A new Night, An Accident, Opportunity
Chapter 2: Touching Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A new Night, An Accident, Opportunity: Chapter 2: Touching

E - Words: 7,116 - Last Updated: Mar 22, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Jan 18, 2014 - Updated: Jan 18, 2014
160 0 0 0 0

A/N: Hi everyone! Thanks so much for all of the reviews. I only have a few things to say! I wanted thank Voyage SOOOO MUCH! Because the advice about fixing my summary for the first story was probably the best advice Ive ever gotten! One night has gotten GREAT views and reception in the past week that the new summary has been up! So Thanks SOOOOOO MUCH!


Also, I care approximately 0% about politics. They bore me to death, and honestly, I dont have any say in what the government does, so I choose not to care. Theyre gonna do what theyre gonna do. Period. So with that being said, anything that has to do with Burts congressional stuff is pulled out of my behind. I literally have NO knowledge about any politic stuff and I dont care enough to research. Its not that big a deal in the plot. All we need to know is that someone wins and becomes congressman.


So I hope you can just go with it! : )






Chapter 2: Touching


All knowing Pov-Tuesday


If it was hard dealing with crying babies that were crying for a reason, or even for no reason, it is doubly hard to deal with crying babies because they are colicky!


Especially, if they are colicky because of YOU.


Savannah was beating herself up like no tomorrow because both twins were having a bout of colic like never before. Both babies.


Caroles spaghetti Monday night was just an AWFUL thing for her to eat. It was DELICIOUS, very delicious. But tomato sauce has far too much acid, and it was not getting along very well with Kayle and Kayde.


And gas drops just werent cutting it. At all.


Thankfully, this time, Savannah knew not to be overwhelmed and freak out, because the babies wouldnt react well to her atmosphere. And at least they werent crying constantly and nonstop like Kaidyn was on Sunday. It was on and off crying. It was irritable fussing. Discomforting wails of sadness.


Poor little babies.


Savannah was angry at herself. Really angry. She should NOT have had that spaghetti on Monday.


While she beat herself up at home dealing with her tummy unhappy babies, Kurt dealt with his own guilt at school. He totally didnt even think about the babies when letting Savannah eat. Usually he was so on top of it. But yesterday, he had a COMPLETE brain fart. It was such a nice dinner with homemade cooking, they just basked in its glory of quiet babies, so they could have a meal completely together for once.


But now his kiddies were suffering with gassy tummies.


In happier news, today was the election and before midnight, the winner would be announced, and things were looking really great for his dad.


He had it in the bag!


The biggest worry for him, was if he won, like it seemed he was going to, they would have to leave for Washington for two days that next morning for Burt Hummels presentation whatchamajiggy.


He wasnt looking forward to being away from Blaine, or the twins, but his dad winning would be absolutely amazing.


Rock in as hard place?






"And your Congressman by an OVERWHELMING amount of right in votes, is Burt Hummel!"


Tuesday night was full of joy and laughs, and apple cider all around! It was pretty loud downstairs, but the twins really didnt seem affected by the noise at all. They were upstairs and both sound asleep. Finally! They were suffering with colic this evening like nobodys business. It was nice for things to be baby quiet for the time being, even if the adult chatter was loud. Had been for the past half hour. Kurt had the mini-screen baby monitor in his hands and wasnt planning to let it go. He had it turned up to the max volume so that he wouldnt miss any cries or fusses through the loud talking in the house. But he was incredibly glad that they were asleep. He drank cider and smiled along when his dad introduced him, but mostly, he stood idly by and watched the babys room. In its black and white, (can barely see anything) little screen.


Blaine was upstairs in Kurts room typing furiously to get his English report done, and when he finished, move to read the next 4 chapters of his government text book. He was so tired. As much as he craved going downstairs to party with the rest of Kurts family, he HAD to pass his senior year, and with missing school so often, it wasnt going to happen without him working his ass off to get all of his assignments done. On time shouldve been considered important to him, but lately, that has been completely impossible. Hes lucky to turn something in less than 2 days late at this point. School just started, and he already wishes it was summer.


Kurt took a break from the cider and old people to go upstairs and see how Blaine was doing.




Blaine, literally ready to pull his hair out from these stupid end chapter review questions, heard Kurts voice, and tossed his pencil behind him and smiled at his boyfriend. "Yay! Kurt Hummel! Much more interesting than dead white guys. Specifically the 24th president! Grover Cleveland, who was also the 22nd president."


Kurt giggled. "I see someone has been studying hard." Kurt went to sit on Blaines vacant thigh, and set the monitor on the desk beside Blaines book.


