March 22, 2015, 7 p.m.
March 22, 2015, 7 p.m.
A/N: Hope you loved it! Please review! I'd very much appreciate it!
And the next chapter is in the works!
Burt and Carole, Harry and Janah are up next. Kurt's POV and reasons is halfway done, and Sherman has some reasons as well! : ) Stay tuned and please review!
Chapter 9: “69” Reasons (Part one)
Blaine's Pov
So, the silliest gift that Finn got for his birthday last week, was a daily positivity calendar. I didn't call it silly. I just thought that it was a very random gift if you asked me, but hey, it made for a fun little exercise for everyone. Puck was definitely the on who started the debate over it. He called it the lamest gift Finn had gotten, so he made a game of it. We all had to come up with the top 69 most positive things in our lives and be thankful for them and then bury them in a time capsule. And honestly, everyone loved the idea. Even Burt and Carole wanted in on it. So we were all glad that Puck had to make it more interesting. Of course Burt and Carole were a little annoyed that Puck had to make it teenager and silly by making it “69” reasons, but…….
Anyways, let the countdown begin. Starting at 69…..
Number 69: It is December 18th, and 69 days ago today, my life 100% changed. For the better I say. My twin babies were born, happy and healthy.
Number 68: The baby twins are 69 days old today, and they are thriving, doing more and more each day, and they both are growing like WEEDS!
Number 67: My kids as a whole I am incredibly thankful for, but I'll do Kaidyn first simply because she's a girl, and I was always taught ladies first. But, I would NEVER play favorites with my babies. Ever!
So Ms. Kaidyn. She is the most incredible baby girl in the world. That is how simple it is. Of course every parent would argue that for their own child, but I know the truth. Mine are the absolute best. Period. My daughter trumps your daughter. Always and every time.
She is beautiful and healthy, sturdy and happy. Shes active and fun, and already smart and knows what gets each of her three parents wrapped around her little finger. With her bright green eyes that can light up any room, and her silly little tongue that comes out whenever someone picks her up.
Her curls are already so long and flawless; curly little 3 inch ringlets. Which is INSANE at her age.
Shes already high maintenance and stylish like her daddy Kurt. I swear every time shes in a plain white onesie, shes either unhappy, or spits up on it so she is changed into something else. And God forbid she spits up on a onesie and the onesie gets changed, but the pants that remained dont match.
She knows!
I swear she knows!
She is ONLY a brat and a pain when we parents fail to make sure that she has her 3 Bs.
Her Brother, a boob, and a bottle.
She will scream bloody murder if her milk isnt in her system IMMEDIATELY! If she woke up at 3:02 and she doesnt have one of her 3 bs by 3:03, she is pissed. She often likes a boob, or bottle at the same time as that she is lying next to her brother, or will cry until her brother is being held while she eats.
He doesnt even have to be conscious. She just wants him there. She loves her twin and it definitely shows. Shes an amazing little girl my daughter.
Number 66: And of course, then there's my son Kayle. Not only does he love his sister, but he is the most adorably handsome piece of baby pie out there. Hes so photogenic and CUTE! With his green eyes darker than his sisters, he steals the room every single time hes awake.
Stellar eyes and a stellar smile to match! This boy has crowds surrounding him every second when his sister is asleep and she's not there to help the both of them rack up the attention. He smiles to gather the crowd, and then soaks up the attention like body lotion. Hes clever too. He just loves to spit up on me right when Im leaving for school so that I have to stay just a few more minutes to change. And hes brilliant! Just over two months old, and he makes his own plots and plans to be and stay clean. His diaper that is. He poops during a diaper change at least once a week. He always saves his spittle's for when hes in the bath, (or me leaving of course) and he doesnt drool a single ounce when he feeds.
He likes to be clean I tell you.
The adorable curls on his head are getting curlier every day it seems and hes giving his sister a run for her money which is saying something because her hair can fit into a teeny ponytail. (Not easily though. We would have to pull it to try, and were not going to try). Both of them have tons of hair that needs to be baby brushed twice a day.
