I won't interfere with Klaine!
21 Boy Lockdown Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I won't interfere with Klaine!: 21 Boy Lockdown

E - Words: 4,086 - Last Updated: May 09, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 18, 2012 - Updated: May 09, 2013
182 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/n: hey all! I am soooo excited for this story to have gotten to 20 chapters and be getting read at all! I love each of you readers. All of you favorite ers and followers and especially reviewers! Each one warms my heart. Soooo much. And wow, rereading over everything I have written so far. I have also reread the chapters from 1 -20 and it has made me see, I really am a review whore! haha

This chapter is a nice long on for the wait ya'll. 20 pages. woot woot!


(also, if you think my Burt is too strict, sorry. Its an AU. I think he behaves normally as a parent should.)

Chapter 21: Boy Lockdown


Burt Pov (Sunday afternoon.)

"Oh I hope it was worth it Kurt." I said, as my son came through the front door, his hair a mess, and his gait just a little wobbly. Product of last night's activities I gather.

I am not happy about this.

I knew it was happening, so I don't know why I'm still surprised. But I guess I'm not. Just disappointed.
"Look dad I know you're mad-"
"Car keys." I cut him off.
He handed them over.
"Debit card."
Kurt pulled out his wallet and also, handed it over. No arguments, no protests. "Cell phone." At that 1, he hesitated, but after a moment, he gave in with remiss.
I shook my head in disappointment. Mad he said.
I am about 100 times passed mad and I have right to be.
The words furious & really pissed off come to mind.

Before he even got home, I took his laptop from his room, canceled his vogue subscription for 3 months, & unless he has a bunch of money hidden somewhere other than in his bank account, he's going to be without any cash for a long time!
Kurt was just blinking and no doubt waiting for the lecture. He hadn't even said sorry. He just came into the house at noon, the day AFTER the prom. 12 hours late, and said, "dad, I know you're mad, but-"
And that is where I cut him off and demanded the car keys.

If I had to count how many times I had confiscated this damn car, I'd need another hand. The first few times, I don't even remember why. This kid was just always being defiant or rebellious in some way or another. When he was 15 last year, and had gotten alcohol poisining at school after some grown woman that Will questioningly allowed her in the Glee club, had given him a bottle of vodka, I picked him up from the hospital, let him sleep all day, lectured him, and then took his car. When he "borrowed" his allowance early from my wallet in order to see the sound of music last year, and I found out about it, I took his car. When he and his friends snuck out one Thursday evening, to go to a concert out of city, and got stranded in Columbus, I came to pick him up, have his friends cars' towed into my shop, and then I took his car.
This year when he decided that he would rather see sound of music, again, instead of come to mandatory Friday night dinner, and left my shop, I'd have later told him later in the day, that he was expected at that meal. He wouldn't have shown up, and once he got home that night, I'd have taken his car.

Of course, I ended up in a coma for that particular scenario, so I didn't take his car, because I was in the hospital unconscious but still.

The fact remains that I WOULD'VE taken his car.
Kurt was just sometimes incorrigible. And to make matters worse, now he is involving Finn in his shenanigans?

No. and it stops now.
Finn lost his X-box live subscription for the year, a few of his more played games, and he is grounded for 2 weeks for lying.
Kurt however, is grounded all summer.

I don't want him having sex yet. I told him this before; He is not responsible enough for sex yet, and on top of that, he hasn't been in a relationship long enough to be having sex either.
Blaine or no Blaine.

I like the kid. I really do. I even love the kid for loving Kurt. He's very responsible, and he loves Kurt with everything he's got. But I'd rather them have waited to see if that love would last before jumping into bed!

Kurt accepted my being quiet as cue to walk away. He was limping slightly, and it just made me huff a bit under my breath, again confirming that he had most definitely spent his night with Blaine, and they had had sex. Damn those pamphlets.
"To your room." I said as I saw him aiming for the kitchen.
"Can I get something to eat first?"
I thought about that for a minute...
I'd have Finn bring him up something later. But right now, he needs to spend some time in his room, where I can think; with him far away from the room I'm in.
Again though, he didn't argue. He just went straight upstairs to his room.
And the door did not slam.
Okay, Kurt is growing up. He's definitely being more mature than I thought he would be about this. I suppose I have to give him credit for that. But I am not going to let that make him exempt from punishment. I'm still mad at him.

