Aug. 15, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 15, 2014, 7 p.m.
A/n: And, HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope you enjoyed the chapter, and thank you thank you thank you all so much to our reviewers for the last chapter! We super super duper hope you can review again! Thanks guys!
ps: I am trying to update at least one of my fanfics a week with the new year. Im not making promises, but i am going to be strict on managing my time better starting today!
Blaine POV
I'm gonna make love to you now….
I'm gonna make love to you now….
I'm gonna make love to you now….
The words were spinning in my head on a loop…... My Dom wanted me.
We were going to make love for the first time. And the thought dizzied me. I was a bundle of nerves, but I knew I shouldn't be. This is my Dom. My soulmate. I shouldn't be afraid. He would never do anything to hurt me.
Kurt lowered himself and kneeled down to my level and kissed me sweetly. He never stopped kissing me as he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He peppered me with kisses everywhere. My neck, my shoulders and my lips as I was delighted, and squirmed beneath his touch. The feeling of his lips on my skin was so incredible. We each inhaling the scent of each other.
Kurt sweetly traveled with his tongue down the ridge of my spine slowly while taking off my clothes, little by little.
Down the front, he lavished special attention to every inch of my abs.
Every touch from him sent me to highs unreachable. His nails smoothly running down my sides, his hot breath barely inches from my skin; the way he leaves nail marks in it whenever my body would arch beneath his touch. He left little bites in certain spots too.
I moaned as his teeth graced my flesh right on the front of my neck. "Mmmph."
Kurt looked up into my eyes with something of a dominant glare in them.
"I want to mark you, so that everybody knows that you are mine." He whispered.
I was in heaven…. God, my dominant… He is so perfect…..
All knowing Pov
Kurt continued his journey around Blaine's body, leaving kisses everywhere and anywhere he could. Successfully leaving bite marks in every innocent spot on his perfect subs body, he moved to the not so innocent spots.
His pants were taken off slowly, and Kurt began with his incredible ass, nipping along the gentle swell, feeling it tense as his teeth took teasing bites over the taut flesh. He ran a tentative tongue down Blaine's crack, and when he finally felt his muscles relax he started massaging the ass cheeks firmly in his hands, separating them slightly to catch a glimpse of his entrance.
His beautiful, surely tight, pink, and puckered, perfect entrance.
In fact, Blaine's skin everywhere was flawless, and every inch of him smelled of jasmine.
Kurt experimentally licked over Blaine's hole, enjoying the new, and completely foreign flavor of his beautiful soulmate. There was no doubt that they were meant to be giving themselves to each other now. This was pure bliss.
"Oh! Mmmm!" Moans started uncontrollably escaping Blaine's lips. As Kurt moved his tongue more quickly and seamlessly to Blaine's skin. And Kurt just loved to hear that beautiful, wanton sound in Blaine's voice. Kurt licked his hole over and over again, adding pressure little by little, so that every time, the tip of his tongue dipped delicately inside just that bit more.
"Sir! Mmm….."
Unbridled lust, Blaine's sounds were, and Kurt was nothing but enraptured by it.
Finally, Kurt grabbed hold of Blaine's penis and lapped at it in earnest. "God, I love you," Kurt breathed, as he continued to slowly bob tortuously, up and down Blaine's shaft.
That was the first time that those words were actually spoken from either of them. They knew it from the moment they met eyes with each other, but hadn't voiced it yet for fear of it being too soon, and maybe scaring the other away.
But, they were soul mates. Kurt had realized this, and neither of them could ever scare the other away. This was for life. They were in love. At least, Kurt knew that he loved Blaine with everything he had already.
As did Blaine. "I- I….. l love you too sir," came Blaine's sputtered reply. There was no shadow of a doubt.
Kurt kissed his lips, and turned Blaine onto his stomach, back and ass facing Kurt's front.
Blaine's body bowed as he arched his back, lifting his chest off the bed. Kurt caught Blaine's hips and held them there when Blaine tried to rut his cock against the bed, looking for friction. He needed friction.