"Im bored out of my mind! Please save me." Blaine pleaded grabbing Kurt closer and wrapping his arms tight around him.


Kurt just laughed at his expense.


"If you really that behind babe, I should let you get back to the books. I read that chapter last Tuesday…"


Blaine could cry if it was that kind of sad.


"I know…. Im just… Im so behind. Plus, I cant concentrate when the work is this boring. Essays, and science isnt so bad because its interesting, but reports and dragging reading is just…. Its murdering me in the face!"


Kurt full on laughed. "Oh! You are so dramatic!"


Blaine kissed Kurts hip where his head was resting.


"How about I help? The twins are asleep, and hopefully they will be for a while. Overstimulation from being here tonight." Kurt laughed.


Blaine smiled along, thankful for the temporary peace. "We should bring them here more often." He added.


Blaine popped off of Kurts lap and went over to the bed. "Toss me your government book."


Blaine sighed, and threw it as gently as he could, to Kurt. He opened it back to where the paper was sticking out, review questions scribbled messily across the paper.


"K. According to the Declaration of Independence, what is the sole purpose of the Government?" Kurt asked.


"I really dont care." Blaine answered putting his head in his hands.


Kurt smiled though with an idea. He put the textbook beside him and stared quietly at his boyfriend until he looked back up at him.


"How about this?" Kurt started when he got Blaines attention. "For every answer you get right…. Ill strip."


