March 22, 2015, 7 p.m.
March 22, 2015, 7 p.m.
Chapter: 7- Thankful
A/N: Please enjoy the chapter. I was ALL over the place with this one, but it's just how it came to me. I hope you like it.
My new job that I started doesn't allow me to type much at work, this was combined 10 weeks' worth of writing to complete a chapter.
*I talked to about 6 MEN before writing this chapter about their opinions on boobs and… stuff, in order to keep this chapter realistic and correctly accurate. I always do my research. It is according to 5 women who have had children, and 6 men's' personal lives, etc.”
Blaine's Pov
The fall cold had set in major fast. You could tell that winter was on its way with a quickness. And Kurt had gone wild with the shopping. Like, really wild. If the twins stayed their current size forever, they would never have to wear the same outfit twice for the next two years. And daddy Kurt was loving every bit of it. He loved being the twins' daddy.
My new schedule had been effective now for a little over two weeks, and to say that is was heavenly was a HUGE understatement. I was able to spend time with my babies a lot more.
Soft work was definitely work still, and I was worried that it wouldn't be. I thought Sherman had made up the term ‘soft work.' I assumed it might make me unworthy of being paid to just sit around and be home with my family. And you can't even blame me for thinking that because Sherman was so nice that way.
But I was wrong. In actuality, soft work was just working on the computer with people calling me every half an hour or so. And it really did require me to make myself available anytime there was a call. I had to concentrate and make sure I was giving the correct information and so on. People also called me asking for research, or other things along those lines. And of course, preparing for the Friday meeting was a few hours of really detail oriented and concentration work, so it was the one time that having babies out of whatever room I was in, was dire. They are truly the best distractions a dad could have. They're just so darn cute! And I've said it before and I will say it again. Having Sherman as a boss was amazing and I couldn't thank him enough times for helping me out. And for allowing me to work from home with my twins.
I find myself thanking Savannah a few times a week too for those twins, because the truth is, I could've ended up sleeping with ANYBODY the night of Rachel's party. I could've ended up sleeping with Santana or God forbid Rachel!!!!! Knock on wood because there is a Christmas party next month. The thought of that alone is enough to make me shudder in terror. No lie, Savannah is crazy in her own way, and she makes me a little crazy too at times, but she is the twin's mommy. And she is a good mom.
Quite possibly the best thing about Savvy though, is that she happens to have a little brother who is Kurt's spitting image, which makes the twins resemble Kurt as well as me which is amazing! What would I even do without Kurt in mine and the twins' lives? What if Savannah hadn't been okay with co-parenting? After all, it not like it the most usual thing….
So yeah. I am VERY thankful to have Savannah Lake.
November as a whole has been INSANE. There have been 2 birthdays, some major life changes with my dad backing out of the rent and losing his son, Kurt's dad winning congressman, me being somewhat promoted….. It's been an emotional roller coaster.
I think the hardest part about this month though hasn't been the emotional ups and downs. But keeping myself and Kurt in line about a week ago. Mind you, it's the last week of November. Some of my back pay from the first 3 months of my work came in. And it was A LOT of money. We all of course wanted to go shopping and splurge a little, but for a while, our work schedules kept us too busy. But, Black Friday was right around the corner, and we were about to blow it ALL.
Thankfully, we were at the Hudmel's the night before Thanksgiving, and when Burt overheard our plans, he basically kicked me and Kurt in the ass and cleared our heads.
“Boys! You all want to go to New York don't you?”
Which of course we all answered “Absolutely.”
“Do you realize how much more the cost of living is in New York, Not to mention the overall prices of other things like gas, bills, and junk? You want to go to New York, you need a WHOLE lot of money saved to get there and live there. You think things got tough in Lima?! You have NO idea.”
Since Kurt and I were dead set on living in New York after high school, it was all we needed to put that first check straight in a savings account.
And, there were a bunch more checks to come. According to Sherman, Sebastian owed me over 17,000 dollars. Which was a major yikes to me when I first heard it. Like there was NO WAY.
But I did the math myself from the first initial paper I had gotten from my father about the job description for assistant, and it added up. That paper said that I was supposed to be making 16 dollars and eighteen cents an hour, and I was making Ohio's minimum wage.