Precious my little twins are. Kayle farts a lot. They dont smell thanks to breast-milk, but he still does do it a lot. Hes a little charmer, perfect and sweet my little curly headed boy. My son.
Number 65: Kurt Hummel. My boyfriend. My rock. My everything. MY ANCHOR. The most beautiful, sexy, kind and amazing, intelligent and sassy fashion savvy man on this green earth. I love him so much with everything and all that I am. There could be no one out there who would ever compare to him. No time with him can ever be long enough and no other man can ever measure up to the amount of love I have for him. He is the perfect partner to have helping to father our babies. And yes they are our babies, always! No matter what anyone says, thinks or believes. I couldnt ask for a better relationship than the one I have with Kurt.
He is sexy, and has these dominant tendencies that I dont understand why I love so much... but I do; because the way he takes control when were in the bedroom drives me wild. Being in his arms at night makes me feel safer & warmer than ever. He is supportive of me, of my every decision even if he doesn't 100% agree. He is by my side through stress and obstacles and fun. He cooks like a master chef and his style is impeccable which is going to make him famous one day. For certain. Guaranteed.
He is the man that I love and hope to marry one day.
Number 64: My babies mother, Savannah Lake is probably the most unique, strongest willed, stubborn, defensive, picky, overprotective, cautious and at times whiny, teenage girl I have ever met. But shes also beautiful, and sensitive and smart and witty. Shes sarcastic and goofy, and she's the best mom I could ever ask to have for my kids. I love her, and despite my being gay, if I wasnt, theres a chance that she'd have been my Kurt.
But good thing I AM gay because she and Finn are amazing together and it would be simply weird any other way. Which brings me to 63.
Number 63: Kurt's Brother Finn.
If I had to make the ideal picture of what Id like in a one day to be brother in law, itd be exactly Kurt's brother Finn Hudson. Nothing but a major doofus. Funny, and a complete nerd, but sporty too. A sweet and very gentle giant, a great broseph for video games and sports. Tough and always has everyone's back. But would never intentionally hurt a fly.
Hes a great friend. A really great friend. I just wish he wouldn't eat all of the microwavable food in the house sometimes……….
Number 62: My boss Sherman Phelps. He is a Godsend for sure. Every work day with him as my boss, I become more and more thankful that he exists.
Number 61: I love the holidays! Festive music all around every office, mall, street corner and department store. The holidays put everyone in a great mood. And shut up! This isn't a waste of a number! I really do love the Holiday season.
Number 60: My mom, Cheryl. She may not be perfect, but no ones mom is.
Well, except Finn's mom; and Kurt's stepmom. But still, my mom tries extremely hard to be a great mom and she succeeds. She is supportive and kind. She may not always come off that way because of the jerk shes married to, but she cares and I can easily tell. Not to mention, shes helpful to me and my family while being an amazing grandmother. The twins ADORE their Nona. She switched to working part time starting in mid-December so that she could be available for babysitting starting with the holidays and into the New Year.
Plus of course her insistence on baby massage is much appreciated. The twins LOVE it. She takes them once a week to get baby massages at ComfortBaby in Westerville. Its stupidly expensive, and Sav, Kurt and I say unnecessary but she's adamant, and now that she knows how smiley the twins get when they know where they are, shell never stop. So spoiled, massaged infants they will be staying.
Number 59: My dad….. I guess… Without him I wouldnt be here. And without my father, I wouldn't know exactly what kind of father NOT to be. And thats all I really have to say about him. So, Thanks Everett.
Number 58: Role of the grandparent as a whole. Whoever invented the term “grandparent”… I hope they got a medal.