Blaines mouth opened a bit. He needed a drink of water.


~~~~~~K&B…. Oh dont worry, well revisit Kurt and Blaine soon! Im not cruel enough to skip the sexy! YOU KNOW ME BETTER THAN THAT!... Have some faith! Geez!… f&s…..ANAAO~~~~~~K&B….f&S~~~~~~


Finn had Savannah up in his bedroom, the two of them avoiding the party at ALL COSTS. Old people and politics, NO thank you.


Having made it clear to Finns room without any adults noticing, Finn shut his door, and went to kiss Savannah as fast as he could.


"I miss you Savvy. I cant go this long without kissing you again. When are you gonna finally let me start coming back over to your guys apartment? I miss hanging out with you without parents around all the time, and I miss kissing you… and…."


Savannah nodded sadly. She really had shut Finn out since the twins were born. But she was afraid. The last time they were alone together, Finn had kind of been….. You know….. Attached to her… her boobs…..


And worse, she really liked it…And she was afraid of wanting that again, and that CANT happen right now. Now that shes breastfeeding, she didnt want Finn anywhere near them for fear that he wont find them attractive anymore.


Also, she still had baby weight to lose, and she wasnt looking very pretty lately. Shed been so exhausted and busy. She only wanted Finn to be around to see her at her best.


"I know Finn. Its just-" she sighed. How to tell him how she felt?


Finn felt like he knew what was about to happen though. He could sense it. Savannah didnt want to make things official…. That had to be it.


"Its okay Savannah. You dont have to say it. I can take a hint." Finn murmured. He really missed hanging out with her, and maybe hed been too clingy texting her a few times a day. Obviously she was busy, but he tried to stay a clear distance so as to not bother her.


But that wasnt it, and Savannah was confused as to why he looked so bummed all of the sudden. She grabbed his hand.


"What are you talking about? Im just trying to think of a way to explain to you how Im feeling about being alone with you since the babies were born."


Finn quirked an eyebrow. So maybe she doesnt want to break up?


Sort of? I mean, were they even together yet? He asked her after she had the babies, but she just said to ask again when she got prettier. And even before that, they were fooling around in her apartment. Like REALLY fooling around. The way serious couples do.


Theyve got to be a couple right?


"Finn, I miss you too. A lot. You have no idea. I feel like being alone with you. Like, all the time. I miss… Playing video games with you. And talking on the phone with you." She paused to blush. "I miss doing what we did at the apartment that one time…"


Finn took a quick breath in, a little taken aback by that comment. He backed to his bed, and grabbed Savannah to sit on his lap.


"What is it thats so hard to explain then?" Finn asked.


Savannah started playing in Finns hair thinking. "I think what Im trying to say is… I dont feel pretty lately. I only want you to see me when I look nice and stuff."


Finn sighed. He was worrying about that wrong things. "Savannah you ALWAYS look pretty to me. I mean, Kurt sent me a picture of you with your hair all wild from like a week ago and it was, kinda hilarious but,-"


"Oh god! Im gonna kill him!" Savannah shrieked.


Finn just laughed and rubbed her back.


"Its okay. It was funny, but its not like its ugly or something. You are NEVER ugly. And have you ever seen me with bed head! I look like a psychopath!" Finn comforted.


Savvy smiled. New goal to add to the bucket list. See Finn with bed head.


And then take a picture.


"Do you really think Ill still be pretty with crazy hair?" Savannah started. "Because its not just my hair! Ive had bad breath! And dirty wrinkly sweats and t-shirts… I dont smell very good lately… Its been too embarrassing to have you over."


Finn just smiled. He looked at her appearance right now. She was kind of messily thrown together, but in a way that was acceptable to be in public. Camo sweats, and a brown t shirt, her hair in a ponytail.


And still beautiful.


"Savannah, that kind of thing doesnt matter to me. Youre pretty no matter what you look like or are wearing. Okay?"


She blushed and just hugged Finns big shoulders to hide her face.


"K good. Anything else we should talk about?" Finn pressed. They hadnt been talking much in a few weeks, and the way they left things… They kind of took a step they never had before with each other…


And it was amazing.


Sav just got off of Finns lap to sit beside him.


"Yeah… Im kind of afraid to be alone with you."




Savannah was blushing like there was no tomorrow.


"Because…. I think….. I really want to do that with you again….. What we did last time… in my room.….. But…. We cant because… Im… you know. Breastfeeding….. But I want to do more to make you feel good too, because I didnt do anything for you last time….. but… I dont know how to."


Finn just kissed her cheek, and she turned so he could kiss her lips. "Im over here wondering if were really a couple, and you are worried that you dont know how to make me feel good?"


Savannah gave an embarrassed shrug. "That worries me too. I mean, are we a couple yet?"


Finn smirked. "Are we?"


Savannah just nodded. "Yeah….I thought we were…. I mean, I- I wanna be….."


Finn just gazed at her. Shes just too freaking cute. "Then we are."


Savannah nodded back, but still was nervous. "Okay…. I just cant stop thinking about… What you did…. And I didnt get to do anything to you because Kurt interrupted…. I dont want you to get bored with me….."


"Are you crazy?" Finn asked. "Just being here with me makes me feel good. And feeling good sexually…. That is not what I care about. I mean, it feels great, but-… yo-…. You know what I mean!"