Obviously, he is completely accepting of his punishment, but there is a reason for that. It's because he knew it was coming. He was going to do what he was going to do no matter what the consequences would be.

And that really makes me angry.

Blaine Pov (Monday morning)

I felt like crap. I mean, partly blissed out because I had the most perfect night with Kurt a few days ago, but now that Kurt isn't here, I feel... blah. This must be what Kurt was talking about when he said that it's a really big step not just because of the physical. I feel like I'm empty.

I want to talk to him but his phone is off. He hadn't been online for IM'ing yesterday, and he hadn't been on Facebook either. It only reassured me that his dad, is pissed. He probably took his phone, and canceled his internet browser or something.

Maybe the Yahoo messenger on his computer is still working though…. Hmm

To Hummelfashionista93

"i see dad took your phone... guess im not surprised... Thank god for IM'ing huh?

I'm just laying here in bed, trying to think straight... i need to get up and get ready for school, but i really don't want to get out of bed. it still smells like you...

My parents will be home this morning though and I want to be gone before they get her so i guess ill get up soon. how do you feel? i know you were sore yestarday morning, but i haven't talked to you since. : (

Will you be at the coffee shop this morning? i want to see you. Saturday was perfect... i had dreams about it. like, nonstop constant replay dreams. i know you're grounded, but dad cant stop you from getting coffee can he?

I miss you.


i clicked send, but got an automated message.

This yahoo chatmail account has been temporarily suspended. Please enter a different email recipient..


I tried sending it again, and got the same response.

I huffed and leaned back in my chair...


Burt is really pissed.

Knock knock knock.

"Blaine? Le's go. You have to get to class. I've ironed and pressed your uniform. Vamanos! Get moving!" Imelda called from my doorway.

Ugh… Where's Jane? She at least coaxes me out of bed with breakfast. I guess Jane really one of those reasons I like when my parents are home.

I was in my boxers and a white beater, fresh out of bed. I've been up for about an hour, but just lying awake, daydreaming.

I miss Kurt.

I sighed and got up to go and get dressed. I guess I'll go to the coffee shop anyway. He said he'd be there today, so...

I got dressed, and debated whether or not to gel my hair. I unfortunately wouldn't be hanging out with Kurt after school. I had to work, not to mention Kurt definitely being grounded, I wouldn't be seeing him anyway, but thinking back to the way that his hands were completely ravaging my head Saturday...

I never want to wear gel again... but since I'm working, ill gel it down. It looks a lot more professional than my wild curls.

As I got to the restroom to start on my man primping, I thought of ways to get in contact with Kurt...

And it was like a light bulb when off and I lowered my toothbrush.


Finn can't be in as much trouble as Kurt. He probably still has his phone.

I stopped mid brush from brushing my teeth, and just rinsed my mouth out.

I got my cell off the dresser and dialed my number 3 speed dial.

It rang a few times.

... ...


Savannah groggily moaned out on her end.

"Savannah!" I yelled in the beginning of a freak speech, but this was important. "I need you to give me Finn's phone number!"

"Hmm...?" she yawned.

I have quickly learned that she is ABSOLUTELY useless in the mornings.

"Finns phone number! I need it. Kurt's dad took his phone and I need to see if he's going to the Lima Beam this morning! And wake up! Don't you have school today?" I said with a hint of desperation.

"I don't think I'm going in today. Stomach ache." she mumbled.

I popped into dad mode for a minute. "Stomachache... are you okay? Do we need to go back to see the doctor?"

Savannah didn't say anything.

She's hiding something. It'd only been a few months since she told me she is pregnant, but in that time, I have learned ALOT about her. And, dating Kurt, who has known her for years, has helped tremendously.

We really are the perfect one two pair. Which is why I think I am seriously feeling like I am having withdrawals or something... and i need to talk to Kurt soon, or i might explode.

So this girl needs to hurry up and spill what she is hiding from me, so she can give me Finn's phone number.

"Savvy? What's wrong? Did something happen?"

She sighed, and I heard rustling in the background. She must be getting out of bed.

