A new Night, An Accident, Opportunity
Chapter 1: Parents Next Chapter Story
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A new Night, An Accident, Opportunity: Chapter 1: Parents

E - Words: 6,243 - Last Updated: Mar 22, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Jan 18, 2014 - Updated: Jan 18, 2014
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Author's Notes:

A/N: Cliffy! It's the perfect way to start my coming back to this series. : ) so excited! A new story always makes me squeal like nobody's business. Please review everyone? I've missed you all! I'm so excited to be back.

Also, I have A LOT of child care experience, and I've studied it in school as well. I won't have unrealistic things in it. Promise. : )

Please review. Anyone who reviews will get a “Coming up next!"



Chapter 1: Parents

All Knowing Pov

"Sebastian, what can you really know about parenting? You are not a parent. So no! You DON'T know what it's like." Blaine said with frustration.

The entire 7 hours he had been working today, he had been cranky, irritable, and defiant. He was NEVER this way with his boss, but he thought he had grounds to be since he WASN'T supposed to be here. He wasn't supposed to return to work until Halloween day. It's only October 23rd. His twins are only 2 weeks old, and he is stuck back at work. Kurt is at school, and Savannah is at her parents' house with the twins. Probably losing her mind. But did his boss care AT ALL that he has a new life? New babies, and OTHER things to be doing?! Of course not.
Sebastian put his hand on Blaine's shoulder, and though Blaine sneered and tried to shrug out of it, Sebastian kept his grip.

“You know what a parent is Blaine? A parent is someone who works hard and makes enough money to get their kid anything and everything that they might want or need. And you my friend, have TWO kids. So you have to work twice as hard. And you're are doing that. You're working! That, is what makes you a good parent."
Blaine's father would agree with that crap 100 percent, but Blaine disagreed. In his mind though, because it wasn't worth arguing with Sebastian. He's been trying all day, and it hadn't worked thus far.

A good parent is with his kids. There with them and for them night and day. Not missing their milestones. Hearing and soothing their cries and their whines. Watching their coos, and seeing their first smiles, which hadn't come yet. Brushing their hair in the morning, feeding them at night. He was more afraid of missing them growing than anything in the world. But it wasnt just that Blaine was worried about not being considered a good parent. It was also that, he missed his kids. Every minute of every day, he was missing them. If he has to keep working like this, he wont ever really get to see them.... They are still so little...... Hes going to miss something.... He just knew it. He didnt know what to do.

He couldnt quit. That was completely an impossible choice and completely unfathomable scenario. But he had to find a way to make Sebastian see reason. He was supposed to have one more week off of work to be with his kids. He needs to see his babies..... His boyfriend........

“Look kid. I know you want to be with your kids and your precious gay face at home, but you have a job. I need you here pretty boy. Halloween is coming up, and sales in the décor department are through the roof. I have meetings right now back to back to back, I need your scrawny ass to go and get things ordered and such before people take their business elsewhere. Capische?” The meerkat boss commanded.

Blaine just exhaled. Sebastian smiled that conniving and ‘please punch me in the face' smile, and patted Blaine's shoulder. “Good boy.”

His boss walked off, and Blaine was left in the hall of the corporate office alone. He proceeded to bang his head backwards on the wall and close his eyes for a moment. This was the WORST DAY EVER. By far.

“Hey, you alright Andy?” someone called. There was only one person at the corporate office who knew his name but didn't use it. Sherman. Sebastian's boss.

“Yeah. Thanks sir. I'm fine. Sebastian is just…..” He sighed, and his phone vibrated in his pocket. “Excuse me. I better get back to work before he finds another reason to yell at me. See you sir.”

Blaine walked down the hall back to his station in Sebastian's office to get back to work. He really preferred working at the small building in Lima where he had his own desk and corner cubicle.

