March 22, 2015, 7 p.m.
March 22, 2015, 7 p.m.
A/N: So? What'd you think? The Sherman stuff has been planned since before I even introduced his character is the previous story. It all came to me out of nowhere and its been sitting in my notes for like a year. I'm so glad I got to put it into place in a chapter.
Also, I updated Connection yesterday for missing last week. I'm updating this for this week, and I'm hoping to update a third chapter this week in apology, and then get back on track with my once a week updates. (and its not this fic every update. Its one of my 5 WIPS being updated once a week. So there will be times when this one is two in a row, or another 2 in a row. It depends on ideas.)
Poor Blaine is just having a SHITTY month. Please review? Anything you liked, hated? Loved? Want to see?
Savannah's Pov
November 1st
How many other teenagers can say that they were turning 16 and already had 2 kids? I suppose technically since they were born at the same time, It CAN be considered not as bad as it sounds. Ive only been pregnant once. But, because I was barely 15 when I had sex for the first time, that's how I look to the world. Now, my babies are not even a month old, and I am just now turning 16.
Ok yeah, it sounds and looks bad.
“Okay honey, everything is completely taken care of for the day. Kurt has Kayle with his family today, and they are spending the day at the zoo before it gets too cold this month to go. Blaine took Kaidyn to his parents' house, and abuela is going over to the condo to do laundry for you guys today. Relax, and go. Let yourself be pampered!” my mom chided me.
I sighed. As amazing as this all day spa sounds to me, I feel like I should be elsewhere. Like I should be at the zoo with Kurt and Kayle. Like I should be with Blaine and Kaidyn. Why should I get a spa day?
“Stop that! Stop trying to talk yourself out of using your shower gift. You deserve a break. Ever since Kurt and Blaine went back to school, you have been running yourself ragged with the twins for the majority of your days. Let them have one day.”
I sighed. “It's not that mom. I love that Kurt and Blaine are spending time with the babies. I just feel guilty that I'm not too.” I looked out the window. “Maybe I should go with the Hummels to the zoo.”
But my mom was shaking her head. “Sav? Have you ever thought that maybe they WANT to spend some time alone with the twins? They have both been gone for a few days, and they WANT you to have a break. They missed Kayle and Kayde, so stop stressing.”
I nodded then. My mom was right. I'd forgotten that they were gone for a few days before Halloween. They wanted to spend more time with the twins, but things like work always seemed to get in the way. I don't really know what it's like in their shoes though because I am not working yet. I'm with the babies all day every day and if I go somewhere, they go with me. But, I have to go back to work in 2 weeks, so I guess I'm about to learn how the boys feel soon.
The spa was AMAZING! I got a full body massage, extensive back massage, a little tan, manicure and pedicure, and even a wax. A FULL BODY wax.
Meaning EVERYWHERE! Well, somewhat everywhere.
I never thought that would happen. I planned on waxing my legs, because I could use one, but I was ….. Persuaded to go further.
“Oh, I don't know…. Doesn't that really hurt? I'm really not good with pain….”
But the aesthetician was prudent. She had LOADS of reasons why I should wax my…… My hoohah. I guess she didn't know that this experience was completely paid for already and she couldn't weasel any more money from me because I didn't pay for it.
“Well, do you have a boyfriend?” she asked.
I nodded. And it got me thinking about when Finn and I do eventually take that next step.
He'd probably really appreciate a clean ‘under'.
“I think he might like it a lot.” She smiled.
“Tamara! Stop that!! She is only 16!” another beautician said with a giggle.
I laughed too. “Yeah, but I have baby twins at home.”
Both workers were surprised. “Oh you do?! How sweet. But how old are they? Because a bikini wax may be doubly painful if you've just had them.”
I panicked at hearing that.
“Uh... They're not even a month old yet. So that's probably a bad idea.”
The new beautician nodded in agreement, but the waxist looked back at me. “You might not even feel it considering how soon ago you had them.” She tried.
Yeah, no. I did have a trim, because I'm not like, CHEWBACCA or anything. But there's not much down there anymore. I didn't want to do something drastic that would hurt my down there any more than it had already suffered this year.