Just the images of Blaine bucking up against Kurt's face while his tongue dipped nimbly in and out of Blaine's growing pinker every second hole and over his cock, left Kurt more than eager to give Blaine what he wanted. What he honestly needed at this point. Kurt held Blaine's hips there, helpless, and hopeless to find relief.
Kurt tried to relax him. "Don't move love. I'm going to make this so good for you. I'll take care of you." He assured.
And Blaine hoped to God that Kurt would deliver soon. He needed relief; was brought to the brink several times, with ridiculous ease by Kurt's talented tongue. And terms of endearment that Kurt was using; Blaine fell just short of orgasm every second.
Kurt pressed himself right into the dip of Blaine's ass where his own erection could poke him, and it made Blaine's stomach curl.
Perfect, Kurt thought, knowing that his action had left Blaine almost ready to burst.
He pulled himself off Blaine's body, and lay beside him, sliding slightly under him. He attached their lips together and they kissed deeply and passionately, overwhelmed as he sucked Blaine's tongue into his mouth. Both of them got turned on even more just knowing where Kurt's tongue had just been. Blaine tasting himself, and Kurt having Blaine taste himself…. There was nothing so erotic.
Kurt leaned over to the nightstand to grab the bottle of lube to prep Blaine. He grabbed a condom as well, to put over himself for their first time. They were both virgins, but since they hadn't actually discussed this, it was safer this way.
Starting with just one finger, Kurt entered his sub's ass. He waited for Blaine to relax into the pressure before slowly inserting a second. He made sure to scissor them gradually to make sure he got stretched enough that his cock wouldn't hurt when he entered inside him.
When Blaine's entrance started to loosen, Kurt inserted a third finger.
"K-Kurt sir?... I'm ready, sir I- I'm ready. I want you… Please Kurt, I want you so much."
Kurt caressed his subs face. "I want you too baby, but I want you to ride me. I want to see your beautiful face when you come."
Blaine's heart could've stopped beating. His Dom wanted him on top…
So Blaine lowered his stretched, but empty exposure over Kurt's covered cock, and as he did, it was like sliding into an oven. But the heat was pure heaven.
Blaine's body was incredible! Kurt never even dreamed of how tight the squeeze around his cock would feel. It was AMAZING. Kurt fought to even keep his eyes open, he was so blissed out.
Blaine trembled as Kurt's length thrust inside him. The in and out motion invading his walls made his cock twitch. He shuddered every time Kurt hit his prostate.
It hadn't been long, and Blaine was near his climax.
"Do you want to cum, sweetheart?" Kurt asked sweetly, feeling Blaine's weak and tired attempts to stay upright on top of him.
Blaine panted, "Yes, sir…..Kurt….. Yes…", rambling incoherent yesses, and moans alike.
Kurt didn't say more, and Blaine continued grinding his hips gently. Any harder, he would cum without permission.
"Please sir, let me cum."
"No baby, not yet. Just hold it a little while longer my Blaine."
Kurt moved to switch their positions so that Blaine was now underneath. Blaine was feeling weak, and tired before, but now with his Dom laid over him, Blaine felt more protected.
Freshly positioned, with his sub beneath him, Kurt started to thrust his hips inside.
Lost in the waves of ecstasy he felt with Blaine completely covered in his body, he forgot that his sub was on the verge of finishing.
"Please sir…. I need…. I need to come…" Blaine mewled.
Okay, Kurt thought, and he lifted Blaine's hips up to himself, letting his cock go as far into his sub as it could.
Kurt pushed his pulsing member into Blaine's heat three more times before he finished, spilling his come inside Blaine, while simultaneously whispering in his ear, "Come for me baby….."
Blaine quickly obliged thankfully because he was honestly unable to hold back anymore. As Blaine let go, a prolonged growl between his clenched teeth escaped his lips. That sound somewhere between a seductive growl and a sigh of pure satisfaction made Kurt want more. He never wanted to withdraw from his sub again.
Reveling in the sensation of cum all over their bodies, still wanting to be connected, but cocks spent, they lay side by side to come down from their orgasmic highs.
