March 22, 2015, 7 p.m.
March 22, 2015, 7 p.m.
Chapter 10: “69” reasons (part two)
A/N: I didn't get many reviews. It sucked. Thanks so much to everyone who did review though. Love you guys!
Here's part two.
And it's a nice long 20 page chapter for you all for the long wait.
Savannah's Pov
Okay, maybe I was a little caught off guard with my own words in this moment…..I mean, that wasn't what I meant to say right?
I mean just last week, Finn and I were talking about being responsible, and getting me birth control and using condoms for double the protection, and only taking the next step by doing oral….. The only problem is….. I didn't know that us having oral was gonna make me want to have real sex so badly.
Number 35: But I am overly thankful for oral sex. For a lot of reasons….. Despite how everything turned out, and despite regretting the whole situation later, it still was amazing.
Finn's POV
I was a little stunned. Did Savannah just say she wanted to have sex?
I stared for a few seconds at my hot naked girlfriend biting her lip, her chest moving in and out with her heavy breaths. Holy crap Savannah just said she wanted to have sex.
But....... we were just talking recently about how we were going to wait a while.
Burt would kill us if he found out, and my mom was home.... She's sleeping, but still.
We can't...
We shouldn't.......
I want to though. And I want Savannah to have whatever the hell she ever wants, my god she is perfect.... but.
I dont know if it is just her orgasm talking... but I dont think shes really ready for sex..... I don't know if I should.
But I didnt deny her out loud.... I didnt want to tell her no. God that was the last thing I wanted to do.
I wanted sex too...
So badly, I cant even explain. So instead, I decided on more oral sex. Hopefully, she wouldnt say anything. It's still sex.
I lifted her over me, flipping her around to straddle my face backward, with her flesh in my mouth again. Now that we were on the floor, we were a bit farther from the door of my room. So hopefully, Savannah can make as much noise as she wants and not wake my mom. I want to hear her sounds so bad. I have a demo of my game playing so it seems like Im playing games and mom was super tired from work. Hopefully that was enough to keep her asleep.
Savannah lowered her head and dragged her tongue over the length of my cock. It was so freaking warm and amazing that I could barely focus on what I was supposed to be doing, my tongue almost without my permission sliding between her pussy lips, making her moan around my head.
Some weird feeling of... not power, was running through my body. I sort of felt like Savannah had fully taken over and I was ONLY here to please her.
Its not a bad feeling though. Its more comfortable I guess..... I don't know. I liked it.
Just the way that she is starting to rock her hips back and forth over my head, my tongue not doing any work but tasting, it was incredible.
She sucked me hard at the same time that I licked her through. She was basically in complete control.
And I wasn't complaining. She moaned loudly and was clearly wanting this just as much as I did. I was loving to lick her flesh and run my hands all over her body.
I started out just caressing her back and hips, leaving light marks from holding on too hard. After a few times running up and down her back though, I brought my hand round to the front to cup her breasts and squeeze, making it harder for her to focus.
The more I squeezed, the wetter my hands became as she leaked the milk that I freaking LIVED for.
I groaned out noises of approval between her folds and started to tongue her harder prompting her to tremble.
I moved one of my hands from her breast down to join my mouth at her clit and started to rub with a rhythm and that quickly made her pussy contact, her grip on my cock tighten and her throat to vibrate with her whimper of ecstasy.
"Oh god! FINN!"
I removed my tongue from her and started to finger fast. There was no bigger turn on than Savannah shouting my name! Except maybe....
Liquid sprayed into my face as I pressed my fingertip down on her g-spot, as my other hands' finger tickled her clit. Both actions were making her squirt so easily and amazingly.
I didnt even care that she had stopped sucking my cock to outcry her pleasure. Kind of like a whimper scream, but you get it. This was incredible! Making Savannah whimper and yell. Making her pussy clench and her breath pant. Feeling her tighten around my fingers, her hot cream dripping down them.
It wasnt a lot, but it was there and it was so sexy...
I wanted to have myself inside her so bad.
So bad.....
Why did I tell her no again? 69 is great yes. Obviously. Overly great. But why are we doing this when I could be thrusting in and out of her, all wet and shining with her cream and my cock inside the tight walls. Shed be moaning for my length inside her. Contracting her walls and dripping all over my shaft....
I might come just thinking about it….
When Savannah was coming down from her high, trying to catch her breath, I could even see her pussy breathing. It was throbbing with pleasure, not really breathing, but you get it.
………….. Aaaaaaaand, I take it back. I want to have sex.
I rolled Savannah beside me on the carpet and I shuffled up so fast, I might've given myself whiplash.
I yanked the blanket from the bed beside me and covered the both of us with it.
“You sure you want to have sex baby?” I asked her, just to be sure sure. I mean, we talked about this just recently. With Burt and then with each other.
Savannah nodded gazingly, her eyes kind of not really here... she was in a half orgasmic faze and not really coherent. That, along with the fact that I was now far too turned on to stop anyways, we were going to have sex.
I dragged my cock up and down the slit of her sex and it was so slippery. So wet for me, and as much as I knew to be slow with her, I had to battle with myself to make sure I was.
I slipped just my head in, just a bit, and already, Savannah's heat was squeezing around me, tightening around the base of my cock, and it felt so fucking good......
"Oh god.... I don't know how long...... oh crap!"
I forgot a condom!
I pulled out of Savannah as soon as I could and she whimpered as I did it with the loss of fill.
"Condom. I have condoms... I almost forgot."
Savannah sat up when I said that and nodded feeling guilty.
“I forgot too....”
I got a condom from my drawer and turned back to my naked Goddess. She was biting her lip and had a hand behind her neck holding her hair.