Sherman let his eyes follow young Blaine because he couldn't help but see the slump in his step, and the tired demeanor he had about him. It wasn't what he usually saw from the kid. He was usually so positive, despite the fact that he's the assistant to a douchebag. Mind you, Sherman only gets to see him once a week at most when he presents at meetings, but he spent hours nearby him on those days. And he knew that this wasn't how he usually acted.

Maybe it was time he did some nosy work and found out what Sebastian has the boy doing besides assisting.


“Sweetheart, you are the most overprotective mother I have ever seen in my life. I've had two kids of my own! I think I know how to help soothe a baby's cries.” Janah assured her daughter.

But she didn't hand the baby over.

“No, mom, it's not that. I know you know what you're doing but, I just…. I want to make sure she's okay. I can get her to stop….. She'll stop.” Savannah cried. She was overwhelmed, had been crying with her baby for half an hour, and she was a few eons past freaking out with her daughters incessant and constant screaming.

She couldn't understand why she was still crying. She had been crying ALL DAY LONG. Ever since Blaine left the house this morning and she heard the door close. Baby Kayle was content and asleep in his bassinet in the other room, but Kaidyn was so unhappy. She just wouldn't fall asleep, she wouldn't eat, and most importantly, she wouldn't. Stop. CRYING!!

“Honey, it's your stress that is keeping her this upset. Please, let me take her so you can sit down for 2 seconds! Honey, please take my help!”

But Savannah was stubborn as all get out. She wouldn't give her babies over to anyone but Kurt or Blaine, and both of them were unavailable.

“Savannah, Kayle is still asleep in the little nursery and if she won't stop crying, he is going to wake up and start up as well. The last thing you need is two screaming babies.”

Savannah put Kaidyn over her shoulder to pat her back. “I don't understand what I'm doing wrong!! I changed her diaper. I tried to feed her and she won't eat. I gave her gas drops and rocked her and sang to her!!!! Nothing is working. She just hates me……”

Savannah needed a break. That much was CLEAR as day. Janah was thinking, she had been with the babies for over 10 hours by herself, and she needed a break. A shower. A DRINK! Anything!

Savannah took the baby out of the room and downstairs farther away from the nursery so she wouldn't wake her baby boy. Janah didn't follow her. It was more than obvious she wasn't going to give in. While Savannah was distracted with Kaidyn, who dulled her crying to a whiney fussing sound due to Justin's silly faces at her, Janah snuck to the nursery to grab Kayle as he started to cry and fuss in a wake up. She rocked him and shushed him to keep him from crying, but the soothing with motion wouldn't last too long.

They all needed Blaine.

“Harry? Honey call Blaine. Tell him we need him to come here. Your daughter is never gonna hand that baby to anyone, and she's about to go completely insane! She hasn't had a panic attack in years, and now would NOT be a very good time for them to start up again.”

So Harry called Blaine. A few times since he didn't answer the first couple.

“Harry, now is REALLY not a good time…. My boss gave me a deadline….”

“Blaine, Savannah is refusing anyone's help, and she's about to have a panic attack here. Kaidyn has been crying for hours, and she won't let either of us take her so she can take a break. Kayle just woke up ready to be fed, and they NEED you. They ALL need you.” Harry said sternly.

So Blaine made a choice. He wrapped up the charger for the laptop, closed the computer, stuffed it in his bag, and went home. He didn't even tell Sebastian. He'll make the orders from Savannah's house, AFTER things were calmed down. Family comes first.


“Please Mackaidyn….. Stop crying…. I'm sorry….. I don't know what is wrong with you…… What can I do?”

The baby girl just kept crying. She was exhausted. Her cries had gotten weaker within the hour, but they were still loud enough.

Savannah had tried EVERYTHING. Burp, feed, change, sing, soothe, clean, rock, music, everything. She didn't know what was wrong. She was ready to quit completely and take her to a doctor. I mean, something had to be wrong right? She wouldn't stop screaming…..

Luckily, Blaine walked through the door before Savanah made her snap decision.

