Teach Me, Master
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Dec. 14, 2011, 5:40 a.m.

Teach Me, Master: Chapter 8

E - Words: 2,676 - Last Updated: Dec 14, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Nov 08, 2011 - Updated: Dec 14, 2011
833 0 1 0 0

Kurt curled up in bed, idly flipping through the pages of the book Blaine had lent his group. Blaine had drawn a very dreamy, Disney-esque portrait of John Smith next to a point about Pocahontas, and Kurt giggled to himself. Hmmm, maybe he could play him in the skit, since Blaine seemed to like his character… Kurt sighed happily and nuzzled his nose into his arm, feeling the softness of Blaine’s sweater and absorbing his scent. And allowed himself to gaze at Blaine’s Facebook profile picture one more time, and… okay, he was acting like a teenage girl.

But then the temptation to indulge for just a bit longer was too much to resist, and Kurt’s mind drifted to their kiss on the dewy field, and he was filled with elation, comfort… and the way he had kneeled, for the briefest moment, to reach Blaine’s book in the hallway. His cheeks had warmed, as they so often did around the older man, and it felt strange, but… right, natural. Like he was taken care of. And Blaine’s eyes had darkened… But human beings didn’t kneel in front of each other, not outside of his fantasies, and most assuredly not in his relationship with Blaine.

Kurt jumped as his phone rang, and he pushed his books to the side, stumbling out of bed and fumbling to reach his phone.

“Hello?” Kurt answered breathlessly, just before the phone was about to go to voicemail.

“What are you wearing?” a smooth, rich voice drifted into his ears teasingly.

“Well, for one, I don’t think it’s any of your business, and two… wait. Blaine?”

Blaine pulled the phone away from himself to hide his laughter from his all-too-adorable boyfriend, his indignation before he realized it was Blaine, and that sexy airy voice that had first answered, the way it had turned him on almost instantly.

“Yes, my love?”

“Blaine, don’t do that! And how do you have my number?” Kurt wasn’t willing to forgive quite yet.

“Well, being a teacher, I may or may not have had access to McKinley’s phone directory.”

“You realize I would have happily given my number to you, had you… I don’t know… asked me?”

“Someone’s feeling feisty today.”

“Stop deflecting!”

“Who, me? Never.”

Blaine could feel Kurt’s glare radiating off the phone. And he smiled broadly, knowing that as angry as the boy sounded, he certainly wasn’t upset to be hearing from his boyfriend.

“Come on, you have to admit that this way of reaching you was much more amusing. And besides, I missed you. Tomorrow’s too far away to get to talk to you again.”

“Nobly braving McKinley’s dusty archives to retrieve my phone number, just so I think that some dirty old man is calling me at night,” Kurt let out a dreamy, dramatic sigh. “My heart’s melting as we speak.” Of course, he’d never tell Blaine that it actually was.

Blaine simultaneously chuckled at his boyfriend’s mock indignation and held back a groan as his pants tightened at the boy’s sigh.

“Oh, and to answer your question, Prince Charming,” he added, his voice shy and innocent, yet to Blaine’s ears, so suggestive, “I may or may not be wearing your sweater.”

Blaine struggled to remain calm. His breathing grew heavier as his mind flooded with images of Kurt wearing his sweater, surrounded with his scent, protecting him…. And oh dear Lord, imagine him wearing only that sweater…

“Mmmm,” Blaine managed in response. He was too infatuated with Kurt at the moment to allow his guilt to dominate his increasingly sexual feelings toward the perfect, beautiful boy.

“Is that a good mmm, or a bad mmmm?”

Blaine bit back another groan at how unknowingly seductive his boyfriend’s sweet, high voice was. “Oh, most definitely good.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

And, goodness, was Kurt doing this on purpose? Because he was damned good at it. Unable to hold back his urges, Blaine palmed himself through his pants.

“So anyway, Wayne thought it would be a good idea for us to get to work on our project before class this morning so we won’t have to work on it this weekend. Laurie and Mark can’t make it, actually, but we thought maybe we could still get something done -”

Blaine panicked momentarily as Kurt’s voice went on and on with their plans. No. He could not leave Kurt alone with that boy, that boy who so obviously had a crush on him. There was no way. But he couldn’t tell Kurt that; his pure, sweet boyfriend would never believe that Wayne had feelings for him… quick, think…

“I’ll be at school early tomorrow morning to get some papers graded. You’re welcome to work in my room, if you’d like. I’d be glad to help you guys with anything you’d need. It’s probably more comfortable than working on the floor out in the hallway, anyway.” There. That sounded believable.

“That sounds great. Thanks so much, Blaine.” Blaine’s breath grew even heavier as his boyfriend’s thanking him turned him on further, inexplicably.

“Anything for you, beautiful.”

He heard his boyfriend let out a breathy, lazy yawn over the phone.

“You sound sleepy, angel.”

“A little. I’ve been staying up pretty late to work on my math homework.”