Being here at the spa though today was HEAVENLY. It really was EXACTLY what I needed. I needed to be pampered, and feel clean and relaxed. It was an INCREDIBLE gift. I may come here a few times a year.
Hummels day out
All knowing Point of view
“Oh come on Kayle, look at the pretty peacocks.” Kurt cooed at his sleeping son on his chest.
But Kayle was snoozing like a baby. He was uninterested in anything but his own eyelids.
“Alright, well since hes sleeping now can we PLEASE go eat!?" Finn whined.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "God you're such a baby. Fine. Let's go." Kurt said, picking up his camera from the fence he set it on a second ago and turned around toward the food kiosks.
Finn air fist pumped a "Yes!!!" and turned the baby stroller around speedily, still using it as a race car.
“It's a baby stroller, in a zoo Finn. Not a Porsche in NASCAR." Kurt shouted after him.
Kurt stopped at a chicken wrap Kiosk and Finn was bored and grossed out.
He wanted fun food. Burgers, fries…. ANYTHING but this.
Finn stopped and shook his head at his brother. “Wow, you had twins and turned into a bore, brother."
Finn let go of the stroller and reached for the Mobi carrier Kurt was wearing Kayle in.
“Cmon, trade me." Finn ushered.
Kurt raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth wide. “Are u crazy? You're using the zoo walkway as a racetrack for the baby stroller and you want me to give you the BABY?!” Kurt asked, shocked.
Finn just pouted a little. “Cmon, hes my buddy! I havent held him all day cus you've hogged him." Finn pointed.
Kurt looked down at Kayle though and smiled. He had been hogging him.
Well, why not? It's his son.
“Hes napping Finn." Kurt tried.
Finn crossed his arms though. Excuses.
"Exactly, once hes awake, youll be demanding him back. Let me hang with the kid. As his uncle, I am obligated to hang at some point today! Plus I can send him some boy thoughts through his subconscious so he will perk up when we get to the actual COOL animals.” Finn laughed. But Kurt just shook his head.
His brothers an idiot.
“Come on Kurt, you know I'm right, peacocks and giraffe's, lame. The wildcats are where it's at.”
“The tigers can growl and scare him.” Kurt stated.
Finn just sighed. “Come on Kurt. Can I please have a turn?”
Kurt rolled his eyes, and proceeded to unhook the clip on his back and then helped buckle it onto Finn, who smiled deep in accomplishment.
My turn, he thought.
When Kayle was strapped safely to Finn's chest, Finn puffed it out triumphantly. “Hmm. Proud uncle. How do I look?”
Kurt just snickered loudly. “Ridiculous.”
Finn narrowed his eyes. “Thanks.” He said simply, and then… He ran.
“To the burgers!” He announced.
Taken totally off guard, Kurt yelled after him. "Finn!!!"
“Mom! He totally stole him!” Kurt complained.
“Oh please! You gave him to me!” Finn argued, kind of whispering.
“Yeah, and then you ran off! That's practically kidnapping!”
Finn scoffed, “Ur a lunatic!”
“Boys! Shut up!” Burt shouted through his laughter. Then popped an onion ring in his mouth.
Kurt just ‘hmmph'ed forward to unhook the baby Mobi from Finn's back, and take Kayle back from his doof of a brother.
“I'll be taking my son to the healthy food line that won't give one of his daddy's heart disease before he turns 10. And then, we'll be going back to the real and QUIETER animals, and AWAY from the FOOTBALL PLAYING cheetah!! Because my baby, is not a racecar OR a cub, thank you.”
Kurt walked away from the food table filled with junk cooing, “That was a good one. Isn't daddy Kurt funny?” to his sons, still sleeping form.
The other 3 Hudmel's just shook their heads and laughed at their son and brother's expense.
“Can someone please tell him he's become a psychopath?” Finn shouted.
Carole playfully smacked the back of Finn's head.
At least 2 of the three parents, (and an uncle) were having a really great times with their twins and family. The same couldn't be said for Blaine though………
Blaine's Pov
I wish that I could say my whole day was great and peaceful, and filled with love and family like it was for Kurt and Savannah today. But it wasn't.
