March 22, 2015, 7 p.m.
March 22, 2015, 7 p.m.
A/n: did you guys know that New York has a NYADA? Its really called NYCDA? New York conservatory for dramatic arts? I was doing New York research and I found that out and thought it was pretty cool. : )
Hi everyone again! I just wanted to add, any of you who are following I dreamed it for you dad, you might be a tiny bit satisfied to know that I have a paragraph or so written for it…..
Sad right?
Sorry guys. Im trying, I just suck if theres no original character in the story. : ( I wont give up on it, but its a hassle. Im tryin…"
Oh, and I added a small scene while Savannah is at the spa to the last chapter! She starts fantasizing and daydreaming. Finn.
I totally forgot to put it in the last chapter. Its not necessary to go back and find it in the chapter, its only a couple paragraphs. its there now, but I posted it as a new chapter in the IWIWK MISSING MOMENTS story for anyone who wants to read it. : ) Its just good to know that it happened.
… ….. …..
K heres the chapter!
Chapter 5: Officially Fired!
Savannahs Pov
"Blaine, would you relax? He said everything was going to be fine! That you wouldnt be fired. Stop worrying." I told him. He was gripping the cars steering wheel so hard, his hands were splotched with ghost white, and dark red.
"I dont know Savannah…. He may not have any say over it. Its the company, and I know that he is really high up there and everything, but I dont know how high up….. Someone else is probably in charge of him too."
I just nodded, because that could be true, but I was staying positive. Blaine cant lose his job. Thats COMPLETELY unthinkable right now.
"His office plate said CHAIRMAN. Im pretty sure hes as big as they get."
But Blaine was still worried… "I dunno….."
Kaidyn was fast asleep in her car-seat at the moment, and Kayle was only slightly fussy. I could tell that he wanted to full on cry because he was ready to be fed about an hour ago, but he LOVES the motion of being in the car. So he cant cry completely. Blaine wasnt really speeding; he never would due to the twins, and I wouldnt want him to, but he was going just about the speed limit because I was so late to work, and when its raining like this, were supposed to drop a few miles per hour.
I just started drivers ed.
By the time Blaine pulled up to the driveway of the Mintons house, I rushed to leave swift kisses on the twins heads, yelled a quick, "Thanks Blaine!" and then ran to their door.
Running, I found that I was pretty uncomfortable doing it. I hadnt had to really run since….. March? Today was going to be kind of a struggle. Of course, on the way to the door, I almost tripped 3 times on CRAP in their courtyard as well. Bikes laying on their sides, stray toys, balls, and what have you that were just RIDICULOUSLY spewed all over the place. If health code ever got wind of the way that they and their kids live, theyd be SHUT DOWN!
The Mintons were both standing in the doorway as I came up hustling, and Blaine honked a final goodbye before driving away and I waved sadly knowing the babies were in there; I missed them already.
"Im so sorry Im late! There was a bit of traffic, and we had kind of a problem with child care." I said to my employer with a few short breaths.
Jan eyed me up and down in big shock, and Rob was debating something to say from the looks of his scrunched eyebrows.
"Wow. You were ALLL baby. You look good." Jan told me.
With a smile, I looked down at myself. "Thanks." I still could pass for like 4 months pregnant with just one baby, but considering how huge I was with the twins, I think Im satisfied with my budge.
"You dont have to arrange child care you know. Its okay with us if you want to bring them to work with you. After all, its not like its impractical, and youre watching 5 kids already anyway. How much harder can it be?" Jan just nodded, and the two of them waited for me to respond…. How do I respond to that? And, yes, it WOULD BE that much harder.
"Nah, I, I dont think I could handle 7 at a time." I tried.
"Hey, youre a great sitter. They adore you and respect you. And it would only be three at a time really. The older 4 stay mostly out of the way."
I was still shaking my head though because no they dont. And I dont like having to talk about this.
"If its because you know that your own kids would be priority, thats okay. We agree with that. Youre a mom. And Id love to meet the cuties too."
I smiled a little because its a very sweet gesture, and despite how gross of a family they are, they are genuinely nice people.
I just….. I cant bring my twins here. "Thank you guys. And Id love for you to meet them sometime. But its just not a good idea to bring them…..here..."
But the Mintons were very persistent in trying to get me to bring my kids with me.
"Since your little ones are still babies and my kids are pretty okay to fend for themselves, except Joshie, its okay to bring them. Im sure you miss them too and arent you breastfeeding?" she asked.
I nodded slowly.
"Okay then, its settled. Why the excuses? Its really no big deal and then you wont have to worry about being late anymore either. And breastfeeding is so much better than supplementing you know."
I sighed…. Ive run out of excuses…. Really I have…. Theyre going to keep pushing until I either give in, or tell them the truth.