My parents are "Nona" and, my dad was to be called ‘Baba' or ‘Nono' if he was in the twins lives but, since he's not….. Kurt's parents are ‘Nana' and ‘Papa'. And Savannah's parents are ‘Mimi and ‘Bino'. Mimi always helps us with laundry. Nona always helps us clean house. Nana is a wonderful babysitter and is often happily available. Bino simply spoils and loves the twins with all that he has, and Papa is a perfect source of positivity and fun for the twins. Also, if there weren't so many different titles to give the role of grandparents, Id be a very confused dad with even more confused kids wondering why they have three sets of grandparents.
Number 57: Kurt's penis.
Do I really have to elaborate on this one? It's perfect. Long, but not too long. Wide, but not too wide. Perfectly satisfying… The way it fills me… Pounds into me…. Drives me completely wild….
I love it.
Number 56: Music.
Theres probably no other inanimate thing out there that is more important to me than music. Music is amazing. Music keeps my Babies asleep when it seems like NOTHING else will. Music makes me happy when Im feeling low. Music is what gave me my talent and what makes me special…. Music is what brought me to my soulmate. Music is everything.
Number 55: Glee. Glee opened me up to joy. Glee is how I met Kurt. Glee is how Kurt met Savannah, so in retrospect, Glee is how our twins were made.
Number 54: I am very thankful for school Counselors……..
I cant even begin to put into words how hard it is to keep up in this class. Im usually VERY good in English. Excellently good even. But this senior year with all of its essays, research reports, and me missing a combined time of 3 and a half weeks, Im so behind. On pretty much everything.
And Im under a lot of pressure. Before, it was school, my job and my babies/family that were stressing me out. Now that work is no longer a difficult to handle issue, and my family is somewhat stable, the only stressor left is school.
And its a big one. I cant seem to catch up. Even with more time at home to do my schoolwork. Im several chapters behind in Chemistry. I am an essay, a research report and book report behind in English, and I'm a whole 4 chapters behind in Trig. I have a full self-portrait to get drafted out and painted for art class, and I am COMPLETELY unprepared and out of shape to take the mid-year fitness evaluation after winter break. Thankfully I have Mr. Schue for History, otherwise I'd be way behind on EVERYTHING!
School SUCKS!
I mean, it wouldnt be so bad if I had TIME to make up the missed work, but I can't, because I am trying to stay on track with the current class and homework to avoid getting any further behind. I keep telling myself that once I finish my current assignment, Ill work on the one I still owe, but I never get that far. A baby cries, or spits up, or poops, or does something cute! Or Im needed to do quick research for work and Im distracted, or the all time hardest distraction, Kurt bends over just the right way…..
Okay that last shouldnt be considered a valid excuse but, have you SEEN Kurt Hummel's ass?
I just need a break from the incoming work so I can get to do the missing work.
For the next 40 minutes of class, we were supposed to be quietly reading the senior midterm study guide as well as the book to finish before break, but I was frantically scribbling down notes for points that I need to cover in my research report and book report on Cyrano Debergerac. Which, was probably against the rules to do my book and research report on the same thing, but I don't have time to find a separate research topic. I don't even have time to find matching socks in the morning. I was halfway done with covering the basic introduction finally.
At least I was until, "Blaine, come see me please."
Ah crap! Whatd I do this time....
I walked to the teachers' desk and swiftly and politely responded. “Yes Mr. Clippenger.”
"Gather your things, and head on over to the counseling center. You need to meet with Mr. Lyle. He's expecting you."
Great. I thought.
Mr. Lyle. Pretty much the school shrink. Hes basically closer to a therapist than Ms. Pillsbury, not OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE, he doesnt have college plans and info like she does and he is the guy kids who are having problems at home go to.
And I have to go meet with him....
Awesome…..This should be fun….. Not!
I got all of my stuff and on my way to the counseling center, I found myself kind of laughing.
My story is going to sound 40 times past ridiculous to this guy.
I gathered my life story into my frontal brain, ready to spill it all for the shrink and just chuckled one last time before coming in through the door.
"Mr. Lyle? My teacher told me to come to see you.