My mom ADORED little Kaidyn still of course, and she never wanted to put her down, which suited my little girl just fine because she loved being held.
My dad was alternating between holding her in front of a huge pile of presents/toys on the floor for her to admire, though she never showed interest, and then taking selfies of them together to DOCUMENT THE FAMOUS GRANDDAUGHTER.
I didn't mind it too much, because despite his arrogant and ridiculous attitude, he loves her, and I can't keep him from loving her. Anyone who wants to love and spoil my little Kaidyn is okay to do so.
At least that's what I was saying in the morning and early afternoon.
That's what I was saying before things got dramatic and heavy over once again, my sexuality.
Before I realized that my father being a part of my kids' lives, would be an enormous mistake.
“So Blaine, now that the little one is asleep we should get to discussing the rent and such.”
I was not ready for what was about to be said. Not ready at all.
My dad was the biggest jackass I had ever had the DIS-pleasure of being related to. “Blaine, you have made your choice. And I have made mine.”
I wasn't accepting that though. “Why would you do this at the WORST possible time! Dad, Savannah is going back to work in less than two weeks! We're going to need daycare! I can't afford this!”
My mom picked Kaidyn up from a playpen and took her out of the foyer. “She doesn't need to be privy to this conversation.
I wanted to thank my mom because I was about to yell something fierce and wouldn't have my daughter hearing that.
“Son, you have that boy, and Savannah to help you all financially. And the boy's parents too since you're keeping him around. I'm not supporting everything.”
I was fuming. “That boy has a name, and dad! The whole reason Savannah and I accepted the condo in the first place was because you said you would be paying half the rent! I can't afford a 1600 dollar a month condo! Even with us working!”
My dad shrugged though. He wasn't even looking at me anymore. He might as well not have been having the conversation at all. “I've told you Blaine. Your choice will not be supported by me anymore. I won't judge you for it, I just won't be supporting you with it either.” He stated, like it was being said in an everyday nonchalant conversation.
“Now I will do anything for that baby girl, and I would fully support you if you didn't loop Kurt in to this with your family, but I cannot condone your choice of lifestyle.”
“It's not a choice!” I yelled to him. “I don't understand why you can't understand that! I am gay! It's who I am, and nothing anyone says or does will be able to change that!”
My dad just shrugged again though. “Like I said, you've made your choice. Your mother paid your car off and it's in your own name, so consider that our understanding.”
I had a tear in my eye now. I can't believe this.
“Dad…..” I pleaded.
“I will not pay for a home for you and your family if he is going to be there and live there. You want to have a gay love fest, THEN HE can help you pay for it.”
I was feeling weak. Dizzy even…. What the hell am I going to do without that condo? I make barely 2000 dollars a month. And Kurt makes not even half of that.
And I was hoping to cut down on hours when Savannah returns to work so that I can focus heavier on school and the twins….. Now what the hell are we gonna do?
“Please dad. Don't do this…. I love Kurt okay. Mom understands and accepts me. Why can't you just be happy that I am happy. I'm working my ass off! I'm still in school and you have 2 gorgeous grandchildren. Don't you want the best for them?” I asked, feeling a little bit like a freaking loser…. I'm kind if begging….
What am I doing?
“Yes, of course I do Blaine! And that's why I am doing this! Them having two DADDIES, is not what's best! I am TRYING to get you to see that you are doing the wrong thing here and you need to stop with this nonsense, and get rid of whatever THING that you have going with this boy.”
I was full on crying now. I wasn't even ashamed about it. I can admit to being heartbroken. How else is someone supposed to feel when their father is a complete asshole…..
“…….That's not going to happen dad…… Kurt is their dad too.”
My dad spat at me now, “You are poisoning them Blaine!”
“No. YOU are poisoning them!” I yelled back, and I went out of the foyer to go and get Kaidyn. I am done with this.
I'm done with him.
My mom was feeding Kayde a bottle in her arms at the table and I grabbed her from her. “Mom, I have to go.”
