July 20, 2012, 7:48 p.m.
July 20, 2012, 7:48 p.m.
"Hey, Kurt!" Blaine prepared to slide up the window and climb into his best friends room. Kurt's shade was down and Blaine was confused. Were they fighting? Blaine knocked and knocked, but it was Burt who answered the window call. His eyes were bright and puffy.
"Come to the door," he mouthed.
Blaine obeyed and walked to the door. It was open.
"Where's Mrs. Hummel?"
"Blaine," Burt sat him on the counter and sighed. "This isn't easy to say, but you should know too. Kurt's mom died this morning in a car accident."
"What?" Blaine gasped and began to cry.
"Listen, buddy, this is gonna be hard for Kurt," Burt lifted Blaine's chin. "We gotta be strong for him, okay?"
"Okay," Blaine sniffled. "Can I see him?"
"Kurt cried so much that he fell asleep. You can go lay with him if you want, just don't wake him. I think he needs to rest for a while."
"Thank you, Mr. Hummel."
Burt nodded and put Blaine on the floor. Blaine tiptoed to Kurt's room. There was a coloring book on the floor, one that Kurt must've dropped. Blaine picked it up and put it on their little pink table. He spotted Kurt on the bed and climbed over next to him. He wrapped his little arms around Kurt and leaned into the crook of his neck. Eventually, he fell asleep too.
"Yeah, thank you Mrs. Anderson, he just fell asleep here. Okay, I will." Burt walked into Kurt's room and shook Blaine a bit.
"Yeah?" Blaine whispered, groggily.
"Your mom says you can stay with us tonight if you want to."
"Okay, are you sure?"
"Yeah, of course bud. We need you here," Burt patted Blaine's leg and tapped his nose. Blaine smiled and went to close his eyes again. "Hey, no sleeping. Time to eat. Kurt, hey bud," he kissed his son's forehead, "You doing alright?"
"What's that smell?" Kurt went to stretch his arms, but saw Blaine hugging him when he opened his eyes.
"Dinner, come on." Burt picked Kurt up and Blaine followed. "You guys up for some chicken? Friday night dinner!"
"Sure, Dad," Kurt rubbed his eyes. "Wait, where's Mom?" He realized what he's said and covered his mouth. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay. It's gonna take a while." He patted his son's shoulder and began to cut into the bird.
Blaine rubbed circles onto the small of Kurt's back and leaned his head on Kurt's shoulder while a tear ran down his best friend's face.
Burt looked at the boys for a second and smiled down at the chicken, knowingly. When he cut into it, he gasped. "Oh, damn it! Oh, sorry kids," he added at the use of his foul language.
Even Kurt laughed. The bird was raw on the inside. "Dad, I'm going to have to show you how to cook!" Kurt joked, having helped his mother before. All of them stopped laughing at once, though. They thought they shouldn't be laughing yet.
"How about we order in?"
Both boys nodded, wide-eyed at the bird on the table.
"What do you want?"
Blaine looked at Kurt. Kurt shook his head. Blaine asked for Chinese and Burt nodded when Kurt smiled too. Burt ordered. The doorbell rang after a few minutes and Burt went to get the door. The boys ran after him. Blaine winked at her and pointed his finger when she opened the door, just like his brother had taught him. He didn't get a tingly feeling at the girl, but maybe he wasn't supposed to yet. The girl laughed and kissed his cheek. Kurt rolled his eyes and she kissed him too.
"Jeez, my son and his best friend are going to be quite the lady's men." Burt chuckled and handed her the money.
"Good night, Thank you," she giggled and walked out the door.
The three of them ate in silence.
"Want to color, Kurt?"
"Not really."
"What do you want to do?"
"Can you hold me?"
"Like earlier?"
"Do you like it when I hold you?"
"Okay. Sure." Blaine walked over and cuddled next to Kurt. They laid down and fell asleep, Blaine's hands held to Kurt's chest by Kurt.
"Are you ready, Kurt?" Blaine straightened his clip on bow tie and Kurt fixed it for him.
"I think so."
"Let's hold hands, okay?"
"Okay. You look spiffy!"
"Thank you!" Blaine held his head high and they walked to the cemetery with Burt. Kurt ran over and cuddled with his dad when they lowered Elizabeth into the ground. He called Blaine over and Blaine held his hand. Burt nodded his head at Blaine.
For the next few weeks, Blaine spent every night at Kurt's house, holding him through the nightmares. Every night at around 2 am, Kurt would wake up sobbing and Blaine would hold him tight. Kurt would tell about his nightmare and Blaine would listen, brushing his hair.
One Saturday morning, Kurt never woke up during the night.
"No nightmares?" Blaine smiled.
"No nightmares."
The next night, Blaine went home. Kurt was up all night, screaming and crying. Blaine actually had to come downstairs at 2 in the morning.
"Shh, it's okay baby, I'm here now," Blaine's mom used the word baby to him, so why shouldn't he use it to Kurt?
"Did you call me baby? My mom used to do that." Kurt choked up.
Blaine clutched Kurt to his chest and brushed his fingers through his hair.
"Yeah, sometimes my mom does too. Can I call you that when you're upset?"
"Yeah, I like it," Kurt smiled.
"I like it too."
"Can I call you honey when you're sad? My mom used to do that too."
"Sure, I like that," Blaine soothed Kurt to sleep on his lap, then lay down next to him. For the first time in a couple weeks, Kurt went to church.
Their Sunday school class was apologetic, but they didn't really understand the pain like Blaine did. They basically lived together for a while. But, one day, Mr. Anderson came home from a business trip.
"Blaine Anderson. You will not sleep in the same bed as Kurt Hummel anymore!"
"Why, Dad? He's just upset-"
"I don't want him turning you gay!"
"Kurt's not gay!"
"You called him baby and he called you honey."
"That's cause we like to make each other feel better."
Mr. Anderson slapped his son across the face then shoved him into the wall. "No. More. Kurt. Do you hear me, Blaine Anderson?"
"Yes, Father," Blaine winced as is father pushed him into the wall once more.
When his dad left to get dinner, Blaine ran to the phone.
"Kurt, Kurt, my dad, he says I can't come over anymore!"
"I can't sleep without you, Blaine."
"I know. My mom will let me, don't worry. Just when my dad's home this week, okay? We can have the phone on the hook all night, okay?"
"Okay, Blaine," Kurt sighed.
"Baby, it's okay."
"Thank you."
"I love you, Kurt."
"I love you, too, Blaine."
Hehe! :) I'm glad you like it!
That is the most adorable thing ever!!!
Aw, thank you! Very glad you enjoyed it! (: