May 9, 2013, 12:48 p.m.
May 9, 2013, 12:48 p.m.
Chapter 3: sexy
Authors note
I am used to writing my own novels, where people don't know the characters and story line yet, so I am able to write everything. I have to remind myself though that only the 'already' glee fans are the people reading this. Haha. I dont need word for word in there. Everyones already seen it! So, I have cut a lot of the real show dialogue! I don't want to annoy anyone.
This episode cracked me up. These teens don't seem to realize that sex can lead to babies and diseases.
Im now starting to write in first person point of view and switch between the characters. Its not really my style to be omniscient (all knowing). Hope thats ok! Enjoy!
Chapter 3 Sexy Savannah's pov
"These are so cute!" I exclaimed!
The new necklaces from Mrs. Pillsbury's celibacy club were awesome. I wasn't in the celibacy club, and I didn't want to be, though my parents would probably coerce me into joining if they knew our school had one. I was looking around Quinn's neck at her new necklace with a long chain with a heart, and a choker chain with a key. "I want one of these."
"Chastity charms. go to Ms. Pillsbury and get one. She has a lot of them. She's hoping that they catch on." I looked at Quinn's again and decided to go get one. They were really awesome. I just wished they weren't from the celibacy club. If I went home with it, my parents would probably ask where it's from. I figured I'd just say I bought it.
"Except, wait. You can't get one of these. You are soooo not celibate!" Quinn laughed.
I scoffed! "Neither are you!"
"Hey! I'm a born again virgin. You had sex just a few weeks ago."
I rolled my eyes. "Ok, but I was too drunk to know what I was doing, and I was a virgin before that, and I don't plan on having sex again. Not ANY time soon. And it shouldn't even count. Blaine is gay. And completely NOT into me."
Quinn put an arm on my shoulder. "Hey. He has a penis, it counts." She patted my arm, and we laughed together down the hall. "I'll see you in glee club."
I chuckled, and waved to her as she walked away.
By lunch time, a bunch of idiots had chastity charms. When I went in to get one, Ms. Pillsbury had a complete speech about how, 'We hand out the little hearts, but not the key. That way, nobody can open the lock forever. And that's what keeps us safe.' I agreed with her to her face, and it would probably bum her out if she knew that I only wanted one because they are cute. Sure, it was a good message, handing out the heart, and not the key, but I would honestly love for a guy to have the key to my heart.
Much to Ms. Pillsbury's dismay, her new 'club swag' as she called it, was definitely catching on, but not for their purpose, but as clip on nipple rings.….… Neanderthals. Haha.
As our lunch time glee club meeting was about to start, I ran to my locker to get sheet music for my suggestion of song for regionals. I lost my train of thought when, "Oh my god Brittany's pregnant!" was suddenly going rabid in the halls.
"It was only a matter of time." Puck told Tina who was hustling down the hall passing my locker.
Pregnant? Artie got Brittany pregnant? That couldn't be good. I guess I should've known that Brittany and Artie were a sexually active couple. Brittany was gorgeous, and a cheerio, and had kissed like… every guy in school. Including Kurt, according to New Directions gossip.
I passed Artie on my way to glee club and he looked like he was going to be sick. Glee club should be fun today.
Artie looked sick. "My life is over. How am I supposed to support a baby? How could you not tell me about this?" he said turning to Brittany.
Brittany didn't dare look at Artie. She looked like she felt terrible. Everyone looked at Mr. Schue now who looked heartbroken. "Wait… Brittany are you pregnant?"
When she said 'definitely' and started apologizing to Artie, the look on Mr. Schue's face could've broken everyone in the room's hearts. It sure hurt mine. He looked so disappointed. Devastated at another teen pregnancy.
Yeah, I learned about Quinn recently.
But then, Brittany started talking about storks, and how she's not stupid and knows where babies come from…. Oh Brittany.
Everyone was dumbstruck. Like really? Could she seriously be saying all of this right now?
She's not pregnant. You would think that after hearing that, Mr. Schue would've calmed his face. But he didn't. He still looked completely worried.
After school, I headed over to glee club, and Mr. Schue wasn't there yet, so we all chattered.
"Hey Mercedes? I have an idea for a duet for regionals, if we can get Mr. Schue on board."
"Oh!" Mercedes seemed excited! "I've been waiting to sing with you since Halloween when you auditioned girl!”
…........~flashback~............~..............~...........~ (Imagine Savannah's voice being like Ariana Grande's, if you know who that is. If not, imagine a voice similar to Demi Lovato's. She's equally as good as Rachel and Mercades.)
I was walking through the halls clutching my binder to my chest like it was my life force.
I didn't know anybody here.
I hadn't made any friends yet, and even though I knew Finn Hudson's name because I live down the street from his and Kurt's family, and I was friends with Kurt, I hadn't ever said more than 'hi' to him, and he hadn't said more than, 'whats up?'
I wanted to belong somewhere.
I'm no jock. I'm no cheerleader, i'm no band marcher. I can play the piano, and the drums, but, being in lessons for instruments all my life, I don't want to be in them at school too. I don't want to do sports either for that same reason. My parent's don't approve of public school education, so all through high school, and half of middle school doing online school, and my parents had me in every extra curricular activity and kids/teen center in San Francisco. Which is where I lived until I was 13.
I've only lived in Lima for a year and a half, and I went to Akron High school. I would've gone to Carmel, but it was slightly out of district.
I really need some friends now though.
“Step ball chain, step, up, and 5,6,7,8! Step ball Change, step!”
Walking past a room that often has an annoying brunette yapping loudly, or awesome music coming out of it. I don't know how they can always be singing these awesome top hits!, and be sounding so amazing and awesome in here all the time, and the kids still just walk right by as if there is nothing impressive going on in there. Right now, all of the football Jocks seemed to be in there as well, and though I didn't know why, I was curious.
“Hi. Can I help you?”
I didn't even notice that I had gone into the choir room when the teacher with curly hair addressed me.
“Oh. I'm sorry, I was just admiring everyone's... performing. I, I walk past here all the time, and I am always interested.”
Everyone was looking at me now. And I was feeling a little bit self concious now, and I raised my binder a littler further up my chest, in nervousness.
“Can she audition Mr. Schue?”
I noticed it was Mercedes who said it, and she was walking up to us now.
I started right away with, “Oh, no i- I didn't-”
“You love to sing. I recognize you.” She paused, and then continued. “Yeah, I see you all the time. You go to our sister church. When our churches join on every last sunday of the month, you sing along all the time. You and your little brother! He's adorable by the way.”
I just opened my mouth.
“oh. Uh, thanks. I uh, I wasn't planning to audition though, I didn't even mean to come in, I was just.... You know watching.”
“What's your name pumpkin?” The coach asked.
“Savannah.” I answered quickly.
“Well, do you want to audition? We are always welcoming new members.”
I parted my lips and then shrugged. I really do love glee club. The glee club at Akron sucked, and we never even made it to sectionals. It's be great to get to sing again though in more than just my bedroom. I'll do it.
I don't know how it happened, but now I was in the middle of the choir room, about to perform in from of 11 people I don't know, 2 people I barely know, not to mention a bunch of football players who I had seen throwing slushies in the faces of all 12 members of this glee club.
I wasn't usually too nervous performing because I have been singing since I was a baby, but I very nervous right now.
And a little bit crazy to want to join despite the terrifying football jocks' bored expressions and glares.
“Can we hurry this up? I need to get away from all of you Glee losers, and back to my life.” a football player said rudely.
My nerves grew.
“Shut it Azimio!!”
They clearly all hated each other, and I knew what song to sing now for my audition. I wondered if the band would know it.
“Whenever you're ready Savannah.” Mr. Schuester said, taking a seat beside the football coach. Coach Beiste I think.
I walked over to the band and put my backpack and binder on a chair near them. I asked if they knew the song I wanted to sing and they nodded and started playing.
Hearing the familiar music put me quickly at ease, and I stood in the middle of the room in front of everyone, and started my song after a nice deep breath.
Ooh... ohhhh yeah....
Remember love?
Remember you and me?
Remember everything we shared, on this planet when we cared.
Remember hearth?
Remember unity?
Remember loving neighbors,
Without expecting favors.
Why be afraid, to make an honest mistake.
If you acknowledge the pain,
and you want to change
You can get through anything
Do you remember at all?
People walking hand in hand, can we feel that love again,
Can you imagine it all?
If we all could get along,
than we all could sing this song together!
Everyones smiles while I sang were making me feel so much more confident! I hoped that I finally found my place at this school. Maybe glee club would fill the empty void that I felt since I came here.
And that unanswered question was answered right away when the New Directions started singing along with me.
So cool!
Oh oh oh oh oh.
Singing oh oh oh oh oh.
Singing oh oh oh oh oh
oooh oh oh oh oh oh
The guy in the wheelchair, that I saw being brutally slushied earlier by all of the football a-holes rolled up next to me, still damp, and covered in red stains, and I smiled huge at him in realization.
Thats right! there is a guys part in this song! Was he joining me?
Thank god he knew it because id probably sound silly singing this part.
Look at me.
Look at you.
Now look at me again, see were not so different.
Look around.
Now its you I see.
Were throwing things outside my window, we don't care to keep it clean.
I had a dream.
Beauty was only skin deeeeeeep
and if we all just believe,
love is all we need!
Nothing else can set you free, yeah
His voice was amazing! And perfect for this song!
As he sang backup for me as I picked up on the chorus.
Do you remember at all?
People walking hand in hand, can we feel that love again?
Can you imagine it all?
If we all could get along, than we all could sing this song together!
Oh oh oh oh oh
singing oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh
The whole club, not the jocks, just the glee club on the left side of the room, were clapping to the beat and singing background for me and..... This dreamy voiced guy in a wheelchair, who I think is dating one of the blonde cheerleaders.
Its so welcoming in here. The atmosphere is fun, and I felt free to be performing with other people. Its so much fun!
If we could throw away the hate, and make love last another day, don't give up just for today, life could be so simple!
Artie came in;
They may talk about us, he looked right at the letterman jacket clad blank faces, but they will never stop us
I joined in on the harmony,
We'll keep, SIIINGINGG!!!!!!!
I was so thankful to myself for hitting that high note. Sometimes if I havent practiced in a while, I sound rusty.
The ND's were all standing now and all around me and Artie singing loudly, and clapping and dancing. I was very glad to have picked this empowering and uplifting song. The glee club is treated like crap by these jerks, and it feels like they are throwing their awesomeness right in the football players faces righ now with their joining in on the song.
Good choice Sav, I told myself.
Oh oh oh oh oh!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
cmon we'll keep singing,
oh oh oh ohoh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh
Do you remember at all?
People walking hand in hand, can we feel that love again?
Can you imagine it all?
If we all could get along, than we all could sing this song together!
Together together!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
hold you hand to your neighbor!
Ohoh oh oh oh oh
Cmon and sing it with me.
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
The song ended, and the glee kids all erupted in applause. I just smiled and looked at my feet. Spotlight on me was fun, and it was exhilarating, but kind of scary.
“Artie Abrams.” Artie said to me as he reached a hand out to shake mine.
I shook it back with a huge grin. “Nice to meet you Artie! Thanks for the help. I might've frozen without your help. You sounded awesome!”
“What? Nuh uh. You girl! You've got a killer voice. Please tell me she's in Mr. Schue?” He said turning to the teacher.
Mercedes glared at him with a major bitch face. “If she isn't in, I might throw something!” She said with attitude.
I giggled, and Mr. Schue stood up, but didn't hesitate.
“Welcome to the glee club!”
Mini Authors note: ( I dont usually do songs in fics. Only select lyrics in order to give characters inner thoughts while singing. But this song was so perfect for the sue sylvester shuffle episode when the jocks were forced to join glee, and thats when I always imagined Savannah auditioning, in the football championship episode. The song is Together, by Demi Lovato, and boys 2 men. and I dont own it! You should give it a listen to get the full effect. Its an incredible song! And its perfect for a bunch of people to join in on the oh oh's.
….............~ end FlashBack ~........................
“I've been wanting to sing with you since you auditioned girl! What song is it?" Mercedes asked bouncing in her seat.
I smiled. God, it would be amazing to get to sing with Mercedes at all, let alone at regionals. Her voice was way more powerful than mine, but I knew we'd blend well.
I pulled out the sheet music that I'd be giving to Brad if Mr. Schue gave the ok, and seeing the title, Mercedes yelped.
"I love this song! "You will when youooouuuu"
I came in on the harmony,"you wiiilll when youuuuu."
"believe…" we sang together!
Mercedes screamed. "Ahh! He has to let us do this song!"
I was nodding excitedly, “Right?”
I glanced over at Rachel who was sitting quietly, obviously holding her tongue.
And I was glad. Her conceited 'me me me' attitude really got on everyone's nerves. I respect her talent. Definitely, but everyone else in this room was talented as well, and just because she was phenomenal, and i'll admit, better than some of us in here, it doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't get solos for competition.
Mr. Schue came into the room, and walked straight to the board.
"Mr. Schue, Savvy has a genius idea for a song for sectionals! Can we-"
"Me first Mercedes," he said writing on the board and turning around. Mercedes sighed and sat down.
"I really hope that is not one of the requirements for regionals, because with Berry in those tights, we don't stand a chance." Santana said looking bored.
Mercedes and I snickered. She really did dress like a grandma baby sometimes. How, no idea.
Mr. Schue started talking about how this was not about regionals, but about how we all seem to not understand the 'intricacies' of adult relationships. Everyone laughed at how uncomfortable he looked trying to explain this. He basically said that this week, was sex education week. Glee style! When he started talking about issues they have had in the past, I was only semi paying attention. I learned all about sex and things in middle school. But when he said that there was a special guest coming in, I was interested again. "Ms. Holliday!"
"Hola classe!"
Everyone cheered as if she were a rock star. I had never heard of her.
"Oh no! it's the salad lady." I leaned into Mercedes ready to ask what the heck she was talking about.
"So, sex! It's just like hugging, only wetter." She said.
Who the hell was this lady?
"Yeah it is!" Artie said with a smile. Artie was so funny.
The teacher addressed Finn first about how he thought that he got Quinn pregnant in a hot tub, with clothes still on. Get real. Even I know that sperm dies when it exits the body. That's why when it leaves a guy while inside of a girl, the girl can get pregnant because it never completely exits a body.
….. the girl can get pregnant.
That thought lingered for a minute. I dont why it lingered though because Blaine didn't get any sperm in me. He pulled out.
I think.
I'm pretty sure he did.
ok, i don't remember really.
but Blaine isn't an irresponsible guy. I'm sure he would've pulled out.
i hope.
I kept listening to the guest. "And Brittany, you think that storks bring babies?" the teacher was shaking her head as Brittany said something about cartoons, and Mr. Schue played low notes on the piano. He was getting a kick out of this.
"Every intimate encounter you are ever gonna have in your life starts with a touch."
Not true, I thought. Mine started with a kiss….. well, ok. I guess that's a touch.
Hit it!" she shouted, and the band started playing.
It was 'Do ya Wanna touch'. Awesome song.
During the performance, Santana and Brittany were the first to get up, and then as they danced sexily, Mr. Schue was ogling Ms. Holliday. Oooh! Lauren and Tina joined next, stripping off jackets. Mercedes and I were dancing in our seats, and Rachel and Quinn looked shocked. But then, I got shocked too, Ms. Holliday was flirty dancing with Artie. Oh wow. Mr. Schue looks sooooo concerned. When she was through with Artie, she walked in a line in front of us, and we all got up as she passed us. Rachel and Quinn though, stayed sitting.
God, Rachel was such a stick in the mud. I know that Quinn is skeptical because of last year, but this was fun. Come on.
Just as Mr. Schue wrote 'too much?' on a piece of paper and showed it to Ms. Holliday, she went over to Rachel and Quinn, and they finally shrugged to get up and dance.
This was a BLAST! The glee club at my old school was sooooooo boring compared to this one. I loved being in New Directions. It' the best part of every day!
Blaine's Pov
The Lima bean was full today as Kurt and I waited in line. "Well, well, if it isn't my sweet sweet porcelain?"
What? Who the heck is this, and did he just call Kurt porcelain?
She started talking to Kurt now, who did not look at all pleased to see her.
"I like my enema's piping hot."
She said she was here for a happy occasion hearing that it was a Dalton hangout, and I smiled. That was good right?
Not right, which I what I realized, as she kept talking.
Apparently she pushed the coach of a rival glee club down the stairs, and now she was the new coach.
"This is just sort of how she talks." Kurt said.
I nodded, and listened to her rant. She was putting a ridiculous amount of stuff in her coffee. Her news though was very beneficial, but when she wanted Kurt to give her some news, he told her that they are not in cahoots. I struggled not to laugh, but as the said their goodbyes, I was in my own head. The warblers had to get sexy because the New Directions were fabulous, and if we didn't bring it, we would not beat them at regionals.
After having coffee with Kurt, who definitely didn't seem too interested in doing a sexy number in glee, I went home and got on iTunes, And Google. We needed the perfect number to get sexy with. Then, in my head, it clicked. 'Animal'
We needed opinions, and even more than that, we needed girls.
The next day in glee, we rehearsed only a little bit, with me and Kurt dueting on lead vocal, and then went to the warehouse where we were meeting our special guests.
We had 11 girls from Dalton sister school "Crawford country day" come to watch us perform.
I decided to flirt with the girls a bit before we started.
"hang on to your bobby socks girls. Cus we're about to rock your world." The warblers and started our sexy fest!
"Here we are again, I feel the chemicals kickin in, it's getting heavy and I wanna run and hide! I want to run and hide."
The girls were already screaming! They were melting as I finished my line. I was proud. It was fun to make girls go nuts over me. Maybe it was a little mean, but it was fun. They were always so bummed when they found out that I'm gay.
I looked to Kurt who started his part. But as he walked to me, he was being anything but sexy. Is he ok? I was trying to stay into the song, but Kurt looked like some, strange constipated guy. This was so awkward. He was NOT BEING SEXY….
And i've seen him perform on youtube. when the Warblers were checking out the competition back before sectionals. and Kurt could be sexy. I have seen it!
but he is not being sexy right now.
Getting back into the song, I winked at the girls, and they went nuts.
"what are you waiting foooor?"
I looked back to Kurt, who still looked weird. This was throwing me off so much. Finally, as we turned to each other, for a partner line. He looked normal again. Phew.
I had to admit, that it felt nice for a moment to play the 'hard to get' act for this part of the song with Kurt.
"Hush hush, the world is quiet. Hush hush we both can't fight it. It's us that made this mess. Why can't you understand!"
It was fun, and playful, and being gay, it was sexy to me to get to do that with another gay guy.
The warblers were all taking off there blazers as Kurt and I were onto a structure up high and put on the bubble machine. It turned into a big bubble fight. Very sexy! Kurt and I were throwing beach balls at each other, along with the other Warblers. Having a blast, and it was funny. We were having so much fun, that it didn't even matter that we were both getting our hair wet.
A few girls came up to me after all of us dried off, and left the warehouse slowly but surely, and they had written there numbers down. "Call us." They said.
I took the papers skeptically and said, "That's sweet but, sorry, I'm not on your team." They looked extremely disappointed, and then they turned to leave.
I laughed to myself. Poor ladies. I walked up to Kurt who was sitting on a step and fixing his hair.
"Are you okay?" I asked him. "You kept making these weird faces the whole song."
He told me those were his sexy faces, and I felt a little bad, but told him he looked like he was Having gas pain. He called himself a baby penguin because he had no sexual knowledge. I told him we'll figure it out, but he looked a little insulted.
We went back to Kurt's house, and as we went inside, Burt greeted us.
"Hey boys." Burt called from the couch.
"Hi dad. We're gonna go study." Kurt yelled.
I felt so strange being here. I had only been here once after Rachel's party, and I hadn't seen his dad that time. Thankfully. Those wouldn't be good circumstances.
"Ok. Hey!" he said as we started up the stairs. "Kurt? The door stays open."
Kurt rolled his eyes. "K dad."
I felt a little bad. Burt gave me a stern look, and I looked at my feet. His dad probably wouldn't trust me or Kurt, ever since he found me in his bed a few weeks ago.
"Sorry about that Kurt. Your dad probably is on your case about having friends over now huh?"
Kurt shrugged. "I don't really have any other friends who are gay so, nope, It's just with you." Sigh. I feel so bad. Kurt didn't seem too bothered though.
We talked for a little while about how to appear sexy, but he didn't seem able to even make a sexy face. Let alone be sexy with his body.
It didn't make any sense. I had seen Kurt be sexy. Truly. he wasn't some amazing and great dancer, but he could follow choreography and be very very sexy.
F he wasn't trying. It seemed like, when he was trying though, he couldn't be sexy. He just looked like he was gassy.
"Uhm. Kurt, they're- they're all sort of looking the same."
Kurt sighed, and looked normal again. "That's because the face I'm actually doing is uncomfortable. This is pointless Blaine; I don't know how to be sexy because, I don't know the first thing about sex!"
He was blushing and it was really cute. His innocence was really adorable.
"Kurt you're blushing!" I smiled at him.
He started to rant about how he had tried watching pornos, but he couldn't get comfortable with it, and he didn't want to learn about sex. i told him that we should have a conversation about it, but Kurt looked like he might throw up. He likes romance.
I wanted to tell him, sex is romantic. or, its supposed to be. without being drunk that is.
"Kurt you're gonna have to learn about it someday…." I told him. Almost 17 years old was a little old to not know about sex. I mean sure, I was only just 16, but I knew about sex. Well, even before Rachel's party. I had like a straight week of scoping out the internet to learn everything. It was harder to find accurate information about how sex is when it's not between gay people. Most of the gay information was only for pornographic purposes, and not for romantic purposes. But I learned everything I could.
"Not today….. I think I've learned quite enough for today thank you. I think you should leave." Kurt said, not looking me in the eye.
I couldn't really blame him. He was uncomfortable. I got up to leave and patted his back with one firm pat. I was worried about him.
Kurt rushed out of warbler practice today, and I didn't try to stop him. I knew that he wanted his space. But I was really concerned about him. He was almost 17, and he didn't seem to know anything at all about sex. What if he ended up going to a party one day or something, and ended up getting drunk, and doing something stupid like I did not thinking about what could happen?
I know what to do.
All knowing Pov (there is canon dio here, but ALOT of originality thrown in.)
Burt was working under the hood of a car and looked pretty in the zone.
"Need a hand?" Blaine said from across the car, capturing Burt's attention. Burt looked interested. He found it a little strange that Blaine was here in his shop. Especially without Kurt. He was also very curious though. Blaine was supposedly gay, so how could he possibly help me with a car? Ok, maybe that was stereotypical. Just because Kurt was an effeminate gay boy, doesn't mean that all gay guys are. And Kurt was VERY handy with cars because he grew up working with him in his shop. Did Blaine know his way around a car?
He decided to see for himself.
"Yeah, why don't you hand me that carburetor?" Burt said, nodding his head towards a cart full of parts.
Burt was impressed when Blaine turned, and picked it right up.
"How'd you know which one it was?" Burt asked, taking it from him.
Blaine smiled. "Me and my dad rebuilt an '59 Chevy in our driveway 2 summers ago; One of his MANY attempts at bonding."
Heh. Burt knew how that was. Except, Burt chose things that Kurt liked for bonding time, knowing what would make him happy, not things that he knew he wouldn't really enjoy.
"Are you here looking for parts?" Burt asked.
"No, actually I came here to talk to you about Kurt."
After checking to see if Kurt was ok, he continued working, but the mention of sex made him give Blaine his full attention.
"Ok, are you gay?! Or straight? Or….what?" Burt asked him.
Blaine put his hands in his pockets. "I'm definitely Gay."
Burt nodded. He reminded himself that he needed to reassure Blaine that he wasn't judging him. "Ok, good. I mean, you know, whatever. But uh, it's good for Kurt to have someone to talk to about… this stuff."
Blaine sighed. "Well, that's sort of the problem. I've tried talking to him, but he basically puts his fingers in his ears and starts singing."
Burt chuckled a little bit, that sounded like Kurt. "When he's ready, he'll listen."
"With all due respect,sir, he's almost 17." Blaine said. "I'm, worried that it might be too late."
Blaine started going on about how Dalton didn't have sex ed classes, and that Kurt is not going to get the information about sex that he needs in order to transition into adulthood. "Kurt is the most moral, compassionate person I've ever met." Blaine said. Burt smiled.
"He gets that from his mother." Burt chimed.
"And, I'm blown away by the relationship that you guys have." Blaine said, feeling jealous a bit. He told Burt about how his dad thought that doing manly things might make him straight. "Someday, he's gonna go to some party, and have a few drinks, and he's not gonna know anything about being safe, or STD's. and god forbid he actually turns into a straight drunk like me. Then he'd have to worry about getting a girl pregnant or something."
