Teach Me, Master
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Dec. 14, 2011, 5:40 a.m.

Teach Me, Master: Chapter 12

E - Words: 3,068 - Last Updated: Dec 14, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Nov 08, 2011 - Updated: Dec 14, 2011
667 0 1 0 0

Never one to sleep long, Blaine occupied himself with his new favorite activity: anything involving the sleeping boy snugly pressed against his side, his head buried in Blaine’s neck. Kurt hadn’t even bothered to dress again before cuddling into Blaine and drifting off to sleep, and Blaine relished in the feeling of Kurt’s bare, soft skin against his, sure this was a feeling he could get used to for the rest of his life.

Blaine let his hand trail down Kurt’s chest to feel the solidness of his ribs, the smoothness of his stomach. He loved the calmness of the moment. Kurt’s hair had become flattened against his head, while Blaine’s curls had sprung free overnight, and Blaine smiled as his hand played in Kurt’s hair, loving the pure domesticity of it all, like they could have this forever.

Kurt stirred in his sleep and let out a yawn.


“Mmm… Blain – Sorry, Master?” Kurt rubbed his eyes with his fists, childlike, and snuggled further into Blaine’s chest.

“Shhh, that’s okay, sweetheart. We’re going to get up now and make some lunch together.”

“Now?” Kurt whined, burying his face into Blaine. Blaine fought to repress a laugh at how much this Kurt reminded him of a bunny.

“Yes, now.” He nuzzled his nose against Kurt’s cheek. “It’s been five hours, baby. It’s almost two, and, we have other things to do today. You don’t need to be getting your sleep schedule all out of whack before school on Monday.”

“One more hour?” Kurt pouted.

“No.” Blaine’s eyes and voice, while still chipper, grew more serious. “You need to obey what your Master tells you to do, and you need to trust me to know what’s enough sleep for you. We can’t sleep all day, as much as I would love to.”

“Ugh,” Kurt muttered, not really tired, just comfortable.

“You’re going to need to watch that attitude, pet, and start being more respectful towards your Master. Part of that is getting up when I tell you to. I don’t want to have to spank you again already, sweetheart. I’ve been respectful to you as a person and of your needs, haven’t I?”

Kurt thought back to the way Blaine had punished him when he needed it and held him for a long while afterwards to comfort him, had allowed him to get dressed in privacy, had allowed him to sleep in after their activities that morning, and felt selfish, guilty.

“Yes, Master. pet’s… pet’s sorry.”

Blaine saw the emotion in Kurt’s eyes and gave him a heartfelt smile.

“I know you are. This is going to take some time to get used to, but I do expect to be treated respectfully, as the person who loves you and cares for you and your needs. That means no more ignoring me or backtalking when I tell you to do something, not unless you need to use your safeword. Yes?”

“Yes, Master.” Kurt looked down at the floor, uncomfortable until Blaine’s warm golden eyes made contact with his.

“You know that I respect you, too, honey. I love you, and I’ll always treat you the way you deserve, too. This isn’t one-sided, you know.”

Blaine offered Kurt his hand to head downstairs, and Kurt faltered, looking down at his exposed body.

“You’ll get dressed first, of course.”

“Oh, so you don’t.. you don’t want…?” Kurt gestured towards his body self-consciously.

“No, pet, no, I wouldn’t make you put yourself on… display for me like that.”

Kurt surprised himself with the amount of rejection he felt at that phrase. So much of this was new to him – loving someone, being loved in return, and then this… type of relationship, and it was so much at once.

Sensing Kurt’s emotion, Blaine ran his hand down Kurt’s thigh comfortingly with just the slightest hint of suggestion, and Kurt shivered pleasantly. “Not that I wouldn’t like it, though, of course…” he trailed off, eyes darkening for a moment. “But wear whatever you brought with you.”

“Yes, Master.”

“That’s my good little pet.”

Kurt furrowed his brow, because… little pet? Yet somewhere inside of him, there was something that relished in the name, that felt safe and happy and owned by the most loving, beautiful man in the world. He was overwhelmed by the seeming paradox of his emotions towards their relationship, but even more so by the love.

His hand touched Blaine’s arm, afraid to grip it so that Blaine couldn’t but still seeking something… reassurance? He didn’t know. He simply felt comforted by the warmth and solidness of Blaine’s arm beneath his tentative hand. That they were real, that this was real. The touch kept him grounded.