My mom was taken aback at me snatching Kayde away, but she surely had heard everything. I didn't need to explain.
“Blaine, please don't go son.” My mom said.
But I stormed back out to my dad with Kaidyn in my arms. “I'm sorry mom. But I can't have my daughter around his prejudice and bigotry. I have to leave! I can't be here anymore! And I won't be coming back.”
“Blaine, sweetie wait-“
I started to one handedly pack up Kayde's diaper bag while saying a speech. “You know? It was so admirable of you guys to help me after I screwed up big time. Most parents wouldn't do that, and you guys did. And even though you did it for the WRONG reasons, insulting me in the process, I still appreciated you for it.”
Having gotten Kayde's bag filled, I put her in her car seat and strapped her in while I continued. “But dad, this is a whole new level of cruel you're reaching. I told you that I wouldn't be able to have a condo on my own. But you INSISTED and said that you would cover half of the rent for a few years. And to decide to take it back when it is at the MOST TERRIBLE time to; I don't know how that's even human.”
My mom had nothing to say, but she was on the verge of tears I could see. How she can live with herself for living with him, I will never be able to fathom it.
My dad was quiet too, though more emotionless. He just had his arms folded over his chest and stood stoic.
“If you're leaving, may I say goodbye to my granddaughter?”
I just blinked. There was only one answer for that request. After this?
“No. You can forget about your GRANDDAUGHTER. I won't be bringing her back here. Then she might be corrupted into a bigot like you.”
And with the car seat in my hand, and bag on my shoulder, I went out to my car.
I won't be returning to 464 Copeland Ct. in Westerville again.
My father just lost his granddaughter.
And a son.
All knowing Pov
A few more weeks had passed and things have been more stressful than ever. For everyone involved.
Kurt had been working some extra hours at the shop because his dad had been very busy with politic stuff, and Finn wasn't much help. Finn had been busy doing football, so he wasn't available to work after school leaving Kurt pretty much in charge at the tire shop. In October Kurt was doing really well with getting at least seven hours of sleep every night. Now, with November things were not going quite the same. In order to keep up with his schoolwork, he had been pulling a lot more all nighters. Sure, it wasn't healthy but his N.Y.A.D.A application depended on him having perfect grades. He still attended two days a week for glee club and only for half the time, but with the letter of recommendation that Mr. Schue had given him for his application, he was hoping that it would be enough along with his academics and well-planned audition to get in.
Blaine was still being worked ragged to the bone by his idiot boss and he didn't even get the occasional break that he got on the two days of the week set Sherman Phelps was around. Sherman hadn't returned from business in Cincinnati until about three days ago. And even then, he wouldn't be seeing him at a meeting until this evening. If he made it to that meeting. Blaine had gotten so used to not getting any breaks that he just sort of was starting to run through his workday on autopilot. And when he got home he completely crashed out without eating dinner, and without doing any homework. He was arriving at school two hours early so that he could cram to get his homework done in the library and honestly it was a wonder that he was still functioning awake and alive through the day at all.
Savannah's day-to-day situation hadn't really changed either since Kurt and Blaine had gone back to school. She had been completely exhausted, thankfully getting her homework done pretty well considering how busy she was daily with the twins though. She was stressed out emotionally partly because of postpartum depression, but partly from having not enough (or really any) contact with anybody over the age of zero, especially Finn, and she missed him terribly. And to top it all off, she was getting about as much sleep as Blaine. Maybe with a few extra 20 minute naps thrown in.
And all of that was about to change. Blaine's father revoking his stipulation of paying half of the rent until Blaine is 18, was causing immense stress all around. It took an enormous toll on the entire family. They couldn't even move out and find a cheaper apartment or go back to their parents' houses because they were sucked into a year-long lease.
Savannah was going back to work today at 5, and with Blaine working until 5:30, and Kurt working until 8 o'clock at night, there was no childcare for the twins between 4:30 and 6:00. Savannah had tried both of her parents but they were both working as well. Burt and Carole were both out of town again for another political convention. And now that Blaine's dad was out of the picture, it kind of rendered his mom less able to come around much either.
Things were very complicated.
And with Savannah working, this life was not working either.