"It wasn't a big deal. Just some kicking that was painful, but shouldn't have been. My mom said I should schedule an appointment. I'll probably just stay home to relax today and go in soon. I'll call today."

I nodded, though she couldn't see me, but I nodded mostly for myself. At least she's resting, and making an appointment. She's gotten a bit more responsible since last week... of course, she needed more time to completely grow up, but, we still have 4 months left.

"Ok good. Let me know when the appointment is so I can go too?" I asked.

"K. Now what did you want?" She asked with a yawn.

I didn't skip a beat though.

"Finn! I need his cell number. Kurt got his phone taken I think."

Savannah chuckled. "Yeah. Smart move going AWOL from the prom. Kurt is TOAST! He might as well be in prison, so smart move there B."

Great! Now i feel guilty. Kurt was really really grounded, and my parents weren't around, so 'I' wasn't getting any penalty...

Well, yes I am actually. I think not getting to see Kurt is punishment enough!

That's my penalty.

"Just please give me the number!" I pressed, annoyed.

"Allright geez! Don't get your big boy boxers in a wad." she said, yawning again. "It's on my phone. I'll text it to you."

I nodded. Relief.

"Ok. cool. Thanks. Don't fall back asleep before you text it to me!"

I knew she was rolling her eyes, even on the phone. "Ha. Ha. Goodnight."

We hung up, and the text came in a few seconds later. I smiled, saved Finn as a new contact, and called.

Finn pov

"Ah!" minty fresh I thought, leaving my toothbrush on the corner of the sink, and walking out of the bathroom.

My mom walked in right behind me.

"It's about time Finn! Geez! what'd you make the toilet?"

She's exaggerating. I didn't take that long. I just had to shave and make sure my hair wasn't too crazy, and brush my teeth 4 times, apply cologne, wash my face and shave excess hair so I don't look like Chewbacca today. I have to look presentable.

I'm gonna ask Savannah to be my girlfriend today.

I think.

I'm kind of conflicted. I want to ask her because she's awesome, and part of me thinks that someone else might find out how awesome she is, and snatch her up before I can. But the other part of me knows that because she is pregnant, she is probably completely off of every guys radar at school.

But i don't care that she is having a baby. I mean, I care in the sense that it's gonna hurt, and that sucks. But, she's having a kid with a gay guy who is dating my brother. I'm kind of gonna be the kids uncle in a way if Kurt and Blaine work out, and let's face it, if Kurt and Blaine, the perfectly most endgame couple in all of the U.S. can't make it, we are ALL DOOMED! but I'll be around the babies once they're born anyway since Kurt is dating the babies' father.

And Blaine isn't dating Savannah just because they slept together at a party they got a little too drunk at.

Okay a lot too drunk. But still. She's fair game. She's single, and I want her.

"Finn! Stop leaving your toothbrush out! There's a toothbrush holder for a reason! Would it kill you to use it?"

Why would I do that if I know she'll just do it for me, and mention it to me again? I wanted to say, but that'd get me smacked upside the head.

"Sorry ma." I called, walking back into my room where my phone was lit up on my bed.

I smiled hoping it was savannah. Maybe she wanted a ride to school.

I picked up my phone, hopes dashed as I picked up Blaine's call.

"Hey Blaine. What's-"

"Can I talk to Kurt?" he cut me off.

I smiled. Poor guy! Kurt has literally been cut off to all of the outside world! He probably hadn't talked to Blaine since after prom.

"Good morning to you too." I said rolling my eyes.

"Sorry Finn. Good morning. I'm just, I need to talk to Kurt. I think I'm having withdrawals or something! Its been more than a whole day, and we haven't gone this long without talking since we started dating... Since we met actually and-"

"Did you guys have sex?" I asked.

He didn't answer, but the way his breathing cut off, I realized I don't want to know.

"Never mind." I added.

"Can I just- Please?" Blaine pleaded.

"Hang on, I'll go get him." I cut off the delirious school boy. Geez, they really are made for each other.