Savannah chuckled a little, but still frowned afterwards. "You have experience too though…. And I dont. How do I compete with the other girls youve been with?"


Finn shook his head. "There is no competition."


It was quiet. Finn had to be the sweetest guy on the earth.


And that started their being very much occupied. Lots of making out in that room ensued. They were laying on the bed in about 4 seconds, kissing each other like a last meal.




"What party was Grover Cleveland affiliated with?" Kurt read, seated on his bed, legs crossed, and staring Blaine down like a strict tutor.


"Democrat!" Blaine answered with enthusiasm.


Kurt took off his shoes.


"Are you kidding me?!"


Kurt just stuck his tongue between his teeth. "The easier the question, the most useless item of clothing I lose."


Blaine crossed his arms. Fine!


"What number(s) in the presidential line up did Grover Cleveland serve?"


Blaine rolled his eyes. Another easy question. Kurt wouldnt strip very quickly it seemed.


"22nd, and 24th."


Kurt smiled again, and took his hat off, and teasingly ran his fingers through his light brown coif.


Blaine lined his lips together.


Kurt was going to kill him…


"Name the order of all political careers that Grover Cleveland held, and where." Kurt asked.


Blaine took slow breaths rallying the answers up in his head.


"Sherif, Mayor and governor all in New York, and then president of the United states twice."


Kurt raised his eyebrows, and took off his vest, and unbuttoned the top 3 buttons of his shirt.


Blaine closed his eyes for a second…


Goddamn layers!


Kurt smiled seeing Blaines annoyance. This is fun….


And he continued. "Who was the next president after Grover Clevelands 1st term?"


Blaine thought for a second. He knows this one. "Uh.. Benjamin Harrison."


Kurt lost his socks. And Blaine wanted to growl. Damn this game…..


"Who was Cleveland succeeded by in his 2nd term presidency? And if you get this wrong, I WILL leave the room Blaine." Kurt goaded.


Blaine smiled. He wouldnt get this wrong. "Why William McKinley of course."


Kurt took off his shirt, leaving a bare porcelain chest, and Blaine felt his jeans tighten just a bit.


Kurt leaned back a little showing the waistband of his jeans covered by a shiny belt straight to his boyfriends eyes.


"What were the year spans that he was president?"


Blaine exhaled frustrated. The year terms were so irritating to remember. "His 1st term was from 1885 to 1889 and the second term was from…. Uh… 1893 1897."


Thats right, right? Blaine thought panicking. He could not let Kurt put his shirt back on.


Kurt smiled. Blaine was smart. He wasnt getting anything wrong. He may be a few chapters behind in the work, but only from lack of time to do it. Not from lack of knowledge. Hes too intelligent to fail his senior year.


That was the correct answer. So Kurt unbuckled his belt, and slid it slowly out of its loops.


"Grover Cleveland is the only president to ever what?" Kurt asked slowly, now with lust riddled in his every word.


Blaine gulped….. Kurts pants were next. He tried his best to focus….. He didnt even remember the damn question.


"Blaine?" Kurt called. "Should I put the belt back on?"


"No!" He panicked! "Dont you dare just…- C- Can you- Can you read the question again?"


Kurt licked his lips deviously. Yes, this was a lot of fun.


He repeated the question.


"Uhm…. He uh…. He served two terms of presidency, but not uh-… Not consecutively." Blaine answered as fast as he could.


And Kurt stood, and unbuttoned his jeans.


Blaine still sat and waited for him to pull them down, but he stopped where he was.


"Hey! You said every right answer, you strip! Not tease!"


Kurt smiled. "Okay, sheesh. Pushy, pushy." Kurt turned himself around, away from facing Blaine, and began wiggling slowly out of his skinny jeans, purposely swinging his ass for Blaine to gaze at from behind.


Blaine was almost salivating.


Kurt turned back to face his boyfriend. "Happy?"


Blaine didnt even respond. At least not verbally. He furiously unbuttoned his own jeans and tried to reach to palm himself, but when his hand wouldnt go down his pants while sitting, he just squeezed his hard on through his pants.


"Hey! Who said touching yourself was allowed?!" Kurt chided.


But Blaine just stood up now and walked quickly to Kurt on his bed. "You need to touch me then." He breathed.


Kurt just shook his head though, and put a finger to Blaines clothed torso.


"Ah ah ah. You have one more question mister."


Blaines lip was quivering just a bit, and he took a little step back as Kurt lifted the book again.


"When was he born, and when did he die?" Kurt asked with his face only mere centimeters from his horny boyfriends face.


Blaine was shaking a little. "He uh…. Born uhm… march…. March- Uhm….."


Kurts smile was making Blaine completely blank brained.


"Come on Blaine….." Kurt was snapping his boxer waistband every few seconds.


Not helping.


"He was born on march uh… March 18th. And he died on June 24th….. Yeah. Thats it."


Kurt tilted his head down a bit and licked his lips. "Year?"


Shit! Blaine wracked his memory for a minute. "Year uh….. Year…"


Kurt dropped the book to the floor, and grabbed Blaines hard on through his jeans. But he didnt move any more than that. "What year was Grover Cleveland born…. And what year did he die Blaine?"


"He uh….." Blaine blabbered, and Kurt thought to give him a little motivation. He squeezed his cock.


"He was born 1837 and- and, and he, he died in 1908!" Blaine sputtered.


Kurt smiled, and wrapped his remaining arm around Blaines neck.