I was pissed! Not only was he taking advantage of me, but he kept me SO busy, that I didn't even realize it. I never really added up my checks and such at the end of the week because all I ever thought was ‘put the money in a savings.' It didn't matter how much it was.
That prick….. He really screwed me over so much. Thank goodness for Sherman.
The twins were down for a nap. (Oh my lord they are both asleep at the same time, it's a MIRACLE!) Savannah, Finn, Burt, Carole, Kurt and I were all sitting at the Hummel Hudson dinner table loudly enjoying a pre-thanksgiving dinner, just enjoying families' company. There were of course mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes and marshmallows, which of course I loved, I have a sweet tooth, Kurt's favorite, the pumpkin pie, Savannahs ‘one and only vice' on Thanksgiving as she called it, cranberry sauce, and there was macaroni salad. Everything was suuuuuuper delicious.
Carole and Kurt tag teaming their cooking was just……. Let's stick with good before I give myself a food-gasm and go and eat more food. I'm going to blow up if I have another bite. I hope I'm not still full tomorrow because according to Savannah, Thanksgiving day lunch tomorrow was going to make me fatter than I could ever imagine.
And it all proved to be correct, because Savannah's families thanksgiving had soooooo much more food than I had ever seen at a single Thanksgiving in my entire lifetime. They could've fed an entire third world country with the food that they had. But, it made sense since there were so many people. At least 40, and they were all crowding the Lake's house. Not counting myself, Kurt, Savannah and the twins. Everyone here were of so many different races that it makes a lot of sense that the family had so many different types of food. Mexican, Puerto Rican, soul food, Portuguese, and of course, the regular thanksgiving food same as we had at Burt and Carole's.
And it was all delicious!
Ahh… A great November it was proving to be. And for more than just me……
Savannah's Pov
Thanksgiving was packed!! Jam packed! And that only made things easier for me today.
Everyone fawns over the twins. They were passed from hand to hand to hand. They were extremely popular with my whole family. The distant family that is.
Since my angel bratty twins love to be in environments with noise and commotion around them, they thrived at Thanksgiving. They were nothing but happy happy happy babies.
Except when they were put down for diaper changes. That is the only time they took some convincing to not cry.
"Gnaaa!!" They fussed, kicking their feet and fuss fuss fussing while Blaine and I tried to get their new diapers on.
"Oh grumpy grumpy gills! Im almost done Mr. Man!" I cooed at my Kayle. “Hold your horses' papa!" I smiled ridiculously at him until he stared straight at me halting his crying. "Yeah!" I finished with a high pitched squeal, finally getting the straps taped to the diaper.
Kaidyn's whining stopped as well when she stared at me same as her brother when I started distracting him.
We finished changing them and got off of the couches in the den to return them to the family room where everyone was gathered fawning over the babies one at a time.
When we faced the door though to walk out, my Abuelo was standing there in the doorway.
"Abuelo!?" I exclaimed.
I was surprised to see him here at all. Let alone watching me and Blaine with the babies. Hed disowned me.
"Mija, usted es una Madre incredeible.”
What? Did he really just call me a great mom?
He said I was a disgrace for making myself a mom too young a few months ago... I hadnt seen my grandfather since then. And I didnt know what to say.
"Really?" I asked.
”Son nieta hermosos bebés. Has hecho un gran trabajo y son tan saludable y feliz. Estoy muy orgulloso de ti "(They are beautiful babies' granddaughter. Youve done a great job and they are so healthy and happy. I am very proud of you.)
I couldnt believe it. My abuelo who I thought hated me is complimenting me....
I cant believe it.
"Gracias babpi. I try really hard and Blaine and Kurt are just the best partners to raise them with. Theyre great dads."
My Abuelo nodded and walked toward Blaine to shake his hand. “Puedo ver que tambien.”(I can see that too.) And he smiled at Blaine's firm grasp. "Bienvenida a la familia, Blaine."
Blaine smiled and nodded. "Gratzi senor."
I wanted to cry just a little. My grandpa was back. And I was so happy. I put Kayle over my shoulder and hugged my grandfather tight as I could while holding a baby.
The whole thanksgiving event at my house, well, my mom and dads house, was lovely. Lunch/dinner was absolutely delicious and filled with amazing family and glory. I never realized just how happy I am in with my life.
I have amazing baby twins.
