, not outside of some kinky sex scene like I saw on that website. I only looked it up because I was curious, after I had that dream. But all I see is things like that, and some of those couples are so violent and demeaning towards each other, and that’s just not what I want. I… I know you said it before, and I just… I want you to know that I love you, too. But I can’t imagine you calling me a slut or treating me like that. I don’t know, maybe it’s because we haven’t done much yet, sexually, but it seems like relationships like the one in my dream don’t exist outside of my fantasies.”

“That’s the thing, sweetheart. It doesn’t have to be like that.”

“Blaine, I –“

“Shhh, love. Listen to me for a second. There’s a type of relationship, it’s called a total power exchange relationship. It has the same Dom and sub dynamic as those sex scenes do, but it’s 24/7, inside and outside of the bedroom. The sub willingly gives up all control of his life to the Dom, not arbitrarily, of course, but in a beautiful, trusting way. The Dom controls all aspects of the sub’s life – what he eats, wears, who he talks to, how his day is structured, everything. And the Dom isn’t mean or cruel like in those websites you saw or heard about. He may push the sub past his limits and comfort zone, but only for his own good. And he takes care of the sub, as his most prized possession. He recognizes the precious, precious gift he’s been given, and he would never, ever, abuse that or take it for granted. Granted, he may punish the sub, if he disobeys, but it’s always in a loving way, for his sub’s own good, so he can learn from his mistakes and not feel guilty for them. He would never take advantage of the sub in any way.”

Somewhere in his explanation, Blaine began to realize how much thought he had put into such a relationship with Kurt, and his natural urge to care for Kurt by means of being his master reached new heights. He struggled to hold himself back, knowing how much it was for Kurt to handle.

“Are you okay, Kurt?”

Kurt nuzzled into Blaine’s chest, fluttering his eyes closed and resting a hand on his stomach, indulging in the gentle rise and fall of his breath.

“That sounds beautiful, actually.”

Blaine sat quietly for a few moments, resting his chin on Kurt’s head and stroking his waistline soothingly.

“I really love the idea of taking care of you and being responsible for you in that way, beautiful. But I can’t stand the thought of ever pushing you into anything where you’re uncomfortable. And it’s…. it’s difficult, because that relationship is based on complete trust. You don’t trust me like that, and that’s okay, perfectly normal, because we haven’t known each other long enough. You shouldn’t trust me like that, yet. But I would like to earn your trust. I’d like to show you that I’m worthy of it.”

“Blaine, I… I want a relationship like that. I have so much stress in my life, but in that dream, I just felt so calm. Knowing you were taking care of me, that I could give you my problems. Just… the way you cared for me and dealt with Karofsky, and even the way you call me a good boy or just give me small orders, which trust me, I’ve noticed more and more, it feels like we’ve already started to build towards that. And maybe I don’t trust you completely, because I can’t yet, but I would like to. I want to.”

Blaine inhaled Kurt’s sweet, pure scent before pulling his boyfriend to sit sideways in his lap and wrapping an arm around his waist.

“I’m glad, baby, so glad. But I don’t want us to rush into anything, so you feel overwhelmed. But at the same time, it’s just hard to see what a tpe relationship will be like until you’re actually living in one.”

Kurt hummed quietly. He traced his fingers down the underside of Blaine’s forearm, feeling the smooth muscle and rippling tendons, letting his thumb rest close to his palm and feeling his pulse. He smiled softly.

“Well… I mean, it’s going to make me a little uneasy at first, probably, just because it’ll take some getting used to, but, I mean, we have this weekend to ourselves. Maybe we could try it, see how things go?”

Kurt looked down shyly, fearing Blaine’s rejection in spite of everything they had just said.

“Kurt, are you sure? Completely?”


‘You know that I’ll love you no matter what kind of relationship we have. This isn’t something you need to feel obligated to do in order to make me happy. This relationship is about us, not about me.”

“I know that. And that’s why I want to try this. Because I want it, too,” Kurt leaned into Blaine, pressing his forehead to the other man’s. “Master,” he said impulsively, his voice sexy and breathy and heavenly, and Blaine felt a rush race through his body as he inhaled sharply, tilting his head up and pressing a kiss to Kurt’s lips. He traced Kurt’s lower lip with his tongue, requesting entrance, which Kurt eagerly granted.