“Maybe you should take it easy, get to sleep early tonight.”

“Mmmm, that sounds nice.” Oh, and so did Kurt’s gentle, tired voice. The voice itself was reminiscent of Kurt’s voice in his dream, but it was more than that, it was the way he was taking care of his boyfriend, telling him to go to sleep… it did inexplicable things to him.

“Alright. Call me if you need anything, you have my number. See you tomorrow morning?”


“Goodnight, beautiful.”

“’Night, Blaine.”

Blaine’s pants grew impossibly tight as he listened to his boyfriend’s soft, deep breaths before he hung up the phone.

Oh, the things that boy did to him. Blaine desperately pushed down his pants and underwear, reaching for his lube and spreading it liberally. He groaned deeply as he allowed the previously repressed image to return to his mind, of Kurt wearing only his sweater. He saw the boy handcuffed, bent over his desk, as Blaine ran his cock in teasing circles around his hole, his soft breathy moans like his voice on the phone. He held a hand out in front of his swollen cock, then wrapped his other hand around the base, rubbing his swollen member in circles against his hand, desperate to recreate the feeling.

“Kurt,” he breathed deeply as his hand made its way down to his balls, relishing the delicious friction as his breathing quickened and his muscles tensed. And then his mind recalled the image of Kurt kneeling before him that day, and his stomach coiled further, his body impossibly hot and his eyes squeezed shut in pleasure and tension. And the innocent blush on Kurt’s face, like he had felt something too… Blaine came almost instantly, breathing heavily, feeling at once guilty and sated.


Strolling to his classroom the next morning, Blaine’s heart rate increased as he heard Kurt’s light, sweet laughter around the corner. And then he heard Wayne’s voice, and his hands clenched slightly as he realized why the boy was laughing.

“So, Kurt, I couldn’t help wondering. Do you have a girlfriend?” Blaine’s jaw tightened. There was no way that Wayne could have thought that Kurt was straight… he meant that with no offense to Kurt, for he loved him dearly, but the fashion sense and the way he carried himself and the Broadway obsession were practically neon signs.

“Well, I’m… I’m gay, actually.” Blaine stopped behind the corner to listen.

“Mmm. I actually am as well, come to mention it. So, I believe the better question is… do you have a boyfriend?”

Okay, that was enough. Blaine walked quickly over to his room.

“Hi, guys,” he called out smoothly, opening the door. Wayne looked at him a tad suspiciously before entering the classroom ahead of them. Blaine seized the opportunity to pull Kurt towards him for a quick kiss. Kurt’s knees went weak as Blaine guided him into the classroom with a gentle hand on his lower back.

“Thanks for letting us use your room, Mr. Anderson,” Kurt smiled as he took a seat by Wayne.

“No problem. Just let me know if you need anything.”

Blaine sat back at his desk, absent-mindedly flipping through the essays he needed to get graded. “And when the Native Americans arrived on the Mayflower…” the first one read. Oh no. He could not deal with an essay like that right now. He moved it to the back of the pile, not really listening to Kurt and Wayne but keeping an eye on them, the way Wayne leaned in closer to discuss something, but Kurt, thankfully, didn’t. Besides he didn’t think Wayne wouldn’t be dumb enough to hit on Kurt when their teacher was in the room a few feet away.

The next essay on top was Kurt’s. Blaine couldn’t help indulging slightly as he looked at the elegant, curvy handwriting. Everything about Kurt was so innocent and perfect, and he felt enraptured, captivated by the boy’s proximity and the deliciously frequent amount of times he had come in contact with him in the past couple of weeks. And Kurt’s essay was actually good, really, really, good, not that Blaine was surprised. The writing flowed smoothly, his evidence laid out clearly and intelligently. Hmm. Maybe he could reward him by inviting him to his apartment…

“Mr. Anderson, may I speak with you for a moment?” a gravelly voice called from the hallway. Fuck. No. Not now. He didn’t need to listen to Mrs. Dandridge’s slow, meticulous opinions on his lesson plans at the moment.

“Sure,” he smiled, masking his emotions charmingly in a way that came so naturally to him.

“Great.” Blaine immaturely made a face at her back as she walked out into the hallway. He heard a little giggle and saw Kurt smiling at him, holding back a laugh as Wayne rambled on and on about who knew what. Kurt was looking at him, not at Wayne. Nothing else was of consequence.

“So, Mr. Anderson,” Mrs. Dandridge began, looking through the pages of his lesson plans impossible slowly. “It seems you have quite a bit of interactive projects going on in your classroom. While I’m all for those, it does leave me to wonder how prepared your students will be, come the AP test.”

“Well, in my experience, I’ve come to realize that students learn in different ways, and while my class will definitely be doing a lot of reading and writing and listening to a lot of lectures, I’ve found that they remember the material better when they’re actually engaged in it themselves.”

“Hmmm, interesting,” she murmured, spending what seemed to be an hour paging through his plans.