She always did that when she was thinking really hard.
I sat on the bed beside her.
"Maybe this is a bad idea...." I mumbled. Against my heads will.
Both heads.
I wanted to be inside my girlfriend so bad, my cock was aching...... it would really suck to have blue balls.... but God Im horny.....
But I know this is not a good idea. Savannah knows this is not a good idea. This isnt a good idea. So we probably shouldnt do it.
"I know..." she said quietly.
"I really want to though."
"Me too....I want it so badly...." she replied again. "I just.... I feel like a complete idiot. Finn we almost did it again. We almost had sex without a condom.... What if you didnt stop? Youre already close to finishing from earlier.... What if you finished inside me before you remembered that you forgot the condom?"
I nodded, Im the idiot here though. Not her.
"Its my fault. It wouldve been my fault."
Savannah was disagreeing though.
"No it wouldn't. It wouldve been my fault too because I also have condoms and I didnt remind you either." She said. "And! It wouldnt really matter whos fault it was or wasnt. Even if it was fully your fault, I would still be with you in the consequences because Id be pregnant."
I nodded this time. We almost screwed up big time. Again.
"Well, now we have the condoms. So we didnt do anything yet thatll get us consequences. So, lets be happy about that and not think about the what ifs."
Savannah half smiled and laid back down and sighed, closing her legs in the process.
"I still want to have sex though. ...." she whined.
I smiled. "So do I........Im still hard..." I said looking down at my cock.
Savannah locked her lips and looked at my groin. “But I dont think we should...”
I pursed my own lips and said, “My dad wouldnt approve. At all. But....... were using protection.....?”
It wasnt a question, but it sounded like one.
But it was the right thing to say because my girlfriend, beautiful and sexy and wet, and tight and shy and perfect, opened her legs as I walked toward back toward her, showing her glistening folds right to me, and as I flipped over to lay over her, she brought her fingertips to her clit to rub. That was it. It was decided. I ripped the condom wrapper with my teeth to avoid shaky hands failing to do it, and rolled it onto my length.
It fit well, so that was a good sign. A good omen, it wouldn't break.
I took a deep breath to compose myself, because for the second time today, I was lined up right at her center.
I pulled the blanket up around us waist length, and then slid my cock in between her lips, making her moan in pleasure the same way she had not 5 minutes ago when I'd entered inside her.
That sound was a freaking beautiful sound.
When I was all the way inside, tight as it was, I dragged myself in and out at a pretty nice pace unable to go any slower or faster right away. She was so tight, even after she'd been fingered, and it felt like my cock was tumbling in the dryer. It was hot and snug and freaking amazing.
I never wanted to cum with this feeling so awesome. Stopping would be criminal.
Savannah was moaning and breathing loudly, and even with my games noise, someone probably could hear her, but I think itd be a huge turnoff to tell her to be quiet.
So I just let some of my weight rest on her upper body so I could kiss her quiet.
And the kiss…. God it was the sexiest kiss weve ever had...
Savannah moaned into my mouth, and that was not only way less loud, but it was hot as hell. Her tongue was freaking hot heat, she had chilly breath, and she tasted like the best candy ever.
I dropped our kiss because I needed to taste her somewhere else too. Anywhere...
I bit down onto her neck and sucked, breathing in her smell. Lavender and fruit, with a hint of that breast milk smell, which never failed to turn me on.
"Oh!" She whimpered, my cock starting to thrust faster, her pussy starting to clench and flutter with pleasure as my sped up motions caught up with her. I would never stop thrusting her if I didnt have to. So tight and warm, and the sounds coming from her mouth..... Oh God.... Finally, I got some courage though, because the faster I pumped into her, the more moaning she did, and we can't lose focus and get caught in here.
"Savannah, my moms home remember? Do you need me to slow down?"
Savannah switched her moans to ragged pants as I slowed my thrusting in order for her to answer.
"Mm..... yeah, maybe a little... I don't want you to stop though.... Ill try to be quiet.... sorry.....It just… It feels so amazing." Savannah breathed out.
I just smiled, remaining still inside of her as we both calmed down. I didnt want to come yet, and she didnt want me to stop.
I brought a hand to her cheek to hold her face.
God those eyes..... Freaking green as the grass outside..... Theyre usually darker green like forest trees. Ive never seen them this light? Was it the having sex that made them change?
"Youre eyes are so amazing.... You're gorgeous."
Savannah smiled, “So are you, Finn."
I dont know what came over me, but I was overcome with feelings.... like.... happier than ever feelings.
"I love you Savannah."
And she froze a minute. Her breathing kind of stopped and she just stared up at me.
"Finn, did you just say you love me?"
I nodded to answer her question and kissed her to keep her from talking.
“You dont have to say it back. I just wanted to say it." I said.
Savannah pulled back so I wasn't inside her anymore. “But I want to say it back. I think I love you too Finn. I mean, I feel like I do."
I smiled at her and stroked her hair. After gazing at each other for a while, my cock started throbbing, aching to be moving inside. I kissed her passionately and brought a finger to rub at her clit, re-entering her walls and starting to thrust her again, gaining back the rhythm wed abandoned moments ago.
Rubbing Savannah's clit while I pushed in and out of her was sending humming vibrations through her tight walls and the feeling made me thrust into her deeper and deeper.
She squirmed with frustration, wanting so badly to orgasm. I could feel it. She was so needy and turned on, her whimpers were high pitched and constant.
"Ah ah, hm, hm, oh! Mmm, mmm, Fff, fff..."
Savannah trying to moan my name.... god, it was so sexy...