"Im really sorry I was late, and I will try my best to make sure it doesnt happen again." I paused because they were still wearing expectant faces. Here goes…. "But, with all due respect; I….-" This was going to make me such a terrible person….. "I could NEVER allow my kids to be subjected to your house. Im really- their dads and I are very clean and particular about their environments. Theyre still so little….and… your house is….." I sighed. The word filthy just sounds so harsh. But its the truth.
And completely blank faced, with maybe a hint of anger and upset on each of their faces, the Mintons were reeeeeaaaalllly quiet...
Nervously, I gulped and muttered, "Im really sorry..." They just didnt respond at all and simply stared at me. The inside of my lip was probably swollen with how much I was chewing on it. I wish theyd say something…
"Savannie!" Noah called breaking the awkward and silent staring match between his parents and I on the front porch. He ran out the door to jump on me. With the distraction, both parents left the doorway and went to their car to get to work without another word.
And that REALLY worries me…I tried not to say anything, but they wouldnt take no for an answer…. And I didnt have good enough excuses apparently. I had to tell the truth.
When Jan and Rob drove off, I walked into their house and nearly passed out.
It looked like the result of an in home HURRICAINE.
Noah and Parker were both talking my ear to death, but I couldnt even listen because I was so unbearably disgusted with looking around me at the environment. I went to look in the kitchen next just murmuring a few uh huhs and wows at the kids tales from when I was gone.
I seriously stepped over the gate to the kitchen, and threw up in my mouth a little. TMI but sorry. Its DISGUSTING!
"If you think this is bad, and a mess, just wait until thanksgiving! And Christmas." A familiar voice came to me. Hunter! What she said terrified me to death, but seeing her made me smile. I approached closer to hug her because it seemed like too long since Id seen her. My buddy.
"Thank god youre back. Im going crazy watching everyone myself." She sighed in relief.
"Well, Im back. But I dont know, I think its gonna take me a while to fix the mess this time. Ive been gone too long it seems…"
Hunter nodded. "Uh, YEAH." She picked up her books from the tiny square of the table that was clean and left the kitchen. "Hopefully now I can finish my report that was due yesterday that I started this morning. Glad your back Savannie. Can we catch up later?"
I nodded with a smile, and she into the backhouse and into her room. I sighed and looked around for another minute. And with Hunter gone, the two middle kids resumed talking a mile a minute.
But I stopped them realizing something. Where the heck are the little ones?
Shermans Pov
I shouldve sat my ass down and did this research WEEKS ago. I have found so many red flags and what Smythe has been getting away with is BULLSHIT.
Just a little research, had gotten me far. Before Cincinnatis contract signing with Toys United this month, the last deal made before it was with HASBRO TOYS; A little over a month ago. Now in the computers, Sebastian had the authorizing signature. But because this is fishy, I checked the original. And the original contract finalizing that deal, was signed by Blaine.
Landing that deal ALONE, is grounds for a HUGE promotion; had it been done by a low level exec.
So thats one mark. Sebastian tampered with a legal contract.
Finding that information, I wanted to go and can his ass now, but I want to dig more just in case. I had a look at Blaines employment contract next.
Blaine Anderson, age 20.
Theres another lie right there.
Skipping forward I checked on the computer in the time card system. The hours that Sebastian had this boy working were RIDICULOUS!
Monday through Friday for the past 2 weeks, he had worked at LEAST 9 hours a day. Sometimes 10. And he clocked in and out at very random times. In the late night, and throughout the day.
How much overtime Blaine was putting in every week, at his position, in his situation AND at his age is UNNACCEPTABLE! And I know Sebastian knows about it! Because Blaine is a PERFECT easy target to take advantage of because he needs the money.
Further back from his two weeks back to work, there was approved vacation time; 3 weeks worth. And out of those 22 days of vacation, Blaine was working 12 of them!
Shaking my head, I read on. Before his vacation, his hours were much the same during the week, but his weekends were completely full. He worked from 8 am to question mark nearly EVERY day.
I have more than enough leverage. Its time to approach my selfish bastard of a CEO.
All knowing Pov
Savannah had found 2 year old Evan, in the backyard alone playing in WATER! By himself.
Baby Joshie was in his room in his crib with a bucket of miniature legos. Small enough to swallow, and of course, thats where he was playing with them, in his mouth. Why was his door closed anyway?
Savannah got the toys out of the babys mouth, and had all of the kids get dressed. Red shirts and blue jeans to easier keep track of them at the park. She established that she was temporarily postponing cleaning this mess until later because seeing it all was overwhelming enough for a few hours. Besides, these kids probably havent had any outside play in over a month. The rain had stopped, it was still chilly and wet, but the air was dry. So they walked to the park. The only park nearby was thankfully the one under a big awning 3 blocks away. So it wasnt wet. One of the best things about Lima, its the only Ohio city with a free semi indoor park.
Coming up to it, there was only light chatter of other kids, but Noah and Parker sprinted off to play the second the group got across the street to its front field. Hunter stayed home, eager to get some much needed peace and quiet for the first time in over a month to get her homework done, and Evan was itching to get out of the double stroller and run after his sister.