Blaine shifted impatiently from foot to foot, charmingly throwing out answers to her meticulous questions. After ages, she finally left Blaine to go back to his room.

“So, Kurt, I was wondering, are you doing anything this weekend?” he heard Wayne’s voice drift across the room.

“So, guys, how’s the project coming?” he asked loudly.

Kurt smiled warmly at him. “It’s going well.” Wayne just nodded in agreement.

“Awesome. Well, the bell’s about to ring, so you guys might want to get to class.”

“Sounds good,” Wayne answered, gathering his coat and backpack. “You coming, Kurt?”

“I, um. Well, my first class is across the hall, so I’ll probably just work on stuff here for a while longer.”

“Alright, I guess. See you later.”

There were more students walking through the halls by his classroom, so Blaine couldn’t really touch Kurt, but he walked over and sat on top of the desk next to his boyfriend.

“Kurt, your essay was wonderful,” he praised, eyes bright.

Kurt’s eyes lit up proudly. “Thanks, Mr. Anderson.”

“Of course. Did you sleep well last night?”


“Perfect. Do you have much homework to get done this weekend?”

“Not really. I just have to work on my math homework and get the next couple chapters read for your class.”

“Awesome. Then I was wondering… would you like to come over to my apartment tonight, maybe sleep over? You could work on the homework over there.”

Kurt blushed heavily, eyes looking down.

What was wrong? Then Blaine realized and lowered his voice. “Baby, this doesn’t mean I want to pressure you into doing anything sexual. We’re not ready for that. I would never make you do anything you don’t want to. You can sleep in my bed if you want, and I’ll happily take the couch, if you’re not comfortable. I just thought it would be nice to spend some time together outside of a school setting. I’d love to get to know my beautiful boyfriend better, that’s all.”

Oh. He should have known that was all Blaine wanted. “That sounds nice, actually.”

“Perfect. I can pick you up, if you’d like?” he asked, smiling dotingly.

“Sure. Need my address?”

Blaine raised his eyebrows.

“Oh, I forgot, you can summon my address from the depths of McKinley’s student archives.”

“You know me well.”


The rest of the school day had flown by in a blur, and Kurt sat on the couch in Blaine’s living room, hopefully not appearing too anxious as his boyfriend ran to get something in the kitchen. He had carefully packed all of his skin supplies and finally selected the perfect outfit, cute yet casual enough to cuddle with his boyfriend, after throwing half of his possessions anxiously about his bedroom. As far as Burt knew, he was going to Rachel and Mercedes’ for one of their usual sleepovers to work on “some stuff for Glee club.”

Kurt glanced around. The room was relatively clean. There was a keyboard in one corner, sheet music with scribbles all over it lying on the floor. Edward was curled on top of them, sleeping peacefully for once.

Kurt sighed, sinking into the couch and relaxing, then smiled happily when his boyfriend emerged from the kitchen, carrying two plates of mostacolli. Just like in his dream… Kurt remembered, sighing.

“Here you go, sweetheart,” he smiled, settling himself beside Kurt and wrapping an arm around his waist. He kissed him softly, and Kurt sighed, leaning into the kiss and wrapping an arm around Blaine’s neck.

“That smells delicious. Thank you so much.”

“You deserve it, baby, for doing so well on your paper and working so hard on your math this week.”

Kurt nuzzled his face into Blaine’s shoulder happily and sweetly.

Kurt pouted in protest when Blaine pulled away from him, then grinned happily as his boyfriend lifted a forkful of pasta to his mouth. Kurt accepted the bite and interlaced his finger’s with Blaine’s.

“I hope you don’t mind if I try to get my homework done while we’re eating,” he murmured. “I just have a lot to get done, and I’d rather get it done now so we can spend the weekend together.”

“That sounds perfect, Kurt.” Blaine smiled encouragingly. “Do you want any help with anything we’re doing for class? I mean, not that you need it, but I’m here for you if you have any questions or anything.”

“Well, actually, I do have a few questions about our project. Here,” he said, pulling out his laptop. “I’ll show you what we’ve done on the script so far.”

“Sure, sweetheart,” Blaine smiled, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend’s waist and pulling him close. He pulled a blanket over their laps before Kurt placed the laptop down between them and leaned his head on Blaine’s shoulder, indulging in his scent.

When Kurt opened the laptop and quickly typed in his password, he was greeted with horror. He saw not the script, which he must have closed out earlier, but the web browser that he must have opened the previous morning. And, no, he couldn’t have just been looking at Facebook or Wikipedia, that would have worked out too well for the life of Kurt Hummel. No, right before both of their eyes, plain as day, were pictures of grown men and women bound and gagged, or maybe on their knees, Kurt couldn’t even bring himself to look. He hadn’t closed out the s&m google search. Panic coursed through his body, his heart beating a mile a minute. And Blaine was just looking at it, his eyes wide, yet strangely... calm.


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This story is amazing. I cannot wait for the next chapter.