Savannahs hand moved to push mine away from her clit to rub it herself, faster and harder than I had been doing. Her totally taking over had left one of my hands free so with an arm wrapped around her lower back, I took her breast in my other hand and leant to take one of her nipples into my mouth and right away, her sweet liquid gushed out on my first suck. I loved to squeeze it simultaneously so it comes out faster.
Savannah arched her back as her orgasm crept up, my deep thrusting into her hitting her g-spot. She was practically refusing to let my cock out of her even a 10th of an inch. I was hitting that spot well at the same time that she was stimulating her clit just right, and it was making her orgasm hard.
"Finn!" Savannah whimpered low, I could barely hear it really.
I pulled my mouth off of her nipple, letting my teeth scrape gently against it.
"Please let me come." she pleaded.
I knew she was holding back. As long as I was inside of her, she couldn't let it out.
I just gave her my most seductive teasing glare and thrust her harder.
Her sex was so tight, I dont know of Id be able to pull out if I wanted to.
I wiggled my hips pushing as deep as I could go inside her and she let her hand fall limp. I replaced her finger with mine again
"Oh, oh, oh god! Oh god... I'm.."
"Let it go Savannah.." I whispered.
And she was so loud, Im sure everyone in the house could hear her. I mean, It was just my mom home.... and baby Kayle, but I didnt care at this point because I was just focused on the cream that was pushing its' way out of Savannah's pussy and sliding out around my cock, and I'd forgotten there was even a parent home.
Her heated walls were throbbing and dripping the most glistening shiny milky white cream Id ever seen. And Ive watched my share of porn. I pulled out and a large stream of squirt sprayed my pelvis when I was out.
There was no fucking comparison. Just the way she smelled and the moans that left her lips made it all the more sexy.
God I wanted to come….. So bad. But even after Savannah's tight orgasm, I wasnt there yet. Almost, but not yet.
Shit, Id been masturbating so much lately trying to kill the urge to have sex, it's making me last way long now.
I resumed thrusting Savannah through the end of her orgasm, her walls hugging me tighter than ever and finally, I was starting to feel close.
God so close.
I whispered to her before my eyes could squint shut, "Savannah, Im gonna come."
“I dont think so!” My door swung open.
My dad!
“You're BUSTED!”
Savannah and I, naked, having sex, were caught staring in shock at my dad. Guilty, and he was certainly dead on right….
We were busted.
My head was so sensitive already from Savvys post orgasm tightness and it was adding intense tinges of the best kind of pain I've ever felt to my own finish.
If it werent for my bad luck with blue balls, I wouldnt have been able to focus on getting to come.... my freaking dad just saw my penis inside my girlfriends' vajayjay!!
Savannah is embarrassed and worried and guilty.
Im embarrassed, and worried.... and an idiot....
But Im still horny. And we already got totally caught, so there's no harm in finishing what we started. Good thing I'm basically right there. I think less than a minute passed before I was shooting out a jet of cum into her, (into the condom really, but my cock was in her still so), and then I grew soft, pulling out slowly. I sighed in relief that the condom was fully intact and the pool of liquid was sitting in the tip, no leaks or tears. I tied it carefully off of me feeling over sensitive and completely satisfied.
Sexually satisfied anyway, because overall, I was in HUGE trouble.
We both were in huge trouble......
Burt's Pov
Number 34: I am thankful for my wife. Carole is probably the best wife out there in the world today.
I can always count on her for anything and everything.
She was home asleep after a long night shift. Kurt and Blaine were out with baby Kayde and, Savannah had Kayle at her parents' house. Finn was supposed to be playing video games with Puck all weekend and not bothering his mother for anything so she could rest.
But of course when has Finn ever followed directions? And Savannah was very much not at her parents' house.
"Hi honey. Hows your rest been? Is Finn out of your hair?"
Carole still sounded tired though, and she was talking pretty low
"Honey, I think Finn and Savannah are having sex in his bedroom."
....... I was a bit frozen for a sec.
She thinks?
"Wait, you think?" I asked loudly.
"Well...they could just be fooling around, but I can hear a girl moaning.... and lots of movement.... I don't want to go in there. I can't see it."
Number 33: Im thankful for the tire shop. Its only a 5 minute drive from home. So not even hanging up with Carole, I locked up and drove home to catch my idiot stepson screwing up.
Number 32: Im thankful for my house. When we built this house, we made sure that the boys' room doors' didnt have locks. Even though Kurt is more than clever and he easily replaced his door knob to one with a lock.
"Its more fashionable and your choice of knob just didnt fit In with the decor of the rest of my room.
I never argue when he talks about that kind of stuff. But, I know what he fed me about decor or whatever, was BS. Because he needed a doorknob with a lock right around the time that I kept walking in on him and Blaine.
God Im glad men cant get knocked up.
I came in quietly through the front door of my house, though I didnt have to be quiet because the kids were obviously too preoccupied upstairs to listen out for the door anyway. I planned to go to Carole and Is bedroom first to hug her, but I was surprised to see my wife was downstairs with our grandson. And he was really fussy.
Seriously? Grumpy Kayle is no fun and Carole is here with him playing parent while theyre upstairs getting busy? No!
“Carole, why are you taking care of him when-“
"I just grabbed him.” She interrupted me. “He started fussing. And I needed a distraction. I didnt want to go in there.... I don't know how to handle this."
I was seething now. And I could tell that Carole was angry. And that was a rare emotion for her. She was such a kind and loving person. But right now, Finn having sex under our roof, especially with a trusting parent home, was the utmost disrespectful thing for him to be doing.
And Carole was ashamed of her son. So was I. And angry. They were both stupid. Clearly stupid.