“I know it’s easy to feel lost in all of this, love,” Blaine said quietly, watching Kurt’s hand as it rested tentatively on his arm. “I can’t – I can’t even imagine, this being your first relationship, and going into this so soon, but… just trust me to guide you through this. I’ll worry about us. You just worry about you.”


Blaine’s apparent love for pasta made itself known yet again as they made linguine with shrimp. Blaine poured a light, creamy sauce over the meal, delicately licking Kurt’s fingers when some of the sauce spilled onto his hand. Kurt laughed at the tickle of Blaine’s tongue against his skin, basking in the attention and how at ease this all felt.

“I have to admit, even I’m impressed at how well you cook,” Kurt mused as he watched Blaine put the pasta into bowls.

“I only wish I could do more,” Blaine admitted. “I wish I could take you out to a restaurant like you deserve, but… you know how it is, with people who might see us…” he trailed off.

Kurt wrapped an affectionate arm around Blaine’s waist. “Hey, no. This is perfect. I love that you do all of this. And besides… could I do this in a restaurant?” He leaned in to press a kiss to the tender spot beneath Blaine’s ear, relishing the man’s gasp as he was caught off guard.

“Oh my goodness, I love you so much.” Blaine said it almost like it was nothing, and began to head towards the table. The way it felt so natural, so casual to Kurt’s ears made him grin. He approached the table with a skip in his step, then paused when he saw Blaine sitting down at the table, plate in front of him.

Blaine was just looking at Kurt curiously, and Kurt faltered. Was he supposed to kneel, or sit? Blaine smiled warmly as Kurt just stood beside him, already anticipating his question.

“I want you to take whatever position you’d like, pet. Not whatever you think will please me, because I’m comfortable when you are. That’s your only order, my love.”

Somehow emboldened by the way Blaine had referred to him as his love, Kurt gave him a lopsided smile despite his nervousness.

He knelt beside Blaine.

“Interesting,” Blaine mused, looking down at Kurt with his head tilted. “Is that… do you like it?” he wondered out loud, looking at Kurt with nothing but warm curiosity.

“… yes.” Kurt blushed.

“It’s okay to like it, pet.”

Kurt wasn’t done yet. “It makes me feel closer to you, somehow. Like I’m yours. And actually, yesterday… I kind of liked it when you, you know, told me to kneel I guess.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Blaine said simply, returning to his food. As he ate, one of his hands made its way to rub the back of Kurt’s neck soothingly and possessively. When Kurt finished before Blaine, he simply leaned over to rest his head in Blaine’s lap as he had the night before. Blaine just grinned to himself and continued to massage Kurt’s neck.

“Go wash our dishes please, pet. Come to the living room when you’re done.”

“Yes, Master.”

The ‘please’ soothed Kurt’s ears as he eagerly obeyed, taking extra care to ensure he did a good job. This was a simple task, and he could do it, please Blaine, make him as happy as Blaine made him.

As Kurt made his way into Blaine’s living room, his cell phone rang in his pocket.

“Um… Master?”

“Who is it?” Blaine walked over to sit on the couch beside Kurt.

Kurt fumbled with his phone. “Wayne.” Blaine frowned. Thinking it was from confusion, Kurt clarified, “You know, from class?”

“I know. Go ahead and answer it, baby. On speaker phone, please.”

Kurt cast Blaine a funny look before catching himself and his attitude and nodding as he opened the phone.


“Oh, hey, Kurt! It’s Wayne!”

At hearing Wayne’s voice, Blaine frowned more deeply but kept quiet, letting his hand rest on Kurt’s thigh. Kurt brought his hand to intertwine with Blaine’s as he answered.

“Hi, Wayne, what’s up?”

“Well, I didn’t get to talk to you much yesterday before Mr. Anderson kind of interrupted us,” Kurt glanced at Blaine, who didn’t quite meet his eyes, “So I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee later today, and you know, just catch up. Not that we have anything to catch up on, it’s just…” he fumbled nervously, and Kurt heard a muffled thud. “Sorry, dropped the phone there,” he said after a moment.

Kurt bit his lip hard to hold back a laugh, burying his face in Blaine’s shoulder to muffle his giggle. Blaine wrapped an arm around him, keeping Kurt’s head resting on his shoulder.

“But anyways, I mean… it’s not so often that you meet another gay kid in Ohio, so I thought we could get to know each other better, maybe work on our project some?”