As he said it, Blaine's stomach flipped.
He had slept with a girl….. What if?...
Blaine shrugged it off. He didn't want to let himself think about it right now.
So he just continued. "But if he meets some guy, that can take advantage of him or anything, I'm worried about him."
Burt was leaning on the car as he listened intently. He started to talk about how he should take advantage of the close relationship that he has with Kurt. And then he apologized for overstepping.
Burt sighed. "You are."
When Blaine frowned, and turned to leave the shop.
I tried, he thought. Burt walked after him.
"Hey Blaine, hang on a sec."
Blaine turned to him, and they were standing close in front of each other. Burt put a hand on Blaine's shoulder. "I'm really glad to know that's Kurt has got someone like you to care about him like you do."
Blaine just half smiled a little. And Burt took his hand off of Blaine.
"That was a very specific scenario. About the party."
Blaine looked straight into Burt's eyes and knew that Burt wanted to know about what happened a few weeks ago at Rachel's party. Blaine sighed and sat down in a waiting chair behind him. Burt did the same.
"Yeah, before the party, well, I hadn't ever drunk before. I had never even kissed anyone either, let alone…." Blaine trailed off.
Let alone what? Burt thought.
Burt knew the look in his eyes. Guilt. Had he had sex with Savannah?
"Let alone what?" Burt echoed his thoughts. At this point, he knew he was being kind of nosy, but Burt told himself last week that he was going to find out what had happened at this party and what his sons' friends were doing away from their parents, and Blaine was in perfect position to spill the beans.
Blaine was staring at his feet, and he looked really really nervous. "We were really drunk. I don't think we really paid attention to what we were doing until we woke up sober the next day."
Burt couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Oh, my gosh….. Kurt said you and Savannah's bodies were inseparable. Did he mean…."
Blaine looked at Burt for a split second, but away from him quickly.
Blaine was a little scared. He really hated when people were disappointed in him.
"Blaine, did you guys fool around?"
Blaine scratched behind his ear, but he didn't dare look up at Burt again.
But he didn't need an answer.
"That's really serious Blaine." Burt said.
When Blaine could hear in Burt's voice that he wasn't angry, so he looked at him.
"I know. But that's why I want Kurt to know about this stuff sir. Without a clear head, I did something stupid knowing about sex. If Kurt one day gets in the same situation without knowing….." Blaine stated, trailing off at the end.
Burt nodded to Blaine agreeing. Okay okay, he would talk to Kurt. It was time.
Savannah's Pov
Definitely one of my all-time favorite songs. Santana and Brittany were singing it to each other accompanied by Ms. Holliday. It was really beautiful, and you could totally see how much the girls loved each other. True best friends. I wondered though, why they were singing this song to each other. This is a love song. As they ended the song and hugged, both girls in tears, Rachel just had to chime in and say something stupid. Mercedes rolled her eyes, and Santana snapped back. I swear, if her voice wouldn't help us win regionals, I would gladly help hold her down while someone cut her tongue out. Her mouth was just always running! And not in a good way.
As glee club was running a few minutes past 5:30, my dad texted me.
why aren't you out front? It read. Oh yeah, i'm still grounded.
Glee club is just a little behind. Be right there. I sent.
My dad has been really strict ever since the party, and I couldn't really argue. I had a hickey when I came home that night. I still haven't told him who I got it from. I'm not exactly being truthful. I told him that we played spin the bottle, and I had already had too much to drink so I didn't know. So, he gives every guy that walks out to the front of the school with me equal evil glares. He was convinced it was Puck because he 'looks like the bad boy'. If only he knew it was actually a gay guy that did it. Haha.
"See you guys tomorrow!" I yelled to Mercedes and everyone, and I got in the car.
"How was school? " My dad asked, seemingly in a good mood. I shrugged. "It was ok. We had glee club style Sex Ed class." I laughed.
"Oh god!" my dad groaned, and he started driving.
As we got onto the highway heading home, my dad turned the radio down and started to glance over at me once every few seconds.
"You would tell me if you had a boyfriend or anything right?" My dad asked.
I shifted in my seat to look at him. "Wow. Where did that come from?" I said chuckling.
My dad took one hand off of the wheel up in surrender. "Hey! Your mom told me to ask."
I shook my head. Oh mom. "I don't have a boyfriend dad."
"That's not what that hickey a few weeks ago said…."
My dad's face looked upset again, and I felt guilty again. My parents hadn't really given me too hard of a time because of the party. They grounded me and that said it all.
They were just a little strict about being home by my curfew. Mostly because I accepted my grounding, and I hadn't complained about it. They think I'm being completely honest with them about what happened at the party, and they know that I wouldn't dare do anything like that again, and I won't.
So they left it alone. I feel a little guilty because I hadn't told them about Blaine. I hadn't told them Blaine existed to tell the truth.
"I'm sorry dad. I was drunk when that happened, but I swear I don't have a boyfriend. Really." I smiled at him. Giving him my innocent eye look. It felt nice to be telling a truth.