What teenagers are clueless enough to have sex in the house when a parent is home, and not make a great enough effort to watch their volume so they arent heard? I certainly know my stepson is smarter than that.
And so is his girlfriend.
But once stupid kids' hormones start flaring up, they aren't smart anymore.
I trotted up the stairs hoping that I had long enough to mentally prepare for what Im about so see. And say.
I could burst right in and go with something cliché like, “What the hell do you think youre doing?”
But Im thinking against that.
Maybe I should be more cunning and sly and quietly open the door and say, “caught in the act." With my arms crossed.
Or maybe, “Have you lost your mind?” And then yank Finn off of the girl by the hair.
I think if I had a daughter, that one would be the most appropriate.
I shook my head of the silly antics though, because now, actually being in front of Finns' door, where I could hear Finns heavy breathing, and Savannah attempting badly to moan quietly; (no wonder Carole heard them), I heard Finn whisper, “Savannah, Im gonna come...."
And, I snapped.
"Like hell you are.” I said to myself. I'm sure they didnt hear me because when I shoved the door open, they didn't stop what they were doing until they heard the door hit the wall, and I simultaneously shouted, “I don't think so. You're busted!"
So, of course I wasn't looking, but I was able to relax just the slightest bit inside when I saw Finn withdraw, because he was wearing a condom.
Wasn't trying to look, obviously, just one of those things you see and wish you didn't.
I am glad he was gloved though. At least they did something smart.
I really don't want to calm down, but I need to, at least a little, because this whole situation could be much worse. They couldve been stupider by being unprotected.
When Finn backed off of Savannah and away from the bed, Savannah scrambled to quickly cover herself with the blanket.
She was embarrassed.
Good, she should be embarrassed, though not because she was just caught naked, but because she was caught being irresponsibly childish.
Both teens had nothing to say. And I was stuck too.
It seems like all I ever said to these kids was to get their asses downstairs and Im tired of saying it.
It's almost like I should apologize to my kitchen. It has withstood so much drama, so many sex talks and enough awkwardness to fill Europe.
Number 31: Im thankful for the kitchen table. Its a nice place to drag the kids I guess. They always know its' coming.
Neither teen still had said a word.
"You know what? Good, dont say a damn word because there is nothing I care to hear from either of your mouths. You know where to be, and how quickly to be there. Put your clothes back on NOW, and Savannah you need to go and get your baby. He's awake and fussing.”
I left their door open, and retreated back downstairs. Carole needed to go and rest, so I took little Mackaylen and pushed my wife to the stairs to return to bed. She needed to sleep.
The kids took a while to get downstairs and I dont know if Im angry or grateful for it. They were probably freaking out over what was to happen when they got down here. I mean, as much as they'd been sent down here, no one EVER got caught full on having intercourse.
Little Kayle really was calming for my boiling anger, but he was probably still fussy because my mind was raving with so much rage, he was no doubt picking it up.
Soon, I heard Savannah running down the stairs, probably seeing that her baby wasn't where she left him, and Finn was not far behind her.
When mini mom saw that I was holding him with me, she slowed her walk to pretty much a crawl. I could see the fear in her eyes now shift. She wasn't worried about her baby anymore. She was worried about my anger with them now.
I handed the baby out to her and she slowly took him into her own arms. Both teens still hesitated to sit down. Savannah's fear was so clearly evident. Baby Kayle continued to fuss. I could see the guilt in Finns' expression as I sat down at the table.
"It wasnt even a week ago that I told the two of you not to have sex."
Finn just looked to the ground with his hands in his pockets. Savannah's eyes mimicked Finn's and averted to the ground, though she looked closer to tears.
Finn wouldnt cry for this though. Even if he felt incredibly guilty.
Hes gotten Burt Hummel reaming's many times before now. He was surely used to it. But Savannah wasn't. I know Harry and Janah Lake very well, and I know that Savannah is a very good kid. She wasnt irresponsible or mean, or disobedient or immature. In fact, aside from her accidental pregnancy, her dad was very proud of her good girl behavior as a teenager thus far.
But this! This would break Harry's heart. I dont even know if I should say anything to be honest.
“I am pissed off. I am hurt, and I have never been so disappointed in someone so much as I am with you two right now.”
And that dripped the first inevitable tear from Savannahs eye.
I know that they were using protection, so I should give them some leniency, but Im so freaking angry.
“Finn. The condom, was it intact?”
Finn nodded not looking up from the ground. The shame was setting in though for the defiance.
I didnt know what else to say now.
I want to just yell. There are so many words and things to shout at them, but none of it would change anything.
"I- I don't even have the fight in me right now. Im just.... I think you both need to take some time away from each other. A good long amount of time."
Finn looked up at me now with wide eyes. "Dad, no. Thats a bad idea. Please don't.”
"Oh, you want to talk about bad ideas Finn?! I just caught you with your penis in a girls' vagina when I told you to keep yourself out. And you want to talk bad ideas?!” I shouted. “Should I list more? Youre technically an adult having sex with a minor. You're having sex in your parents' house when your parents are home! Parent's that control your access to your car, your video games, and everything you own! I think you are the king of bad ideas Finn, so you should really close your mouth.”
I finished and the both of us took deep breaths.
And now the baby was full on crying.
Savannah bounced him up and down a few times to distract him from crying, but to no avail.
She ran to the conservatory quickly and grabbed a blanket out of her diaper bag and returned with her top half covered, the baby quiet.
I redirected back to the situation at hand.
“We had protection.” Finn defended getting bold.
I wasn't going to give him any credit though. That doesn't make it okay because I told him not to do it, PERIOD!
“That doesnt matter because you were about to finish! You didnt know if the condom had broken. And if it had, you would be a dad, which I don't think you are trying too hard to prevent!!”