“I’m sorry, Wayne, but… I’m actually busy today. Family stuff.”

And even though it was a lie, Blaine smiled. He wasn’t exactly close with his own family, so the idea that he and Kurt could maybe be a family someday… well, it made him smile.

Wayne laughed. “I’m not going to let you go that easily. Next weekend, perhaps, or maybe during the week?”

Kurt glanced up at Blaine, who just looked back at him. Something in his gaze made him uncomfortable, and Kurt didn’t know whether he had permission to do anything with Wayne yet.

“I’ll get back to you on that,” Kurt said, which Wayne thankfully accepted for the time being.

“You have a pretty voice, you know,” Wayne said. “I heard you singing in Glee the other day. It’s high, but in a way that’s…really nice.”

Blaine fought to keep his emotions under control as Kurt beamed at the praise. But.. Kurt was, after all, a bit lacking in the attention category, despite all of the affection Blaine loved to lavish on him. He supposed Kurt would be easily susceptible to a compliment from anyone, not just Wayne.

“Thanks, Wayne. I’m a countertenor, actually.”

“Well, you’re a damned good one,” Wayne said, his voice sounding like a purr to Blaine’s careful ears.

Blaine kissed Kurt on the cheek to bring the boy’s attention back to him. Kurt smiled at him before returning to his conversation with Wayne, their talk quickly turning to Broadway and that new musical they both had apparently been dying to see. Blaine fought back his glower, he really did, and he didn’t want to cut into Kurt’s social life despite Wayne’s all-too-obvious flirting. But after a while, enough was enough. He considered prodding Kurt, but… he had more interesting ways of getting Kurt off of the phone. He certainly wasn’t above distraction, and well… he was older, more charming, and more attractive than Wayne. It wouldn’t exactly be difficult to lure Kurt away from the kid.

Blaine leaned in to press a kiss to Kurt’s temple, and Kurt giggled. Thinking it was at something he had said, Wayne continued to talk animatedly, encouraged by Kurt’s laugh. Meanwhile, Blaine let his lips trail down Kurt’s neck, pressing hot, wet kisses to the soft flesh. Kurt shivered, biting back a groan.

“Shhh. You don’t want Wayne to hear you now, do you?” Blaine whispered. But he took pity on Kurt and instead just nuzzled his nose against the boy’s neck.

Kurt quickly came to the decision that cuddles with his warm, comfortable boyfriend were of a much higher priority than musical chit-chat with Wayne.

“Hey, Wayne?” Kurt cut the boy off mid-sentence.

“Yes, hun?”

Blaine would have to start making a list of pet names he would never use for Kurt. Starting with that one.

“I’ve got to go, but… see you at school on Monday?”


Kurt hung up after a hasty goodbye, instantly moving into Blaine’s lap as the man’s hands held him firmly around the waist. Blaine’s lips nipped at his earlobe and Kurt sighed, arching his neck and gripping Blaine’s shoulders. Blaine’s touch seemed firmer, more animalistic. And Kurt loved it.

“Tell me you’re mine,” Blaine whispered hotly into Kurt’s ear. Blaine’s breath against the wetness his mouth had left made Kurt shudder in pleasure.

“I’m yours,” Kurt whimpered, weak and leaning against Blaine breathlessly. “Yours, Master.”

“That’s right, my sweet, beautiful, impossibly sexy little pet,” Blaine nibbled at Kurt’s bottom lip before sliding his tongue into his mouth, tracing the contours possessively, desperate to know every inch of him.

Kurt sighed into the feel of Blaine’s mouth against his own, wrapping his arms tightly around Blaine’s neck and leaning into the kiss, Blaine’s head resting against the back of the couch. His hands trailed down Kurt’s body to cup his thighs as Kurt straddled him.

And then Kurt’s phone rang.

“Fuck, it’s Wayne again,” Kurt panted into Blaine’s mouth.

Kurt made to get off of Blaine’s lap as he picked up the phone, but Blaine held him tightly. Kurt liked being owned, like being wanted, and relaxed into Blaine’s lap as he answered, a bit frustrated.


“Oh, sorry, is this a bad time, or…?”

“No, I’m just a bit preoccupied is all. So what did you want?”

“Well, I just wanted to see if you started studying for our history test next Friday.”