“Savannah, what's wrong? Your dad called me?”

He grabbed baby Kaidyn immediately, her screams successfully breaking his heart. He walked her across the room and rocked her.

“Shhh… shhhhh shhhs shhhshhhhhh. It's daddy….. What's wrong baby?”

Blaine didn't stop moving for a second, and Kaidyn's cries died down, and only light whimpers replaced them within a few minutes.

Savannah was just sobbing on the couch now, her head in her hands, rocking back and forth.

When the baby was significantly calmed, 5 minutes or so later, Blaine went to sit at her side.

“What happened?”

Blaine was still popcorning the baby in his cradle, and she was blinking and just staring up at her daddy.

“She wouldn't stop….. I-I tried e-everything…. She just…… I think she hates me….. She never does that to Kurt…Ever…… I just… I don't know what I'm doing….”

Blaine rubbed Savannah on the back with his free hand. “That's not it Savannah. She doesn't hate you. And even if she did, then that only means that Kayle hates me too, because he is ONLY ever quiet when he's in your arms. But that's not it.”

Savannah only sniffled, and tried to calm down. Her heart was surely racing. “I'm already not a good mom.”

Blaine shook his head. “No. That's not true okay? Look, I don't know what I'm doing either. It's gonna take some time to get completely used to this. We're new parents. It's not supposed to be easy.”

Upstairs, Janah and Harry shared a glance.

“You hear that?”

Janah nodded. “No more crying…… Blaine must be here…..” Savannah's parents got up with a quickness to bring little Kayle downstairs to be fed, because he was due to start wailing himself ANY minute.

Approaching the kids on the couch quietly, they heard their conversation.

“Why did she stop crying with you? She hasn't stopped for HOURS with me.” Savannah sobbed.

Janah came into their line of sight. “Because Blaine was calm. Babies can sense their atmosphere. You were stressed and freaking out. Your feelings weren't calming or comforting even though your actions were, so she didn't feel calm.”

Blaine blinked, and took that in. It made sense. Whenever Kayle would cry, it was when he was trying to study, or clean up. It was inconvenient so he was stressed and irritated trying to soothe his son.

Savannah let it sink in as well. Though she tried rocking her and comforting her, she wasn't sounding or feeling comfort herself. How could she pass it on to her baby?

She should've given Kaidyn to her mom.

“I'm sorry mom. I should've given her to you when you said.” Savannah said quietly, with a little shame.

Janah sat beside her daughter. “Sweetie, I know you love them, and you want to be the one to make them feel safe, and loved and comfortable, but you need to have time to yourself too to de-stress so that you CAN take care of them. I know you want to be a good mom, but to do that, you need to make sure that you, MOMMY is at her best. Give yourself a break.”

Harry nodded along with his wife. “And you can start with a shower. Seriously. You haven't bathed in a week.”

But with just lovely timing, Kayle got fussy in his grandpa's arms and started to cry. Savannah sighed, and shook her head, reaching for her son.

“I don't have time. I have to feed him. Both of them.” Savannah said, and grabbed a boppy from the couch beside her. Quiet brother Justin in the corner left the room He had been saying “Boobs, ew!!!” at random intervals all day.

The new mom settled herself to get her babies fed, and when Kayle was successfully eating, he turned to Blaine for Kaidyn.

Blaine hesitated for a short minute, looking at his beautifully, fortunately, finally, sleeping baby. “Are you okay now?”

Savannah nodded, barely, but a nod nonetheless. The new daddy handed Kaidyn to her mommy's cradle, and sleeping or not, she latched onto her milk supply immediately.


Blaine stood up and scratched his head. “I'm gonna call Kurt at school. I brought the computer from work, and I HAVE to get something done. My boss doesn't even know I left.”

And a furious vibrating from his bag told him, that his boss just figured it out.

“Crap…..” And the boy went to another room.

Harry sighed and looked to his daughter who had closed her eyes with content calm surrounding her.