Finn exhaled and looked back at the floor.
Savannah wiping streams of tears falling with one hand.
“Now I told the two of you that I didnt want you having sex! I still dont want you having sex! And you coming in and doing it again is childish and downright stupid."
Savannah was nodding with her tears.
“Im sorry Burt. We both are. Im sorry we were having sex. Im sorry we were sneaking around and Im sorry for all the fooling around!”
Ill accept that. But I still cant have her here anymore; Not for a while. Well, not around Finn anymore. She has to be around because I want my grandkids around and all, but she can only be in the living room. When theres more than 1 parent… Or something…. They cant be trusted anymore.
“Thank you for apologizing Savannah. I don't accept it, it was not okay and it doesnt change my mind about you and Finn seeing each other. You need to stay away from each other for a while. No closed doors, no being anywhere but the living room basically when you are over. And after you apologize to Carole, you need to go home.”
Savannah sniffled a final time and whispered, “Okay.”
Finn was about to speak, but I cut him off with my hand in the air. “Im done with the two of you. Go to your room Finn.”
Finn sighed and turned to head back toward the stairs. He grabbed Savannah's hand, squeezed it, and they shared a very intimate glance that even I rolled my eyes and looked away for.
When they stood there for over a minute (it seemed like it) I muttered,“Go, Savannah. Before I change my mind about telling your parents. And dont say anything else, I dont want to hear it. Apologize to Carole, and go home. Goodnight Savannah. "
Savannah nodded a goodnight, not saying anything as she was told and walked upstairs to Carole.
I turned to my son as he was still at the foot of the stairs.
“Finn, you owe your mom the biggest most sincere apology that you have to offer. Not only was what you both were doing completely inappropriate, stupid, and irresponsible, rude, childishly immature and defiant, it was INCREDIBLY disrespectful to this house, and to us! So when she comes down here, you get your ass up there, apologize and then you can get started on cleaning up the house.”
And that's what he would be doing often, for the next few weeks at least.
Damn teenagers.
Sherman's Pov
I don't know why, but I got roped into this whole time capsule thankfulness game with my assistant. I didn't plan to, but since work for the Ceo's and board members is light, I've got some time. Why not be appreciative for the things I love in life?
It all started this morning when I got into the office. Jingle bell rock played through the lobby of my building and I walked with a sprig in my step snapping my fingers along the way.
I really love the holidays. Something about the music, the festivities and the joy of having everyone around you in a great mood. It makes coming to work seem less stressful on the days that you would rather be home enjoying your family.
I have my daughter's Kandy and Kam home for the holidays from college. Kammy is done completely when finals end on January 9th after the new year, so she is coming back after that, but it's still quite lovely to have my girls home. My wife has been overjoyed as well and so mom like, cooking all of the girls' favorite childhood recipes, and making some amazing drinks just for excuses for more eggnog in our diets than water. I am so thankful for the holidays.
I walked into Blaine's office to let him know about the annual Christmas party this year, and when I got to his office, I couldn't help but grin. He had his feet up on his desk, and he was leaning back with a list of messy writing on a clipboard.
“Man it's about time you've made yourself my assistant and relaxed, kid.”
“Sherman!” He exclaimed, throwing his feet off of the desk and dropping his clipboard.
“Oh knock it off.” I scolded. “Get your feet back up on the desk and kick back. Lord knows that's what I'm doing today. I love the holidays! They're the best time of year for the chairman!”
Blaine did as he was told and slowly put his feet back on his desk. “How come?” He asked. “I mean besides the presents.”
I laughed with him and picked up his clipboard. “Well, my wife goes on an eggnog binge and spends the whole month on Pinterest finding new drinks and special concoctions for food and treats, so that's always nice. Then my daughters always come home the second week in December to spend the holidays with us, and that's a blessing.”
Blaine nodded and smiled. “Definitely sir.”
“The best part though,” I continued, pointing his clipboard at him, “Is getting to kick back in my office and be paid for it because the assistants are the ones who have to bust their butts all month ordering and reordering shipment after shipment for all of the toy stores. They're so busy and excited about the triple time they get paid for working late December, that most of them forget to buy presents for their girlfriends or parents.” I laughed. “Assistants wouldn't be caught dead kicking back.”
Blaine chuckled with me, and then froze.
He yanked his legs back off of the desk and scooted his chair in so fast, I got dizzy! “I'm sorry sir, I'll get working!” And he grabbed the phone.
I tossed his clipboard on his desk and took the phone from his ear, just overly amused by his freak out. “Blaine! I said relax! You're a step above assistant because you are MY assistant. There was nothing emailed to you for job board this morning for a reason. You're coming with me to shop for Christmas.”
Blaine smiled. “Oh. Sounds fun, awesome! Don't scare me like that!”
Blaine picked up his clipboard and shook his head smiling.
“Hey, you scared yourself champ. I just sat back and enjoyed watching it happen.” I patted his shoulder. “But uhm, we're not heading out until a little bit later, so you can get back to whatever it is you're up to.”
Blaine nodded. “Good because I have to come up with 69 different reasons why I am thankful for things and what not and you'd think it'd be easy, but it's taking me forever and I still have about 40 left.”
I looked over his shoulder to see his list, and of course at the top of the list was his kids, his boyfriend, his mom etcetera. But on the little strip of paper, he had written, ‘I am thankful for…..” and had a few things crossed out. Coffee, scarves, bowties, Kurt's car, diaper genie.
“What's this for kid?”
Blaine looked at me. “Oh, uhm, the twins' uncle got a positivity calendar for his birthday last week and we came up with this silly exercise to bury a time capsule full of stuff in our lives that right now we are thankful for. It's proving harder than we thought.”