They laid content for a few minutes before Kurt went to retrieve a cloth to clean up their mess.
He did so quickly though so he could lay back with Blaine and hold him.
'My Blaine…'
Kurt POV
After our first time making love, a few weeks passed comfortable by, with more perfect and blissful nights together. I felt that Blaine and I are very comfortable with each other. Everything is so easy and amazing.
I asked Blaine to come over to my place on Friday because I'd planned a fancy dinner and snuggle for us. We have to have a really serious conversation about the future.
And to my favor, Friday seemed to come rather quickly. Blaine was so excited. He always was excited to be together. I am too, to the extent of NEVER wanting to be apart.
Friday afternoon rolled around, and I tried my best not to burn our dinner, which was proving impossible, because Blaine was happily groping me in the kitchen as I tried to cook.
I know that I could have told him to stop, because it would break his little heart to disobey me, but really, it felt so damn good. I didn't want him to stop at all.
"Please sir let me take care of you… Please let me make you feel good." Blaine begged.
I just chuckled, still trying to concentrate, but Blaine latched onto my neck and unceremoniously shoved his hand down the front of my jeans.
I didn't have patience or focus enough to get the brioche and the quail in the oven before I'd tackle him to the couch to ravage him and let him ravage me.
So with that knowledge, I decided that to turn the oven off, and abandon my food preparation for now. We'd be a while.
"Thank God!" He exclaimed before lifting me onto the table, and pulling my jeans off with a quickness I've never seen before. Blaine didn't even take off my briefs; he just gave me a glorious and mind blowing blowjob right there.
Every pass of Blaine's tongue on my cock sent sparks that started from the tip and then spread out in bursts shooting through my limbs and all over my body with tingles and sizzling jolts of electricity.
Blaine's tongue, felt like magic.
When he finished, I panted, "What has gotten into you babe?" I asked him catching my breath after coming down my subs throat. I wasn't deterred at all, just curious.
"I had to return the favor from earlier." He answered, wiping his mouth from the messy swallow.
Ahh. I'd almost forgotten that I gave him that blowjob in the backseat of the cab on the way to my place.
"Well thank you my love. It was perfect. Just like you."
Blaine's smile lighted my heart, and left me feeling warm and content.
"Now can you go to the living room and make yourself comfortable and occupied so I can finish dinner? We need to eat. Stamina for future activities?..."
Blaine smiled like a kid in a chocolate store and ran to throw himself on the couch, and out of the kitchen.
I chuckled.
My Blaine.
We ate my complex dinner, with MANY compliments from Blaine about how he is so lucky to be with a man who cooks so beautifully.
After the meal, we snuggled a little by the TV, and started to get into that talk about our future.
About what is next and what is in store for Blaine and I. And it was amazing to talk about our forever.
Our Claiming.
"When you've thought about when you get claimed, what was the one thing that you always envisioned you wanted?"
Blaine let himself get lost in his fantasy. The fantasy he has told me he had every day growing up.
"I've always wanted my claiming to be just like a marriage ceremony with vows and promises. And public. Shared with everyone. A large gathering with both of our families, and extended families alike, friends and other loved ones.…Flowers, formal dress, decorations and music. The way I have seen it in my head, I've pictured a gala event crossed over with a massive party. I don't know…. I've always envisioned this group dance where all of the soulmate couples would dance together on a dance floor, and disperse couple by couple and the last one's standing would be the soul mates who'd been together for the longest time. Like grandparents and such. It would be so beautiful. But also, in my head, I see insane dancing with friends and family because a claiming event should be fun. I've been to only a few, but I have enjoyed all of the ones I've been to. And I want to be claimed sir. I really do."
I knew that he had vision, but that is beautiful. I would do that and more for my soul mate when I claim him. It will be the best and most perfect time of Blaine's life.
It'll take some planning to surprise him and coordination with all of our families and friends, but he is worth it. Absolutely.
And since things have progressed, it is time we make things official to the world.