I am co-parenting them with the two greatest and most decent family men on this planet who love their babies. And though some people out there will probably say that I am completely NUTS to be co-parenting with two guys, for one thing, its not their business. And 2, my babies, my choice.
I have wonderful parents who love and accept me, and a big complete family who do the same.
I have the most incredible boyfriend in Finn and he is just kind and gentle, and loving and sexy, Id never ask for anyone different.
Hes also so sweet to me about my babies. Hes not a pro or anything at handling them, for example, hes kind of messy and not as cautious, but he tries. And I think hes cute when hes all excited about uncle-hood.
I think I am falling for him, but I havent told him that yet.
Its too soon. Just like its too soon for us to have sex. I know that. And Finn knows that too. But that hasnt stopped us from wanting to do....... other stuff... I want to go further with him. And he does too. I mean, last time we were alone together, he massaged my back, and even my... my butt a little, and he touched my down under. Not a lot, but he rubbed his hand on it a little. Just feeling it, not going in. But before then, I gave him a hand job in his room and he tried to touch me down there. But I stopped him.
Not because I was scared, but because.... I still had my stupid after baby born bleeding. And it sucked. I really wanted to.
But, now, that was finally gone. And now, nothing can stop me from taking another step with my handsome boyfriend.
I wish he was here with my family for thanksgiving today but we were at the Hudmels yesterday, on Thanksgiving eve. And today, Finn is with his moms' family in Cincinnati.
And I missed him. Like always. That's how I know I am falling for him. Because when he's not around, I miss him and think about him a lot.
My abuelo gravitated toward Kurt and Blaine whenever one of them, or even both of them, handled the twins without me right there with them.
It was cute. He just watched over them smiling the whole time.
I think it started out as watching to see if they were equipped enough to be the dads and being careful enough with his grandkids, but right away, he was only watching because it was fun to watch because Kurt and Blaine were better parent's than me probably.
"These are not my toes!!" Kurt exclaimed with Kayle feet in his hands.
I swear he smiled! I dont care who thinks its gas. GAS HURTS! I MEAN, COLICKY IS GASSY. So why would they smile if theyre hurting?!?!?!
Kayle smiled.
"Oh my god, Kayle smiled!" Kurt exclaimed, mimicking my thought.
And I got to see it! KAYLE FIRST SMILE!!!!
My big boy was the first to smile.
Everyone in the house came over to see him smile, but of course he just got nervous that so many people came and surrounded him now.
Kurt tried to get the baby to focus back on only him by talking and cooing at him. He went back to pulling his piggy toes one by one again.
Kayle was easily distracted, because he looked right back to daddy. And smiled again!
"Gheh heh!!"
Was that a laugh? Did he giggle too?!?!?! Hes only a month and a half old and he smiled and kind of giggled! I was a happy mama!
Blaine's POV
Kayle smiled! And laughed!!! I cant believe it!
And I didn't miss it! I couldve missed it if not for Sherman getting me out of Sebastian's clutches.
Just more reasons to be Thankful I guess. This was a true thanksgiving for sure. I had so much to be thankful for.
"Kurt, keep making him smile! I want to get a picture!!" I told him, grabbing my phone from the couch behind me.
Kurt continued to coo and grab at Kayle's feet making him keep those first little adorable baby smiles on his face. I started snapping pictures to make sure I caught one of his smile clearly. I got about a hundred. Thank you Android for the continuous shot feature!
"Perfect." I said satisfied with the pictures. I picked the one with the clearest, biggest smile, and attached it to a text;
"Happy thanksgiving to the best boss ever! I know I said that already but wanted to send you this and thank you yet again for everything. Id have likely missed one of my kid's first smiles if it hadnt been for you. So, thank you!" I sent it off to Sherman and went back to playing with my twinnies. Back to Kaidyn specifically since I was playing with her before Kayle smiled and threw me off track.
"Hi baby girl!" I exclaimed at her.
She kicked her legs in response. "My Ms. KAIDYN!!!” I exclaimed, and I started to smack my lips, copying what she was doing.
My phone beside me buzzed and I grabbed it really quick, assuming it'd be a text back from Sherman.
Which it was, and he attached a pic to his as well. He had on a crown with three layers of letters saying, ‘The Thanksgiving dad.'