Savannah went to park the stroller over by a bench beside a few other parents and sat down. It was maybe a 10 minute walk to this park, and her back and feet were killing her.
She exhaled deep, and shut her eyes for just two seconds before being disrupted.
"Vannie! I wan OUUw !" Evan yelled.
"Is that how you talk to me?" Savannah asked sternly.
"Cai peas get ow?!"
Savannah rolled her eyes but smiled. He was so cute.
Much better.
She reached to unclasp him from his seat and he ran off to some slides. Little Joshie was slouching still and content with a binky in his mouth, just watching from his car seat on the stroller. He was much too nervous to get out and play with so many other kids around. He was a nervous and shy kid.
Looking around at the park while doing a quick blonde head count, Savannah spotted some familiar faces.
A little pigtailed beauty in a bright yellow shirt and bright pink pants.
Beth Puckerman.
"Daddy, it Sannah!" She pointed, looking at me with excited eyes, and then running toward me with her mohawked daddy behind her.
"Hey Preggo!" What are you doing here?" He asked. Beth proceeded to hug Savannahs leg tight.
"I just went back to work today. Its freaking disgusting in there! I had to get out for a while. I cant take it." Sav answered.
Puck nodded and patted Beth on the butt ushering to go back and play.
"Gotcha. Your man is around here somewhere. Went to get a taco from the taco truck."
Savannah just smiled wide. Finn is ALWAYS eating. Hes so adorable. But she was excited that he was here. She missed him. She always missed him.
"Hey babe!" Finn called, walking up with a brown bag to his face eating a messy taco.
"Speak of the devil, there he is." Puck said.
"Finn." She smiled wide. She pulled Pucks hand to the stroller gesturing him to stay with it please, and walked toward Finn. Finn wiped his hands on the back of his thighs and leaned in to hug his girlfriend.
Finn wrapped his arms around her and kissed her with his mouth full. "Finn!" Savannah giggled. Having gotten out of football practice and not showering, he was quite sweaty and gross. "God, you smell like a dirty gym!" She waved her hand in front of her face playfully. He really did smell, but Sav missed him so much that she literally only complained for a minute, and then let him love on her. Once he fully embraced her, he didnt let go. The stroller was locked in place near the bench, and little Josh was occupied beside the kids in the grass in his carseat. He was just fine and happy watching the other kids, and if he got bored, there was some dry cereal and some hanging toys in front of him, so the teens sat on the grass and made small talk while the kids played.
"So hows parent life?"
Savannah exhaled sadly. "Well, its exhausting, but I miss them so much already. And Ive only been working for like an hour now….. Working again when I know they are at home without me… its gonna suck…"
Finn squeezed Savannahs shoulders in comfort. "Ah. Theyre in good hands though."
Savannah knows that. But she still wants to be with them too. "I know. I just dont like being away from them."
Puck raised an eyebrow. "Welcome to my world. How do you think I feel? I only get Beth once a week, and not even for more than 3 hours. At least you live with your kids."
Savannah narrowed her eyes, because last shed heard, Puck was getting joint custody and was supposed to have Beth more often. "I thought you and Shelby were discussing shared custody?"
Finn nodded still with his mouth full in agreement. "Yeah, what happened with that?"
Puck sighed and shrugged guiltily. He looked really upset.
"Whatd u do?" Finn asked, mouth finally empty.
Puck sighed again, and fessed up.
"I went ahead and… had that…. That party….. Kind of got outta hand at my grandmas…. The cops came…. I spent a couple hours in the slammer for the alcohol. Shelby wasnt too happy about it."
Finn shook his head and Savannah shamed him with her finger. "Seriously Noah!? We told you that that party was a bad idea."
"Look, Im trying." Puck amended. "Thats the best I can do. Coach Beiste has me under her watch too, and since shes my WomanBRO, I dont want to disappoint her either. Im trying."
Savannah and Finn nodded and stayed listening to Pucks internal beating himself up.
"I just- I really screwed up and Ive GOT to see Beth more."
Savannah made sure to clean the house thoroughly that evening when she got the kids back to the house and fed. She was doing it because she just had to with how disgusting everything was, but also because she felt so bad for having to tell the parents that fact. Regardless of how true it was.
Hunter and Savvy spent a few hours after dinner hanging out in the newly clean kitchen and living room while the little ones played in the playpen. Hunter taught Savannah how to use a sewing machine and make a onesie. She was incredibly talented with artsy stuff. And since she had her own sewing machine, she used her moms and I used hers. We made a pair of special onesies for my beebies. It was fun, even though I sucked at it for a good half of the clothing piece.
By 10, everyone was completely down and asleep. Except Hunter was probably playing on her computer in her room since Savannah wasnt comfortable enough sending her to bed when they are LITERALLY only a year apart in age.
She just tells her to not be in an open space when her parents will be home soon because she might get talked to.