"I'm really glad you feel that way Blaine, because I want you as my submissive. Mind body and soul. Everywhere, and to everyone to see and know always. I love you, and I want you out of the sub's house as soon as possible. So when do you want to have a claiming ceremony? I want to have you."
Blaine looked shocked. Maybe even a little overwhelmed.
"Sir, you want us to move in together? You want me that close Kurt?"
Why is he surprised? I didn't hesitate to assuage him. "Always. I want us together. I want wherever you and I are to be our forever place."
"I want that too sir. I love you so much. But sir, I've only ever lived here… I don't want to mess up your lifestyle or disappoint you."
I could see that Blaine was nervous, but he needn't worry. "Sweetheart, you don't need to be so apprehensive. We will take as much time as you need to adjust. Both of us. I will take care of you."
Blaine had a deep dark blush that had stained his cheeks, and it was the absolute sweetest thing ever.
"I will be perfect for you sir. I promise."
I grabbed his face in my hands. "Blaine, you already are. And our claiming, and living together won't be about that. It won't be all about you being my sub. It'll be about how we will love and support each other every day in life. How a Dom and a sub together are a thousand times stronger than either one of us alone. Our bonding; It is the bonding of two souls connecting as one forever. And I cannot wait to claim you Blaine Anderson. "
That night, I held Blaine, and rubbed his back as he fell into a peaceful sleep. I rested behind him in contented, and amazing comfort listening to his every breath. His light snores, I felt every shift his body made, and I just molded myself closer. Quiet and peaceful intimate moments like these were nothing but incredible after full days spent together.
And then of course, there were other times, when we are kept apart for the majority of the day, and I just need nothing but to dominate my sub, which it works out perfectly, because he needs his Dom, to Dominate him all the same.
All knowing Pov
"Hands and knees!"
And in Kurt's eyes, his perfect and obedient sub immediately followed the command, and turned over to his hands and knees.
This was the first time since they had found each other that Kurt showed real and heavy dominance during intimacy. Before tonight, their love making and milder sexual encounters were just them being together as one. Love making, sweet, sensual, and romancey as couple. As soul mates.
Now, they were taking time to be soul mates, but give into their nature and be what was. Dominant, and submissive.
After blissful love making with Blaine, though it is nothing short of amazing, Kurt needed to assert his dominance in the bedroom to see how Blaine coped with it.
And he loved it. Nothing felt better to Blaine than his time connected to Kurt. Nothing. He wanted to submit to him; he needed to submit to him, and doing so made him feel closer to his soul mate. There were definitely no problems with it.
"Ass up." Kurt added, as his sub moaned and hurriedly fulfilled his command.
"Good Boy." He said licking his way down Blaine's spine, succeeding in making him shiver; his tongue traveling lower and lower. Blaine's back tried to arch, and he started to tremble under Kurt's mouth.
"Baby, don't move." Kurt said.
A quick and obedient "Yes Sir." Escaped in the next second.
Kurt gripped a side of Blaine's ass leaving the sub a moaning mess of pants and groans as he felt his lover's warm and wet tongue trace the rim of his hole.
Unable to control himself, he bucked up to his Dom's face.
Kurt quickly withdrew his tongue from Blaine's heat, and gave a light smack to Blaine's behind. "I told you not to move."
Blaine bit his lip, afraid he was about to get in trouble.
But Kurt just smiled. They hadn't discussed rules or punishment yet, so for now, all was less serious for the moment, and more playful.
"I think I need to hold you down." He smiled.
Blaine relaxed seeing the devious, yet playful smile on Kurt's face. When Kurt pushed off of him, he went to his closet to retrieve some fun.
Blaine was eager, and excited. Was he about to tie him up?
Only a few moments later, Kurt returned to the bed with a couple of small scarves. He shifted Blaine's body, rolling him over and took his arms and placed them against the bed posts where he proceeded to tie them up. Blaine bit his tongue and only blinked, trying to keep from smiling at the thrill of what his Dom was doing to him. Completely unable to move his hands, Kurt looked at Blaine in the face sternly. "Next time, I strap your waist."