That's what made me think about how good of an idea it was to be in on it. So I started my own list when I got back to my office.
Number 30: I am OVERLY thankful for my wife. She is beautiful, and talented, and can cook, and she's amazin in bed, and she gave me two gorgeous daughters, and she washes my underwear, iron's my shirts and rolls up my socks. She cooks me breakfast and shares delicious dinners with me before making sure I get to bed at a decent hour so I'm not a pain in her butt in the early morning. She's my other half, and still, being married more than 20 years, I will always see her as that same women I've known since high school. Flawless.
Number 29: My daughters are my everything. My absolute everything. They are so intelligent. They've got great morals, they're goal oriented and ready to take on the world in stride! They are guaranteed to make two men very very happy one day. (Or women. Whoever they want of course.) I cannot wait until they let me buy them houses, walk them down the aisle and give me grandbabies! I look forward to the day that I can spoil their babies rotten and then get chastised for it. My daughters are everything to me and I cannot wait until they venture out into the world after college and make me proud!
Number 28: I am thankful for a little short, curly headed kid named Blaine Anderson! Andy is a godsend to my company truly. He is a hardworking, dedicated, motivated and an exceptional young man. He's been dealt a pretty crappy hand in life and yet he still thrives and tries to succeed at everything that has been thrown at him, with success. He has two beautiful babies, mind you, I haven't seen more than a few newborn pictures, and side glances at crying faces, but nonetheless, kids, that he would hang the moon for and he does a damn great job at raising them! He is compassionate and funny and his future with my company is very bright indeed! And he doesn't even realize it yet. And he's multi-talented! I heard him singing Christmas tunes quite a few times this week.
“But baby you'll freeze out there…. Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm, It's up to your knees out there….”
And then there's the ‘can't help it' singing along to the music ringing through the building.
Silver bells… Silver bells….. It's Christmas TIIIIME in the city!
Raw talent. No wonder he was head of his glee club. Blaine Anderson has so much potential for so much in his life, and he is going to go far! And I am exceptionally thrilled to be a part of his journey. Which brings me to-
Number 27: College. Without college, no one would get a push towards finding their careers. Their passion. My Kamryn was made to be a childcare person, but when she went into college at first, she wanted to work with animals. She has a magic touch with kids though. She's made for it. Her love for babies and kids is just nothing but meant to be. And then Kandice, she was the opposite. She knew she wanted to start her own business, so she went into college for it, and is now the owner of her own cosmetology salon while finishing her Bachelors. College is incredible for people.
“Mr. Phelps sir?”
I stopped writing for a moment when the secretary came to hand me my mail for the day. “Thanks Alyssa.”
Number 26: I'm thankful for secretary's! Otherwise, I'd have to get off of my butt and get my own mail.
I riffled through some regular company stuff to find anything of dire opening importance so I could get back to my list. I'm having fun.
A certified letter from McKinley high caught my eye though. About a month ago, I signed Blaine's work permit to get his progress sent over to me since his emancipation is in progress now. Moment of truth.
Blaine D. Anderson
W, Schuester Hist; B-
D, Alfono Art; B
L, Patton Trigonometry; F
K, Dawkins Chemistry; D+
S, Beiste Phys Ed; C
B, Clippenger Adv, Engl; D-
“Oh, Andy….. Come on son, this is bad……” I said to myself. I got up from my desk, leaving my list for a few minutes so I could get to my assistant and tear his butt off a little. Maybe.
I thought since he'd had a few months to catch up on things his grades would have gone up, but apparently he was far more behind than I'd originally thought.
Knock knock.
“Hey Blaine, you got a couple minutes?”
He turned to me right away with wide eyes and a smile waiting. “Sure boss.”
Number 25: I am thankful for the boss's role. I can be intimidating…. I have to remember to write that down.
Number 24: I'm also thankful for the father figure role. Because I can be understanding. And I have to channel both of those tendencies now.
I walked into Blaine's little office. “I got you're quarter grades.”
And the smile wiped right off of his face. “Am I fired?”
I rolled my eyes and huffed. “Okay, so you know they're bad?”
Blaine bit his lip, looked into his lap nodding. “I can't catch up. I really can't. I- I got called into the school shrink's office this morning to make sure I wasn't being abused at home or something. Every time I finish a current assignment, I go to start working on one that I have missed, but by that time, a baby has woken up or Savannah needs a ride to the store for more diapers, or Kurt needs a hand in the kitchen, or a baby poops while Savannah is in the shower, or Kurt is sleeping… It's always something, you know? I can't catch up.”
I hated to say it because he is completely in his right to be stressed. But… “Okay, word of advice. And go ahead and hate me for saying it, but I think it'd be a great idea to be catching up on some assignments now instead of making a list for a game all of your friends are playing.”
Blaine hung his head low. He knew it.
We skipped out on Christmas shopping for work because I spent the afternoon helping Blaine out with his Trig.
Number 23: Thank you google! And tutorials because I cannot remember trigonometry for the life of me…. Blaine was so behind that once he caught up the 4 chapters he lagged, the current stuff didn't make any sense to him in the slightest.
When Blaine banged his head on the desk beneath him, I looked for a distraction that thankfully came right away. I had completely forgotten what I initially went into Blaine's office about earlier this morning.
“There is a Christmas party coming up this Saturday, and I've got some tickets for you and your family to get in. It's a great gala event, fancy dress and all, and the food is insane. It's so good.” I mentioned.
Blaine lifted his head and had a bit of light come back into his eyes. “Tickets?”
“Yeah. They're basically just meal counts for the company to account for how much food we need to make sure to have.”
