
Dec. 14, 2011, 5:40 a.m.
Dec. 14, 2011, 5:40 a.m.
Sighing, Kurt leaned in slightly, tilting his head in a silent request for another kiss, one which Blaine eagerly granted, his lips caressing Kurt’s gently, tasting like honey and coffee and something that, he realized with elation, was distinctly Blaine. Blaine pulled Kurt’s plump, achingly soft and perfectly silky lower lip into his mouth, sucking just slightly as Kurt clung to him, letting out a whimper. He planted a final soft, chaste kiss on Kurt’s lips before pulling away, Kurt’s taste warm and sweet on his lips.
And Blaine fought back the urge to grin broadly. He knew what Kurt tasted like. And oh, it was so addicting.
Kurt’s dazed eyes met his, full and trusting. “Blaine,” he hummed, delicately tracing his fingers over the muscles of Blaine’s upper back, exposed by his tight undershirt. He could touch Blaine now. He was too elated and complete to even contemplate what had happened, completely captivated by Blaine’s unique scent and touch, firm and confident yet so achingly gentle and deliberate.
“Beautiful.” Blaine ducked his head to rest against Kurt’s shoulder, planting a soft kiss in the nook between his neck and shoulder. His fingers played up and down the boy’s sides, feeling how solid and real he was, outlining his ribs and running his thumbs along the delicate slight curve of his waist. And Kurt was leaning into him so deliciously, and he felt so sated and so trusted and so whole as this sweet, innocent, beautiful boy melted into him.
Blaine lifted his head and was met with Kurt’s sheepish smile. He adored the way his lips nearly covered his teeth when he smiled, fully and truly.
“Karofsky wasn’t my first kiss, not really,” Kurt said in a whisper, his breath falling against Blaine’s cheek. “You were.” His eyes watered slightly. “You are.”
“You make me so happy,” Blaine said breathlessly, his brow furrowing as he became slightly flustered. “Kurt, I know I’m your teacher, and I know this should be wrong, and I know maybe we shouldn’t be doing this, and- What’s so funny?”
Kurt giggled, sweetly nuzzling his cheek against Blaine’s. “I’m sorry, Blaine. But you’re just too cute when you babble like that.”
Blaine tapped his noise in a playful reprimand. “Why, Kurt, I try to look out for you and your feelings and that’s the response I get?”
“I guess so.” His eyes quirked towards Blaine’s cheekily, the slightest bit challenging.
“Mmmm, someone’s feeling bold and cheeky lately.”
“What can I say? I’ve been inspired by the best.”
“I, for one, am deeply offended! Howsoever could you ever refer to me as such?” Blaine brought his hand to his heart dramatically.
“Edward, you get your ass away from that bunny and come back here right now!” Kurt chided gently in a voice that was strangely high-pitched.
“Oh, God, you heard that?” Blaine blushed slightly, running his fingers through his hair.
“A bit,” Kurt smirked.
“Oh, you,” Blaine laughed, tilting Kurt’s head back and kissing his chin. “But really,” he added, serious. “You’re my student, but I… I care about you, Kurt. So much. I don’t want you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with, because you’re so pure and beautiful and I could never live with myself if I let you do anything you didn’t want to, but… you just captivate me and move me in ways I can’t even explain.” And, he thought to himself guiltily, he really couldn’t. If Kurt ever heard about that dream…
“No one’s ever called me beautiful before,” Kurt said in awe, and Blaine’s heart rose in his throat as he remembered how fragile yet strong Kurt was, how much he had been bullied and how vulnerable he was making himself to open up to Blaine. Blaine felt his heart melting into Kurt’s trust.
“Beautiful,” he said again simply, affirming the sentiment and kissing each of Kurt’s eyelids before resting his forehead against Kurt’s. The boy gasped softly at the contact, and Blaine felt all the more enraptured by his beauty and innocence. His gorgeous blue-grey eyes met Blaine’s openly.
“Blaine, I… I want this, too. I want you so much, so badly it aches. You’re a new teacher, and there’s not even that much of an age gap, and even if there was, I couldn’t bring myself to care. I just… I think about you all the time. The way you took care of me after Karofksy hurt me, the way you held me like no one else ever could, ever would, ever will, because all I want is you.”
