A new Night, An Accident, Opportunity
Chapter 6: Fairy GodFather Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A new Night, An Accident, Opportunity: Chapter 6: Fairy GodFather

E - Words: 9,562 - Last Updated: Mar 22, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Jan 18, 2014 - Updated: Jan 18, 2014
186 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:


A/N: So, I ended up doing something SUPER SPECIAL for you LOVELY readers of mine in my absence. I have REAL versions of the twins now. Ms. Kaidyn and Kayle. They are the story's new cover image and they can also be found on my Kayle and Kaidyn Facebook page. Fanfictiongleebabies a t g m a i l. you know. : ) I will have new pictures of them in ACTUAL outfits and such that Kurt and Blaine put on them in the story! They are LEGIT Klaine's real twins! Curly hair and all! Please, please check them out!!!! They are very excited for everyone to see them! (I'm learning photo shop also to make pics of Klaine WITH them. Stay tuned!




Kurt's Pov

(At the condo) “I don't knooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww!” with rapid Violins playing simultaneously. (Smooth criminal ringtone)

Voice deep with sleep and exhaustion, Kurt answered Blaine's phone after about a minute that his boyfriend didn't budge at the ring.

That ringtone was set for unknown numbers. Who would be calling at 6 am?


Kurt squinted his eyes when the caller asked for Blaine. It's a professional sounding man. And it DEFINITELY wasn't Sebastard.

I rustled Blaine awake and told him his boss was on the phone. He looked at the caller ID, and he woke up in an INSTANT. “Hello, Mr. Phelps.”
After the response from the receiver, Blaine chuckled, “K. Mr. Sherman, sorry.”

After some chatter, I laid my head back on the pillow and shut my eyes, but when Blaine got frantic, I sat back up.

“Sir, I can't miss a day. I need the hours. Our rent was raised sir, and if I don't make-“

I started to rub his back in support when he was cut off.

Blaine was quiet for a minute, and totally stressing. He really does not need the stress this morning.

Not today.

“Well, I work a bit from home too. Sebastian tells me to do research and reports from home when the office is closed so a lot of it is at home-” Blaine tried. Why is he ALWAYS defending his moron boss?

Blaine nodded after another long pause of chatter from the receiver. “W-…….Thank you Mr. Ph- Sherman. I really owe you.”

I just rubbed my eyes because I'm really still tired, but I need to know what was being said on the other end of this call. Seems important.

“Yes sir.” Blaine replied to his boss. He was smiling now. Good! No stress!

“Yes sir?” Blaine said again. This time a question. I put my ear to the other side of his phone.  “Happy birthday.”

“Oh my gosh? Is that?!” Blaine looked at his phone in shock! “Holy crap! Thank you. I didn't even realize.”

How busy is a teenager really to not realize that it was near their birthday?

Listening as close to the phone as I could, I heard Blaine's boss, “Yep. I saw it myself going through your paperwork. Enjoy yourself today ya hear?”

Blaine nodded. “Thanks Sherman. I'll work on it.”

I smiled because this guy is awesome. “Bye sir.” Blaine said with a surprised smile.

Blaine threw himself back onto his pillow beside me.

“Happy birthday daddy Blaine.” I kissed him a peck.

Blaine tuned to his boyfriend. “You too?”

Kurt raised an eyebrow.

“How did you know it was my birthday but I didn't?”

Kurt smiled, kissed him and shushed him. “Night night.”

And with being able to sleep in, we both fell back asleep.

Thank you Sherman Phelps. Now Blaine can have the amazing birthday that he deserves.

My brain needed a few more hours of sleep this morning. I had to plan something special for today now that Blaine will actually BE here to enjoy it.


All Knowing Pov

“Do you think we're going over bored?” Savannah asked Finn. The two of them, each with a baby in their hands, were setting the table for breakfast and trying to do everything one handed. “I mean, what if he suspects something is wrong?”

“Would you relax!?” Finn berated his girlfriend. “Look.” And the tall teen re-positioned the baby in his arms. “It's his birthday, so us making him breakfast isn't going to look suspicious okay? And Blaine's mom is coming over this morning with a gift for him, and Kurt is going to do something special for him I'm sure. There's nothing suspicious about us making him an awesome breakfast.”

Savannah nodded okay and continued mixing a bowl of frosting with one hand while baby Kayle sucked on his fist.

When Blaine and Kurt had both cleaned up and dressed for the day, they made their way downstairs to grab a bite to eat.

Savannah was surprised seeing Blaine's casual clothes considering he was supposed to be going into work this morning, but regardless, she went to hug and kiss Blaine's cheek.


“Haaaaaaaaappy birthday father of my children!” Savannah exclaimed happily.

“Okay, did everyone know but me!?” Blaine threw his hands in the air to say while hugging Savannah back.

Everyone laughed except Blaine, though Blaine found it the funniest.

“Yeah, how sad is that. I ALWAYS remember my birthday.” Finn blurted.

Kurt rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I know. You talk about it all month before it happens, and then more for a whole month after! I think everyone knows when its YOUR birthday.”

Everyone laughed at Finn this time and he stuck his tongue out at Kurt before he continued doing what he had been doing before Kurt and Blaine came downstairs. Dipping his finger in the frosting bowl, and licking the creamy treat off of his fingers. He moaned an ‘Mmm' before moving Kaidyn from one of his arms, to his other to use his better hand for dipping.

“Okay, Finn, seriously! You just slimed all over your fingers, and are holding the baby with those gross nubs now! Give me her…” Kurt said, grabbing his daughter from her uncle before she got eaten thanks to Finn coating her in frosting drool.

Finn was just a hopeless case with the twins! “Hey! Come on, she has clothes on, it's not like I'm actually wetting her!”