But without Savannah working, how are they going to afford to have their two children?
Blaine was having a NIGHTMARE November. He really was. He left his wallet and jacket in his locker at school, and got almost all the way to work before realizing it. It had been pouring rain when he'd left school, but he was already late, so he wasn't worrying about the rain. He didn't notice it at all to be honest. The earlier he got to work, the earlier he could get away with asking to leave. Savannah had to work today at 5 and I wasn't scheduled to be off work until 6. Kurt had to stay at the shop until at LEAST 8, and there was no one to stay home with the babies from 4:30 to 6:30. But now that he got to the parking garage for his job, he didn't have his employee card. And it was 20 dollars to park in there without it. Which he would've paid to save time.
If he had his wallet. Which if he did, he'd have his employee card and wouldn't need to pay.
Rock in a hard place.
Blaine had parked down the block on the crowded street about 2 blocks from the office downtown. He stuffed his folder full of research and notes scattered on the backseat, into his backpack to spare it from the rain, and ran down the streets to work.
It was gross outside today. Hail-ey and ice-ey, and cold.
Typical weather for November in Ohio. But not so nice for Blaine without a jacket.
Out of breath, Blaine ran into work, his hair soaking wet but his clothes somewhat dry having been running so fast.
He ran into the meeting he was supposed to be in, late, out of breath, and slightly unprepared. Knowing he could easily avoid immediate reaming by sitting in a different empty seat, he aimed for one. Sebastian shook his head though and pointed to the seat beside him.
I hate my life…..” Blaine thought, walking as slowly as possible over to his boss without being dramatic.
Someone was presenting right now, so Sebastian wrote down his bitching on a pad and slid it to Blaine.
“where the hell were you!?”
Blaine took the pen from his meerkat boss and started to scribble his reply. Too bad Sherman wasn't here. Smythe avoided interacting with Blaine at all when Sherman was around because Sherman thinks Sebastian is too hard on him. But today, it looked like Mr. Phelps wasn't here. So Sebastian had no one higher up than him to answer to.
“I'm sorry. I had a test in my 5th period so I couldn't leave as early as you wanted me to. And Savannah had a doctors appointment for the twins and I had to go to that at noon so I missed lunch and half of my 4th period. And I couldn't park downstairs so I had to find parking.
Blaine slid the paper back to his boss and he rolled his eyes as he read it.
“Excuses. You need to get your ass in here on time! Your unprofessionalism is going to SCREW both of us, and if this happens again, I will HAVE. YOUR. ASS!”
Blaine just nodded and mouthed ‘Okay.' He was letting down work quite a bit lately. Showing up late, almost every day for a few weeks now, and not finishing his logging duties in the allotted timeframe. He'd been staying at least 45 minutes late after work to finish things.
He'd always been very prepared for meetings though… Until today. He was just so tired.
School, working, and babies had left him exhausted. He hadn't double checked if he had everything he'd needed from the printer, and he was missing a couple key documents.
“Damn it!” Blaine cursed himself, going through his folder a third time. He'd just sat in front of a committee like an IDIOT looking for papers that he didn't have, for like 5 minutes.
Blaine was kicking himself. He must have neglected to print them.
“Blaine, you're missing the overall sales agenda and renewed contract with the Columbus franchise.” Sebastian berated him outside after the head of the meeting cut it short and said that they'd reconvene tomorrow evening instead. Blaine was relieved, and thanking whatever God is listening that the deadline wasn't until next week. So he had time to fix what he messed up.
Of course, Sebastian didn't see the relief in it.
“You are not going to be working from home anymore assy. You don't do things as thorough unless I can watch you!”
Blaine sighed. “Sebastian, I can't be here 24/7! I have to spend some time at home to take care of my family.” Blaine said, for the millionth time to his douchebag of a boss.
“You have to take care of business first assy, and thorough. Coming in late, and doing half ass work at your job is crap. You won't have the money to take care of your family if you don't get back on track with your work.”
I already barely have enough money to take care of my family…. Blaine sighed inside, pessimism just taking over his whole sense of self.