He was posed in front of a beautifully set table that had wine and a traditional thanksgiving feast set on it, and he had a glass of wine in his hand. There were three women standing around him also with glasses in their hand. Two of the women looked younger, so they must've been his daughters he told me about, Kammy and Kandy, and his wife standing behind him kissing his cheek. She wore an almost matching hat but with one word replaced, the word being ‘mom'.
The text read, “Quit thanking me already and go eat! Ur a beanpole! And your very welcome kid! Happy Turkey day Andy! Tell the family we send our love! And calories!'
My boss was awesome.
I showed everyone nearby the picture Sherman sent and then put the phone back beside me to goof off with my daughter.
This perfect little girl who was always hungry searching and had a mouth ALWAYS searching for milk. No matter what form it was in. And she was angry at anyone who didn't feed her right away when she wanted it. Completely opposite from her brother. She didnt judge the milk like Kayle did, as he only liked breast milk, and only from mommy's boob. Bottles pissed him off.
I started to do what Kurt did when Kayle smiled. Funny faces and talking. "Nom nom nom nom!" And I smiled at her big, hoping maybe she would copy me. "Num num num num!!!!! Are you gonna smile too Ms. thing?! Are you gonna smile too?! Huh?" I was smiling so big, I'm SURE I looked like an idiot. But she didn't smile, just kicked and groaned. And more kicks. "Yeah! You gonna smile for your family to see? Huh Kaidyn?!"
“Ghe!”She cooed, but just loudly. She only kick kick kicked her feet. Fast and repetitive, with her eyes wide and you could tell that she was happy with the attention from daddy even though she wasnt smiling. They were happy eyes and happy kicks. She was almost there.
She wasnt there yet, but she's almost there. And that's all that mattered. And I cant wait for her to join her brother. I hope I dont miss it.
My little babies are growing.... its kind of unbelievable. It feels like they just got here, and now one is smiling, and the other is almost smiling. These babies are so precious and unbelievable.
Maybe I should start carrying a video camera 24/7 and recording everything that the twins ever do!
There's YouTube vloggers and stuff right? The ones that put their whole life on YouTube for people to see? Sam does it and talks about it all the time. His followers are CONSTANTLY commenting his videos asking for him to do new impressions. And he makes like 60 bucks a day. It's not much, but it's something.
I of course don't have enough time for that, but maybe Savannah can do that. She could make videos of the twins, well, our life with the twins, and monetize her account and make some money off of it. And awesomely, at the same time, she'd be making countless home movies for the family to always have.
I'm totally telling her this! She's been so stressed lately about not working to contribute, maybe that could be Savannah's job. She could be a stay at home mom and get paid for it.
Puck's Pov
Do you know how hard it is not to drink at a party where everyone else is drinking?
It friggin sucks dude.
Oh I tell u... if my kid wasnt here, man I would be soooo wasted or Corona's and shots.
I mean, its Thanksgiving! Were supposed to double our weight with food and alcohol. But what am I doing? Sitting at the kiddy table with a bunch of elementary school kids.
And Beth of course.
And okay, bright side Puck. Think of the bright side. If I was home right now for TChanksgiving, my mom would be crying for not being able to give thanks with a husband while watching Jewish movies. I actually like the holiday and having tons of food with family. Plus, Id choose to be here anyways to be with Beth for Thanksgiving. She's my family now.
So, shes worth sitting here for. Thats what I have to keep reminding myself. I have self-control. Of course I do.
I havent had a drink in. ... well, about a month. Which I know that is not long but, its long for me okay? Shelby told me and Quinn to clean up our acts if we wanted to see Beth. And we did. But we had to stay that way to be in her life. I mean, I have to.
And I am.
Quinn has pretty much lost her forever thanks to her brilliant idea to try and get Shelby to look like an unfit mother when we babysat Beth a few months ago.
Lets just say, it wasnt pretty.
For one thing, Beth wouldnt go near Quinn without screaming because she didnt know her. Q took too long to clean up after Shelby offered for let us get to know Beth, so I was able to see our daughter for a whole month before Quinn did. So Beth got to spend time with me and get to know me for several weeks before her bio mom even met her.
I think I deserved that though. I never wanted to give her up in the first place. I really didnt. I tried to get Quinn to keep her a bunch of times but she had her mind made up. She was too selfish with her teen life to keep Beth. And since I wasnt prepared to be a teen dad by myself, adoption it stayed. Thank God for now though. I dont know what Id do without Beth in my life since meeting her. She looks a ton like me. I didn't think so at first, but when she smiles, it's a little scary. It's like a female me.
