Dec. 27, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 27, 2015, 6 p.m.
It's short, but I think it seals this fic well. Please review, I love hearing your guys's thoughts <3
“Lyla, could you stop playing with his toes already?” Kurt asked exasperatedly. Blaine and him had just gotten home from picking their new son up from the children's home and his daughter of 3 years couldn't stop touching him.
“But he's cute!” Lyla said, turning around to pout up at him. Kurt shook his head. Just like Blaine.
“C'mon, he needs to rest,” Kurt said more gently this time. The hazel eyed girl's pout intensified, but she begrudgingly agreed and trudged off to sit in the arm chair adjacent to the couch where the baby was sitting in his baby carrier. Blaine walked in from the bathroom, drying his hands on his pants.
“What's up, Lyla?” The young father asked when he noticed her sad upfront, kneeling down to talk to his daughter eye to eye.
“Papa won't let me play with Eli,” the girl mumbled. Blaine's laugh erupted through the house.
“You'll get to soon, sweetie,” Blaine comforted, petting her hair gently. Lyla perked up at that.
“Really?” Lyla asked excitedly.
“Of course. He's just tired now, but you'll get to play with him later. I promise,” Blaine smiled at the excited puppy before him.
He remembered back to that Christmas six years before when he met Kurt. The Christmas where everything changed for him. It almost seemed surreal how fast everything happened, but that was just like them. Always impatient to do new things in their relationship. Blaine looked over to his husband of four years. The taller man was craddling Eli in his arms, singing sweetly into his ear. Blaine smiled.
It didn't take them long to figure out what child they wanted to adopt when they went to the children's home a few months prior. The process was extensive, but as soon as they laid their eyes on Eli, they knew he was the one. Unlike Lyla who had warm hazel eyes and dark curls just like her daddy, Eli had brilliant blue eyes and soft, chestnut hair. Naturally, Blaine had more of a connection with Lyla when they adopted her due to their uncanny resemblance, but Kurt loved her dearly nonetheless. That didn't stop Lyla from going to Blaine everytime she wanted something.
Blaine knew Kurt would have that same connection with Eli that he had with Lyla. Of course, Blaine would love Eli as much as he loved Lyla, but he knew Kurt would be his favorite. Blaine's eyes twinkled when they met with Kurt's. That night on New Year's Eve, years and years ago, they sealed their love for each other in a way that couldn't be reciprocated with any other person. They belonged to each other and no one else. Kurt's mouth turned up into a loving smile that told Blaine that he was thinking the same thing.
“Eww, daddy, stop looking at Papa like that!” Lyla said, covering her eyes with her hands. Both men laughed.
“One day, you'll have someone who you love unconditionally, and then you'll understand why we look at each other the way we do,” Kurt said.
“That's gross, boys have cooties!”
“It could be a girl,” Blaine said, smiling at Lyla. Lyla blushed and ducked her head.
“Wh- why would i- it be a- a girl?” Lyla asked shyly. Blaine smiled and looked up at his husband who smiled back him knowingly. That talk would come later.
“C'mon, upsie daisies,” Blaine said, picking his daughter up easily into his arms. “Nap time.”
“Oh, c'mon, daddy. Just a little longer?” Lyla asked sadly.
“No, honey, you need to be well rested before Aunt Rachel comes over. You know we have plans to go to that theme park you've always wanted to go to.”
“Oh, yeah!” Lyla exclaimed. She pointed her hand to the room comically. “Take me to bed, Monsser!”
“It's Monsieur,” Blaine said, shaking his head as he carried Lyla to the bedroom down the hallway.
Kurt smiled affectionately at the pair as they disappeared behind the wall. He looked down at Eli with love shining in his eyes.
“You'll understand how crazy we are soon enough,” Kurt whispered. He stood and made his way to his and Blaine's shared room, thinking that nothing in the world could taint how good he felt at that exact moment.