“I'm sorry boss. I'm here now. I can get everything reprinted and triple check to make sure I have everything. I'm doing my best okay? I've never been unprepared for a presentation and it won't happen again.”
Blaine couldn't tell if his boss didn't believe him, or if he just didn't care enough to comment, because after that, he walked away without another word.
Blaine exhaled, and when Sebastian was out of sight, he backed into a wall. This month sucks!
It was 4:45 pm, and the rain was still falling hard. Savannah was just getting off of the bus with her huge double stroller.
This week had been really difficult. Savannah had testing all week and studying for them was impossible with her babies that required their near constant attention.
These twins NEED 3 parents, an uncle and 6 grandparents in order to function! Now with 2 grandparents down, and 2 grandparents who weren't available as often, it was really doing a number on how things worked!
Now that Blaine was FINALLY finished with work, mostly, he was rushing out the front doors to meet Savannah out front and get her to work while taking over the babies. Thank God he and Kurt traded cars this morning because they forgot to switch the car seat attachments to his Prius.
Savannah was on the verge of tears herself approaching the entrance to Blaine's job as the babies both cried loudly. It was raining heavily, the stroller was soaking wet, and the babies hadn't eaten in 2 hours. The bus ride to downtown Lima was crowded, and everyone was unhappy.
Blaine looked down to put his folder into his bag, and as he looked back forward, he crashed!
“Mr. Sherman!” He exclaimed!
He had just run right into his bosses boss and knocked all of his papers in a huge puddle.
He looked down right away and knelt to pick up his stuff. “Oh god! I'm so sorry! I-… Geez! I'm so sorry!”
Sherman's papers were completely destroyed and Blaine was just being pushed further into give up mode with each passing second.
“Blaine! Relax its okay, I- I've got copies. It's okay. Just leave ‘em.”
Blaine kept picking up the water sloshed documents though, still frenzied, and not really focused on listening over the rain. Sherman knelt with the boy to pick up the remaining slop. “Let's trash them, I'll print more in my office. It's okay.”
Savannah spotted the altercation and then ran up the ramp with the stroller to get underneath an awning Blaine was beneath.
Getting up with a stack of ruin, the two parents noticed each other.
“Savannah.” Blaine said in hello, heading over to look at the stroller.
Sherman looked at the girl too. “Hello.”
She only gave a nervous smile back and a shy wave.
So Mr. Blaine has a lady and a baby. The chairman thought.
“Are they okay? They're screaming…..” Blaine asked nervously. And they really were screaming. They were deeply upset though. Not much contact, they were hungry, probably cold, and the pounding rain on the stroller had to be scary. The bus had people bumping into it every couple of minutes and again, they were both hungry.
Savannah just shook her head frantically and Blaine looked into the stroller and bit his lip. He hoped they hadn't gotten wet with the heavy rain.
“They're dry, but I didn't have time to feed them before we left, and the bus was late and crowded so I didn't even get to sit to feed them.”
A young girl with a stroller? You give up your seat for that. What is wrong with people?! Sherman continued his thoughts. But a realization hit him just now. The parent's stressed facials, the rain, the fact that they are all still standing out in it.
“Why don't you two come on inside. Get out of the rain, come on.”
Savannah was too overwhelmed with the crying to even remember that she is going to be late for work. Sherman held the door open and Blaine took over the stroller while Savannah followed behind him back into the building. The kids were heading to a bench, but Sherman guided them somewhere else. His office had better seats and more privacy.
“Here. You can use my office. Come on.” Blaine followed Sherman, and Savannah followed Blaine into an office. Sherman shut the door behind them.
Blaine wished he knew that Sherman had his own office before. He'd have liked to drop a good morning sir every once in a while.
Savannah sat in a chair and stripped the stroller of its covers but before putting them down she hesitated; “They're all wet…… I-“
“Don't worry about that. Just set them aside.” Sherman assured her as he sat at his desk and picked up the phone.
Savannah took out one of her screamers and immediately exhaled in relief. They were dry. And the car seats were even pretty dry on the inside.
Blaine took his other twin out and exhaled in thank as well. The cover blankets were destroyed, but at least the babies didn't get wet.