Kurt relaxed, warm and safe with Blaine’s arms around his waist, allowing the man to explore his mouth and grow accustomed to his taste. It felt so comforting, so natural. Instinctive, even.

Blaine pressed one last feverish kiss to Kurt’s lips before pulling away and taking a deep breath, struggling to calm himself.

“Kurt, as beautiful and impossibly sexy as you are,” he smiled dotingly as Kurt blushed, “there’s some things we need to get sorted out if we really want to try this for the weekend.”

“Okay,” Kurt sighed, sticking out his lower lip.

Blaine grinned, hazel eyes crinkling at the corners, and kissed Kurt’s nose sweetly.

“Like I’ve said, love, this is about us. We’re going to decide together how this relationship is going to work, okay? We’ll see how it goes, and if it’s something you’d like to continue, we can work out more concrete rules and limits towards the end of the weekend.”

“Okay.” Kurt reached a hand out to nestle in Blaine’s hair, curling the strands around his fingers pensively, his elbow resting on the man’s shoulder. Blaine sighed contentedly, tightening the arm around Kurt’s waist and loving the feeling of his light, warm weight in his lap.

“Now, I know that we haven’t really done anything sexual yet, but we need to find out your limits. If there’s anything sexual you know right away, I’d like to know now, just to make sure I keep you safe, but I’d like to know about what you’re comfortable with in general, not just sexually.”

“Okay…” Kurt’s fingers paused in Blaine’s hair, and he pursed his lips thoughtfully.

“Relax, it’s okay. We’ll work on this together, and we’ll take it as we go, alright? Now, how do you feel about kneeling?” He softly kissed the skin of Kurt’s shoulder in the place where his sweater had fallen down his arm.

“Well, I mean, is that even an option? I always sort of assumed…”

“Baby, this is our relationship. It’s between you and me. There’s no rules except what we decide on, and I want you to only agree to things that will make you feel safe, happy, and loved. Because that’s what our relationship is about, in the end.”

“Alright. Well, I actually really liked the kneeling. In my dream, at least. It felt nice. Safe. It made me feel the extent of how much I belonged to you, how much I was really at your mercy, but at the same time the fact that you would never hurt me. There’s just a couple of things, though, that I thought about and don’t want to do.”

“Of course.”

“I’ve… I just don’t want to do anything that’s demeaning, I guess. I’ve never told you how much I love it and how much it means to me when you call me baby, or sweetheart, but I wouldn’t want to be called a slut. And I recognize that there will be… punishment… eventually, but I’d rather you not slap my face.”

Blaine’s eyes teared slightly as he cupped Kurt’s face and ran a thumb over his cheek with aching tenderness.

“No, beautiful, no. I know I’ve told you this before, but I mean it. I cherish you and any moment I am in any way touching you, and I could never bring myself to demean you or hurt your beautiful, sweet, face. That’s not what I want this relationship to be about.”

Kurt sighed and pressed his cheek against the side of Blaine’s head, loving the rough yet silky feeling of his curls, freed by his fingers, against his skin. How had he ever gotten so lucky?

“I love you,” he murmured, the words fresh and thrilling on his lips.

“I love you, too,” Blaine returned softly and dotingly, pulling Kurt even closer against him in his lap.

“In my dream, I liked calling you Master. And I liked you calling me pet, or sometimes I would speak in the third person, as pet. I don’t know why… it just felt comforting, like a reminder of our relationship and that you were taking care of me. I wouldn’t want to do that all the time, because I would really miss times like this, when we’re just talking, but I did like it when I was on my knees, maybe talking about my day, or when we were doing something sexual, because it was less embarrassing to talk about sexual things in the third person.”

“We can definitely do that. I like it, too, actually. Anything else?”

“Um, well I’m not too sure about anything sexual yet, or if we’ll even get there this weekend or in the near future, and I’m obviously not very familiar with all of the sexual things that are even out there, but I know I don’t want anything involving feet. Or feces,” he winced. “This is really embarrassing, but the concept of pain kind of intrigues me. I’m not sure what I would and wouldn’t like, but I would definitely like to hold off on that for a while.”

“I would never want to do any of those things to you, anyway, baby. But thank you so much for telling me, and I promise that I’ll respect that.”