"My boyfriend is a genius." And he kissed his lips fervently, Blaine pushing his length into Kurts hand harder.


"Can you touch me now please?" Blaine begged.


Kurt just kissed Blaine again, and they could both feel the huge smile on Kurts lips."


"Blaine, go and write the last few answers you said first, and then come back to me so we can fool around."


Blaine broke away from Kurt immediately, and went to his papers and started to scribble down the messiest and incomplete answers he had ever turned in.


Maybe this wasnt such a good idea to mix homework and pleasure, Kurt thought seeing Blaine so frantic.


Blaine returns to the bed now seeing his sexy, and completely naked now, having lost the boxers in his absence, boyfriend.


They resume making out and Kurt shifted his way to be laying over Blaine and he positioned himself in-between his curly haired boyfriends legs. He grabbed his thigh to wrap around him, while Blaine ravaged his hands in Kurts hair.


"Please fuck me Kurt… Please." Blaine pulled off of Kurts lips for a split second to say, before attaching himself to his lips again.


But Kurt pulled off this time.


Blaine stopped attacking Kurt for a moment. "What? What is it?"


Kurt was a little breathless, but Blaine was panting heavier still.


"My dad and a bunch of his friends are still downstairs."


Blaine shrugged. "So? We can lock the door, and maybe we can finally try 69 like weve been talking about." And Blaine latched himself to Kurts neck again.


God how Kurt loved the sound of that.


"Okay, wait a second." Kurt climbed off of Blaine, and went to lock his bedroom door. But still, if someone came knocking, they need to be able to answer right away, and not have to get completely re-dressed. 69 was too timely. "We cant do too much up here right now, even with the door locked. We need to be able to get up quick if someone heads this way, so we dont have enough time to get completely redressed."


Blaine nodded. Kurt was right. They had talked about this not long ago. Doing the 69 position with clothes on wasnt really romantic at all. It seemed like the kind of thing that hook ups do real quick and get out. If they were going to do it, it would be completely bare, so they can caress each other while they did it.


Kurt started pulling all of his clothes back on.


"Youre right…. Okay….." Blaine said, hiding the disappointment in his voice by sounding sure of himself. He reached down to redo his button.


"Hey hey!" Kurt stopped him mid dress. His pants were at his ankles. "I didnt say we werent going to do anything!" He pulled his pants up only to the middle of his thighs, and put on a quick t-shirt instead of his previous button down. He laid back down on the bed beside his boyfriend and pulled Blaines pants almost to his knees like his own. The couple scooted closer to each other and meshed their bodies together, bare skin to bare skin. Kurt grabbed hold on Blaines hair with on hand, and the other grabbed his ass. Blaine pushed his pelvis forward and started to rock against Kurts cock to rub out his orgasm. Kurt barely moved his hips as the friction from Blaines pace kept his body stunned with electricity. But his hands were pulling Blaine harder against him with every hump forward.


The heat of their frottage was blissful and quick, but it lasted just long enough. Just enough time to leave boys panting for release, and time to cum together.


"God Blaine… Are you close?" Kurt rasped.


Blaine just kept rocking back and forth. He was close. But he wasnt nearly as close enough to Kurt as he wanted to be. He needed to have Kurt inside of him, or the other way around. He needed to connect with him. But for now, this is all that they could manage. And it was great, no lie, but Kurt was leaving for a few days. And unbeknownst to Kurt, Blaine was leaving too, but just for less than a day. Still, they were going to be far away from each other though, and sex would be nice before they left. But for now, this does just fine.


"Im coming baby…. Oh my gosh…. Im coming….." And Kurt shot his cum onto Blaines groin, just above Blaines shaft, that was spilling itself seconds later.




Blaine reached down to pull at his cock, letting all it out onto Blaine.


They languidly kissed each others lips, slow and content. Smiles ever present and not disappearing.


Oh yeah. It was certain. When Kurt got back from Washington, they were going to be on each other like rabbits.




Finn was in nothing but his pants at this point. Mind you they were undone, and around his neck, he still had that Damn chain on, that Savannah thought was seriously going to be the death of her self-control.


It was just so damn sexy….


Savannahs pants were gone, and she was only in girl boxer short panties and a spaghetti strap tank top. She was keeping Finns hands away from her breasts at all costs, because though she really wanted him to touch them, she had breast pads in her bra and was too embarrassed for Finn to see them.


She was going to keep his hands away from her privates too, but he hadnt tried for them, so she didnt need to.


The couple lay side by side and in the midst of a heated and passionate kiss, Savannah smiled on Finns mouth, and unable to stop himself, he pulled her over his own body bringing her to straddle him. His hands rested on her hips, fingertips resting barely on her ass, and his mind overrun with thoughts of touching this girl EVERYWHERE. She was just intoxicating.


Savannah was in a trance right now with Finn. This was very new, and very sexy. She could feel Finns, hardness so well through only her panties, and it was as sexy as it was terrifying. She knew that they werent ready to do it yet. They hadnt been together long enough, and that much was clear, but she was still thinking about doing something else. She wanted to touch him. He had already touched her in an intimate spot. He had his mouth on an intimate spot. But she didnt know if she was ready for that much yet. Not now while she didnt know what she was doing. But she did still want to feel it.