Breastfeeding was very therapeutic for Savannah. She enjoyed being close to her babies. She felt like they loved her when she was feeding them.

“I'm gonna run you a bath sweetie. When they are done eating, I want you to put them down, and get in there. And don't think about getting out for at least 2 hours.” Harry told her calmly. She didn't object this time. She had to let go and give herself a break.


“I'm sorry Boss. I HAD to go home. There was an emergency. I took the computer because I can make the orders and calls from here. I will have everything done tonight before midnight. I swear!”

Sebastian was seething with irritation.

“My butt is on the line here Blaine! And if I'm on the line then you can make an educated guess to which curly headed teen daddy will be on that line with me and kissing his job GOODBYE!”

Blaine rolled his eyes, because yes he knows that. He is reminded almost every other day.

“I'll have it done.” He answered.

“You better!”

And Sebastian hung up.

Blaine tossed his phone on a recliner and looked at the ceiling with a heavy sigh.

Janah came in and stood before him.

“Blaine honey, I know that you are the breadwinner. I used to be you while Harry stayed home with Savannah and Justin. It's really the hardest part of parenting. Making the money and having to worry about them at home. How they're getting along without you.”

Blaine nodded. It was stressful. Especially without Kurt. “I know… I just, I miss Kurt. Whenever Kurt is with Sav and me with the babies, everything is just….. So much smoother. We are all calmed and prepared, and…… we're a really good team the three of us…… but without him…. It's just…. harder…..”

Janah was shaking her head slightly. “Seriously? Okay, Blaine, it's only been like, 6 days since Kurt got busy with his dad's campaign. Not even a full week. And it's not like he's gone. He's just a little busier than he was the first week the twins were home. Things will mellow out. It's just gonna take some time.”

Blaine exhaled. He certainly hoped so.

But if Kurt's dad Burt wins the election, there is no telling how it might affect Blaine and the twins' lives.


Kurt was busy doodling on a napkin at breadsticks while Finn's face was buried in a menu, and Carole and Burt talked animatedly.

He was writing Blaine, Kaidyn, Kayle, Kayde and Kaylen, twinsies, etc, in various fonts and patterns. He couldn't help but feel like he was needed at home more than usual. Instead, he was stuck here at breadsticks with his dad, mom and brother having a family dinner in pre-celebratory fun. His dad was ahead in the polls for Lima congressman and the family all had to discuss what would be in store for them if he won the election.

“So wait? Would we move to Washington like, permanently or something? Cus I've got a girlfriend. And football. I don't wanna leave….” Finn said.

“I CAN'T leave! Dad, I'm a parent! I signed a contract. And Blaine is here! No way!”

Burt had wide eyes and he put his hands up in peace. “Whoa! Okay, boys! No one said ANYTHING about moving to Washington. Calm down! I'm just saying, that if by chance I win, we WILL need to go up there. As a family for a few days or so for introductions, and the first event and such. I plan on staying here in Lima as much as possible, and Carole and I will fly where we need to when we need to. But Finn, your senior year is not going to be interrupted. And Kurt, you're little family here is the NUMBER 1 priority. I know all of that. Okay?”

Both boys relaxed, and nodded to their dad.

Kurt satisfied that his family with Blaine wouldn't be negatively affected if his dad won the election, plus arts in schools would be saved.

Finn though, was satisfied for an entirely different reason. If his dad won, and his parents flew out of town all the time, he'd be allowed over at his bros condo with Savannah a lot more. Puck had been busy a lot more often lately, and with Savannah being busy with her babies, he was running short on people to hang out with.

Kurt took a phone call and left the group for a bit with perfect timing as Sue Sylvester had just come up the their table to spew some no doubt RIDICULOUS nonsense about god knows what. In the recent weeks, she had announced to all of Ohio that his dad had a baboon heart, and flings poo around on a daily basis. And some Ohioans had been dumb enough to believe it. There was almost no doubt that Burt was going to be the new congressman, but Sue Sylvester just never gave up.