Savannah looked over at him and smiled, shaking her head. Poor Finn really was good with them, and he did try hard. He was just a goob sometimes and Kurt was a little insane. But Savannah also knew that she held her tongue a lot with Finn handling the twins usually, but it was going to stop starting now. Only cleanliness would EVER be around her twins again. And she shuddered just THINKING about the Mintons.

“Kurt's right Finn. Please wash your hands.”

Finn shook his head slowly. “You parents are just so not teens anymore. Sheesh.” And the tall teen moved to go wash his hands.


Blaine held his baby boy in front of him and Kurt so they could take a minute to look at his outfit. Both twins were in new outfits for sure. They were definitely new.

Kayle had on a Blue onesie with dark blue baby jeans with a matching Blue black and white beret cap. On the front of the shirt it read in white letters, ”Present for daddy”.

Savannah held Kaidyn forward and out next to her brother for their daddies to see too. Ms. Kaidyn was in a matching pink onesie with the same phrase, but accompanied by a baby jean skirt and a pink flower headband instead. And the flower was just about the size of her head.

“Happy birthday Blainey boy, my baby!” A voice rang.

It was Cheryl, Blaine's mom coming from the den to surprise them.

The birthday boy smiled, happy to see a parent for the first time in a few weeks. Blaine kissed his mom promptly and held her tight for a moment.

“Do you like the twin's outfits son?” She asked stepping back to look at her son.

Blaine smiled. “I do mom! Very cute.”

What Cheryl of course didn't yet know, was that Kurt was OVERJOYED inside with the outfits 50 times more than Blaine was being the fashion savvy one.

The beret cap and headband on the twins heads were now causing Kurt to already spend about 100 dollars in his mind at least to get them in EVERY color. The twins just COULDN'T HAVE BEEN CUTER IN THEM and they HAD to have more.

Oh Kurt.....


At Blaine's semi quietness, Cheryl worried if something was on his mind.

“I'm really sorry about your father Blaine. Everett just…..” She sighed. It was no use. She knew her husband was relentless. “I just really hope I am still welcome here to see you all dear.”

Blaine just embraced his mother quickly. “Of course mom. I'm sorry too. When I stormed out, I didn't mean anything harsh to you, I just…. You know.”

Cheryl nodded slowly. “I do know son. I understand.”

Blaine smiled. "Youre ALWAYS welcome here mom. I just dont want the twins raised around that kind of bigotry."


Breakfast ensued through the morning, and all was cheerful and fun.

"This is soooo good!" Everyone expressed to the chefs. Savannah and Finn were proud.

"Well, I think Finn and I have spent enough time arguing in the kitchen this past summer, we mastered teamwork for breakfast."

Everyone laughed. The family time was so fruitful and joyous, Savannah even forgot her nerves for a while about losing her job with the accompaniment of family around. But it was short lived of course. The stress presented itself right back when Burt stopped by to wish Blaine a happy birthday and reminded Kurt that he had work at the shop that evening.

"Are you KIDDING ME? Blaine actually got his birthday off? Hes off for the first time in who KNOWS how freaking long, and you are seriously telling me I have to work; AWAY from my family on a celebratory day?!"

Everyone just stared at Burt silently all thinking what Burt was about to say.

"Geezus Kurt, you are SO dramatic....."

Everyone laughed.

Well, not Kurt.

“You too Finn.”

Finn rolled his eyes. “Yeah I know.”


After Burt assisted Savannah with the dishes and breakfast cleanup while the boys fed the twins to nap, he left the condo with a smile on Blaines face having received his gift certificate of 4 tires whenever his car may need them.

"Have a great birthday kid. Kurt, I'll see you later tonight."

Kurt just gave a very false smile/scowling look at his dad.

Burt drove away and Kurt laid his head down on a boppy.

"This is so unfair." He pouted.

Blaine sat at his feet. "Its not so bad Kurt. We still have several hours of today left. We can go to the mall. Shopping? Let's make the day last."

The pouting boyfriend sighed and sat up. "Youre right. I love you."

The boys kissed lightly and Savannah rolled her eyes, but noticed the boys both plop down both of their heads on the twins' favorite boppy pillow.

“Guys!! Get your heads off the twins' boppy please. Your hair has crap in it."

Now it was Kurt's turn to roll his eyes, but regardless, he moved the boppy and rearranged a couch pillow in its place. Then he resumed making out with Blaine.

Savannah shook her head and stuck her nose in a book, seated at the now clean table. Finn was at the microwave already eating a snack barely an hour after breakfast, and the twins were snoozing away.

It was a nice quiet rest of the morning.



"Beauty doesn't HAVE a price." Kurt argued.

Savannah disagreed, but couldn't say why. At least not today.... But she had a good excuse to use anyway. "Kurt, were going to need money. We need to save and not buy so much unnecessary stuff for them. Especially now. They've already grown out of almost every newborn outfit they have."


Kurt protested. "Relax Savannah its only 40 dollars, and most of the stuff is 3-6 month. So itll last a while.”

Savannah had a feeling that no matter what she said, she wouldn't win this one.

“Kurt, it's important to save money anyway.”

“Savannah, we have three incomes now remember? And come on, its Blaine's birthday. Don't we deserve to splurge just a little on stuff?”

So Savannah shut her mouth because it IS Blaine's birthday, and that's exactly why she needs to keep her mouth shut about her job. She just hoped that maybe Kurt would cool it with the spending.


Kurt did NOT cool it with the spending. He bought a zillion headbands for Kaidyn, and hats with flowers on them as big as her head, and he bought beret caps for Kayle, and Blaine got various bowties for Kayle and tons of fancy socks for Kaidyn. For Blaine's birthday, you'd think he'd buy stuff for himself, but nope. He only cared to pamper and spoil his babies with things they didn't need.