Finn was just gently stroking her hips above his pelvis, and he was gazing at her. At all of her. His eyes would start at her eyes, and then travel slowly down her chest, to her plump breasts, and over her stomach.


Finn looked at her there, and thought she was full of it, as there was only a little pudge.


Okay, maybe a little more than a little pudge. Sure, she wasnt as thin as before, but that didnt bother him. She wasnt fat. She just had twins a few weeks ago. Besides, dating a stick wasnt really in his interest. For one thing, hes afraid he might break one, one day. And two, the thinner they are, it seems the more bitchy, or insecure, or selfish, or Quinn-esque, or Rachel-centric.


No thank you.


Finn could sense how nervous she was. She was a little tense, and not only that, her eyes were very back and forth.


"Savannah, we dont have to do anything. I told you that earlier. No pressure at all. I just like laying here with you."


Savannah knew that he wouldnt push her. She wanted to touch him though, and didnt know how to go about it. Does she just go for it? Does she ask? I mean, if Finn had been wanting to touch her, she would find it sexy if he had just gone for it. Then again, it would also be romantic of him to ask first. Last time, she just trailed her hand down his chest, and landed herself to rest on his zipper. He seemed to really like it when she did that.


She was torn. She even sighed in annoyance at herself, and let go of Finns hand to scratch her head.


"Whats wrong silly?" Finn chuckled.


Savvy just smiled and shook her head. "It IS silly. I- I want to touch you. But I didnt know if I should ask, or just do it….. I want to be sexy….."


Finn couldnt stop the smile he had. He just couldnt.


"Youre just so freaking sweet."


Savannah blushed under his gaze. The way she always did.


Finn took Savannahs hand in his again, and moved the both of them down to where their privates were.


"I like when you are sweet. But theres nothing wrong with being sweet AND sexy."


Savannahs hand was alone now, traveling down Finns navel, past a few thin hairs, and then stopping to rest right atop his crotch, and Finn had a single finger inching toward her panties. He was going slowly on purpose, just in case it wasnt okay. He didnt know how stuff worked when a girl had a baby. Or two babies.


As Savvy struggled to pull his pants down, Finn lifted his backside off of the bed a little so she could pull his jeans down. It was so cute the dark pink blush she shone when she was like this.


Savannah let her hand fall with pressure onto his lightly covered groin and grabbed his hard on in her full hand. He was VERY well endowed. She couldnt wrap her fingers completely around it.


Finn took in a shaky breath being touched in this way. It had been a while, and he had never been handled so gently before. It was bliss.


Not taking the piece of body out of its cage, she stroked it up and down in her hand, quickening pace little by little as prompted by Finns hand over hers.


Finn was fighting hard not to throw his head back and moan aloud, but he didnt want to look away from her or her hand.


In only a few minutes, a wet spot formed at the front of Finns light grey boxer briefs and he started to lose a bit of his breath; Precum. He was close. He never released his seed this fast on his own, but Savannah did something to him. Mind over matter not being as good as the real thing, or if it was just that she did that to him that caused it; he didnt care. He was just close.


"Ahh..ungh.. Oh shit." Finn cursed. He came in his boxers at the same time that he made his own move, and his hand went to reach under the band of Savannahs panties.


She gasped and backed a little bit down Finns thighs, resting more on his knees now.


Finn put his hand that was roaming up. "Im sorry!"


Savannah was shaking her head though, and her hand didnt move from Finn. "Its okay….. I- I want you too…. I do- but…." She was stammering now. She was so embarrassed. "Im sorry.. We, we cant right now. I want to. But, we- we cant because I … You know…. I cant yet."


"Its okay. I shouldnt have tried that. I thought it might be okay."


"No it! It was okay, just…. Not yet…. Not until…like, November I think…." Savannah said with a low voice.


Finn just squinted his eyes, and raised an eyebrow…. Why November…?


Savannah sighed, and then let go of Finns penis and got off of the bed.


Ohh! Finn hit himself in the head. Im an idiot!


"God! This is so embarrassing!" Savannah cried. Not tears, but… you know. Finn looked down at himself, limp now in his drawers, and damp and sticky.


"Savvy. Its okay. Really. Please come back. I understand. Please dont be embarrassed."


Savvy came back to the bed with her eyes averted to the floor, and Finn sat up a bit to grab her by the waist and pull her back down. "Im embarrassed too….. You just… I just came… In my freaking underwear…."


That wasnt that embarrassing though. That was what she was trying to get him to do right?


Seeing that his girlfriend wasnt comforted by his tale, he just proceeded to kiss her everywhere he could and tried to tickle some giggles out of her.


"Its okay." He kept on, finally accomplishing a smile.


"Are you sure?" Sav asked shyly. Finn just nodded and brought Savannahs head to rest on his chest.


They cuddled for the remainder of the half an hour or so that they had left before the babies would wake up. Savannah fell asleep in about a minute and a half.