Mr. Lyle stood. He had bright eyes, brown with long lashes, and very little hair covering his head. Like he was once shaved, but had a few weeks of growth. He looked like the type that played some kind of ball in school, and had a bunch of girls fawning over him all the time.
"Anderson right? Blaine Anderson?" He asked, his voice much less deep than I was expecting. He didnt sound like a girl or anything, but he didnt have a very deep voice.
"Yeah." I said and came in to sit down following his gesture to a seat inside.
"Its good to meet you Blaine. Im Lyle Croths, the personal counselor at Mckinley, and I called you in today because myself, and many of your teachers are quite concerned about you as of late.”
Of course they are. Im never on time, my studies suck ass, Im behind a million assignments and I'm snappy and judgmental whenever I'm called out about any of it.
I was just nodding. It was true.
"Well, there is a complete confidentiality code in this room and unless you have a plan to hurt yourself or others, nothing in this room will be repeated to anyone but you and my supervisor of course to make sure Im doing my job. And my supervisor is not in any way affiliated with McKinley highs' students. You understand?" Lyle said.
And it was nice. Nice to know I had a safe place to vent my stress. This might be good for me.
"Okay, so Blaine, why dont you tell me what is going on in your life right now."
Oh boy. Well, where to begin.....?
"Well. Im 17. Im gay. My boyfriend of 11 months, Kurt is the son of Ohio's congressman Burt Hummel. I have 2 infant baby twins at home in my condo with their mom Savannah, a junior I knocked up on New Years' while drunk for the first time. Im a senior, due to skipping junior year via test, and I work full time as VIP assistant to the chairman of Toys R Us Inc. worldwide after school every day. My father disowned me after I allowed my gay boyfriend to sign a co-parenting contract of his grandkids, so I cut him out of my life losing him his grandkids. I was duped into working for more than the last 6 months for less than the proper pay for the job I was doing and totally fell for it and am now waiting on back pay for it so that I can afford to move my family to New York city at the end of this year for college, and at this moment, I should be catching up on the probable 50 assignments I am missing, but I'm in here telling a random guy my life story.”
Lyle's eyes were frozen. Not wide or anything, just intrigued and probably a little amused. He couldn't have expected any of that to have come out of my mouth.
He actually laughed a second until I simply smiled and shrugged back.
"Wait seriously? Like, for real, that's your life?"
I raised my eyebrow and reached into my backpack to pull out my phone and show him the fall family portraits we took last month.
And of course he was completely awestruck.
"Wow. You are serious? Like this isnt your sister and niece and nephew or something." Lyle reiterated.
I full on laughed now.
"No, no, theyre yours. Look at that hair, it looks like it was plucked from your head to theirs. They look so much like you, wow.”
I just nodded. They did resemble me. And Savannah of course, and even a lot of the time, Kurt… Which is awesome.
Lyle handed my phone back.
"So how old are they?"
"2 months and a week. Conceived at a New Years' party almost a year ago, which is really mind blowing, actually."
Mr. Lyle just stared at me for a while after my speech of my life and problems. But it was nice to talk to him for 40 minutes and kind of reevaluate my life once we got to talking together. So without school counselors, I don't think that I'd have been able to look back on my accomplishments and smile about them. I have accomplished more than just creating two beautiful babies. I'm talented, and I dream, and I am great at my job. I am ambitious, I'd like to think I am attractive, I am a good father, driven, educated and creative. I just needed to remember all of it.
Number 53: Sex. God am I ever thankful for sex. Sex is like, the epitome of all things good. Sex is bliss, pleasure, torture, love... Oh sex is nice. Why, just this morning, Kurt and I had the most mind blowing sex….. There are still shudders running through my body remembering it…….
"The name of the game was "Thankful 69.” Dont you think that we should start it with some pleasantly glorious sex of the 69 nature?"
Kurt was a genius...That much was obvious.
"You're so right..." I moaned, kissing into his neck, full of heat and lust, already turned on from waking up to Kurt nibbling on my waist beneath the covers.