Savannah had to admit though, they would be the most adorable twins in Lima with all of the cuteness lying in those shopping bags. She only wished it didn't cost so much. The more they spent today, the worse she would feel about telling them tomorrow that she lost her job and they should take back everything they bought………

The day was starting to be stressful for Savannah.

Finn pitched in 20 bucks to get Blaine a half an hour long massage at one of those mall spots where Asian guys massage you. Kurt and Savannah took the twins to the family restroom to change them, and Finn got a pizza pretzel while he waited for everyone to finish up their things.

In the bathroom, Kurt got a baby wipe and wiped off the baby changing station and went to put Kayle down on it to be changed. He was sucking his fist and kicking his feet around in the air, happy to be out of his carseat.

“Kurt!” Savannah shouted before Kayle's back could hit the surface.

Kurt jumped. “What? I wiped it down.”

Savannah took a deep breath and grabbed Kayle from Kurt and dug into the diaper bag for a changing pad to set down.

“Savannah, I wiped it clean with a baby wipe first.”

Savannah put Mackaylen down onto the pad and started to undress him herself. “I know. But, I just want to make SURE he's protected from the germs and stuff….. Just one baby wipe….. You never know……”

Kurt rolled his eyes and sighed, but he didn't press the issue. She'd just started work back up and if the Minton's house was how Savvy was worried it would be after she was gone for so long, it was probably what was triggering her to be all CLEAN happy. He'd leave it alone.

Kaidyn was cooing happily in her car seat and he grabbed her out as Savannah finished changing Kayle's diaper and Kurt took Kaidyn to his spot to change as Savannah put Kayle back away.



“Let's see a movie?! The new ‘Hero Valley' film came out on Friday!” Finn exclaimed as the group was approaching the food court and theatre. “We should totally see it!”

“We have two small infant children with us Finn. We're not gonna be the annoyance of the whole theatre in case the twins start crying. Seriously dude.” Kurt said with a major ‘duh' tone in his voice.

“So!?” Finn said equally as sassy and he pointed to Savannah's boobs. “That's part of the beauty of breastfeeding right? You guys JUST changed them. She can feed them to sleep before the movie starts and then they'll sleep through the whole thing. And if they wake up, she can just put them on the boob. Bada bing, bada boom!”

Although Finns logic was brilliant, it was flawed too.

Kurt laughed before shaking his head. “Finn, that is a good plan actually, so I have to give you credit for that. But-“

“But the theatre is loud. I don't want to expose their ears to that level of noise so soon. They're too little.” Blaine said.

“I agree. They're not ready for the movies…. Sorry babe… I hate to be your buzzkill….” Savannah frowned.

Finn just smiled at her with his best prideful and cute look. “You're not a buzzkill babe.” And he kissed her before she pushed the stroller away and over to a Jamba Juice.

“Buzzkills….” He murmured at Kurt and Blaine.

The couple just looked at each other and shook their heads…

Finn was insane.


At the end of Blaine's birthday, or at least the end of its celebratory part, he was pretty exhausted. It worked out because he wanted to go home and nap and Kurt had to get into the shop to work. When Kurt left for work, Savannah also left with Finn and the twins so he could ‘take her to work' too. Of course, he took her to his house instead and then went off to work himself. Carole was certainly excited to have some time with her grandbabies. Blaine was insistent that Savannah leave the twins with him, but the excessive bags under the poor dads eyes told her that she could take them to someone to babysit so he could relax for the rest of his birthday.

He didn't object much once Savannah told him to rest alone the first time.

He went up to his and Kurt's room, but it felt too lonely being in there by himself, so he went downstairs instead and lounged on the couch with some cable.

He couldn't even remember the last time he watched casual TV for more than 5 minutes.


He had a really great birthday overall. Finn bought him all of the food and snacks that he wanted all day at the mall as basically his gift besides the breakfast collab with Savannah.

Kurt bought Blaine a brand new iPod touch and docking station with extra loud speakers since he liked to blast music when he showered, but didn't currently have speakers loud enough to hear over the water.

Savannah got him a few bowties. Blaine's mom got him a couple 100 dollar gift cards to his favorite clothing stores which he left at home for the mall trip. Genius.

Along with his tire certificate from Burt, Carole got him a new messenger bag for work, and Janah and Harry dropped off an Xbox 360 for the condo, which Finn showed the most excitement about of course, but Blaine was really happy about. With Sherman possibly being his new boss, he may actually have some time coming soon to be a teenager and play a couple video games.

But for now, Blaine just rested on the couch watching some random TV show that he only paid attention to for 5 minutes before he dozed off to sleep.


Carole and Savannah were eating cheese and crackers in their living room having a serious girl talk. Savannah really did need someone to talk to right now.

“When are you planning on telling the boys?” Carole asked.

Savannah shrugged and readjusted herself as Kaidyn pulled off of her breast having finished eating. With Kaidyn over her shoulder to burp, Savannah just shook her head.

“I don't know. Part of me wants to try and find another job as soon as I can so I don't have to tell them.”

Carole was adamant in that being a bad idea. “Savannah, you can't do that honey. You have to tell them. Especially if they went crazy on their spending today. They need to know now.”

Savannah just shut her eyes and focused on patting Kaidyn's back. “I know…..”

“Gnaaaaa!” Kayle cooed from the tummy time mat on the carpet in front of grandma. Carole just grinned from ear to ear and moved down to the floor to hang out closer to her grandbaby.

Kaidyn burped twice and Savannah put her down in a bouncer beside her brother.

“I guess I'll have to tell them tonight then……..”

Carole told her that it had to be done. “I know it's not easy hun. And it's completely unfair, but if you really think about it, you are better off not working there. They were some HORRID people. And even worse parents.”

Savannah definitely agreed there.