~~~~~~K&B….f&s…..ANAAO~~~~~~K&B….f&s…..ANAAO~~~~~~K&B….f&S~~~~~~ Wednesday morning


"Now boarding flight number 349 to Cincinnati."


Blaine was so annoyed. Not only was he tired of being next to his jackass boss this morning, but he didnt sleep too much last night since he and Kurt MISSED each other and stayed up talking and being a little naughty until midnight. And then, the babies were up 4 times through the night. Though they took shifts getting them and all, they still woke up with hearing the crying every time. Just because they didnt have to get the babies every time didnt mean they didnt hear them. And then, Kurt went back to his dads house at 3:30 a.m, they said a long kiss filled goodbye, and he left. Plus, Blaine had to leave the house at 4 am to meet Sebast-Idiot and fly to Cincinnati.


Blaine yawned as quietly as he could, but unfortunately, it was loud enough.


"Tired pretty boy?" Sebastian asked.


Blaine didnt look at him. He stayed looking forward and prepared to say his snide comment.


"No. Not at all. I only have newborn twins, a long English report to get done on the flight and you to deal with the whole time."


Blaine had NO IDEA where that came from.


Sebastian turned all the way to his assistant now.


"Oho! Sharp at the tongue. Thats very sexy daddy-o. You are lucky you are nice to look at otherwise a comment like that would get your ass fired real quick.


But Blaine knows that Sebastian would never fire him, because if he did, Sebastian would need to go back to doing his own job. "Mmhmm." Blaine mumbled.


"Watch what you say to me Blaine. Next time, I might not be so nice."


It was times like these that he WISHED he would get fired. No job sometimes seems a lot better than working for Sebastian.


They boarded the plane, and thank the freaking heavens above, because their seats were NOT together.


Maybe Blaine could finish his homework…


Or maybe hed sleep. Yeah. Sleep was easier.


In between a nap and landing, Blaine would just keep his eyes focused out the window, thinking of his kids. How much he missed them.


And Kurt, and the fact that he hadnt told him that he was going to Cincinnati for work today.


He probably wouldnt be too happy that he didnt tell him. He was going to be too far from Savannah to rush home, and Kurt was INCAPABLE of getting home to her at all. But because of that, telling him now would only serve to worry him unnecessarily. Savannah has everyones phone numbers in my family, her own family and one of Kurts aunt and Uncle. She had plenty of support. She would be fine.


And theres always Puck. Hed be there for her if she asked for him. He promised Finn.


As the day went on, Blaines guilt for not telling Kurt where he was today only got worse seeing as Kurt had called him a few times around noon, and he only answered for 5 seconds to say that he loved him, but couldnt talk.


"Ill call you back as soon as I can babe."


And that was that.


By the end of a very long Wednesday, Kurt still didnt know that Blaine was stuck in Cincinnati…. At first, Blaine didnt see it as such a big deal because they were supposed to be back in Lima by nightfall.


He wasnt told by his boss that he would be stuck there for more than a few hours.


When Sebastian told Blaine they werent going back tonight, he called Kurt to let him know, but Kurt was going on excitedly about Washington and important congress stuff, so Blaine only got as far as saying that he may not beat him home from work when he got back from Washington. And the call was ended. Blaine had to get back to work, and Kurt had to get back in with his family.


Blaines entire day in the big city, was hell. It was busy work. He was doing EVERYTHING! From running around fetching coffees to copying, faxing, and mailing things. He had to listen in on meetings and furiously take detailed notes. He was frantically back and forth from one spot to the next. He was on the phone a lot giving lot numbers and information to corporate people manually for a few hours because it was dire, and the computers were down; It. Was. Awful.


Finally, in a minor break, around 3 oclock, he escaped a meeting to make a bunch of calls. If he was being honest with himself, he wasnt any more comfortable with Savvy being alone with the twins than Kurt was. They were A LOT of work, and Sav is a good mom, yes, but without either of her parent partners there, she needs some HELP. He called his mom, dad, and Savannahs mom and dad, and even called Kurts uncle Jerry who lived nearby to ask them to PLEASE come by the condo if and whenever they can for today and tomorrow. That he is out of town with work, and Kurt is out of town with his congressman dad for a few days.


Thankfully, Uncle Jerry, Blaines mom, and both of Savvys parents agreed to hang around this afternoon. Tomorrow though, everyone had to work.


Blaine called Sav to let her know that family would be coming around this evening to help out because he has no idea when Sebastian was going to let him off of work.


When it hit 8pm, and they still were at the offices in Cincinnati, Blaine wondered why they hadnt started heading back to Lima yet, and that was when the jackass let Blaine in on his little secret all of the sudden.


They werent returning to Lima until Thursday night, possibly Friday morning.


Blaine was heated! But he was so tired, he didnt even argue. But now, it was REALLY time to tell Kurt. No excuses.


Blaine and his boss didnt start heading to the hotels until 10 at night. Savannah seemed calmer than he thought shed be when he called, but she had said that the babies were pretty calm tonight with a lot of family around to hold them constantly.