"And besides... Were due for this anyway.... We have been holding off of doing this position because we wanted to be fully naked to experience it…. And now we can" Kurt reminded.
I nodded. "Keeping the romance......"
And keep the romance it DEFINITELY did...... The sex was freaking perfection......
Kurt and I laid, side by side on our bed, my feet at the headboard, cock lined up with Kurt's waiting mouth, as his was to mine.
Wasting no time at all, wanting nothing more than to taste my man, I wrapped my tongue around his head, and sucked with vigor. My tongue tracing along the veins underneath, where he was always the most sensitive. Wed been dating for many MONTHS now and still and were learning more and more about each other with every new sexual experience, but this... How we could wait so long to do this......
It was a huge regret of mine.... It was pure pleasure, as sex with Kurt always is, but oh god. Months of learning each other's anatomy, what makes each of us crazy was perfect prep for our right now….
I knew every single spot that made Kurt squirm.
And he knew every trick to make me tremble.
Kurt had entered my length into his mouth as I let my own throat sink down on him.... God... Every inch of me tingled every time his throat met the head of my cock…. Every time went near it, he drove me to torture.....
Kurt was taking his time, sucking very slow, but very firm too.
We both had absolutely every tool in the book to turn each other into fully moaning messes.
With each thrust into Kurt's mouth, I came closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy, ready to explode any moment, and Kurt just continued to suck me harder and harder each second, but keeping a slow and steady pace.....
I on the other hand sucked Kurt's cock with speed and with fervor, wanting him to finish before I did so that his arousal would make mine that much stronger, and just as Kurts shaft trembled and tensed in my mouth, I was already there. Unable to control myself, I bucked my hips harder in to Kurt's mouth, forgetting about taking my time and wanting Kurt to finish first, because I just couldn't help it anymore..... What the hell is the sense in prolonging the inevitable crippling orgasm creeping upon me when it feels so goddamn amazing?
I came into Kurt's waiting mouth, and he kept sucking and pulling, letting my flavor drip out the sides of his mouth and lick gently at the tip cleaning every drop that he could.
As I went limp, and sensitive, Kurt let his mouth release my cock and rested it beside his cheek. He relaxed and was back to focus on his length in my mouth still and began to buck his own hips into my me slow, but hard, and before I could gag on him as I was about to do, wanting to feel his whole self contract at my throat, he shot his cream right down......
It was bliss, our 69……
Yeah….. We really loved 69.....
Number 52: My car. I have a 2011 Prius, and without it, I'd be a complete mess, I wouldn't be able to drive anywhere, drive my babies anywhere or drive Finn anywhere! Though I could live without that last one. Finn wouldn't be too happy about it. Regardless, I'm really thankful for my car. Getting me from a to b, it's great on gas mileage, and has a killer stereo system inside? There's no car better.
Except Finn's new Jetta…. That bad boy is very sweet I'll tell you…..
Number 51: Huggies and wipes! No not Luvs, No not Pampers, but Huggies. Pampers leak, Luvs irritate, and Kurt wouldn't let our kids be caught dead in generics. Huggies are a godsend! They don't irritate our babies skin, they are very absorbent when they need to be, and look cute and my babies' little tushies. Plus, they are pretty darn affordable in comparison to Pampers. I honestly wanted to use pampers. Something about donating to cancer with every box sold, but unfortunately, they just don't cut it for my twins. So Huggies are the diapers of choice.
So, why'd they make the thankful list? Well, any parent out there should understand. Can you imagine a world without diapers? And what if there were diapers, but not wipes? Poop gets EVERYWHERE! Seriously. They are a definite thing to be thankful for!
Number 50: This one if going to sound REALLY REALLY weird… So, please don't judge me……But breasts. Now, hear me out. Without breasts, our twins would have smelly poop, so I thank breastfeeding. Without boobs, Kayle would scream a whole lot more than he does now, so I thank boobs. Without boobs, women could possibly be attractive to gay men at the seeing eye, and I may not have belonged to Kurt, so I thank boobs. And without Savannah's boobs, our twins wouldn't be nearly as healthy as they are from breastfeeding. So therefore, hooray for Sav's boobs.