“No, not yet,” Kurt said dismissively. Not when he had Blaine to help him study for it, at least. Somehow Blaine picked up on this and smiled contentedly into Kurt’s neck, inhaling his intoxicatingly sweet natural scent.

“Oh. Okay.”

“Is that all?”

“Uh yeah, I guess so.”

“Bye, Wayne.”

Kurt hardly listened to Wayne’s goodbye before hanging up the phone and climbing off of Blaine’s back, draping himself over the couch dramatically.

“Well, that was a productive, worthwhile phone call.”

Blaine smirked, and Kurt was breathless for a moment. He liked the way Blaine looked when he did that. Blaine seemed to catch on, and the teasing smile grew for a moment until it became serious.

“You know why Wayne was really calling you, you know.”

Kurt looked at Blaine questioningly. “Well, I mean, he isn’t exactly the best in history, like he mentioned to me the other day, so I guess I can see why…”

“No, beautiful, it’s not that…”

“Okay…” Kurt just looked up at Blaine, waiting.

“He has a crush on you.”

“Didn’t we already come to the conclusion that he does-“

Blaine held a finger to Kurt’s lips. “We didn’t. You did.”

“He’s just being a nice person, I mean….” Kurt trailed off.

Blaine casually pulled one of Kurt’s feet into his lap and began to rub the sole gently with just the right amount of pressure to make Kurt sigh happily.

“Oh, come on, baby. The way he keeps asking to make plans with you, wants to study with you, asks you if you have a boyfriend…”

“You heard that?”

Blaine said nothing.

“I can’t see why anyone would, you know – I mean, it’s me, it’s not someone like you, I just… don’t understand.”

Blaine’s hand paused on Kurt’s foot. “What do you mean, someone like me?”

“I mean, you’re… you know, you. Almost all of the girls at McKinley are all over you, you’re charming, you have this air of confidence and…dominance about you, the way you’re so in control when you teach, yet you’re so sweet and gentle and tender, and you’re so breathtakingly attractive, and… you’re…” Kurt trailed off, blushing at what he had admitted to Blaine.

The look in Blaine’s teary eyes was heartbreaking. “Sweetheart, as flattering as that is, you’re… you’re perfect, in every sense of the word. The way your skin gleams even in the dark, so pale and delicate and beautiful, those expressive eyes that are always changing colors on me just when I think I’ve memorized what they look like, how sweet and yet strong you are… I can’t see how anyone in the world wouldn’t fall in love with you, and I’m just – I’m just so, so lucky that you’re mine.”

“No one else has ever seen me like that,” Kurt admitted quietly, pulling his feet under him to sit up on the couch, desperate to be closer to Blaine. Blaine quickly moved across the couch to wrap his arms tenderly around the boy.

“You’re beautiful to me,” Blaine murmured, running his hands across Kurt’s back and arms as though his sincerity could somehow find its way into Kurt’s heart that way. “Inside and out. You’re… the kids in the school are just immature, Kurt, someone as bright as you just has to know that. You’re too special to let that bring you down. I know that you can’t change your self-esteem right away, sweetheart, but I’d like to make that one of our goals, maybe eventually? I want to help you, love. I want you to see just how wonderful you are, and I don’t care how long it takes.”

Kurt buried his face in Blaine’s neck, suddenly shy and overwhelmed with the penetrating sincerity in Blaine’s voice, and Blaine just cradled Kurt in his arms.

“We still have your reward, you know,” Blaine smiled. “I was going to wait until tonight, but maybe… now would be a good time?”

Kurt nodded against Blaine’s skin, his face perking up.

“I know you like music, so I set up a few things while you were cleaning up the dishes, and…” Blaine flipped the light switch off and pressed a couple of switches on the remote.

The room darkened but quickly flooded with soft, dancing lights, and Kurt gasped as he heard soft piano music playing in the background.

“May I have this dance, fine sir?” Blaine bent at the waist and offered his hand to Kurt with a flourish.

“Hm… what shalt I receive in return for the pleasure of my company?” Kurt giggled as he accepted Blaine’s hand and pressed himself close to his boyfriend, warm and comfortable in his arms.

“I am but a peasant, sir. I have only my love to give thee,” Blaine lamented, pressing his cheek against Kurt’s.

“That’s all I ask,” Kurt whispered, happy tears in his eyes as they swayed to the music, losing himself in the trust, the love, the music, in Blaine.


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I love that Blainey's jealous... ^_^ And the dance at the end... So sweet!