He was still worried about tomorrow though. Shed be waking up by herself every time tonight when they cried and needed feeding. She was going to be EXHAUSTED.


Walking to a Double tree hotel from his cab shared with Sebastian, he took advantage of his boss being preoccupied with the taxi driver. It was time to call Kurt. He had to know what was going on now. He had to explain why Kurt wouldnt be talking to the babies tonight when he called to say goodnight. Kurt should be well through with his day by now. Its late.


"Hi Kurt. It looks like you might beat me home by a whole day. I may not be back home until Friday morning." Blaine said sadly.


Kurt was confused holding his phone to his ear. "Home from where? Where are you?"


Blaine sighed. Kurt already didnt sound too happy. "Cincinnati. Kurt, Im sorry I didnt tell you earlier. But I knew that you had business with your dad in Washington, and you wouldnt go with him if you knew that I wasnt going to be here. I have family members helping Savannah heavily with the twins though. Shes not completely alone."


Kurt was hurt. This was the kind of thing that he never wanted to happen. To not be included in decisions that affect the babies. "Thats not the point Blaine. And youre right, I wouldnt have gone. This is a big deal. You shouldve told me Blaine." Kurt asserted.


Blaine looked to the floor. He was kind of ashamed of himself. "Im sorry. I wont keep something like this from you again. I promise."


"Blaine." Kurt started. He was rubbing his forehead trying not to get too upset over this. "Blaine, were supposed to be together on this. I dont know if I accept your apology…. At least not right now. This is hard for me. Having to leave the twins, and now youre not there with them either, and didnt even tell me!"


The curly headed teen let his eyes well up. He screwed up.


"Honestly, I am really mad at you. How could you not tell me?" Kurt pleaded. He had a tear form in his eye as well.


Blaine just shook his head. "I- I didnt want to worry you Kurt. And I was supposed to be back before nightfall. I swear I didnt know Id have to be hear more than just today. I swear I didnt know. Please believe that. I wouldnt keep that from you."


Kurt sighed, and nodded on his end. This had to be enough for now. There was nothing he could do about it. "Please never do that again. I worry about them when Im just at school. Now Im states away, Blaine…... and you are not even any closer to them then I am really because were both a whole flight away from them."


Blaine wanted to kick himself. Bad choice not telling his boyfriend. Even if it was just work. "Im sorry Kurt. Really. I promise that wont happen again. But your dad really needed you this week with Finn and Carole. Forgive me?"


"Youre gonna have to make this up to me. Im really upset Blaine." Kurt answered.


"I promise I will." Blaine assured. "So hows DC night life?"


Kurt exhaled, hoping that he can drop it, and make some small talk but it was very hard on his mind, and likely would be until he saw Blaine. "Its really pretty. We have to take the twins here someday. Its nice. : ). Of course, its no New York. But it is nice."


"We can take them. Theyd do some good getting some different stately germs." Blaine said, but before he could say anymore, Sebastian started walking toward him, finished with his prior conversation with the cabbie.


"Hey, Kurt, Im sorry again. I love you so much, and Im really sorry. But I have to go."


Kurt nodded. He knew that phrase well. His boss was coming. "I love you too. Goodnight." And Kurt hung up. He had to go and think.


Blaine hung up with remiss. Kurt hadnt forgiven him. He still loved him, but he had not forgiven him. He needed to get back to his boyfriend. And soon. Fix this.


"Lets go get a room pretty boy." Sebastian said, walking his way to the counter.


Blaine panicked.






A/N: .Eeeeeeeeer…. Sebastard is REALLY starting to get on my freaking nerves! Anyone else?


SO, THE IDEA FOR THE STRIP TEASE WAS TOTALLY MY MOM MsGoodbars IDEA! I was stuck on Klaine talking in the bedroom, and I asked mom, hey, I need awesome Klaine fill. Help me out?!


She said, "Have Kurt do a study strip tease." My mom is a freaking GENIUS! I had soooo much fun writing it. Go follow her and Is fanfic! Connection of souls! It might be the next to be updated! Woot!


Thanks so much everyone to the few reviews ive gotten for chapter 1. And WELCOME to my crazy little universe all newcomers! Quite a few people I have noticed have gone on and read One night one mistake two hearts within the past 2 weeks, and I couldnt be more ECSTATIC! I want to thank VOYAGEASIA! For being an awesomely faithful reviewer and giving me the BEST advice I couldve ever gotten. Which was to fix the summary for One night. It was terrible before! And it needed a spicing up! And because of it, I have gotten some new readers! So THANK YOU SO MUCH ADRIENNE!


Please review everybody and then there should be a new chapter soon!


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