Finn's POV
Number 49: Boobs! God's best creation on the whole world had to be boobs. There is nothing more awesome than Savannah's boobs. Seriously. They have the sweetest tasting milk come out of them, and its' better than candy. They're awesomely plump and full and creamy colored, like hot chocolate but with a lot of milk in it so it's barely tan.
Number 48: Savannah Lake. She's the best girlfriend in the entire world and that's not an exaggeration, an opinion or anything else that you might think is irrelevant. She is perfect for me. She is smart, and gorgeous and a great mom and a great friend. She has an amazing body that makes me want to attack her every minute with kisses. She's got those freaking mesmerizing green eyes that come from so far out of this world I feel like they can't even be real sometimes, and she is my girlfriend. She's so hardworking and fun, and funny, and has the greatest mouth. She has the two cutest babies in the world, and she makes me want to be a better guy. She's my girlfriend.
Number 47: My car! It's a Black 2012 Volkswagon Jetta. It's roomy, and smells nice! And it fits Savannahs babies, and it fits hella groceries! She's got amazing room to make out in. And yes, she's a she. There's even enough room to have sex in her! I haven't had sex with Savannah yet if that's what you're thinking though. She's just straddled me and I've laid in between her legs missionary, so we know we have enough room. It's a nice roomy car. Awesome. She's awesome. I named her Jenny.
Number 46: My mom. The rules said these weren't in any special order right? Because mom's the most important, but I put boobs first. They're out of order.
Anyways, my mom is so badass, she raised me to be one hell of a man all by herself for 18 years. My dad died before I was born, so I had to learn how to be a man without a man in the house. My mom was able to teach me how to be a man and be respectful to women at the same time. If anyone is the best mom in the world, it's my mom. She's awesome. She does my laundry, cooks my meals, and comes to every single one of my football games. She's at every glee performance, kisses me before every date, and makes sure that my car is taken care of so I don't die on her while driving. (Though, it's Burt that does the actual work, mom tells him to) But mom is the best. She even clapped and tolerated the completely idiotic song that Puck, Sam and I sang to her on her birthday last week……
Mom here's a song that's just for you
A card that says thanks for all that you do
You know you're so special in so many ways
And now that you're here we'd just like to say, say, say…..
Thank you for all of the love you give me!
It stays inside and forever lives with me,
And thank you mom for the little things that you do…
You wipe our nose and bleach all of our white clothes.
Thank you for all of the hugs and kisses!
You're better than a fairy granting wishes,
Like making soup just appear, and oatmeal cookies too,
You have the power to make us take a shower,
So don't forget your mom on a special day!
Pick her up some flowers, put your toys away,
Make her a card, or knit her a scarf,
She wipes up our tears and cleans up our barf, cleans up our barf!!!!……
Thank you for all of the love you give me!
It stays inside and forever lives with me
And thanks again for the little things that you do
You sew our buttons and toast us English muffins!
Know just what to say to make nightmares go away,
A personal physician who picks up a prescription.
You love us when we're wrong, that's why we sing the ‘We love you mom song!'
Any mom that can hear that ridiculous song and cry at the end rather than just laugh, can only be anything but the best mom ever.
Number 45: My brother Kurt is the true definition of a man. Whoever says that being gay makes a man less of a man needs to fall off of a cliff now. Kurt is the best brother anyone could ask for. Nuff said. But I'll say more anyway. He is 100 percent a dad. By choice. He's only 17 and he chose to be a dad. His boyfriend made a big mistake in his life, but the fact that Kurt chose to accept the life change with him is completely insane. It's like…. The same as if I had stayed with Quinn after figuring out that the baby was Pucks. And I wouldn't have done that. I mean, I know Kurt and Blaine weren't dating at Rachel's party so he didn't cheat like Quinn did, but still. He can't have been thrilled about it, and still, what is he doing? Being a bigger man. I admire that so much. A true man. And he's my brother. If I ever need help with keeping my relationship stable and fun, I look to my brother Kurt.