“One question?”

“Absolutely.” Blaine nuzzled his face into Kurt’s neck and looked up at him adoringly, rubbing a gentle, exploring hand across his thigh.

“What are we going to do about…punishment?”

“Well, you’d be punished for breaking rules. We’ll get to those in a moment. They won’t be much for this weekend, since it’s going to take a lot of adjusting. Whatever your punishment is, it isn’t about making you feel bad or hurting you. It’s about helping you grow and giving you plain rules with plain consequences that are designed for your own benefit. Punishment is meant to help you, to take away your guilt and allow you to focus on doing better.”

“Kay,” Kurt said softly, leaning into Blaine just a bit more. His felt warm and solid and real beneath him, his hands gently, tenderly, holding and exploring him. He felt so loved, despite the fact that they were talking about punishment. He felt slightly uncomfortable, but remembered why he felt so loved. Because that was what the punishment was going to be about – making him feel safe, loved, having firm consequences for his actions.

“Now, it’s hard to determine all of your punishments in advance, since they’d generally be suited to fit what you have done wrong. Most of them will probably include spanking, which we can slowly ease you into, because there’s no rush, and maybe corner time or loss of privileges. And if you ever don’t feel comfortable being punished, you’d need to let me know by safewording. For that matter, if you feel uncomfortable in general, with anything we do, even just kneeling or speaking in the third person, I want you to let me know. Does that sound okay, pet?”

Kurt smiled at the way Blaine was gently easing him into the use of the names. “Pet” sounded wonderful on his boyfriend’s lips.

“Mmm. I like hearing you call me that. I always thought it was strange when doms would call their subs ‘slave’ or something other than their name, but ‘pet’ is different. It reminds me of the love.”

Blaine smiled warmly, kissing Kurt below the chin.

“And I’ve always been curious about spanking. I think I would be okay with that, as a punishment.”

“Good boy,” he murmured. “You need to choose a safeword now, okay?”

“Hm…” Kurt glanced about the room, instinctively naming the first thing he saw. “Edward,” he blurted, then clapped a hand over his mouth. “Oh, God, no. I cannot believe I just said that. There is NO way…”

Blaine’s triangular eyebrows jutted up as he laughed, burying his face affectionately in Kurt’s shoulder.

“You might want to give that one another try, sweetheart.”

“What about… lampshade. No. That’s ridiculous,” he laughed, then glanced down at his sweater. “Gap?” he posed.

“Sounds good, pet,” Blaine smiled warmly and pressed a series of small kisses below Kurt’s ear, and Kurt sighed happily, adjusting his position in his lap slightly.

“Now. Rules for the weekend. There won’t be very many, alright? We’ll make it easy for you to follow. And besides, you’ll be with me the whole time, so there isn’t much I need to tell you to do in advance. But, we did agree that you would call me master, so that will be one of our rules, alright? And if I ask you to do something, or ask you a question, I expect you to respond with ‘yes, Master,’ or ‘no, Master.’ Is that okay with you?”

“Yes, Master.”

Blaine grinned, kissing Kurt sweetly in reward.

“Now, when you’re on your knees, or doing anything sexual…”

Kurt’s eyebrows raised slightly.

“Don’t worry about that, baby. This is a just-in-case type thing, alright?”

Kurt nodded.

“But anyways, then you will refer to yourself in the third person as we discussed earlier, alright?”

“Yes, Master.”

“And if you don’t feel comfortable doing so, or if you don’t like it once we start putting it into practice, I expect you to let me know, understand? Because I need to know that you always feel safe and cared for.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good boy,” he praised. “And I do expect that you will follow my orders. But more importantly, I want you to tell me if you feel the slightest bit uneasy with anything we’re doing. And don’t hesitate to use your safeword if you need it. There will never be any consequences for doing so. I need to know if anything I do makes you feel insecure or unloved, because trust, comfort, and love, are what are most important in our relationship, and they always will be.”

“Yes, Master.”

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt’s waist and pulled the boy flush against his chest, then kissed him deeply and fully.

“Thank you, love. I think we’re ready.”


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Fuck this is hot

Not gonna lie... this is pretty damn hot!

This is getting extremely interesting, please update soon :)