“Hi Blaine. You finally got a break?”

“Unfortunately no. I ditched work. Savannah was gonna have a panic attack if I didn't get Kaidyn away from her. She was screaming all day.” Blaine answered.

Kurt really quickly felt bad. He hadn't spent a lot of time helping with the twins in the last few days because he was helping with campaigning for his dad with Finn all around town. Not to mention, his dad winning was of GREAT importance. Saving the arts was a huge concern. Kurt wants to be in the arts for his entire life, and so do Blaine and Savannah. So saving Glee club was a big deal.

But still, he had a family now.

“I'm on my way home now. My dad insisted on Breadsticks, but I'm going to tell him I'm taking off.” Kurt said heading quickly back to the table to grab his backpack and junk.

“Kurt, Babe, calm down. Everything is fine now. And we're at Savannah's parents' house. We'll head home in a couple hours when the twins wake up and get fed and stuff. And I have a deadline tonight, so I'm just going to be working on the couch on my laptop until freaking midnight. So stay with your parents for now. And I'll see you tonight. But I need you tomorrow. Really need you.”

Kurt nodded, though Blaine wasn't there to see it. “I'll see you tonight then. You sure you don't need me to come?”

Blaine nodded as well. They were so in tune with each other that way. “Positive.  I do need you, but I need your dad to save the arts too. I'll need you more tonight. I love you.”

Kurt smiled. Through his stress and exhaustion, he still always had time to be an amazing, sexy and romantic boyfriend. “I love you too. Kiss the babies for me.” Kurt added. Every phone call with Blaine or Savannah ended with those words.

“Will do.”


Savannah was having a much MUCH better day when she woke the next morning to feed the babies. Kurt and Blaine were both up already and getting ready for the day. Kurt had made breakfast and had music playing low downstairs, and Blaine was giving Kurt a final kiss goodbye as he left for school.

Kurt stayed home from school for half of the day and decided to go in after lunch. After hearing of the fiasco yesterday, he wanted to make sure the babies were okay, and make sure that his overwhelmed and tired best friend had things under control for when she was alone with the twins again.

“I'll be okay today. Especially since you stayed a few extra hours this morning. I think they missed you both. Not to mention, I've never been alone with them for more than 12 hours by myself. I just panicked.” Savannah said, holding her baby girl close to her chest, her chin resting just above Kaidyn's head. She was having trouble believing that her little girl forgave her for being so upset yesterday.

Blaine and Kurt had both told her that babies don't hold grudges, but she wasn't buying it.

Kurt kissed the back of Kayde's little head, not wanting to tear the baby from her mommy bonding time knowing what Sav is dealing with at the moment. He wanted to hug her, but he wouldn't push it. He'll try to dip out from work early this evening.

“The election is soon. So hopefully it won't be like that again for a while. Of course Blaine's jackass boss is unpredictable, but he's getting better at putting his foot down.” Kurt said.

“You don't have to defend him Kurt. I know it's not him. It's his stupid boss. And he's working his ass off for all of us. I know he'd rather be home with us.”

Kurt nodded. They both would rather be with them.

“Okay. So, I'll see you tonight. Blaine's supposed to beat me home but, who knows right?”

Savannah chuckled and Kurt waved, going out the door. He closed it very quietly hoping to avoid the twins hearing someone leave. They were the most family oriented babies ever. No matter who it was, the sound of the door closing triggered one, or both of them to cry. It meant someone was leaving. They were the most quiet and content with all three parents in the house. They were happy and calm when each baby was next to each other. They liked being held more than anything, and they rarely slept if they weren't in someone's arms.

They were brats! And they were perfect little twinnies.


“Come on super mom, itll be fun!" Puck begged his friend. She was busy with her babies taking turns to change diapers.
“No." She said with a laugh.

Puckerman commented with a pathetic puppy dog lip.