Number 44: My best friend Puck. He's the greatest friend I could ask for. He's always got my back. He's been with me for so many years that no matter how much we may fight or disagree, he'll always be my boy. He's got my brother Kurt's back without even having to be asked. He's always ready waiting in the wings for whatever I need him for; on the football field, if I'm late to class, if I need condoms or sex advice, though he doesn't always have the best advice, it's still nice to have. Puck is like a brother to me. Even though he has knocked up my girlfriend. And make out with my next girlfriend. And seen my current girlfriends' boobs. But, when you're Puck and I, you are friends for life. That's kind of the way things are.
Number 43: I'm thankful for Blaine! You know why? Because I just found out that he chose to take the twins to ‘Christmas in the park' today with Kurt, leaving Savannah free to come over! And she just walked in the door, and now, we are about to proceed to do….. Things! No more time for this time capsule thankful whatever things! Savannah is stripping! Oh good lord……
Puck's Pov
Number 42: Beth. She's perfect. She's like the one thing in my life that is completely perfect. Do you know how damn hard it is to do something perfectly? She's sweet, and soft and her smile lights up every room. Her little voice came from the heavens, and her hands touch my heart every time they are held in mine. Every freaking time. How can someone be so damn cute? I mean, I know I made her and that has to have everything to do with it. And then there's loony Quinn, who even though she's nuts and completely insane for letting this little girl not know her, she's a knockout so that makes Beth gorgeous. Which reminds me that I need a gun. Seriously. Because with my good looks and charm, with Quinn's hotness, Beth is going to be a major magnet for every human being out there, and I'm going to have to be ready to shoot some dicks off. My Beth doesn't need some moron horny tools all over her in high school. I have to keep her away from losers like me. Game on. Operation protect baby girl from penis, is in effect!
Number 41: I want to thank moms. Not just my mom, cus she's not the greatest I'll admit, I mean she has never once showed up at a game of mine, or a glee thing, or whatever and she pretty much sits home all day and watches rom coms with a glass of wine, but she did push me out of her hoo-hah, so I can't complain. I like livin, and that's something. But I thank moms everywhere, because seriously? I leave my laundry at Finn's house all the time! And it gets washed. Carole knows it's mine. But she washes it anyways cus she's awesome. And even Savannah. She washes my junk if I leave it over. She even washes Beths!
“Hey Puck? You know I don't do the laundry here right? My mom does, and my Blaine's mom does.” Savannah chimed reading over my shoulder with a baby wrap on; one baby attached to a boob, and the other just holding a boob for dear life, but fast asleep….. And I'm not looking at her boobs. They're just there.
And okay, I guess I thank Blaine and Savannah's moms then. They wash things. It's a mom thing. So I thank moms. I'm not gonna go and do my own laundry! What am I? a housewife?
Number 40: Last, I thank football. There's nothing like getting your clock cleaned in football. Such a rush.
Savannah's Pov
Number 39: I am thankful first and foremost for my babies.
Number 38: I am thankful for my parents.
Number 37: Blaine and Kurt are definitely one of the biggest people I have to be thankful for. They're amazing dads to my babies.
Number 36: My boyfriend Finn. God, next to my babies, he is probably the most amazing part of being alive. Finn Hudson is sexy, and kinda smart, and hot and kind. He's funny, and talented, and has an AMAZING tongue….. Like, like you wouldn't believe……..
Blaine decided that he wanted to go and see Christmas in the park tonight with Kurt and the babies while we had a nice day that wasn't too cold. So, much to my excitement, I let him go happily. So while Kurt and Blaine are drinking their cutesy hot chocolate and being blinded by Christmas lights, Finn and I are having some mind blowing oral sex. For the first time. Well, at least I am for the first time. I have NEVER had Finn's mouth down there before.