“Shh shh…. Kayde it's okay, shh..” Savannah tried to take off her wet jacket, but realized again where she was.
Kind of nervous, and uncomfortable because she didn't know Sherman, she bit her lip. “I um… I breastfeed….. I-“
Sherman put his hands up and turned away. “It's okay, I have kids sweetheart.” Savannah nodded and tended to her daughter. She unwrapped Kaidyn's blanket to keep herself and the baby covered so she could nurse. Blaine tried to soothe Kayle by rocking him around. He was usually calmed with motion.
Distracted for a while with the dulled crying and young adults in his office, Sherman forgot what he was even doing before he and Blaine collided.
Sherman's Pov
“Sharon, can you bring me up a coffee, and something to eat from the café please. I'm gonna work through my dinner hour.” I paused as I waited for a response.
“Sir I thought you just left for lunch.”
“I was, but I left my keys inside and then something came up.”
I knew that Sharon was rolling her eyes. “You'd leave your head behind if it wasn't attached sir. What would you like?”
I rolled my eyes at her. “Yeah yeah. And anything warm will be just fine. Thanks hun I appreciate it.”
I hung up and proceeded to watch the random scene in my office.
Blaine had never looked young and vulnerable before. He was very tired at times, but he always had a dapper, mature, and prepared look about him. But right now, he looked very…..
I had been planning to speak to my Ceo today before the end of shift about Blaine. The Cincinatti thing had been freshly eating at me since it happened, and I knew something was not right with it.
But I didn't expect this at all. Blaine was so young.
Who'd have thought he had a family.
Twins at that.
It made me wonder if Smythe even knows about it.
The young parents tended frantically to their babies, and as things got more quiet, I just sat back and analyzed a little.
I assume Blaine is a few years into college, but the girl's backpack on the floor said ‘Mckinley High school'.
Well, she could be not much younger than he is.... And thinking deeper into it, I would imagine 2 babies probably put her behind in school.... understandable.
Blaine is working during the week sometimes at noon though, way before high school lets out, so a college schedule is a lot more flexible I suppose, and the little ones look pretty young. Dads don't need maternity leave from school like the mom's do.
Makes sense.
Blaine was humming now, and searching through the diaper bag.
“Are there any bottles Savannah?”
Savannah shook her head still looking at her baby. “No. I have some in the fridge at home. But I left late and I forgot to-“
She was cut off by a high pitched scream from the baby in Blaine's arms.
“Okay, ok. Shh. C'mon Kayle. Shush.” And Blaine picked up on his bouncing and humming.
“Kale and Kade huh?” Sherman said with a smile.
Blaine and Savannah both smiled a little through their busyness.
An assistant with a brown bag in her hand interrupted my train of thought though.
“Mr. Phelps. Your meal sir.”
I walked to the doorway. “Thanks doll.” I said taking the bag, and she left the office.
The kids didn't even notice anyone; they weren't paying attention to anything other than their babies.
I'm such a loon. I can't believe I didn't piece it together in Cincinnati. The phone call in the hall had really said it all, and it went right over my head....
The responsibility he was leaving behind. His not sleeping for a month. He basically told me, and I didn't connect the puzzle.
In the middle of Blaine changing a diaper, his lady turned to him. “Blaine, what time is it? I was supposed to be at work at 5, I'm so late!“ The girl cried.
“Blaine, can I call valet for you? Where's your car?” I asked, trying to help in any way I can. They seemed way overwhelmed.
“Oh, I- I don't have any money on me for valet. It's okay, my cars not in the parking garage.” He replied, and he started packing up the diaper bag.
1, he changed that diaper with a CRAZY quickness, and 2, What?
I was confused. “Why not? You work here. You can park downstairs free.”
Blaine nodded though, probably because he knew this already. “I- I know. I left my wallet in my locker, so I didn't have my badge. And, I didn't have 20 dollars to park down there without it either, so I parked a few blocks away.”
And I didn't miss that slip.
They don't have lockers in college.
Wait a minute….. He IS in high school…. “Your locker?……. Blaine are you in high school?”