Savannah rolled her eyes. “No Puckerman! Theres no way Im gonna give you permission to throw a massive blowout party in Kurt and Blaine's apartment. No way!” Savannah retorted, and threw a balled up diaper at the mohawked boy.

He caught it and tossed it into the diaper genie beside him.

“This thing is full you know? But it's your apartment too.”

“I know, that thing is always full. And no, it's much more their apartment. And they're gonna say no too.” Savvy said, shaking her head.

Puck wasn't giving in though. “Cmon please? Blaine will love the idea." He begged.
“What idea?" Blaine asked, just coming in from work, and taking his keys out of the door. 
Puck quickly turned to the new guy in the house with a cheesy smile on his face.

“Oh nothing….. Just an unsupervised party. Here.” He said.

Blaine raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

“For Halloween.” Puck clarified. “Bro really. Think about it! It'd be so awesome! Please???”
Blaine just rolled his eyes and took his coat off.
“Uhm. No Puck. Unsupervised parties? Those dont usually pan out well for us.” Blaine said, laughing toward Savannah, coming further into the house. He smiled down at his son who now lay on a changing table with a fresh diaper.

He looked like he was smiling, but Blaine knew it was only gas.
It was Puck's turn to roll his eyes. "What?! You all love the product of your first unsupervised party!"
Blaine picked up Kayle while Savannah snickered and sat on the couch with her history book.
“Of course I do, but I dont care to have any more "products" because of a stupid party. Besides, Im working, and we have the babies at home."

Right on cue, as it had been for the past week, baby Kaidyn woke up crying once daddy Blaine's' voice reached her little ears. It was her ‘pick me up, or Else,' cry.
Savannah sighed frustratedly and put her homework to the side to get up and go get her. She was barely asleep for a half hour.

“No no, hey I got her. Do your work thingy.” Blaine walked over to Noah. “Here, take big boy for a minute."

He plopped the baby in Pucks arms and Blaine kissed Kayle's head, before getting his daughter from her swing to pick her up and kiss the life out of her. God he missed his babies.

Every day he missed them.
Puck wasn't phased by the kid in his arms at all.

“Can't you get the day off? Seriously, all you do is work and wipe poop. You need to have some fun Blanderson. You AND Hummel and exhausto-mom over there."
Savannah rolled her eyes. She wasnt that tired!

Ok so maybe the frazzled hair, not so nice smell, clean folded laundry, full trash can and 2 clean babies said she was tired, but a party was still out of the question. She was too tired to shower every morning, let alone party and have tiring fun.
And Blaine. He did more than work. He spent adequate amounts of time loving Kurt. Mostly at night. He did lots of laundry, went to work, played with his babies, worked, did school work. Pulled countless all-nighters to finish said homework, and still showered every skip day. When he was lucky.......  Ok so he was always working......  In some form. It was a wonder either of them still had their sanity.

As for Kurt, he was significantly less tired than Blaine and Savannah. But it wasnt from lack of work or busyness. He was equally as busy as the other two parents. Only difference, Kurt is SUCH AN UNFAIR NATURAL at balancing everything. He spent every minute he could with the babies when he was at home. He never handed them over to Blaine or Savannah when he needed to do his schoolwork. He'd rock one twin in one arm, and rock the other in a car-seat with his foot WHILE writing or typing. He was on track with his schoolwork, he always seemed like he was managing at least 7 hours of sleep with how on top of things he was, and he was working heavy part time with his dad after school.... He was more put together than any of the new parents.

“Hummel will agree that you guys need a break. When does HE get back? Someone's got to make you see sense.” Puck said, shaking his head at the little boy in his arms. “You're parent's need a break huh? Huh Killa?”

“Okay, no! First, lets not call my son Killa, alright? Second, no Puck. Kurt is not going to agree to a party either, trust me.”