I hesitated just the slightest bit as he pulled my panties down. I mean, this was it.... This was me losing my oral virginity. Once we did this, we can't go back.
Noticing my halt, he stopped pulling my underwear down and began to run his hands down my legs instead, successfully reminding me that I wanted this.... I mean, I really wanted this. Finns' hands touching me was soothing and sexy and amazing. My worries calmed, and my mind cleared of all doubt, as I let my body give into how turned on I felt. With a shaky breath, I nodded to Finn that he could continue. This time, I lifted my own pelvis off of the bed so that he could pull my panties down with ease.
"Youre so wet..." Finn whispered, and then he ran his thumb down the slit slowly. "And warm…."
He spread my legs apart and scooted closer to me, so now his mouth was directly in reach of my center. Finn inhaled slowly and let his eyes close. Was he smelling? Do I smell bad?
“Ah, Savannah. You smell incredible....” He said, reading my thoughts. His hands continued to caress my body, running from my calves all the way up to my hips then to the sides of my breasts and back down again.
Finns breath against my sex was so hot. I am sure that I kept on clenching and unclenching myself because it felt so good..... I dont remember too well what sex feels like, but I feel like I wanted something to be inside of me. Bad!
He began to leave small kisses on my exposure, but never went in. I could barely feel him there, that's how torturous it was. I started to squirm a little bit, trying to get his mouth into my heat. When he suddenly kissed, flesh against me, I jumped. I wasnt ready for it, but I liked it so much!
"Are you okay?" he asked, backing off in case I was hurt.
I nodded and answered so fast. "Yes! Please, do it again."
Starting from the bottom and working up to the top, he kissed every bit of my opening, taking his time before going in and successfully making me completely mad!!!!!
It should have been chilly in this room from the December air outside, but all I could feel was the raging flame of desire surging through my whole body. I was so wet, wetter with every second as I could feel it running down my thigh. Finally, when it seemed like he'd been teasing me forever, he let his tongue run over my bare flesh and I shuddered. When he reached my clit, I could swear that I was flying. Like I was orgasming right then and there.
My reaction made him confident, and I know this because he wrapped his arms around my legs and I held his head there. As he held me flesh against him, he fervently licked and sucked me through. The feel of his tongue running up and down my labia was almost too much.
How can anything possibly feel this good?
I started to moan a little, but remembering that Carole had the night shift and was only a few rooms down the hall sleeping, I had to watch my volume. But after he licked me for a bit, I started to feel more and that made it so much harder to keep quiet....
Finn started to thrust his tongue in and out of my folds and this time, I am positive that it made me desire something more. Bigger.
And I know right then, that Burt was right. 100% right. Oral sex really IS the gateway to real, full on SEX sex. I know why oral sex is called foreplay. It makes you want more. Revs up your engine and gets your blood flowing so that you cant help but want to have more inside. A lot more.
I was in heaven. I wanted to be filled so badly, but right now, Finns mouth licking and sucking at my clit, it was ecstasy.
Not able to really control my mouth anymore, I moaned a little louder. At least, I'd like to hope it was only a LITTLE bit louder. I noticed that I started bucking my hips against his face, panting for more as the sensation rolled though me in giant waves. I started to tremble and I think my I was even shaking when he began flicking his tongue faster and faster over me, and that was it..... I couldnt hold back anymore. This was it. My orgasm coming, and coming hard.
I cried out "Finn! Oh God!" and I thrust forward against his face, holding myself to his mouth, my orgasm erupting out from my walls, into his waiting lips. He continued to suck me clean as my juices flowed to the last drop.
When I think I had finished dripping, he moved his attention to my clit, resuming to lick slowly and gently so I could unwind from my orgasm. Catching my breath took a while, but when I could talk again, I panted.... "Finn........ I want you inside me...... Can we have sex?......"
That last part is another story, for another day, but….yeah. I'm thankful for Finn.