After picking up messes around the house caused from after dinner, she was able to sit and relax for about an hour. She had cleaned the house earlier. At least the kitchen and the living room. She cant stand being in the filth. Nowhere near OCD or anything, it was just THAT disgusting.
The Mintons pulled into the driveway at a quarter to midnight, and Savannah promptly turned the TV off put her bag strap over her shoulder.
Theyre here. Im off now. :P She quick texted Finn. He was driving her home today.
Walking into the house, the kids parents both looked as sullen now as they had when they left 7 hours prior.
"So, we should talk, is your ride here yet?"
Savannah shook her head and sat back on the couch she vacated.
The Minton sat across from her and sighed in frustration.
"Weve hired a temporary sitter."
There were a few things that Sherman Phelps had to consider about his course of action regarding Sebastian. There was the issue of Sebastian being a dirty rotten rat. So if he fired him, and didnt fire Blaine as well, Sebastian could be a jackass and alert people in the company that he still had Blaine employed even though he is under age. Which would be really bad especially considering the chairman wants to move him up in the company in his future, rather than keep him as a lowly assistant. Sebastian was the initial one who employed Blaine to begin with.
But the fact still remains that I do not want him anymore. Sherman thought.
But as he approached meerkat faces office, a course of action came right into his head seeing how he was completely slacked off sitting in his desk as if he owns the place and talking on the phone with someone NOT related to the company. "Oh yeah?" He said sensually.
He needed to be gone.
"Smythe! Feet off the desk." Sherman scolded his CEO as he entered his office and shut the door promptly behind him.
"And get off the phone. This is a workplace, no personal calls."
Smythe narrowed his eyes and lowered his feet. Hed never seen Sherman so angry. Sebastian hung up his phone without a goodbye or any other word.
"Did you know that Blaine was 16?"
And at his bosses words, Sebastians eyes mirrored a deer caught in headlights.
"Nnnnnnnooooo…." He drawled out slowly.
Sherman was furious already. "Okay, if youre going to blatantly lie to my face, you can at least be somewhat convincing."
Sebastian didnt say anything.
"What about, Savannah? And Blaines infant twins how about that? Did you know about them?"
The meerkat didnt move, his eyes just went from afraid to angry very swiftly.
"What about this?" Sherman asked, now fully into the office, and advancing toward Sebastian with a paper now almost directly in his face. "Did you know this? Because Im pretty sure thats your signature on this document, but not your signature on the original… Isnt that STRANGE!?"
Sebastian was completely busted, and you could see that he knew it all over his face.
Sherman threw the paper at him. "For MONTHS, that boy, has been doing YOUR JOB!" Phelps shouted. He didnt want the entire building to hear him, knowing that there were quite a few workers still pulling late nights at the office same as himself, but his temper was probably going to get the best of him right now.
Something about Blaine specifically being taken advantage of bothered Sherman in a very big way. Something about the boy just spoke to him and he felt responsible. Especially because he was the one who hired Sebastian, and the evil son of a jerk had been treating a KID like a servant. And the kid was a good worker. And he was just that, a kid.
"He is 16 years old, in high school FULL TIME, with a family! And he has put in more overtime in the last 6 months than I have in 9!"
Sebastian nodded slowly, not denying anything.
"And thats another thing. Who the hell do you think you are calling him during his school hours to come into work! Or to get you lunch or coffee or WHATEVER! Youre screwing up his education so you can sit on your ass!"
The CEO smiled and shrugged, "He never complains about overtime. And hes an assistant. Thats what hes supposed to do. Assist me."
Sherman clenched his teeth. "Not while he is in school Smythe."
Sebastian rolled his eyes, and the chairman continued. "I found out in Cincinatti that he is assigned duties on a daily basis consistent with a board EXECUTIVE in this company, and he is paid a measly 13 bucks an hour! Which is even the LOWEST rate possible as an ASSISTANT!"
Smythe exhaled, seeming above the conversation, and bored with being reprimanded. "Hes been slacking lately, so I gave him more duties as a form of telling him to step it up." He tried to defend.
Sherman just got more heated… Did he honestly think of him as some kind of an idiot?
And even if Blaine HAD actually been slacking, it was FULLY because he was running on 0 hours sleep a night!
"Thats a bunch of bull!" Sherman yelled angrily, not even trying to control his tone anymore. "Blaine has been working his ass off in this company! And hes getting petty change for it! Maybe he has been late to a few meetings, or lagging with getting a few things done on time, but its only because he is exhausted! Need I repeat that he is only 16 years old, has 2 newborn babies at home, and he is still in high school! And making anything and everything as WORSE for him as it could possibly be, he had YOU for a boss!"
Sherman had spat the whole speech angrily, and Sebastian had nothing more to say. "Had?" Sebastian snarked followed by another roll of his eyes, along with a careless shrug.
And his demeanor and body expression really put Sherman over the edge.
Sherman nodded and with a deep breath through his nose and heavy finality in his voice, the chairman sneered, "Had. UNFORTUNATELY. But not anymore. You no longer have access to him, or any part of my company. Get out of my building."