My dad looked into my eyes and sighed. "Alright. I believe you."
Phew. I was relieved.
My parents and I were really close and we pretty much told each other everything. We were like, a model family I suppose.
Maybe that's being cocky, but it's true. I was really lucky to be in this family. My dad was a big chef at a fancy restaurant in West Lima, and my mom was a nurse at the local emergency room. My little brother Justin was in every extracurricular activity that existed until 5:00 every day, and was spoiled rotten, but homeschooled like I was. We had family dinners every night, and had family outings every weekend. My parents had never once missed a school play, performance, soccer game, dance tournament, or whatever, in my brother and I's lives.
We are far from perfect kids, Justin and I, but just like regular families, we get in trouble sometimes, and we get an allowance every week. If we break rules, we lose privileges. If we get bad grades, we get lectured, and have to try harder. We were a fun family, a nice family, but we weren't perfect.
It was quiet in the car again until we pulled into the driveway. Before I got out of the car, I looked at my dad. "What's wrong dad?" I asked him, taking off my seat-belt.
He looked like he was in deep thought.
"We don't need to have 'the talk' with you again or anything right? Like, you, you still know about safety, and waiting until marriage and all of that? I don't need to worry about you?" He asked looking uncomfortable.
Is he serious? I looked at him, and he knew that I was silently asking him if he was serious.
His face turned from uncomfortable, to questioning.
Ok, he was serious.
"I remember the talk dad." I paused for a moment, but I hoped he didn't notice. "It was just a few years ago, and I still know about abstinence, and condoms, and all of that. I know."
Except I had sex for the first time without one.
But only because I was drunk.
"You don't have to worry." I gave my dad a little lips only smile, and grabbed my backpack, leaving the car. I looked back at my dad, who still looked worried. I hoped he couldn't feel my nerves. I really hated keeping things from my dad.
All knowing Pov (bit canon dio in here, but come on? You're not a klaine fan if you get tired of this scene! Just saying)
Kurt was standing in front of the kitchen table waiting for his dad to talk. He called him down from watching his shows for some reason.
Burt dropped some pamphlets on the table in front of Kurt. The top one said, 'boys will be boys', and Kurt was terrified.
"What are those?" he asked.
"Those are some pamphlets that I picked up from the free clinic. I thought it might help the process along, because it is time that you and I had, 'the talk.'
"No it's not." Kurt said immediately.
This could not happen.
This could not happen!!!!!!!!
"Yes it is." Burt said sternly. And Kurt stuck his fingers in his ears and Started lolling!
Ha, Blaine was right.
"Hey! You said to educate myself!" Burt said with his voice raised so that Kurt would hear him over his la la la's. "Hey! You think this is easy for me? Okay believe me, I wanna do this even less than you do!"
Kurt dropped his hands to his side as Burt grabbed his shoulders and guided him to a seat at the table.
"This is gonna suck for both of us! But we are going to get through it together, and we will both be better men because of it."
Kurt looked at his dad, and he was so not looking forward to this, but he sat down anyway.
He betted this was Blaine's fault.
That wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Of course it was awkward, but just like any dad, Burt told Kurt that he shouldn't have sex until he's 30. Kurt instantly thought at that point, 'don't worry' but he didn't say anything.
"Don't throw yourself around like you don't matter. Because you matter Kurt."
When Burt got quiet, and Kurt thought he was done, he asked, "Is that it?" Burt nodded, and said it was over for now, and offered to make Kurt some toast.
Kurt accepted the offer and was honestly kind of interested in taking it to his room so he could read his pamphlets.
His dad seemed to make sex seem a lot less scary, and more....... just more for people who are in love and serious and stuff.
"Thank you dad." Kurt said.
It was torture, but he was glad to have had the conversation regardless.
As Burt welcomed him, he was relieved. He shut his eyes and thought he definitely deserved a beer after that.
'My son, the baby penguin.' He hoped he wouldn't have anything to worry about with Kurt.
Upstairs, Kurt had been reading well into the wee hours of the night. Sex wasn't terrifying anymore. He now knew the mechanics, what feels good and what doesn't, and he's even eager to try it.
One day.
And with the right person.
And just as that thought crossed his mind, he realized that the right person might've been that amazing guy that he just asked to leave his room the other day.
And Kurt knew that he had to fix it.
At Dalton the next day, Kurt approached Blaine after Warbler practice and asked him, "I'm still up to having that conversation if you are."
After going over his pamphlets last night, Kurt realized that talking about sex with the guy that he liked and was crushing hard on, was something that he was lucky to do. Even if Blaine didn't feel the same way about him.
Blaine sat down on one of the couches and crossed his legs, waiting for Kurt to initiate the conversation. He didn't want to say anything that might make Kurt uncomfortable, so he figured he would let Kurt start.
"You say you're not good with romance. Well I'm not good with things like …. Sex."
"Okay. Let's make a deal then. I'll teach you what I know, and you can teach me what you know." Blaine smiled.
