Can You Really Fake Love?
Slammed Doors and Surprise Road Trips Previous Chapter Story
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Can You Really Fake Love?: Slammed Doors and Surprise Road Trips

E - Words: 1,319 - Last Updated: Jul 18, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Jun 26, 2012 - Updated: Jul 18, 2012
525 0 7 0 0

Author's Notes: It's been a while, but I've been busy. Enjoy! :)


Kurt was standing, stark naked, in the middle of Blaine's bedroom. He had obviously just set his towel down and was preparing to get dressed.

"Blaine!" Kurt quickly snapped up a towel from the bed and wrapped it around his waist.

"Oh, Kurt, I, um... I'm really sorry. I should've knocked, really, I'll just go..." Blaine stammered, slowly walking out of the room and shutting the door quickly.

Kurt stood in the room, towel still around his waist, frozen in shock. He couldn't move, and he didn't know why. They were both guys, just because they were dating in public, it shouldn't make a difference. Why was Blaine so eager to leave? Was he hiding something? He was determined not to let his mortification show. He had no reason to be mortified. They'd seen each other nearly naked before, they were best friends. It wasn't really that big of a deal.

Meanwhile, in the hallway, Blaine was freaking out. He couldn't let Kurt know that the sight of him naked had made him very, very hard. There. He finally put it bluntly. Blaine was going to have to come to turns with the fact that he was gay, well, at least bi, eventually. But at the moment, it was all too much for Blaine to take. He couldn't breathe. He wished they weren't at his house, because then he could just run away. But he couldn't. This was something he had to face.

While Blaine had been thinking of this, Kurt had just gotten dressed. He walked shakily to the door just as Blaine was standing up. They both placed their hands on the handle at the same time. It was almost as if they felt each other's presence so close. Blaine pushed on the door, Kurt pulled. Because of the way Blaine's door was made, Kurt fell backwards and was nearly stepped on by Blaine.

Blaine jumped and didn't hesitate to jump down to the floor and help Kurt up, unlike he'd done in the locker room. He would've done it in front of a thousand people; he only wanted Kurt to be okay. "Gosh, Kurt, I'm sorry... I didn't think my door would do that if you were on the other side... Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Kurt's voice was quiet and higher-pitched than usual. He slapped his hand to his mouth.

Blaine gently took it and pulled it down from his face. "Why did you do that?"

"I haven't talked like that since... I... I stopped... When we were thirteen." Kurt's sentences made no sense to Blaine, so he just gave Kurt a puzzled luck. Kurt breathed in deeply and let it out with a sigh. "Well, when we were twelve, everyone's voice started to change. Yours did, a lot. Mine changed a bit, but by the time it was done, it was still high pitched, like this," Kurt let his voice remain at its normal pitch. "So I deepen my voice whenever I talk. I guess I was just so nervous about... what... what just happened that I forgot talk normally." He shrugged.

Blaine's mind wrapped around this. Had Kurt really done this to fit in? "I don't understand why you did it... I like your voice the way I now know it's supposed to be." Hesitantly, he took his other hand and wrapped it around Kurt's free one. They stood like that for a while, silent, because Kurt didn't seem to be pulling away.

"I wanted to be normal... Can you imagine my popularity level if people knew? There wouldn't be one. Nobody would like me. Definitely not girls," Kurt shook his head and stared at the floor.

"Well, I would still like you. And the girl thing... well... that doesn't really matter now does it?" He raised an eyebrow, finally getting a giggle out of Kurt.

Kurt's smile faded and he kept silent. He released Blaine's hands and sat on the bed, Blaine following close behind. "Why did you run out?" He looked up, finally speaking after almost an hour of silence.

"What do you mean?" Blaine looked Kurt straight in the eyes with a slight smile. This was the only time he was going to be able to do that in the next conversation. Because, in this moment, he didn't know what Kurt was talking about. Until... it finally came to him. What had occurred only a bit more than an hour ago rushed through his head. His smile faded and he looked at the ground.

"Don't be ashamed, Blaine. It was an accident," Kurt lifted his chin a bit. "It's not like I care, you're my best friend."

"Why'd you act so surprised, then?" Blaine twiddled his thumbs in his lap, a habit he hadn't done since third grade. But what else was he to do in such an awkward conversation? This wasn't exactly something he'd wanted to discuss.

"The look on your face... You looked so terrified. You looked like I was going to hate you or something. It freaked me out." Kurt sighed.

"I was just thinking the same thing about you, I guess. I'm sorry," Blaine put his head into his hands.

Kurt rubbed circles into the small of Blaine's back. "Don't be sorry. I understand." Kurt was talking in his normal voice. He noticed Blaine hiding a grin as he sat back up. "What are you smiling about?"

"You're talking in your real voice," Blaine smiled. "I like it."

Kurt blushed and let his embarrassed smile fade. "Seriously, though... Are you okay, Blaine?"

"I'm okay, really," Blaine placed his hand on Kurt's knee and squeezed to confirm his statement. "I'm fine. Do you still wanna go out today?"

Kurt looked Blaine in the eyes for a moment. He detected the fake smile. He saw the tears that were edging to come out of the corner of Blaine's eyes, the ones he knew Blaine was fighting away. His eyes were the shade of deep chocolate brown that they were when he was deeply troubled, and Kurt knew that. But, by pressing into it, it would've seemed... too emotional... for two best friends. Sure, they were pretending to be gay, but... this wasn't in public. This was them, alone, being best friends again. But he couldn't help but think that Blaine was hiding something from him...

"Yeah," Kurt finally said after a long break of silence. "Let's go." He patted Blaine on the knee in the same friendly way Blaine had done to him and stood up, grabbing Blaine's car keys.

"No, no, I'll drive," Blaine held out his hand for the keys, but Kurt just shook his finger at him teasingly. Blaine rolled his eyes and followed Kurt outside, grabbing both of their football jackets along the way.

"Wait... Pizza Hut is that way, Kurt," Blaine said, confused, pointing down the road in the opposite direction. Kurt had turned out into the country.

Kurt winked at him, "I know." He directed his eyes back to the rode.

"Where are we going?" Blaine kept looking around. The further they went, the more uncomfortable he felt, the less he knew where he was.

"I guess you'll just have to find out when we get there," Kurt smiled as he turned yet another corner, leading them onto what appeared to be a very long straight road.

"Kurt, I don't know if-" Blaine began to protest, but Kurt interrupted him.

"Shush. Do you trust me? If you do, you'll have the sense to shut up and enjoy the view," Kurt didn't let his eyes leave the road, but he put a finger to Blaine's lips.

"Of what, cows?" Blaine gestured to the window, but, at a frustrated look from Kurt, answered the question. "Yes, I trust you, Kurt Hummel."

"Good," Kurt turned around another corner.

"Wait, why don't I know your middle name? You know mine," Blaine sat forward in his seat and raised an eyebrow at Kurt.

"Almost there," Kurt ignored Blaine, his cheeks turning slightly rosy.

"Kurt?" Blaine tapped his shoulder. "Earth to Kurt?"

"That's another story for another day," Kurt said, parking the car.


End Notes: xoxoJess


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oh god. im so glad i found this story :)

I love this fic!!!! Please please please tell me you are continuing it!!

Thanks! I really am trying. I've just had a lot on my plate lately and it's been really hard. I promise you, I haven't abandoned you. I hope to finish writing the fic before school comes around. (Sept. 5th.)

omg, this fic is sososo good, pls keep writing it <3