Kurt didn't yet realize how much Blaine would love that right about now.
Kurt went back to rim Blaine's hole slowly, and again, Blaine lost his composure as he started to rock his hips up and down to drag Kurt's tongue in and out.
Kurt withdrew again and put his hand flat against Blaine's pelvis.
"Someone is testing me I see." Kurt got off of the bed again this time grabbing a bed strap from the side of the bed.
The submissive was almost sick with butterflies.
'Finally I'm being dominated by my soulmate.'
It was everything he had dreamed.
But better.
With Blaine's waist nicely tied down, Kurt licked his lips at the sight. Beautiful.
He crawled back on the bed and straddled Blaine's chest, his bare cock sprung erect barely inches from his subs mouth.
"Maybe now you will be still." Kurt sassed.
Blaine tried to buck his head forward to suck Kurts length as it was right there simply taunting him, but he only caught and sucked in some air as Kurt pulled back.
"You want me inside you Blaine?"
Blaine nodded fervently. "Yes sir. Yes."
"You're not going to move any more then, are you?"
Blaine furiously shook his head. He couldn't be kept from Kurt any longer. He'd behave.
Kurt let his sub suffer for a moment and just watched him moan and nod his head that he would be a good boy.
When he spoke again, it was in a low and quiet voice.
"You are going to stay still, am I clear?"
Blaine nodded incoherently now. He was getting lost at the absence of contact. "Please sir… Please… Fuck me…Dominate me… Please sir, own me."
Okay, that was even too much for Kurt.
He lunged forward into his subs mouth, and Blaine sucked hard and rapidly, just feeling that he was not getting enough though his mouth had covered his Dom's cock fully.
"Oh god….." Kurt moaned, his hard member being taken so deeply. "You want me to come down your throat baby? I'm so close with you sucking me like that…."
Blaine only continued to suck as hard as he could. He wanted nothing more, and he could think of no better way to say so than to keep sucking.
"Oh god Blaine….. I'm cumming….." Kurt moaned, and he did just what he said letting his cream drip out the tip of his cock and right down Blaine's hot throat.
"… Blaine…."
Kurt Pov
I woke on a peaceful morning with Blaine's naked body asleep beside me, and a raging morning hard on for decoration. How am I waking up hard though, I don't have a clue. It was a long night. A long night indeed of love making, some Dom games, and a lot of sweat. I needed a definite shower.
A huge part of me wants to of course wait for my sub to wake up. Ever since my first shower with Blaine, no bathing session is ever the same. But, it would be cruel to wake him after his perfect and no doubt tired little ass is sleeping so peacefully. I jumped into a very quick shower, alone and gave myself a good old fashioned jerking off tryst with the assistance of nothing but the hot water. Nothing was as amazing as Blaine sucking me off, but this will have to do for now. I won't wake him up. I got out of the shower though and went on downstairs with plans for the day. No breakfast yet though, because I WILL NOT do that without Blaine. If I have to wait until noon, and then make him breakfast in bed just so that he at least has a PEACEFUL wake up, I'll do that. But I won't make breakfast for myself and not have him with me. Not my style.
I did grab my house phone though, and notepad and pen while parking my butt on the couch. I have a lot of planning to do because I want to claim Blaine, and I want to do it within the next few months. I have to call my mom and dad, Finn and Rachel, Blaine's brother Cooper, and Blaine's mom and dad, so that when details are finalized and arranged, they can call all of Blaine's old Ohio friends and make sure that as many people as possible that Blaine loves, are there. I think I want the ceremony in Ohio simply because there are more people there already. Our families, and a lot of our friends. Air fare would get extremely steep for everyone involved if it was held in New York. Once the when, where, and heavy details are arranged, Blaine can be let in on the planning. His friends here in New York must be there, and it will be up to us to pay for their fare to Ohio.
Oh yes. I am ready. Blaine Anderson's claiming ceremony is coming very soon, and it is going to be the absolute best, and most perfect day of his life. I'll make it so.