Kurt came into my room yesterday to play family game night, (one of the games that i 'hadnt' been robbed of, woopah, but the entire time, he was talking about how LIFE is Blaine's favorite board game, and it's so much better on the board, and how he and Blaine used to play Clue at Dalton with the Warblers, and he always lost, and Blaine always teased him, and the more I engaged in talking to him about being grounded, the conversation got to his night with Blaine being worth the grounding but that didn't stop him from missing Blaine like crazy.

They seriously needed each other if they were reacting like this after one day.

I left my room again and headed down the hall.

"Who are you talking to this early?" My mom asked.

"Savannah!" I quickly chirped. "I wanted to ask if she'd like a ride to school."

Mom just 'hmm'ed, and went downstairs.

"Smooth." Blaine said on the other end.

I smiled. I'm usually a pretty good liar.

I knocked on Kurt's door.

"Come in." he murmured, sounding low.

I opened the door, to see him at his vanity things putting one of the million skin creams he has on his face.

Of course.

But he looked really bummed out...

"What's wrong little brother?" I asked..

He just glared at me, irritated. He must've thought it was obvious.

"Seriously bro. What's up?" I tried again, closing his room door, and coming further into the room.

"Dude! Let me talk to him! Please?" Blaine said into my ear.

Kurt turned to me. "Well, Finn if you must know, I am kind of having a crummy weekend because i haven't talked to my boyfriend in more than an entire day, and i think i am having withdrawals okay?"

Is it weird that i could hear Blaine's lips parting as his face turned into a smile?

"See? I'm not the only one! Let me talk to him!" Blaine yelled.

I tossed Kurt the phone. "Here. It's your husband. Now you both can get your fix."

I walked away after Kurt fumbled with the phone for a second, and i went to sit on his bed.

"Blaine?" Kurt cried.

The despair on his face disappeared in a split second, and a smile replaced it. "God i miss you so much too! My dad took everything! He even canceled my vogue subscription!"

I started to tune out his conversation for a minute, and went over to look at some of his skin creams and junk.

Maybe savannah would grab my face again like she did during our kiss at prom night, if i had smooth skin. hmm.

Mercola smoothing skin treatment

Hmm... I opened the cap, and sniffed it. It smells good too.

"Hey bro, can i use some of this? i want to have softer skin." i asked turning to him, only to see that he wasn't sitting on his chair anymore.

"Kurt?" I said, turning around and seeing him laying on his stomach on his bed, looking like a giddy school girl.

"What color are you gonna wear today to work after school? Even though we won't get to see each other, I want us to match somehow."

God they are ridiculously corny.

"Ok, I may vomit..."

Kurt looked up at me, scoffed, and covered the phone mic, "says the giant who wants smoother skin for his girlfriend!"

Oh, so he was listening.

"She's not my girlfriend. but i want her to be. I think. so, can I use some of this?"

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Sure, whatever. Now take it and go." he motioned for me to leave his room with his hands.

i started to shake my head, and walk out of the room. Kurt got up to usher me out quicker, and as the door shut kind of hard behind me I realized…

I turned back to the door, and opened back up.

"Wait! That's MY phone!"

Burt Pov

Kurt seemed in a much better mood this morning than he was at dinner last night, and I was suspicious.

That boys' ass had damn well better be getting to school this morning. And staying there the whole day.

Kurt is a good student, and I know that I probably have nothing to worry about, but he is also a teenaged boy, and if he is anything like I was in high school once I started having sex, I'm in for a complete nightmare with him.

Once I had sex in high school, it became a huuuuge part of my world. I ditched class sometimes for it, but not enough to get in trouble otherwise I would've lost my football scholarship, but I wanted it constantly. Just like I told Kurt a few months ago, 'once you start doing the stuff, you're not gonna want to stop.'

I was so tense this morning. And Carole knows. She keeps telling me to stop worrying so much, but I can't help it.

"Burt, He's a good boy. You say it all the time honey, that he is just like Liz was. He got so much from her. Don't worry so much."

She's right, he is his mother.

But looking in the living room at both of my sons standing in front of each other, I sighed, because he is his mother, but Kurt definitely got his stubborn and bossy attitude, from me.

"Finn, who's the one who's known her for years! Shut up and stop moving!"

I also was smiling because Finn spent all day yesterday on the phone with Savannah, and he really wants to impress her so that she'll go out with him again, so he spent all morning with Kurt, trying to get smooth skin. At first, u thought it was an excuse for Kurt and Blaine to secretly talk on the phone, but now I know that that isn't all that was going on.