Anyways, once Shelby found out about the crap Quinn planted in her condo, she was pissed. Not only because child protective services came to inspect her as a mother, but because the house was kind of a mess when they had come, she was running on only 5 hours of sleep that night before, and Beth had a cold, so she was crying for most of the visit. She is a fit mother and was deemed one by them, of course, but still. Shelby still trusted Quinn with babysitting her child, and Quinn mucked it up.
After that, she wasnt comfortable with Quinn being around Beth anymore. Obviously. Shelby is a great mom and even though I wanted her back same as Quinn, but I wasnt on bored with her plan from the beginning. It was stupid. Get Shelby deemed a bad mom and then take our daughter away from the only mom she'd had for almost 2 years? It was all kinds of wrong. So I told Shelby about the stuff. And about the call to cps.
I felt a little bad but, I got over it. Quinn was still hanging with the skanks behind Shelby's back anyways. I wouldn't be comfortable with Quinn around Beth either knowing what the skanks do on the roof. So who knows what Q's into with them. And it's her loss, because Beth is amazing.
Shelby's family were definitely party people. And man I was missing out.
“Hew mohawk guy?! Arent you a grown up? Why are you sitting at the kids table?” An annoying black haired kid said.
I rolled my eyes. Technically, I am 18, but I dont answer to snotty nosed 3rd graders.
“Im here for my daughter Beth nosey pants. She likes when I hang out!” I argued.
The kid shrugged and resumed shoveling food in his pie-hole.
When I rolled my eyes and looked back to my own plate, soft and squishy food was flung at me and hit me in square in the eye.
“Pudaydos daddy!" Beth yelled with her now empty spoon held in front of my face.
And every sticky fingered little kid at the table cracked up laughing.
I sighed. “Thank you Bethie but I have my own potatoes monkey.”
Seeing that she'd just gotten potatoes in my eye, she looked a little worried looking at me with big eyes.
I wiped a smudge of the food out of my eye and put it in my napkin when she uttered, “Uh oh.” I took a swipe off my cheek with my finger and licked it off. "Uh oh is right you monkey!" And I tickled her in her chair.
She giggled joyously and when Shelby came behind me with a wet towel, Beth smiled at her mommy, and went back to her turkey plate.
"Thanks." I said taking the towel and wiping my face. I stood from the kids table and faced Shelby. We made eye contact for a second but she looked away real quick. Of course.
See? She knows my Puckerman stare at her is too electric to resist. Its in my DNA. She wants me.
And I know, I know! It cant happen because shes my teacher.
My sub.
Whatever I know. It still sucks. She was still a big loss…. Yet another one that got away...
Why couldnt I freaking keep my women?!
Quinn, loon.
Rachel, prude.
Santana, lesbian.
Lauren, hard to get and then got away…… Really really slowly..... Come to think of it, since she broke up with me at the beginning of the year, I think she transferred.
Or maybe she graduated....
I have no idea what happened to her.
And last, Shelby, says Im too young.
Even Ms. Jameson from Sycamore street..... She says Im not young enough since I showed her a picture of Beth last month while cleaning her pool.
I cant win.
But I guess that just makes Beth the only girl in my life that matters. She needs all my attention right now. So……. I can stay down with that.
For now......
So, my boy Finn's birthday is coming up. And besides a new pair of gym sneakers that I owe him since I trashed his by accident in basketball, Ive got to get him the perfect gift. His party from what Ive heard so far is going to be epic. Or at least as epic as a party with parents and without liquor can be.
He needs something really kick ass to reign in his big 18!
I mean, he got me 3 new games for the Xbox 360 for my birthday and that was killer.
But he has tons of games already and his mom is probably already getting him any new ones. Plus his parent's got him a car. That lucky bastard!
"Hey Puck!"
Speak of the devil.
"Finn Bro! Hows it going.”
Finn nodded. "Not too bad. Im kind of excited about my birthday, actually."
See? Hes excited about it, so his present HAS to be epic.
"I bet! And I know more than you do about it, so yeah. You should be excited. Just saying."
Finn smiled and play punched me.