Later in the evening when Finn returned home from work, Savannah loaded the twins up in Burt's car and he drove her home. Finn wanted to do that job, but Carole wasn't having it thanks to Finn not making it home by curfew last night. Since Savannah was so upset about losing her job, he stayed with her hours passed the time he was supposed to be home.

“So, how have you been Sav? Hanging in there?”
Savannah just shrugged sadly, and Burt could tell that something was wrong.

“What's up? I think I know you well enough to know when something is wrong.”

Savannah nodded.

“How was work today?”

Savannah sighed deeply. “Non-existent.”

Burt raised a brow, but kept his eyes on the road. “What do you mean?”

A tear fell down her cheek before she spoke. “I got fired yesterday.”


Nodding again, Sav wiped her face. “Yeah. I was a few minutes late because the twins had no care and Blaine was late picking me up because of his stupid boss and….” She was breaking down now at a stoplight.

Burt turned to face her with the momentary halt in driving. “They fired you for being a few minutes late?”

“No.” Savannah shook her head with a sniffle. “They told me I didn't need to worry about childcare since I'm taking care of kids anyway, I could bring them to work with me and save time and money or whatever. When I said no, and I wouldn't be late again and sorry, they kept pushing me to bring them to work with me.”

Burt nodded now understanding where this might've been going.

“I was polite and everything, but after I couldn't come up with any more excuses, I told them that, with all due respect, I would never bring my kids here because their house is too messy.”

It was quiet in the car now for a bit.

“So why did they say they fired you?” Burt continued.


Savannah relayed the story to Burt for the third time which would NOT be the last time of course, and Burt gave her a VERY sincere hug goodnight when dropping her off at home.

“Everything is going to work out dear. Just tell them what's going on. It'll be okay.”

The teen mom really wasn't sure that was true, but regardless, she got her babies from the car, and went inside to the condo ready to tell her tale once again.

She wiped her tears and took a deep breath before going into the house, a car seat in each hand. Kurt and Blaine were both in pajamas on the couch watching some reality show, cuddled up close. There were snacks on the table in front of them.

“Hey guys, I've gotta talk to you about something…..” Savannah said with a small voice. She was unstrapping Kayle from his car seat to transfer him to a bouncer but Blaine reached for him, and Kurt went over to Kaidyn's car seat to grab her also.

Kurt and Blaine both looked at her now, with a twin in each of their arms. “Please tell me you're not pregnant again!?” Kurt murmured monotonously.

Savannah shook her head. That would be funny under any other circumstances, but not right now.

“What's up Sav?” Blaine asked then. He sat down as he said it, bringing his son into a cradle in his arms. Kurt followed suit, but kept Kaidyn over his shoulder.

Savannah took a deep breath and hated herself for having to tell them this but, it was time…..

 “The Minton's fired me yesterday….”

“What?!” Kurt and Blaine gasped in unison.

“Guys, I'm- I'm so sorry….”

“What the hell happened?” Blaine asked, kind of shouting.

Savannah was so upset already, and Blaine's kind of harsh tone made fresh tears stream down her cheeks.

“Blaine, let her explain. It can't be her fault. Those people are CRAZY.” Kurt defended.

Savannah gave Kurt a very thankful look, and then she told the boys everything and EXACTLY what happened.


“Oh wow…..” Kurt was otherwise speechless.

By now, the shock had made both boys put the babies down so they could use their hands to remain shocked.

“They're freaking INSANE if they thought we would ever let our kids into their filth bucket. That's sick!” Kurt shouted, in the kitchen now to be as far from the babies with his shouting.

Blaine slumped down the wall and exhaled. “What the crap are we gonna do now?”



Blaine's POV

Sunday morning, after Blaine's fun filled and relaxing Saturday birthday, he was very nervous about going into work. He was to report straight to Sherman Phelps' office where he had NO IDEA what was to happen.

Worse, Sherman said that his job was secure, but what if it wasn't? After Savannah's breaking news last night, it was an utter nightmare in itself. Blaine losing his job too would basically be as bad as his family's demise. What if I was right on Friday? What if everything I was telling Savannah on Friday was spot on? What if someone higher up than Sherman was unable to find a position for me? What if there is no way around my age? What if I have no job?

No. Sherman told me to stop worrying, my job is safe…. I need to relax. Stressing myself out is just stressing me out and I don't need that right now. I walked into the building and saw Sherman right away. He was holding a folder, a small box and an assistant walking at his tail was carrying a booklet and two coffee cups.

“Ah Blaine! Good you're here!” He exclaimed upon seeing me.

I did call him this morning to make sure he would be in the office when I got here. “Good morning sir.”

Sherman turned behind him to his assistant. “Ah! Thank you Joey.” And he grabbed a coffee out of his hands and handed it out to me. “I took the liberty of grabbing you a coffee, the hostess told me your regular, and I have breakfast for us waiting in my conference room, so follow me kid.”

I took the coffee and when he turned around with an usher for me to follow him, I smiled like a retard. I really, really like Sherman.

And BREAKFAST? I'd suddenly never been hungrier. I was still nervous. Really nervous I mean. Why are we going to have this possible ‘meeting' in the conference room? Would I be in front of other people as well? Or was it just me and Sherman? I had so many butterflies in my stomach, I suddenly felt like maybe I shouldn't eat.

The conference hall was actually pretty empty at the moment. There were a few employees, but they appeared to be chatting and they all lingered at an orange juice dispenser and a tray of muffins, donuts, bagels, and breads.

Why didn't I know this room had breakfast in the morning?

Then again, any time I am coming into this office, I am rushing, and it's rarely in the early morning.

When Sherman, Joey, and I walked into the room, the few people in there currently scurried off and left the office with quick, ‘Good morning Sherman's' before exiting.

Is he THAT intimidating that he scares other people out of the room?