I wasn't trying to sound accusing or anything, but maybe it came out that way because he turned completely pale.
He started to stammer. “I- N- I don't um…I didn't mean to say-. I-”
I put my hand up and started walking toward him. “Blaine. You have no reason to lie. It's alright. It's okay.”
Blaine just kept bouncing his baby, trying to stay distracted. “N- no....No sir, I'm not-... I-...." he looked to his baby in a panic......
"Blaine?” I said as softly as I could. I wanted to have an understanding tone. “How old are you?”
The boy sighed, because he was caught and he knew it.....“I'm almost 17.” He said, barely louder than a whisper.
Blaine turned to put his baby back in the car seat while shaking his own head. And I'm pretty sure he muttered, “God I have a big mouth….” Under his breath.
I went back to my desk to think.
And now is just not the time. “Where's your car Blaine? I'll have someone go and get it.”
Blaine protested right away though, again. “Sir, I- I don't have any money to pay the valet guy.”
“Don't worry about that.” I told him.
So he just nodded. “I'm parked on Ellis and 4th. It's um- a black Navi. There's baby sun shades on the back windows.”
I told the valet attendant through the phone to bring the car.
In less than a minute, a man in a suit was at the door for the keys. “Sir? You called for Valet? Hi Blaine.” He greeted both of us.
Blaine smiled, “Hey John.” He dug into his pocket, tossing his keys to the valet and adding “The black Navigator 2 blocks away.”
“Thanks John. Put a rush on it please.” I added.
“Yes Sir.” He nodded a quick nod, and hustled out of the office.
“Mr. Phelps. I really appreciate this.” Blaine said, putting a now calm, and sleeping in his car seated baby back onto the stroller.
Relieved, he buckled his son in and approached me as I nodded to him.
He spoke in a lower voice now. “Mr. Sherman I….. I really need this job. I know I haven't been working very well lately, and I know that I'm not supposed to have the position that I have because I'm underage, but, you see my father-“
But I had to cut him off before he had a heart attack or something. “Blaine, stop. I'm not going to report you or anything. You're not going to lose your job, okay?”
Blaine was quiet. He looked at the girl who was settling the other baby in a seat as well, and then he looked back at me.
“Go Blaine. Your car will be out in front any minute. Get her to work. And those babies taken care of. I'll see you tomorrow. Come straight to ‘MY' office, and we can talk.”
I could almost see the kid shaking inside; for fear of losing his job.
“Your job is still secure Blaine. Relax. I just need to talk to some people. Don't worry.”
Blaine nodded to himself then, feeling a weight lifted I'm sure. “Thank you boss.” And he shook my hand before leaving the office with the stroller in his grasp.
The teens walked out of the office, but the girl turned around before leaving. “Thank you sir.”
I smiled. “No problem sweets.”
I went to my window to see them out, and when they'd settled their car seats, and drove off, I retreated into my office.
I might be here all night, but I have work to do. A teenager or not, Blaine is very good at his job, and I know that he has a lot more potential than is being tested. Or even explored. He's technically not even permitted to work here without a high school diploma and some college credit. So that's one thing.
Sebastian uses the hell out of him, which was proven in Cincinnati and he CLEARLY doesn't get any sleep. Another question was how he is working so much, and going to high school, and raising two infants? While also getting no sleep. He seems kind of like a superhero to me to be honest. NOBODY can do that!
I feel nosy about it all though. Where are this kids parents? What are his grades like given his situation? How did Sebastian get him in the first place, and the most important question, does Smythe know about Blaine's life situation?
Because if so, why did he hire a 16 year old teen in the first place. And more importantly, why is the assistant doing most of the CEO's job?!
Being in Sebastian's clutches was the WORST place for Blaine to be. Smythe may be good at his job, but the only reason he was is because he is sly, conniving, persuasive, and mean. Yet he appears kind and gentle to the far away eye. He just had that type of personality.
He was an asset to the company, but I will NOT tolerate him cheating in the company. If Blaine is doing the work, he needs proper credit for it.
I got online, my soup and sandwich brought to me earlier, forgotten.
I had work to do.