"Sounds good." Kurt smiled and sat down across from Blaine on the couch. They were such a perfect match, and Blaine was starting to realize this too.
"So what do you know?"
"Well," Kurt said, scratching his chin. "My dad got me a stack of pamphlets from the teen center yesterday, and he tortured me with the talk. I know about STDs and that when you are gay, sex is not the same as it is with people who are straight. I know..... how it's done, and how other things are done. But I don't know why everyone makes such a big deal out of sex. What's so great about it?"
Blaine was shocked. He didn't think that Kurt was this un-knowledgeable about it. "Um.. well…." He was looking for the right words to say. He didn't want to scare Kurt away again by being too forward or something, but then again, Kurt asked him to have this conversation. He might as well say what's on his mind.
"Don't you ever get, excited? Like if you see a hot guy on a show or like a sex scene on TV or something?"
Kurt began to blush.
Yes, absolutely. He got excited sometimes. He was a teenage boy after all. But he couldn't tell Blaine that.
Tell them that he felt excited every time Blaine danced.
Tell him that he had woken up several times with a morning hard on after he had had a dream about him.
Tell him that he had to pull his gaze away from Blaine's beautiful backside more than a few times.
He would never be able to tell him any of that though.
That would be way too embarrassing.
"Well yeah, I get excited. I'm a guy. And sometimes I can't control it. But I think about something else quickly, and then it's not a problem anymore."
Kurt was so innocent. Blaine wondered if he had ever even…
"Okay, if you don't want to answer this, you really don't have to. But, haven't you ever played with yourself?"
Current eyes bulged up. Kurt just shook his head embarrassedly.
Blaine told Kurt all about how 'those movies' are not what sex is about. Although Blaine had also never had a boyfriend, he knew that there was a big difference between porn, and sex in real life. Like movie scenes on TV where the couple really love each other. He told Kurt, that that is the kind of sex that is realistic.
Blaine still felt like a virgin, but he wasn't at the same time. He remembered how sex with Savannah was. He loved hearing her moan, because it made him more turned on knowing that she was enjoying him. And the sex itself felt awesome. Way better than his hand, that was for damn sure.
He completely understood why people did it and loved it.
Blaine didn't know if it was because it was a girl, or if it was because he was drunk, but he didn't feel an emotional connection when he had sex though. Except for the fact that, he wanted to make sure Savannah wasn't in pain. So because of that, his first time couldn't completely count could it?
It was quiet for a moment, with Blaine caught in his thoughts until Kurt spoke up.
"Do you ever play with yourself?"
Blaine looked up at Kurt, a telling look in his eyes and a shrug of one shoulder.
"Do you do it a lot?" Kurt asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.
Now Blaine gave another half shrug. "When I get the urge. Or when I've seen something that really turns me on. I won't lie, it feels really good Kurt."
And then Blaine could almost convince himself that he saw a bit of lust in Kurt's eyes.
Why did he want to smile at that?
"Maybe i need to... To try that." Kurt mumbled blushing a deep red.
And Blaine agreed with him. "You'll enjoy it. Trust me. And besides, you wont know how it feels until you... well... Feel it for yourself."
Kurt just nodded slowly while biting his lip.
'Maybe Kurt and I are meant to be something more than just best friends.' Blaine thought to himself.
Kurt felt like he and Blaine were definitely best friends. He couldn't help but wish that they were more, but he was still happy that they were close enough to talk about anything. Hence, the current conversation.
Blaine had always seen Kurt as nothing but a best friend. Maybe because at the time that they met, he was in need of a friend and someone to mentor him. And because of that, Blaine has always been what he felt like Kurt needed to be. A friend and mentor.
But now, after tonight, for the first time, he was thinking about Kurt as more than just a friend. He was thinking about Kurt as a boyfriend. Thinking about cuddling with him, and maybe kissing him.
Wondering what Kurt would be thinking about when he went home today, and more than likely would be trying to jerk himself off for the first time.
That thought alone, made Blaine think that maybe he and Kurt are meant to be something more than just best friends.
Kurt was a great guy. He was gorgeous and talented. Despite this weeks awkward sexy number, he is very sexy.
He was genuinely a great guy. he is funny and witty and sarcastic and awesome really. he has voice from heaven and he is honest and...
He's Kurt.
Why didn't i think about any of this before? Blaine thought.
Authors note:
Wow. This chapter was a lot longer than I thought it would be. And I didn't even take much dialogue from the sexy episode.
I LOVE BACKSTORY! I must say that Burt is one of my favorite characters on glee. I really love writing for Burt. Kurt and Burt both play a very big role in Savannah and Blaine's lives so they will definitely be around a lot in my fic.
I appreciate everyone who is reading, following, and has favorited this fic! Its really so much of an honor! I feel so appreciative of you all! I appreciate even more anyone who reviews. It really warms my heart. If you aren't a writer, I'll give some insight to the writers mind. Knowing that people are enjoying something that you've written enough to tell you a few words of thanks, and encouragement... I swear, sometimes, nothing feel better than a new review!
The next chapter, will be, original song. I can't wait to get it written, and for you guys to read it. Please review if you can!