“Alright Blaine. Help yourself over there, and I suggest trying a poppy seed muffin because they are the best creation in the world.” Sherman said with a gesture towards the food. “And then pick a seat and we can get started.”

I nodded and headed over to the table. And I couldn't help but worry…., Get started on what? I still had no idea what was happening….

I grabbed a bagel some cream cheese, a poppy seed muffin as suggested and I actually grabbed a coffee cup and filled it with orange juice. Just with the two minutes walking to this conference room, my coffee is pretty much gone. Coffee had become a second water to me. I had a cup when I woke up this morning at 7, a cup driving over here at around 8:30, and now another cup at barely after 9.

Hey, leave me alone, I need it to function awake for a full day.

I waited for Sherman to also grab some food and pick a seat himself because for some reason, I feel like it's too much pressure for me to pick the wrong seat or something.

“I'm sitting here by the food since you're too nervous to pick a seat.” Sherman said with a chuckle, and sitting down at the table nearest to the muffin plate. I laughed at my own expense.

I followed suit and sat across from Sherman and started to eat my breakfast. He was spot on; these are REALLY good muffins.

Sherman finished chewing, somewhat before he spoke. “So, first things first, how was your birthday Andy?”

I sipped my coffee. “It was really nice, Thank you so much for letting me have it off. I really appreciate it.”

“It was no problem Blaine. I actually needed some time to figure out an official new position for you; get a bunch of details and such out of the way before I met with you.”

I just nodded.

“So, I'm about to start you on a BUNCH of questions kid. You ready?”

I shrugged and said, “Sure.”

I feel better now. New position? Cool.


All knowing Pov

“Alright, so first, I'd like to get my curiosity's taken care of, and then we'll get to the real talking. But one thing I do with all of my employees, ESPECIALLY my assistants is get to know them better. Joey over there is like a nephew to me now.”

Joey looked over to them from the fax machine he was at and smiled back, with a peace sign on his fingers.

Blaine smiled. He was still a little nervous, but that would fade soon. He hoped.

“So, I want to know you better and for you to get to know me as well. If anything you don't want to answer comes up, please don't. No discomfort allowed, deal?” Sherman offered.

Blaine nodded again and definitely felt more at ease. Sherman was making things easy.

 Sherman gestured something over to Joey who was behind Blaine. “See you at 3:30 boss.”

“Do well on that test! Anything less than a C and you're fired!” Sherman called.

“Ha!” The assistant exclaimed and left the conference room.

Blaine laughed inside. He was going to be in a PARADISE working for this man.

“So, first thing, I've gotta know. How old are your twins Blaine? I need to know how long it's been since you've slept all night.”

Blaine smiled and answered right away. “They're about 6 weeks old. Born October 11th. But technically, I didn't sleep all night before they were born. Things were kind of crazy dealing with full time work, school and teen pregnancy.”

Sherman nodded understanding. “I believe it. You've got more responsibilities than me, and I'm 51.”

Blaine let his eyes fall kind of wide. Sherman looked over 40, but 51? Nah! “You look younger sir.”

Sherman rolled his eyes, but smiled. “You just earned a dollar more than I was gonna pay you, kid.”

Blaine full on laughed now.

“Okay, so next question. And this is one of those ones that you DON'T have to answer.”

Blaine nodded slowly… He knew this would come up. He wants to know if he is gay.

Blaine got more nervous now. Would Sherman think any less of him if he knew? Would he change his mind about liking him altogether? Lima Ohio was a really bigotry filled town after all…..

Might as well get this out in the open now. Blaine thought. He didn't think that Sherman was that type of person anyway. If he was, Blaine must've been an EXTREMELY bad judge of character.

“Why were you working for Sebastian? Are your parents not supportive or…. Did you get kicked out of home or did your twin's mom get kicked out of home? What's your situation basically, is what I'm asking.”

Oh! Blaine thought. It wasn't about his orientation at all. Okay.

But it was about to come up anyway because his dad's views about him being gay was a huge part of his story. His very LONG story. “Uh…. Do you want the cliff notes version, or detailed?” Blaine asked with a half-smile. It was a long story.

Sherman knew there was a lot to it mirroring Blaine's thoughts. “Why don't you combine the two.”

“Ok.” Blaine said, ready for the tale to be told.  “So, I'm gay, actually.” Blaine paused and chose to stare at his plate until Sherman reacted.

Sherman just sat back a bit in his seat and Blaine couldn't completely tell, but in his peripheral vision, he looked in deep thought, waiting for him to talk more.

Blaine met his eyes after about 30 seconds of getting no response.

“Okay, and?” Sherman said.

Blaine was jumping for joy inside.

Sherman didn't care.

“K.” Blaine nodded, starting to compile his thoughts together.

“I figured as much. Sebastian was always eyeing you and in all honesty, he's not what you would call predatory.”

Blaine was surprised. Sherman really had been looking out for him. Blaine never really came off as gay to anyone before. I mean, he wasn't exactly flammable…. But it was nice that Sherman was okay with it.

Sherman continued, “Also I heard a man call you babe on the phone. Like a puzzle, the pieces fell together. Plus, you seem like the romantic type. You didn't act romantic in the slightest with the young lady here with you the other day.”

Blaine exhaled feeling immense amounts of pressure lifted from his shoulders. For some reason, this man whom he respected so much, knowing that he is gay and not having an issue with it made him feel so much more comfortable now, he could breathe easy.

“So, go on. What happened daddy-o?”

Blaine chuckled. He tended to tell this story quite a bit. Everyone wanted to know. Here goes.

“Well, this past New Year's Eve, some friends of Kurt's, Kurt's my boyfriend, had a huge blowout New Year's party. There was alcohol. There was truth and dare, there was spin the bottle, and I'm a straight drunk.”