Blaine was thinking hard. “How many tickets do you have for me?”
I thought a minute myself and smiled. “Typically, our workers get two, one for themselves, and one for their significant other, but people with kids get more. So you have 4 in your box. And I suppose since Savannah is breastfeeding, that could swing her a ticket. Actually, each of your twins has a ticket, so Savannah has a meal ticket, and if she has a boyfriend, she can go ahead and bring him along as well. Since I presume your infants won't be eating, the tickets don't need to be wasted. The more the merrier!”
Number 22: I thank research papers. When I got home that evening to my family, and Kam read to me her latest child care paper for one of her classes, it became very very clear to me, how I could help Blaine. Duh! He needs a nanny. And not only does he need a nanny, but he needs a perfect nanny.
I have an idea.
Number 21: I sat by the fire tonight with my wife and kids watching a lifetime movie of my wife's choice, ‘Flirting with 40' and I drank my Brandy and eggnog. I'm very thankful for eggnog.
Number 20: And family nights.
Number 19: I love Christmas!
Kurt's Pov
Number 18: I'm so overly thankful for my babies of course. They have to make the top of the list. I love my babies more than anything and everything else in the world along with Blaine, my dad and Carole of course. They are the most perfect, innocent, beautiful and amazing babies that exist today.
Number 17: My Dad. My dad Burt Hummel, the congressman of Ohio. The world's greatest dad. And he knows it. He has it on a coffee mug at home. On several coffee mugs as a matter of fact. Of various shapes and sizes. There's no better gift for a pop on fathers day when you're a kid with no money than a coffee mug. Man I bugged the crap out of my dad as a kid. So he was always drinking tons of coffee. Everyone knows that you buy your dad a watch, a tie, a hideous T-shirt or a coffee mug for father's day. But I wouldn't buy my dad anything hideous, especially considering he already owned some hideous shirts. He didn't need anymore. He wasn't really the tie wearing type of guy. And he already had a watch that my mom bought him that he cherishes still to this day. So, coffee mugs were always what won out.
But anyway, my dad is amazing. He was more supportive of me than anything when I came out to him in my sophomore year in high school as gay. He already knew for one, and it didn't negatively change anything about how much he loved me. In fact, coming out to him strengthened our relationship. We became close and more comfortable around each other. I love my dad with all my heart, and he loves me.
Number 16: My Blaine. Blaine Anderson is the smartest, most beautiful, intelligent, kind hearted, sexy, bowtie wearing, hair gel loving, amazing father being, person I have ever met. I am more than lucky to be able to call him mine. Ever since we first met, and I would NEVER forget, he immediately took my hand, we ran down that hallway, and I knew he was the one.
I am going to propose to that man. And it's going to be happening someday soon. I will make sure of it.
Number 15: My best friend Savannah is a friend to be thankful for for sure. Not just because she's my best friend of course either. But because she is the mother of my babies. Because she is stubborn, sweet, beautiful, smart, funny, silly, loves clothes shopping, (usually), moody, complicated, long winded, did I mention stubborn, and defensive. She is a great mother, a pretty good student and a phenomenal friend. She is my best friend, and I could swear that we are twins not just because we look a lot alike, but because our personalities are so similar. I love that girl!
Number 14: I am thankful for my brother Finn. He may be goofy, silly, not the greatest at school, a dorky football head, an idiot when it comes to girls, irresponsible when it comes to sexual relations, and has a horrid fashion sense, but he is genuinely a great person. A kind man with a huge heart. He is the opposite of intimidating, couldn't hurt a fly, a giant teddy bear in a basketball jersey, an awesome uncle, even when using baby strollers as racecar tracks, a dynamite friend, and a catering phenomenal boyfriend to boot to whoever he dates. He would never hurt, let down or cheat on anyone and he is a terrific model for what all straight men should aspire to be.
One of the things I am certainly thankful for this week is his stupidity though sometimes. There's another number!
Number 13: Finn's Stupidity!! Apparently Finn and Savannah were caught having ‘inappropriate relations' as Carole put it, and he earned himself several weeks of chores. Man it is nice to not have to do chores or ANYTHING when I come home. Because Finn is always doing them all. I mean, he lost all of his privileges too, which sucks because his car was one of them, so now I am stuck driving him to and from school, but still. It's nice being chore free at least.
Number 12: My stepmom Carole is a blessing to mention for sure. She has taken care of me since I was 13 years old. She makes my father the happiest man on the earth since she came into our lives. She gave me an awesome brother that helped tremendously with protection at school and providing me company when the loneliness would get at its worst. She provides amazing conversation and girl talk. She's a blast to go out with, cook with, and pretty much do tons of things with. She's my mom. I know I lost my mom, but I gained one too with Carole Hudson. And I love her like crazy.
Number 11: My mom Elizabeth was an amazing woman. Before she passed, all I ever wanted to do was be like her. I wanted to wear awesome high shoes, and be an amazing cook, and wear the prettiest dresses and be the smartest person at the office and make my husband dinner at night and be loved so much by my husband and son. My mom was such an incredible model for me to look up to. I idolized her as a child and I am so glad that I got to know her for as long as I did. 8 years wasn't a nearly long enough time to have with her, but I'd rather have 8 years than less than a year like my brother Finn had with his father. My mom was an amazing woman that the world lost with great cost.
Number 10: Flavored lube. I am running out of ideas, and the babies are starting to wake up from their first afternoon nap, so I am going to try and ramble off quick ones now.
Number 9: Glee club. Glee is joy. Everyone should have it.
Number 8: Vogue magazine. Who doesn't love Vogue?
Besides Neanderthals.