And with a split second to pass, Sebastians indifferent and nonchalant expression and attitude shifted dramatically.
"What?" He asked in a panic.
"I said get your ass out of my building. I would fire you altogether, but Id rather just take Blaine from your grasp and get you out of my company because you were somewhat good at your job before you became CEO, which is why you were promoted. But now you need an assistant to do your job for you in order to keep your rank. Though, it wouldnt surprise me if youd had an assistant do the dirty work when you were lower on the ladder too."
Sebastian would have glared at the chairman, but currently, rather than being a careless douchebag, he was now embarrassed and shocked at being demoted, that he was kind of frozen.
"I am shipping you somewhere else. I dont want you as my CEO anymore. So have your office cleaned out and have yourself, and your shit out by tomorrow at noon. Ill hire a new Mattel CEO by the end of the week, and Nebraskas corporate Toys R us branch needs a LOW LEVEL EXEC. Theyre expecting you for interviewing at 4 oclock next Friday. Good luck. And be thankful that youre only being fired from my office, but only demoted from the company and transferred rather than me banishing your ass from the Toys R Us business completely and leaving you with nothing."
Sebastian had pleading eyes now, but Sherman was very sure about what he was doing.
"And you will say NOTHING to, or about Blaine to anyone! Or you will be out of a job. I will destroy your rep and prestige, and Ill make sure you never work in any public company in the U.S. again."
The ex CEO only stared his boss down. Well, not his boss anymore. But Sherman was no joke.
The boss uttered only three more words before walking out of the newly tenantless office. "Pack up Smythe."
Savannah sat on the Mintons couch, speechless. She had expected earlier that she might get fired, but she didnt know for sure.
And what does she even say now that its currently happening for real?
"Oh. Am… Am I fired?"
Smooth Savannah….Obviously youre fired if they got a new sitter.
"We want to thank you for being our sitter since youve been here. Because youve been a great sitter."
Savannah nodded, "Thanks. I, I really like babysitting your kids." She stammered.
The Mintons continued though with another deep breath from the dad. "With that being said, we just feel that you dont understand our way of life and dont agree with our parenting to the point that it affects our kids. So... weve decided that we had better let you go."
Savannah was a little lost for words and didnt quite know what to say.
Their way of life? What way is that? Filthy Families anonymous?
"Do you have any comments? Or questions. This is pretty sudden."
She thought for a minute.
"Uhm. Sure. I understand somewhat, but how am I affecting your family in a bad way? Affecting your way of life?"
Before Savannah continued, they seemed very unsure of what she was ready to say. "Just what we said. Youre affecting our lifestyle."
Savannah squinted her eyes not satisfied with that answer. "Before I went on leave, same as today, I cleaned your house completely on Monday and Tuesday, and continue to pick up what gets dirty throughout the rest of the week. Its spotless on Friday when I leave. Where you then proceed to help your kids trash it in just two days! Your kids are getting better nutrition by eating more than chicken nuggets and pizza rolls for every meal, and the two babies are getting healthily bathed on occasion. I dont understand what about that is bad?"
The Mintons sighed.
"Well, this isnt about that. The older kids, have started saying that we parents dont have any common sense, and we that didnt teach them any common sense, and that they heard that from you."
Savannah felt a little embarrassed for a minute, but it only lasted a split second before she realized that she hadnt even gotten a thank you for all the ridiculous cleaning that she does that she isnt paid for.
"We really dont appreciate that."
With the dirty look that Jan gave her, Savannah changed her thoughts a bit. She wasnt sorry. She hadnt done anything but tell the truth. They were awful parents... plain and simple. Maybe they were nice people to other people, but as parents…
She wanted to tell them that, but she wouldnt do that.
Shed never, because if someone out there felt like she is an awful parent, shed rather not hear it even if she knew it was just a stupid opinion and it wasnt true.
It would still hurt to hear it.
"Savannah, I want you to know that if you ever go for future child care jobs, it is COMPLETELY inappropriate to tell the kids of the family that you work for, that their parents arent doing a good job. Not that you said exactly that, but you implied it."
Savannah was getting annoyed now. She may not have gotten so angry if she hadnt just cleaned their house, fed and bathed her kids, and wasnt exhausted.
"Youre right, I never said that! And how exactly did I Imply it? By being a normal person? By telling them that they need to flush the toilet and then wash their hands before they leave the bathroom? That they need to bring their plates and bowls to the sink barely 5 steps away after theyre finished eating instead of leaving it on the table? By showing that bathing or taking a shower every day is healthy for you and is something that should be mandatory?" The Mintons had no response.
"By enabling them to do chores to instill growth and development in preparing them for the real world when they dont have a nanny to clean up after them? That privileges have to be earned by doing homework and cleaning their own messes? Not by crying or throwing a tantrum?"
Still, the Mintons were quiet. Savannah knew it was because she was right.
"That is all I have implied since being here. And since they dont do ANY of that with you, Im not the one that made you out to be the bad parents."