Sherman had a ridiculously huge smile. You could tell that he was holding back SOOOO MUCH laughter.

“Yeah, okay get it out of your system.” Blaine commented back with an equally large smile.

Sherman cleared his throat trying to choke down the laughter. “So, did her dad kick you out of the house? I want detail, this is good stuff!”

Blaine was shaking his head because hey, Sherman REALLY meant ‘get to know the boy' when he said it.

 “Ok.” Blaine answered simply. “And No, he didn't kick me out.” He laughed. “He was really angry for sure but, when I first met him formally after he found out that Savannah was pregnant, it was when I'd come over to talk about it with her parents. He and her mom pretty much scared us to death with how much it costed to raise a baby and everything, but Savannah wanted to keep the baby, and I supported whatever her decision was. I think they warmed to me pretty fast considering how much they SHOULD have hated me. Besides, her dad had met me briefly before watching football at Kurt's house, so I think him knowing already that I was gay made it a lot easier for him to not kill me.”

Blaine took a slow and shaky breath realizing how much he had just talked. God blabbermouth shut up!!! He probably didn't mean he wanted THAT much detail!!! Blaine chastised himself.

Sherman was nodding along taking it all in. He was so glad to get Blaine talking. He wanted to know so much about the boy, and this was just the beginning of his babies' story.

“So what about your parent's?”

Blaine was a little surprised. So he did want all the detail. Okay.

“Uhm, well, since my dad isn't exactly okay with me being gay, he was pretty pissed. He went on and on about how I lied for years about being gay so that they wouldn't be concerned about me being out with girls. When I told him I was still gay, he said ‘not gay enough to not knock somebody up.' I deserved it though honestly.” Blaine shrugged.

“No you don't.” Sherman stated plainly.

Blaine just met his eyes and looked back down at the table.

“No one deserves to feel unaccepted. It's as simple as that.”

Blaine nodded slowly. “I guess…” He mumbled.

Blaine composed his thoughts a little and went on. “So, my mom cried. A lot. They are pretty religious too. Christian so, they weren't okay with Savannah getting an abortion or anything, but since we'd all been to her church, they knew Sav's family was religious too. So they knew that wouldn't be an option both ways. Of course my dad said I WOULD marry her whether I liked it or not. I told him it wasn't going to happen of course. Even my mom was adamant though that I take care of my responsibilities and ‘be a man' as they put it. I said that of course I would step up and be there for her one hundred percent. It was my mess and I was responsible. But marrying her wasn't the way to do it.”

Sherman was all smiles. “Can I adopt you?” He joked.

Blaine chuckled.

“Blaine, you have such a good head on your shoulders for a barely 17 year old. It's really amazing kid.” Sherman said. “Okay, continue.”

“17 going on 30.” Blaine went on to tell Sherman everything that he wanted to know. When he didn't give enough detail, Sherman told him so. He asked TONS of questions and you could honestly say that Sherman knew Blaine like his own kid after a couple hours. And Blaine could say the same about his new boss. He knew a lot about him now too.

Sherman Phelps was happily married and had been for 30 years. He had a 20 year old daughter and a 24 year old daughter. His oldest daughter Kadence was married herself and living in Georgia where he is from, and his youngest daughter Kamryn lives here in Ohio with he and his wife. She's studying child development at Columbus State University. Blaine and Sherman both shared a laugh at the fact that both of their kids had a K name thing going on. Irony!

“There's names technically are Mackaidyn and Mackaylen, but we haven't yet called them that.” He laughed afterwards as did Sherman.

After finishing up learning about his life with the babies and Savannah, it came time to talk about more Blaine centric things, as in HIMSELF as the only focus.

“How are your grades?”

Blaine was ashamed to even answer this. They had slipped TREMENDOUSLLY since the year started. Since last year ended honestly, they had started falling. It was probably his weakest moment to have to answer this question.

Sherman could tell that the answer was not what Blaine wanted to say.

“My grades suck, honestly. I used to get straight A's, but…. You know…”

Sherman nodded. He understood. And everything was Sebastian's fault…..


“Tell me about Kurt.”

Blaine's face lit up more than it had all morning so far. Kurt was his highest pride and joy next to his babies and Sherman could see it all over his face.

“He's my soulmate. We've been dating for… Almost a year, and he's perfect, really. He's the twins' second dad by choice. He signed a co-parenting contract at their birth and he loves them as much as I do which is just more than I could ever ask for. He is patient and kind and accepting. He's forgiving and funny, and a nice bonus is he is the most gorgeous man I have ever met.”

Sherman laughed. He knew how that was. His wife was a knockout in the best possible way. And if the way Blaine looked right now just talking about him was any consolation, he loved the boy for sure.

“How does he feel about Savannah?”

Blaine smiled again. “They are best friends. Have been since before I met was dating Kurt actually. They lived down the street from each other, and she Is dating his brother actually.”

Sherman started shaking his head a little with his mouth open. “You kids need your own TV network.”


It had reached about noon when the new team completely got to know each other enough to get down to business.

“All right Andy. So, if you're going to be my VIP assistant, than I think we need to be on a first name basis ALL THE TIME. Even though I know inside it may tear you apart to not call me Mr. Phelps. Get over it.” Sherman ended with a laugh.

Blaine smiled and laughed. “K bro.” He said.

Sherman shook his head with a laugh. “Very funny!

Blaine shrugged. “Sherman. Sherman. I'll get it.”

“I know you will. So, I need to tell you all that is expected of you, and I need to know what is expected of me as well to mentor you and help you move up in this career if this is where you plan on staying, and I HIGHLY recommend that you stay, Blaine….”