“Kurt, you know… I mean… this won’t be an easy relationship, baby. I wish I could show you to everyone, tell everyone how much I adore you and how proud I would be to be with you, but you know why that can’t happen. I wish I could give you that, give you everything, but I can’t. But I know that I care about you. I know I just want you to be happy.”
“I am happy. You make me happy.”
“Are you sure you want this?”
“I’ve never wanted anything so badly. Just… one thing?”
“Does this mean you’re my boyfriend?” he grinned.
Blaine thought his heart would burst as he pulled Kurt into a hug, wrapping his small body firmly and safely in his strong, protective arms.
As they parted ways, Blaine walked back home slowly, glancing over his shoulder and smiling as he saw Kurt dancing in his step as he headed back home. He didn’t have long to enjoy the moment before WOOF! “EDWARD! If you don’t leave that bunny alone, I’ll-“ He then saw them nuzzling softly, hesitantly, and Blaine smiled, shaking his head.
Kurt’s school day passed in an elated blur. Even Rachel’s insistence on singing the solo in Defying Gravity, even though it met with his strong objection and promises from Mr. Schuester to consider things, did nothing to dampen his spirit.
“My, Kurt, you’re here early,” he was greeted as he walked, almost bounced, into his favorite teacher’s… his boyfriend’s classroom.
“What can I say? I make things happen.”
“Mmmm, you certainly do,” Blaine purred, despite himself. His eyes clouded just slightly before he cleared his head. The rest of the class was about to come in at any second. “Would you mind passing out some papers for me?”
“Not at all, Mr. Anderson,” Kurt said airily. His breath hitched slightly as Blaine let their fingers meet for just a bit too long when handing him the sheets.
“Oh, and Kurt. Take a seat towards the middle of the room. Not in one of the rows where the football players sit, okay?” he said, knowing the football players always sat towards the back. Kurt cast him a questioning look but obediently placed a paper at everyone’s desk before taking a seat towards the middle of the room as it began to fill with students. He cast Mike and Tina a wave as they sat together in the front.
Blaine took a seat on his desk, swinging his legs slightly, at ease and in charge of his classroom. “Welcome back, guys.” Kurt smiled a little and settled back in his chair as he saw several girls leaning in closer, dreamily, towards him. If they only knew…
Blaine caught onto his slight smile and raised his knowing eyebrows almost imperceptibly.
“So, according to the syllabus you all should have gotten a couple of week ago, we’re due to start learning about the colonies today. You should already have an idea of them from the reading, but it’s important that you keep in mind that each had its own laws, religion, and way of life, depending on the region. I thought that might sink in better if you each did a skit on some of the more important and interesting colonies that the AP test tends to focus on, so that’s what you guys will be working on this week.”
Everyone in the class chattered amongst themselves, gesturing across the room to their friends to choose partners.
“I’ve already picked your groups.”
The class groaned, and Blaine pursed his lips to hold back a smile. The things the kids in his class were getting upset about….
“You’ll be working with the other people sitting in your row.” Kurt looked across his row, and realization hit him. Blaine had told him to sit in the middle row away from the football team so that they wouldn’t be in his group. He cast Blaine a grateful look, and Blaine waved his hand slightly, as if to say “no big deal.”
“Okay, guys. The guidelines are on your paper, but they’re not much. Feel free to be as creative as you want. As a matter of fact, I encourage it.” He winked, and Laurie, who was sitting next to Kurt, sighed dreamily. “Spread out a little so you have enough room to work and hear each other. Some of you can go in the hallway, if you wish.”
Kurt and his group decided to work out in the hallway. As they settled onto the floor, he glanced at the people in his group. Laurie, the one decidedly in love with Blaine. She also had a bit of a type A personality. Oh well. He could live with it. Then there was Mark, who wasn’t the sharpest crayon in the box. There was also Wayne, who must have been new because Kurt didn’t know him very well.
“Okay, so Mr. Anderson assigned us Virginia,” Laurie began authoritatively, brushing back a strand of blonde hair with a freshly manicured hand. “Now, I know there’s the whole tobacco thing, but I think we should all do some research on the colony before we start planning out the skit. So probably by tomorrow we should have that ready. Speaking of… does anyone know when we’re supposed to perform this?” Kurt shook his head. Wayne glanced at the clock. Mark wiggled his pencil back and forth between his fingers. A cricket chirped. But not really. “I’ll go ask Mr. Anderson, then.”