I laughed and was shaking my head. "I am not a tease. Just keepin it real. Now if you want to talk about a tease, it's that girlfriend of yours. Wearing all of those low cut shirts around you, her tits all perky and... out there!"
Finn chuckled once, but sat down on the bench in front of the lockers.
"I know, its so freaking frustrating! They're freaking GORGEOUS and I cant touch them...."
I sat beside him and asked, "Why not?" but he stared at me like I was an idiot for a few seconds.
"What?!" I said. "I was all over those sacs of goodness after Quinn had Beth. Its like sweet eggnog bro. Trust me."
Finn had his eyebrows arched and he looked really confused.
Or maybe he was grossed out.
"Dude, every guy out there has thought about it, even you. And dont deny it either. Everyone wonders how it is to suck their girls' breast when theyre breastfeeding."
Finn shrugged slowly. "It seems... wrong though.”
But I could see in his face, he was still curious.
"But I can see it in your eyes bro. You want to. You want to know, and not only that, you want to taste." I wriggled my brows.
Finn rolled his eyes and stood, opening his locker with no comment.
"Finn, dude it's just milk." I shrugged.
Finn pulled his gym shirt over his head and closed his locker.
"But, it's baby milk Puck. Cant it be like, stealing or something?"
I full on laughed.
"What?!" Finn said this time. “Im serious! What if she like, freaked out that I tried that? It's supposed to for her babies."
"Ah! See you DO want to do it!" I shouted.
"Shhhh!" Finn whispered. And didnt answer for a bit.
I gave him a stare.
"Okay fine.... maybe I do, but I dont want to make her uncomfortable. Or mad...."
I rolled my eyes and shut my own locker shaking my head. "Psssshhh. Are you kidding. Just tell her that its freaking sexy and itll make her a blushing cherry. As for the milkssuckers, sharing is caring." I stopped chuckling when I noticed Finn staring me down.
"Are you looking at my girl Puckerman?"
I wanted to be a little offended, but I won't. I can't, I mean I did just call his girlfriend sexy multiple times.
And I got his last girlfriend pregnant and.... made out with his next girlfriend after her.....
Geez, Im a crummy friend......
Yet another reason I need to make sure I get him a dynamite birthday gift.
"No Finn, I'm not looking at Savannah, swear. Im just a guy, and Im over at Kurt and Blaine's every once in a while and I know what she looks like. Take it as a compliment, not a move on her. I mean seriously, I even turn away or leave the room when she grabs a boppy because that usually means her boobs are about to come out."
“Her boobs what?!?!” Finn yelled.
"To feed a baby!" I defended, and Finn sunk down the locker wall. "Geez, youre so paranoid, you need to get laid!!" I shook my head at him.
He sighed. Poor Finn.
I know how hard it is to date a girl who had a baby in high school. They get totally terrified of sex afterwards.
“Well,” he sighed, “Since you mentioned getting laid, I was gonna ask if you could recommend a brand of condom?"
I looked at his eyes now.
Holy crap, he is gonna try and get laid. Go Finn!
“I cant help you there my friend. Never used them, and considering my track record and also Savannahs track record, Id get some ASAP, because Ohio makes girls fertile."
I laughed and the two of us walked out to gym, still laughing at ourselves.
Finn's birthday party this weekend was going to be epic! He's gonna be pretty damn thankful!
Authors note!
Started new job! It's kind of shorter than usual guys, but well over 5,000 words, so I think it's good to post! And the next chapter is already written and has over 5,000 words as well! So, ENJOY IT when it comes, but review this chapter to get it! :P REVIEW!
Seriously this time! The more reviews, the faster I post it! Cus it IS written this time. :)
Shoutout to SOCIALBUTTERFLY who is ALWAYS there for me when I am too depressed or overwhelm to write! And Charleygyrl who I don't get to talk to anymore as often as I like, but I love her and shes A,AZING!
Please, check out her writing!!!! Charleygyrl on fanfiction dot neeeet.
Also, shoutout to msgoodbar2257, a.k.a, the NUMBER 1 reviewer of ALL TIME!!!!!
Seriously, on scarves and coffee, look it up!! She's INCREDIBLE!
Love u all! Sorry I took so long!
Hopefully, another second chance will be next after this next chapter! Hearts and kisses!
Please review!!!!