“I'll be the judge of that. When does he get back?”
Savannah shrugged. Blaine answered, “In about an hour. But hes gonna say the same thing. No Noah. We have enough going on around here as it is. No party. We have the babies."
Puck was still adamant though. I mean come on. A party at an awesome condo where theres no adults or rules. It's perfect!!!!

“Dude! Cant you ask one of your parents to babysit? Theres only 6 different options of grandparents to watch then for a night.”
Savannah just shook her head and read through the pages of her book. She was really behind on her schoolwork.

Blaine was making coo noises and funny faces at his daughter, and Puck was absentmindedly playing tug of war with Kayle's grip on his index finger waiting for Blaine or Savannah to comment on his suggestion on having their parents babysit.

They seemed to be ignoring him.           

Blaine's cell phone rang so he nestled Kaidyn in a boppy beside Savannah and left the living room to take the call in the kitchen. It was his dumbass boss. He didn't want to yell around the babies.

Savvy was getting deep into her reading nearing the chapter about Abraham Lincoln and Slavery. This was a GREAT chapter and she had been doing well staying on top of her homework today, for once.

Baby Kayle started to fuss and wriggle in Pucks hold, and it turned into a full on cry in no time at all. “Uhh…. Guys….. Your little guys really pissed.”

Until now…. Savannah thought.

“Yeah. They need to eat…..”

Sav put her book aside and grabbed Kayde from Puckerman and her nursing pillow from the other side of the couch.

Noah politely turned to face the opposite direction knowing what was to come next.

Because seriously, Finn would MURDER him.
Blaine came back in from his phone call and saw Savannah preparing to feed the babies and he frowned. Stupid Sebastian! He wanted to be the one to feed them.

"Hey, is there any milk in the fridge? I can feed them. I want to feed them.”

He knew of course that breastfeeding was best, but they breastfed all day! He missed his daughter and son, and he wanted to feed them. He didn't get to do so very often.
Savannah just smiled knowing how much Blaine misses them all day. Besides, if he feeds them and puts them back down to nap afterward, she can finish her assignment.
“Yeah, there should be enough.” She answered, and she handed the babies over to Blaine.

Taking her place and settling on the couch, Savvy got him a second boppy pillow and went to make some bottles.
Puck was still; turned away, but had started tapping his foot, annoyed with being ignored. 
“Um. Hey guys! Can we get back on subject here! Party, this weekend. Cmon. Ask one of your dads to baby sit.”
“Puck, asking someone to babysit defeats the purpose of this being an anonymous to parents party.” Blaine told his friend making silly faces at Kayle and Kayde. “Theyll know all about it, and refuse to babysit anyway. It's not gonna work. Believe me.”

Savannah also called from the kitchen, “Besides Puck, No one besides us has really babysat them yet and I'm not ready.”
Sav returned to Blaine with two bottles, and while the Kaidyn took the bottle nipple with no hesitation, Kayle fussed immediately realizing it wasnt mommy's boob.
“Come on little one.... Cant daddy feed you this time?” Blaine plead.

Kayle started to cry and smack his little lips. He was NOT happy.

“C'mon buddy. It's the same milk. It's still nummies??!" he cooed.
It took a few tries, but when Blaine squeezed the bottle bag and got some milk in his mouth, he finally took the nipple, but he wasn't happy about it. His fierce little baby glare said it all. He was pissed off.
Puck chuckled at his little facial. “He's a brat.”

“Yeah he is. But we loved him anyway.” Blaine cooed followed by a kiss to his sons head. Or rather, in between his frowny eyes.
"Speaking of brats, what about Beth?” Blaine asked. “Didnt you promise Shelby that you were all straightened up now and you were only going to be the best man you can be for Beth?”
Puck sighed. “Well, yeah….. But-“

“I know you're mad at Shelby. But she's only trying to keep her job. It's what's best for Beth and you know it man.” Blaine told him.
Puck exhaled and slumped to the ground in front of the wall he stood in front of.