She bounced up happily, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she headed into the classroom. Kurt and Wayne exchanged glances, and Wayne tossed his head back, shaking it in an exaggerated performance of Laurie’s hair flip, and Kurt giggled.
“Wayne,” he introduced himself, holding out a hand for Kurt to shake.
“Kurt Hummel. Pleasure.”
“Pleasure’s mine,” he purred smoothly, placing a hand on Kurt’s shoulder.
“So anyway, Mr. Anderson, I was thinking that maybe if I have trouble with this class, you could tutor me, since my parents would be more than willing to pay for your services.” She fluttered her eyelashes at him, but Blaine was distracted by Wayne’s hand on Kurt’s shoulder. He cleared his throat, eyeing Kurt possessively, and Kurt sent him a glance that was confused at first, then apologetic.
“Hi guys,” Blaine said, his voice smoldering slightly before he calmed. To anyone but Kurt, he would have seemed his normal confident, friendly self. “Just wanted to let you know that you’ll be presenting next Tuesday, alright? Let me know if you have any questions. Here’s a book that I thought you might like to look over for some ideas.”
Kurt rose up from his seat on the floor onto his knees to take the book from Blaine’s hand, and Blaine’s breath caught in his throat for a second. He looked so beautiful, so obedient in that position… And was it just him, or was Kurt blushing slightly?
“Thanks, Mr. Anderson.”
The man nodded and went back inside. Kurt couldn’t help staring just a little longer at his broad, muscular back and the way his hips moved with such grace and strength when he walked. The rest of the meeting with his group passed by in a blur, with Kurt and Wayne making faces at each other when Laurie wasn’t looking and Mark gazing quizzically at the palm of his hand doing Lord knows what.
The bell rang, and the group walked back inside.
“Hey, Kurt, do you want to go grab a bite to eat before you have to go to Glee practice?” Wayne asked.
Kurt paused. How did he know he was in Glee?
“I appreciate the offer, Wayne, but I have some things to attend to.” Like his gorgeous boyfriend, gazing at him from across the room as he charmingly deflected the advances of the five girls surrounding him.
“Well, okay. I’ll catch you later,” he said, touching Kurt’s arm before leaving.
Kurt felt slightly awkward waiting for the other students to leave the room, but he busied himself by pulling out his cell phone and texting a couple of his friends. It was at least less awkward than just standing there in the middle of the room.
When Blaine finally made an excuse to usher out his “fangirls,” he walked them over to the door and shut it behind them before smiling warmly at Kurt.
“Hi.” He said simply, adorably.
Blaine walked over to Kurt and placed his hands on his shoulders, guiding him toward his lips for a kiss, which Kurt returned eagerly. Blaine pulled away and took Kurt’s hands in his. “I missed you.”
“It’s only been a few hours,” Kurt laughed.
“I know. But I still missed you.”
“You know I missed you, too.”
Blaine kissed the tip of his boyfriend’s nose fondly, then looked at him more seriously. “Who was that boy who was touching you earlier?”
Kurt looked puzzled for a moment. “Oh, him. That was… Wayne, I believe. He’s new here.”
Blaine nodded. “I think he has a bit of a crush on you.”
“Oh no, it’s fine. I think he’s just getting adjusted to things and looking for some new friends. Besides, when was the last time you saw another gay kid in Ohio?”
Blaine was doubtful but didn’t say anything. Clearly, “Wayne” didn’t mean anything to Kurt. Still… Kurt was his, his to touch, his to cherish, and he didn’t like this boy touching him. He decided to not push the subject any further, at least for the moment.
“Alright, then.” He hugged Kurt to him again. The boy was just intoxicating, and he couldn’t get enough of him. He rubbed his hands gently along Kurt’s arms, in part to warm him because the room was a little cold and Kurt seemed to be sensitive to lower temperatures, and in part to touch him where Wayne had touched him, to reclaim him as his.
“My beautiful boy,” he murmured, and Kurt smiled innocently and happily, snuggling further into his chest.