Maybe that was saying too much, but Savvy was tired, she missed her babies, and again, she was tired. Her filter was VEEEEERRRRRY weak at the moment. And also, she was already fired, so what was there to lose?
"Its time for you to leave." Rob said sternly now. "And you should apologize to my wife because you have upset her. Shes a good mom, and we both try very hard."
Savannah clarified, "I didnt insult anyone….. Not purposefully blatant or spitefully; I do apologize if that upset you. But I will not apologize for trying to get your kids be taught some common sense. They are GREAT kids. And they have potential to be even greater if they had proper guidance..."
Robert was angry with the teen, but it was clear that he knew she was right. He was angry not just because she has a quick mouth, but because she is so young, and yet so mature. And he respected that.
Jan wasnt so similar. She wanted to strangle the girl for sure. But that was because she HATED being wrong, and she really felt like she kept a clean house.
"You know Noah is at my house more than he is here? He showed me a letter to me from his teacher saying that he hadnt done his homework since-"
"Excuse me?" Jan cut her off. "You had NO business reading a letter sent home from one of their teachers!"
"It was addressed to me!" Sav defended. "It said, To Nanny Savannie on it."
Jan quieted up. She mustve felt stupid.
"Well, in the letter, it said he hadnt been turning in his homework or Thursday parent envelopes all year or last year. Not until I started working here in the early summer. (year round school) And they stopped again in September, and she was curious what is going on."
The parents were sullen, and the teen mom continued.
"I didnt say write a note back or anything because I didnt want to embarrass you by saying Sorry Ms. Helmwood. But I went on maternity leave in September and since I was gone and Noahs parents dont give a shit, he stopped doing anything but play video games. But Im back now, Hell be back on track. Because that wouldve been disrespectful!"
Jans face turned from fuming with tears to looking at the floor in shame. Because Savannah was nothing but right.
"Hunter is the most TALENTED girl I have EVER met. And she buries herself in her crafts and her art. Shes depressed and so reserved because you guys dont even see it!" Savannah started, going onto the next kid. "Parker is STARVED for attention and NEVER lets go of me ALL DAY LONG. When I asked her why she hangs onto me so tight, she said she does it because mommy and daddy never cuddle with her..."
Robert stood after her last word. He was officially through listening to his faults being listed.
"Okay. Were done here Savannah." Rob said shaking his head. He was embarrassed, and couldnt hear anymore. Jans face was in her hands. She didnt even want to hear what she had to say about the two little ones.
"This is your last paycheck. There is a few extra hundred in it because you didnt make a lot of money for all of the duties you did here. We do hope you get a new job soon so you can provide for your family."
Savannah got up, glad to be done with this conversation, but half bummed that this was over. Like she said, they were genuinely good people to other people. They had good people skills.
"I really appreciate that. Thank you. And Im glad that I got to know your family and your kids while it lasted. I will definitely miss them."
Savannah walked to where Jan was holding the front door now open, looking to the ground. Jan had tears in her eyes, but the elder did not meet teens gaze.
"Wait!" someone called before Savannah got out the doorway. It was hunter. She had been standing in her dark doorway, hidden from sight, but listening to the ENTIRE conversation. Savannah was completely right and soooo brave and awesome for saying everything that she said. And now, it was her turn to try and be brave and honest too.
Everyone in the living area turned to her as she came through the hall baby gate.
"You cant fire her!" The young girl shouted.
"We already did." Jan quipped.
Hunter put her hands on her hips standing straight in front of her father.
Here goes…..
"Oh. Okay, so now I get to resume being your free live in babysitter?"
Roberts eyes widened at his teen daughter.
"Well guess what? I QUIT! Im not doing it."
Jan gasped, "Hunter Grace Minton! You do not talk to us that way!"
Hunter opened her mouth in shock. "Oh now youre being a parent? Talk to you in what way? Like an adult? You mean like a grown woman? Like you treat me every single time Savannahs gone and you decide to go off and do whatever it is that you do while Im stuck watching YOUR kids?"
It was silent... Savannah bit her lip with nerves…... This was intense.
"Im not doing it anymore. And if you fire her, I guess the kids are gonna end up dying because they will never get their diapers changed, no one will feed them because there wont ever be any clean dishes, they wont have clean clothes, or anyone to heat their meals up for them. And, theyll be free to run outside naked and get kidnapped, because you know what? Im not chasing after them anymore!"
Her parents tried to cut her off a few times while she was speaking, but she was just on such a roll, she never stopped.
"Before Savvy gets here every morning, both babies have been sitting awake in their crappy diapers for at least an hour. Playing with god knows what in their cribs. You always wonder why they get diaper rashes so often mom? That would be why! Every morning, when you guys leave, its already like 10! And they havent eaten breakfast yet, and they are always laid back in peed on, completely soaked, or dried up crusty bed sheets for their naps later. Without Savannah, all of us kids were lost in this house! And now youre getting rid of her!?"