"I'm just saying, what's wrong with just wearing my blue t shirt?"

Kurt rolled his eyes. "This is why I am the one with the fashion sense, and u play football. You want to use your assets as an advantage to get the girl. Your eyes, are a huge asset. Wearing this brown shirt, will amplify the sexy you already have. And the button up aspect is just… better. Enough questions!"

I rolled my eyes and hurried them out the door. Its 7: 00. Time to get out if my house.

"Alright, he looks great, go to school."

They picked up their back packs and walked towards the door.

I handed Kurt his cell phone, but before he could grab it, I pulled it back with a warning. "This comes back to me once you get home, and if I get calls from teachers that you were on your phone all day, you won't get it for school anymore either."

Kurt just nodded. "Okay." He took it and turned away from me, immediately texting.

I turned to my other son now. "Finn, you lose your keys too if you drive him anywhere other than school and home got it?" I told him. Finn just rolled his eyes. I may have told him this a few times this morning.
"What about the coffee shop?" They asked together.
Sometimes it really was a shocker that they are only stepbrothers. Two completely different boys, but very alike in ways too. Kurt's smile told me that Blaine had something to do with the coffee shop.
I shrugged. I know he'd be seeing Blaine At the lima bean coffee shop, but there's nothing I can do about that. And Blaine works now during the week, so with Kurt having to be home right after school, he wouldn't have much time to see him in the mornings before school anyway.
"Coffee shop is fine as long as u are home no later than 20 mins after glee ends and you aren't late for school."
Kurt smiled, and finn looked indifferent, nodding and pulling his letterman jacket over his shoulder.

I have no intention of keeping Kurt and Blaine from each other. Especially now that they hav gotten more serious, but I do want him to have some distance for a while to sort out his priorites. I don't ever want him to deliberately defy me again.
"I'm serious." I said, wanting to make sure my point got across to my youngest son. "If I get any tardy calls from Figgins, I'm extending your sentence."
This time, Kurt rolled his eyes as he shouldered his bag and said, "Ok. Bye dad." Kurt stepped out the door and Finn leaned in to give Carole, who'd just walked up from behind me, a kiss. "Bye ma."
"Bye sweetie, have a good day. Bye kurt!" She called the latter a bit louder, as kurt was all the way down the walk already.
"Bye mom." He called quietly. Apparently he wasn't feeling very affectionate this morning. He was usually the first to kiss Carole goodbye and wish her a good day in the mornings.
Maybe he felt guilty.
When Finn had come home last night, he told us about Kurt being elected prom queen, and Carole was worried about him all night. Despite how sure I was that he was with Blaine, and completely safe, (no pun intended, though i hoped it were true in more ways than one, and the condom of course implied that they were safe,) Carole was still thinking that something mightve happened after prom with some bullies or something. She was momming about it all night.

"You'll be at the shop at 4 today right?" I asked Finn.
"Mhmm. 3:58 sharp." He responded. Bye guys."

"Carole and I waved again, and I looked at Kurt, in the car now looking at us for a second before turning away guiltily.

Yep. He's definitely feeling guilty. Kurt didn't think about how Carole might react to not knowing where he was. They're very close. Carole has seen Kurt as her own since we got marrid, and eer since Kurt got his first bad flu after we got married a few years back, Kurt has called her mom. So it's got to be bothering him to have worried her.
If I knew Kurt though, he'd avoid her for a day, and then come and apologize to her with some kind of dessert tomorrow.
Then they'd gossip like mad for hours, and Finn would rope me into trying to play one of his complicated as hell games, while they had kept the downstairs TV commandeered for the majority of the night. That was just Carole and Kurt. That's how they did things, and Finn and I had adapted. Were the Hummel Hudson's. It's what we do.



End Notes: A/N: Kindof a shorter chapter i know... But, the next chapter is already written! If i get at least 10 reviews again, i'll post the next one! Whoo hoo! And the next chapter is a good one i think. I like it. I was up waaaaaaaaay late last night writing it. lol. Please review. 10 reviews will get the next chapter posted. : )


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