“I know. I just, liked her you know? So hot! And she's my baby's mom. I mean, Quinn is a freaking loon! She's never gonna be let back into Beth's life again since she won't leave the skanks, and I wanted to be with my babies mom. It just sucks.”

Blaine just nodded. “A party won't kill that pain bro. Not for long anyway.”
Puck nodded. “Yeah... I know.... It's just, I don't want to have the party just because I can't be with Shelby. It's a holiday too! Besides, Im gonna be spending the early evening with Beth and Shelby being a responsible daddy. We're taking her trick or treating and then she'll be in bed by 8. I just want to be a teen for a few hours you know. Just for another night. One night.”
Blaine was just staring at his twins. He wouldn't mind one night with Kurt.
Savannah stopped reading for a minute to think over Pucks proposal. She'd love to doll herself up for a night and see Finn.
“Seriously?!!” Noah said, thinking that again, he was being ignored, though really, both teens were quietly contemplating the idea.

I think our days of being teenagers are over Noah. For you too.” Blaine assured.
Puck sighed….. “Fine..... You're right….”Puck accepted; No party. Blaine was right. Honestly, it was better this way. Because if Shelby knew that Noah got smash faced after dropping them off, she wouldnt be very comfortable with letting him see Beth more like theyd been discussing.
And Beth was way more important than a party. He REALLY wanted to stay in her life.

Kurt came home in the next hour and a half, and since he saw that both babies were awake he dramatically announced his presence loud and bubbly.

“I come bearing gifts!”

Blaine shuffled quickly to his lover at the door with a twin in his arms, and the couple kissed for a few moments.

“How do you deal with those two?” Puck said to Savannah who was feeding Kaidyn for the second time in less than 2 hours.

“Oh, they're adorable! Shut up!” She answered.

Puck just shook his head with a smile, and continued surfing through channels.

He knew how cute Klaine was. He's the one that nicknamed them.

 “What'd you bring babes?” Blaine asked, trading Kurt baby Kayle for the shopping bag and paper bag he was carrying.

“Carole dropped off some of her special spaghetti and meatballs at the shop, and she was at the mall this weekend with all of your moms. They kind of went shopping crazy. Your mom too Puck”.

Puck laughed boredly. “Sounds like her.”

Kurt kissed his baby boy a bunch of times before coming further into the house.

“Let me see?!”  Savvy reached for the shopping bag, and Blaine went to heat up the food. Thank god for Carole. Otherwise, Blaine might not eat as much as he should. Kurt cooks every night, but not anything too good because of that damn breastfeeding book.

Damn that breastfeeding book. No salt, no sugar! No flavor whatsoever!

“Oh hush! It's for your kids!” He'd always say.

“Oh my gosh!!! So cute!!!!!!” Savannah squealed.

There were 3 shirt sets:

“She did it!” with an arrow to the right. And “He did it!” with an arrow to the left.

“This girl loves her brother!” with thumbs pointing to their self. And “This boy loves his sister” with the same picture.

And last,

A blue shirt with the word “Copy” and a pink shirt that said, “Paste”.

They were adorable.

“I freaking love your mom!” Savannah laughed.

“Carole's brilliant. That's awesome!” Blaine said from the stove.

Puck just sighed. “Damn. Shelby's gonna ask me to put all the new clothes my mom got for Beth away.”

The three parents just laughed at Puck's expense.

“Oh Noah.”

The family, and Puckerman, sat down at the table for a nice dinner together with the twins both content in their swings, prerecorded glee music playing between them so they would be less likely to fuss.

They joked, talked about ridiculous teachers and silly stories, just catching up and enjoying the quiet evening with a friend.

It was a nice night.

And Blaine's phone started to vibrate. Seeing a stupid text from his boss ALWAYS successfully dampened his mood.

Don't forget. Cincinnati Toys R us deal. Be at the airport 5 AM Wednesday morning. And don't push me Blaine! Duty calls. –Sebastian




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