Number 7: Mercedes Jones. Fierce. Diva. Bestie.
Number 6: Flower hair bows! In every color! They are so freaking ADORABLE on Kaidyn. All of them are adorable, but the ones that are bigger than her head are truly the all-time cutest!
Number 5: Beret caps! There aren't NEARLY enough of them out there, but they are so beyond adorable on baby Kayle's head, I can't take him out without having one on if I can control it.
Number 4: Pacifiers! Blaine, Savannah and myself have ALL said that we were NOT going to giver pacifiers to the twins. And we had to give in. I mean, once we found out that paci's are not harmful to the growth of the teeth until a certain age, we learned the kind that was the best for them, and started giving them. Now, because of Pacifiers, I can finish this list without rushing them and giving half-ass answers.
Number 3: 69. 69 sex. Puck is a genius. This was an appropriate name for the game. 69 reasons. Who would've thought that the 69 sex position was so amazing? I never thought of it. It is freaking mind blowing!
I lay on the bottom, with Blaines cock resting gently in my mouth just shrouded by the heat. Blaines mouth lay resting on my own, sucking fervently, and with so much lust and desperation for me to cum, and sucking so deep, I couldnt even begin to know where Blaine ends and where I begin.
My concentration was staggered as Blaine lapped at me like a starving puppy, though this was our second time at it this week. But with my half in ecstasy brain, I could only manage to lick at Blaine's balls for the moment.
"Oh Kurt, you taste so damn good......"
In Blaine's pause, it gave me the halt in pressure to take lead. I pushed my mouth quickly over the head of Blaine's shaft before quickly sinking lower, reaching my hands beneath Blaine's sex to spread his ass open for me..... Oh he was going to be so tight...... The first strokes of my tongue were light and gentle, but when one of my hands left from caressing Blaine's cheeks to let a finger loose into his heat, I got carried away at how tight he was in comparison to how tight I knew he would be. The next few thrusts of my tongue were harder and faster, tasting him through with eager moans. It was making Blaine a mess. He was actually getting impatient with this oral sex, and I could feel it. He wanted to be filled.
Oh how this 69 was torture.... For both of us I'm sure.
As I continued to deny Blaine what he wanted, I pressed my tongue more rough and insistently into Blaine ass, and groaned as he caressed my hips tighter. Any harder, thered surely be marks at my sides.
Sliding back up, I licked up the length of my loves cock and nibbled when I reached the tip. The tease was just too cruel because Blaine lost his own control and pushed his hips down and made me swallow. I gagged, but not so noticeably and then pulled back a bit to focus on my own anatomy. Blaine's mouth was so tight, hot and skilled, always had been.
I could tell Blaine was nearly as close as I was myself.
This was enough time of 69.... I couldnt take anymore. And neither could Blaine.
Since Blaine was still was nice and wet from my tongue work, I didnt need any lube yet to get a finger in there. With my long middle finger working my way up into Blaine's hole, and my mouth still bobbing up and down slowly onto Blaine's cock, I kept an even and steady pace going knowing that it was only a manner of a minute before Blaine was coming down my throat. I pushed my finger past its knuckle depth up further into Blaine's ass.
Blaine had gone from heavily sucking my cock as I did simultaneously to his, to barely sucking at all as my intense sucking and ass work on his went into play. I spent my energy just rocking my hips up into Blaine's waiting and moaning mouth. Blaine was too wrecked to concentrate on sucking it for me.
I wasn't the slightest bit bothered though. I lived to make Blaine forget his name. I got pleasure like no other to see him babbling with moans. Watching this overly hard, perfectly sexy, amazing and tight ass contracting angel writhe uncontrollably in pleasure beneath me is one of the greatest joys in my world. Only in this case, he is laying above me, but you get the point, he is usually below, or beside me.
He was struggling so hard to keep himself on top of me without collapsing though, his arousal peaking so high, balance wasn't an option for much longer.
"Ah!" Kurt!..... I'm coming... I'm coming.... Kurt.... I'm coming so hard........"
And with those words, I smiled, groaning at the pressure of Blaine's ass clenching around my one finger, his prostate weakening against my fingertip.
Blaine collapsed beside me, pulling my mouth off of his leaking cock as he did so, my finger following out of his ass. And he was exhausted. His breaths were heavy and quick. His face and mouth still level with my cock, which might I say, is still aching.....
I need to be inside of Blaine, now... Deep inside.....
Yeah. Sex in the sixty nine position…… Really thankful…..
Number 2: One of those things that I have to mention that Im thankful for is this weird project we're all doing. The time capsule thing. Because in 10 years, when Blaine and I have more babies, and are working as famous actors and singers on Broadway and are too busy to remember how much we loved our sex life in high school, I want to be able to dig up this time capsule, and remember. That way, the spark will be brought back.
Number 1: Last is ‘sex'. I'd really love to know who invented sex. It's a true gift to the universe. Nuff said. I love sex.
Number 0: Do I get to do a number 0?
Because I am thankful for being mostly a top. And believe me, that made Blaine's list too. And I love being a bottom as well, don't get me wrong at all. I love it. Every and any position of sex with Blaine is incredible, but I feel most confident on top, so it's my favorite and most comfortable position. If I don't get a number 0, this is part two of answer number 1.
And that concludes my list.
All knowing POV
The rain, the flurries, the winds, even when the heavy snow started, none of those things stopped the group from burying their time capsule right outside in the football field of Mckinley high school. And everyone's lists would remain there for the next 10 years until they came back to dig it up again. And again every 10 years after that. Their time capsule was a great idea, and everyone was happy for the rest of the night with excitement for seeing it years down the road.
A/N: And that's chapters 69 reasons! Please review!