Blaine knew that that was a MAJOR compliment. And he was REALLY good at this job. He always wanted to have a career in performing of course, but that had to put on the back burner anyway because it isn't practical. One day, he could pursue music, but he'd need stable money first, and that is where this comes in. A good job where he actually has potential to move higher and be paid more and more over time. It was what was best for him and best for his family. Especially now that Savannah didn't have a job.

He would stay here as long as they'd have him.

“VIP assistant sir?” Blaine asked needing to say something, because he hadn't realized he had gotten quiet for a while.

“Ah, yes! That's what I came up with in a day's work. Just roll with it.” Sherman shrugged and winked. “I'll find a more suitable title later. But I have an assistant already, and he doesn't drive, and he isn't skilled in this field, and he is only here for another month or two depending on how his school transfer goes.”

Blaine smiled and nodded some more.

“I'll tell you what the title entails and such, but a few things first. One, Sebastian has been fired, or rather DEMOTED, because unfortunately, I can't fire him without you getting docked down as well. But, nevertheless he is out of this office, out of this state, and permanently out of my face, so out of your life as well.”

Blaine did a fist bump on the inside, but on the outside, he sufficed with a large smile.

“That's a relief to hear.”

Sherman agreed. “Yeah, he was an ass. So that being said, I am working on getting you any back-pay that is owed to you if there is any. I was going through all of your records since being here, but there a lot of gaps. Plus, your time card is RIDICULOUS! I couldn't follow it completely. Tell me, when you worked any overtime, and did you get paid overtime for it? Because if so, it's not in the books.”

“Oh, Yeah.” Blaine answered. “I always got paid for the time if I worked extra. The hours were always on there. The time card. I mean.”

Sherman continued. “But, I meant did you get paid double time like you were supposed to for working more than the hours you were supposed to be?”

Blaine raised a brow. What the heck was double time? “Double time sir?” He mimicked his thoughts.

“Mmhmm.” Sherman started. “Any hours you work over your 8 hour day calls for overtime pay which is time and a half or double time depending on certain circumstances.”

At first, Blaine was shocked….. And then, he was pissed… Sebastian told him that overtime was him being allowed to still get paid for working extra hours.

I really hate Sebastian…….


Sherman's POV

I really HATE Sebastian! I can't believe I had scum like Smythe working in my company for so long. Ugh…. Makes me feel incredibly guilty, but also, sooooo glad that he's gone. What a scumbag.

After finding out how much back pay and overtime that this kid WASN'T paid, I decided that there was absolutely no way around getting this particular situation legally solved. I would of course take matters into my own hands currently to get Blaine paid through the company what he is owed as soon as possible, within a few weeks if I have my way. But, Mattel never went into a debt, meaning that Sebastian simply didn't take the money from the company, he took it from Blaine. So, if I pay Blaine through the company whatever money Sebastian should have paid him, as soon as I get a lawyer involved, the money will be taken from Sebastian and put in the company funds budget directly from that scumbag piece of garbage EX ceo. Stealing in my company, I WILL NOT HAVE IT!


“Being in this company does mean working hard, and I cannot pay you for not doing the heavy work warranted for a position, even though it'd be nice if I could. You certainly deserve a break in my opinion. But, since you just had vacation, I can't give you one yet. Even though, you can BARELY call that a vacation. I'll figure out something soon.”

Going over several things like company rules, regulations and assistant training was the easy part because he had already been through it, though he had been through it while being told what to ignore, which was just completely WRONG.

Specifically pertaining to this new job, it was important that he knew MY stipulations and rules for him. I made this position to fit his needs as well as my assistant needs, so it is convenient and doable on both sides.

“When does school start and end for the day?” I asked.

“7:45 to 3:00.” Blaine answered. “But technically, my last hour is an extra class that I was thinking about dropping anyway. I don't need it for my grad req's.”

I nodded. “Okay so you'll be off of school at 2 then?” I confirmed, and the boy nodded. “Do you have any extra curricular's that are important for you for college applications or anything?” I added.

Blaine was thinking really hard, and I KNEW he wanted to say something.

“Speak up kid. College is a VERY important thing to have backing you. And to move up here, you need college credits. And quite a bit of them.”

“Well, I don't really know anymore. I am in Glee Club, but I haven't been going since this school year started because I've been working and then the babies were born….. And now, I don't think that I can go to my college of choice anyway because it's for performing arts and I can't afford it, and I think my performing dream is just about over. Staying with this company is a smarter bet.”

Though Blaine didn't look happy to admit that, he didn't look distraught either.

“Hey. Listen to me.” He met my eyes right away. “Never, and I mean NEVER, give up on a dream.”

Blaine was quiet but he nodded after a few seconds. “Okay….”

I didn't mean to intimidate him, but now, it's my job to look out for him. If he is talented, that talent can't be thrown away. And I am CERTAIN that having him working part time is what needs to happen, because learning about this boy today, his potential has been wasted for the past 7 months, and I'm not letting it happen anymore.

“Now, what days are Glee? Because we've got to work this out. And if that means, switching to part time, that's what will happen, whether you like it or not because you need to not be falling behind in school. I can't have that. And if Glee is something that's important to you, you should do it.”

Blaine sighed. “Well, I need as many hours as I can get because of my parents not helping with my condo anymore like I told you, and now Savannah losing her job….. I'm just, I'm really overwhelmed, and I haven't had any time to just sit down and figure out how to make everything work.”

“That's why we're doing this now.” I told him to help calm his nerves.

Blaine was pulling his hair out a bit, the conversation hitting its frustrating peak which I knew it would at some point. Unfortunately, it was inevitable thanks to Sebastian screwing up his school schedule so much.

“I was able to sometimes go to the lunch time glee meeting which was enough for Mr. Schue, but I haven't been able to go to that one for a long time because Sebastian kept calling me in by 3rd period.”

Ping! I got it then. “Okay, so I'm going to make a suggestion if I may.”