Savannah was in awe. Hunter was the awesomest chick in the freaking 9th grade!
"This is none of your business young lady! Go to your room. You are way too young to understand adult situations." Rob told her.
Hunter just walked closer to Savannah. "Uhm, did you forget that Savannah is only a year older than I am?"
Hunter hugged her friend, and didnt let go for a few long seconds. "Dont go….."
Savannah sighed and hugged back, so thankful for being defended.
"Its okay hunter. You can come over to hang out anytime. But I cant stay here any longer. Love you best friend."
With one final look at the parents of the family shed bested, she left the Mintons house. "Bye Mintons." She said sadly.
As Savannah shut the door Hunter was just heartbroken, and completely done with her parents.
"Weve already hired a new sitter. Shell probably just be temporary until we get someone permanent, but you will help her out."
Hunter was shaking her head though. "No thanks. Im not doing that."
Her parents didnt say anything.
"But you know what? Nice going mom and dad. You just threw away the best thing that ever happened to this family..."
Walking through the earlier cleaned up courtyard, and down the driveway, Savannah went over everything that had just happened in her mind to recap, because the last few minutes had gone by so fast.
She wasnt rude. Maybe the truth seemed rude because the truth was so awful, but she wasnt rude. She thanked them. Told them they had great kids and everything. Told them they were good people.
But she was honest about their house. About their TERRIBLE parenting. Its their prerogative to raise them that way, yes; but they asked. So she answered. And she was honest. Like she had to be.
Finn drove up right as she walked fully down the walk of the driveway, and she got into the car a bit sullen having just realized reality.
"Whats wrong Sav?"
Savannah reached for her seatbelt and buckled it before speaking. She leaned back in her chair and sighed.
"I just lost my job."
Savannah was more than afraid to go home to the condo. She didnt want to tell Blaine and Kurt that she was fired. : (
She started to run through her thoughts in frantic mode.
What if Sherman was wrong about Blaines job being secure? What if he couldnt find a way to make sure he kept his job? What if he was about to get fired too? Then Kurts PART TIME job would be ALL we had…. We cant keep our twins like that….
And when did I become the paranoid one worrying about everything!?
Finn dropped his girlfriend off at home, and though his mom told him to get his butt home after dropping her off, he wasnt really remembering that right now. Savannah was upset, and he had no precedent to leave her.
"I think itll be easier if you just, tell them. Like a band aid." Finn said after turning off his car and taking Savannahs hand.
Savannah just shook her head, a tear in her eye. "I know… I will. Ill tell them just… Please, let me tell them. Dont say anything…"
Finn didnt look approving. "Savannah, dont you think it would be better to make sure they know now? Its kind of, really important."
Savannah nodded. She knew this. "I know…. Just… I need to wait until tomorrow is over…. Blaine is stressed enough and to top it all off, tomorrow-" Savannah exhaled and frowned realizing why even more, that this timing could NOT possibly be worse.… "I really just, need to wait until after tomorrow to tell them."
Finn sighed. "Okay Sav. But why?"
Sherman Pov
With Sebastian gone, I went back to my office feeling accomplished, but still awake and raring to go. I had been working all through the night already, why stop now?
In the process of my all-nighter, I had learned A LOT about Blaine Anderson. Being chairman of a worldwide company has its advantages for sure. Id gotten school information, transcripts, and pretty full all around background on the kid.
And he is a REALLY good KID. Aside from a little mishap almost a year ago with first time drinking where he got a girl pregnant, he was clean as a whistle. Perfect grades, model behaved student, responsible, multi-talented. Currently lives in a condo in Lima. Rich family. I heard from a colleague that his dad is a freaking disgrace, for some reason. But then again, most richy parents are. That didnt make me any less curious to know what made him a douche though.
After learning a good bunch about the boy, I drew up a new job title for him. No more assistant crap. Hes too good for that.
Being chairman, I can draw up a new job title. It went off like a light bulb in my head; some kind of paid internship. However, there is work to be done to figure out all of the bells and whistles to go along with that.
First and foremost, Blaine must be in college courses for that. I wouldnt be able to get around that under any circumstances without completely lying and risking both of our jobs in the process.
But being in high school alone is plenty on his plate, not to mention everything that hes got going on in his life with it at the moment. So for now, since there is time later to establish an official promotion, Ill semi promote him to be MY personal VIP ASSISTANT. Better pay, better hours, better boss. And, working for a while in this job should help stabilize things and get him in a position where he is able to take on a different job title, with more responsibilities and prudent tasks, and a college course or two later on.
Then again, since the boy has been doing SO MUCH more than he was supposed to be doing all of this time anyway, the transition may not be so overwhelming when that point comes.
With the sun rising, several pages picked up from the printer, a new portfolio for my new VIP assistant, an outline and course plan and agenda for the internship Im drawing up, and a fresh coffee, I realized a bunch of last minute details I was missing of Blaines information for both of his possible new employment contracts. Because after all, this was just preliminary. There was always the chance that Blaine would rather stay a normal assistant. I dont think its likely, but even if that was the case, hed be getting paid more under my eye than he was with Smythe. And as he gets older, the position would be there if he wanted it.
Key details I had ignored in my quest to figure out how to make sure he had a job. Ive been here all night, and STILL am inspecting.
I flipped to the very first page of Blaines work forms from his and Sebastians contract to copy down his TRUTHFUL basic info. Address, phone number, work phone, date of birth, and date hired. And what was ridiculous, the year put on his date of birth was 1997! So if the Mattel chairman had ACTUALLY paid attention, theyd have seen that he was underage! But all anyone looks at of course, is the slot that states, age. And Sebastian is an idiot for not correlating the year with him being 20 years old. I shook my head in annoyance, but continued my scan of the page.
Seeing the dates on the page again though, I caught something. I rubbed my eyes a bit and looked closer for a second.
I wheeled my chair over to the far corner of my desk and rummaged my messy desk for my calendar. My finger scanned the page and I smiled.
I called Blaines listed phone number and a man answered, hello, with a sleep filled groggy voice. I wasnt sure if it was Blaine.
"Hi. Is this Blaine?" I asked with a little uncertainty. Then I realized it was barely 6 oclock in the morning…. I didnt look at the clock before making this call…. Oops. Well, too late now. And why is his ringer on this early anyway?
"Uhm, No, Ill get him. Whos calling?" the man mumbled.
"This is Sherman Phelps, Blaines boss." It felt nice to say that. Hopefully hes relieved to be out of Sebastians clutches.
"Oh. Just a minute," He said, sounding a bit more awake then he was a moment ago. Then it sounded like the boy covered the speaker, but he was unsuccessful at making me unable to hear. "Blaine…. Blaine….. Babe, wake up, its ur boss."
Babe? This was clearly a man in bed beside Blaine? The voice was too deep to be Savannah, even if it was sleep filled. And he called him babe.
Oh….! Blaine is gay…
That explained SO MUCH! Now I know EXACTLY why Sebastian was using him.
He either wanted him, was using his sexual orientation against him, or something else along those lines.
And it made me angrier with just the thought. Hes such an ass.
And it explained why there was no couple-ness or romantic gestures between he and Savannah yesterday.
Ah thats right, drunken mishap.
Okay fine! So Im so nosy! But this kid needs a freaking sitcom! I want his life story. Ive never heard of anything like this. And hes a good person and genuinely deserves better.
There was some shuffling on the phone, and then Blaine came on. "Hello, Mr. Phelps."
I rolled my eyes. "Okay Blaine, keep calling me that, and Im firing YOU next. Just Sherman."
Blaine chuckled through sleep. "K. Mr. Sherman, sorry."
I was shaking my head on my end. How on this earth did Blaine end up under Sebastian? Hes such a good kid.
"So Blaine, sorry for the early hour, I worked through the night and didnt look at the clock before calling. So, I apologize. But, Im just calling to tell you youre off today. Stay home for the day. Sleep in, relax."
And as I expected, Blaine protested heavily. "Sir, I cant miss a day. I need the hours. Our rent was raised, and if I dont make-"
"Youll be fully paid for an 8 hour day Blaine. Calm down." I cut him off. "Ive been looking at your hours for the last 6 months. And its final. You are to stay home and rejuvenate. Youve worked more overtime in 6 months than I have for 9 months out of the year! And Im the chairman."
Blaine was quiet for a minute, "Well, I work a bit from home too. Sebastian tells me to do research and reports from home when the office is closed so a lot of it is at home-"
That explains his random clocking in and out in the middle of the night. And work is work, whether in the office or at home.
"Work is work kid. Whether its on ur desk chair, or on your couch." I said mimicking my thoughts. "Stay home today. Ive got you covered okay?"
Blaine mustve nodded, because he didnt say anything for a few seconds. "Thank you Mr. Ph- Sherman. I really owe you."
I shook my head even though he couldnt see me.
"You dont owe me anything. Go back to bed, and Ill see you tomorrow whenever youre free to come in. Just let me know when youre on your way in so I can make sure to be in the office. But no skipping school."
"Yes sir." Blaine said and I could hear the smile on his face.
And I almost said goodbye and hung up before I forgot. "Oh! And kid?"
"Yes sir?" Blaine answered waiting.
"Happy birthday."
A/n: PHEW! 20 PAGES! This chapter may have been completely drafted out for WEEKS! But it was harder to detail and turn into a full chapter than I thought itd be. And I wasnt satisfied with the word count for a while!
Plus, my computer has been MAJORLY acting up lately. I will be updating connection next really soon and then after, turning my computer into best buy to hopefully get it fixed in less than a few weeks.
So, whatd you think of the chapter? Can you tell me what you liked, didnt like? Reactions?
Im DYING TO KNOW?! This is one of my favorite chapters yet. : ) And more babies coming soon.
Please review! Please?!