Blaine nodded, “Please!”

“Ok. That WON'T be happening anymore. Under any circumstances. School gets out at 2, meaning you will NOT EVER be here ANY earlier than 2:30. Period.”

Blaine nodded an okay and so I continued.

“So, with that being said, you are now able to go back to attending your lunch time glee. So if you could come into work at 2:30, that would be a good deal on MY end, and you'd be able to get off of work by 8:30 which would be good for you because you'd be getting 6 hours of work on a school day and still get to sleep and have a late dinner at home with your family. What do you think?”

Blaine nodded. “Sounds awesome. I was working as early as 11:00 am or question mark to 9 or later most days with jerk face. I don't even remember what my last 4 teachers' looks like. The only thing is, I was paid a lot because I had a lot of hours….. I made almost two thousand two hundred a month. But taxes got taken out, so barely two thousand. And my rent is 1600.”

I grabbed my pencil to start on some calculations because this didn't sound right at all. “How much does Kurt make?”

Blaine thought for a second. “Maybe a thousand. With 11.50 an hour, he makes a lot more than I did, but he works very part time. His dad is pretty strict about him finishing his senior year with honors, and he had to promise to stay on top of his school and still keep his part time job at the shop in order to sign the co-parenting contract.”

I smiled. “Kurt's dad sounds like a smart and practical man though. That's what a teen you guy's age SHOULD be doing. But okay, lemme figure this out a minute…”

I started doing some basic math. I hate calculators. I like to see exactly HOW I get an answer so it took a few minutes.

And this didn't add up AT ALL! I f my calculations were correct, and they were, Sebastian was paying Blaine 8 dollars and change an hour?

In Blaine work contract, it said his hourly rate was 16.18 an hour. He was being paid HALF of that! “That dirty piece of shit….” I cursed.

“What is it sir?” I glanced up at him with a look. “Sherman!” He corrected.

“You were being paid exactly HALF the salary that Smythe wrote on your contract was being paid to you. How long were you working for him, let me see?”

“I started working with him in the beginning of April.”

I shook my head slowly looking at all of these numbers, flipping page by page through his file.

“Wow….” I muttered, still reading every single piece of writing on this page.

“What is it, Sherman?” Blaine asked trying to look at the paper.

I pushed his folder toward him. As he looked at what I was looking at and the math I had written on a pad, he squinted his eyes in confusion. “What does all of this mean?”

I took a breath and slid his file back to my side. This time, I did put on my phones calculator to get a quicker number.

“Blaine, Sebastian owes you approximately seventeen thousand, six hundred and 25 dollars (17,625). Give or take. And that's ONLY taking in what your REGULAR 40 hours a week scheduled pay should've been. Not counting overtime!”

Blaine's mouth was wide open, but not in shock; in hurt. I could see it in his eyes. He felt duped. He felt useless. He felt used.

“You will be getting this money that was taken from you Blaine. I promise you that. This is 8 months of work and it was stolen from you, and that is NOT going to be tolerated. Give me a few weeks.”


Blaine had gotten a lot quieter after learning how much money he was supposed to have made all this time. He had expressed how stupid he felt for not realizing that he was being underpaid based on what he was SHOWN in the beginning that the position paid, but I assured him that he was NOT to blame. He had SO MUCH on his plate to be worrying about, it's a wonder he was ever functioning as well as he did working 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, and so on.


“Okay, so just a final go on about what we've figured out today.”

It was almost 4 in the evening, and we had figured out ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that needed to be done. And it was going to work out well.

“You must always stay in school. Once your work permit is signed by your school's registrar, I'll be able to get tracks and regular updates of your school stuff. And I don't want to see tardy's or absences any time. Keep your grades up as best you can. There is NOTHING besides family that is more important than school.”

“You must have 12 business class units to be my CEO, which I refuse to NOT let happen, so you must go to college. Not now of course, but I will make DARN sure that you get started with it some time in the future.”

Blaine laughed and smiled.

“Which day did you say was the most important Glee day?” I asked.

“Monday.” Blaine answered.

“Right, so Sunday and Monday, you are off, or working strictly from home doing soft work, which we went over. What is soft work?”

Blaine picked up the new company Nextel phone he was given. “I keep my phone on and tablet nearby to give numbers to any associate who calls needing assistance. It counts for up to 4 hours of work each day.”

“Very good. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, you come into the Westerville office to work right after school from 2:30 to 8:30.

“Friday starting at 2:30, you are on ‘outside of work' duty for soft work, 8 full paid hours, BUT you need to be AT and READY FOR the 5:00 meeting to present your sales numbers for the week, meaning you have a few hours to make sure everything is ready to present. And as you know, the meeting is approximately an hour long. After the meeting, you head home, but you stay on duty until 10:30, then clock out online.”

Blaine nodded.

“Saturday, you are off. No if's and's or But's. Sunday, you will under NO circumstances be called into the office. Monday, there is always the CHANCE that you are needed to come in.”

Blaine nodded again in full understanding.

“Your pay will be what it is SUPPOSED to be, the 17 dollars an hour. We will meet once a month to reconvene and see how things are working out and so on. What do you think?” I asked.

Blaine looked about ready to cry, honestly.

“It sounds great. Really great. Thank you, Sherman. Thank you so much. I really don't know if I could EVER say that enough, and I swear I will NEVER let you down. You are really saving me, thank you so much. For everything.” Blaine says.

I smiled at him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Don't even mention it kid. You deserve a good job, good boss, and good pay. You are a good dad, a good kid, and a great person. I'm here for you. Someone ought to be. I'm glad to be the guy.”

“No but really, you are helping me so much more than you know. I can't begin to thank you.” Blaine continued.

I walked with him out of the conference room then before saying, “Hey, just call me your fairy godfather.”



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