A new Night, An Accident, Opportunity
100 Times Im sorry Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A new Night, An Accident, Opportunity: 100 Times Im sorry

E - Words: 7,680 - Last Updated: Mar 22, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Jan 18, 2014 - Updated: Jan 18, 2014
167 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N: okie! Done! I hope you guys liked this chapter as much as I did. I have this thing with smut where I get worried about it being the same as the last scene, so I psych myself out thinking I might bore someone. So I hope I didn't disappoint. I hope you all liked the chapter. I'll be getting more baby cuteness in here as they grow older into their months and such. They're still not even a month old yet, so u gotta remember that they don't do much yet. Cry, poop. But don't worry, things are heating up with the drama, and there is LOTS more to come! And! There's a BIG story surprise coming near Christmas for the babies. Stay tuned!!!!

And please review everyone! They make me update at….. kind of the speed of light!

Tell me what ya liked? Didn't like? What you might like to see? My plans for this fic are pretty set already. I know a lot of whats going to happen and when, but new ideas will be welcomed and considered! Im super open!!


See ya'll!

Chapter 3: 100 times Im sorry

Wednesday, almost midnight.

All knowing Pov

Blaine was really really hoping that his boss wasn't insinuating what he thought he was.

Share a hotel? There was no way in hell. He may not have told Kurt that he left the city for work, but there was no way he would do this.

“I can get my own room Sebastian.”

Sebastian made his squinty and irritating meerkat face at him. “Oh don't be stupid Blainers, not the same bed.” But contradicting himself, Sebastian winked.

Blaine shook his head still. “Kurt wouldn't be comfortable with that Sebastian.” He barely paused. “I am not comfortable with that either.”

Sebastian ignored him though and turned to the concierge. “A master suite please. 2 beds.”

Blaine huffed. This was NOT happening.

The elder turned to Blaine again. “I just said, not in the same bed curly pop. You're being ridiculous.”

But Blaine still declined. “It's not appropriate for one thing, but besides that, I'm just not going to do it.”

And Blaine turned away.

“Seriously?” The pushy boss called.

“Seriously. Thanks. But no thanks. Goodnight boss.” Blaine said with finality, as Sebastian turned back to the counter. Being handed his room key, he took it, and then didn't push any further. Thankfully.

Blaine paid 112 dollars out of his pocket for a small and overpriced room, and went up to call it a night.

Forced to come out of city for work, for 2 full days, AND have to purchase his own hotel room…. This was getting ridiculous. Frustrated, and tired of the day, Blaine made his way upstairs to his room. He saw Sebastian a little ways down the hall with his head peeking out the door. “You're wasting your money curly.” And someone called his name from inside. “And missin out.” He added, and retreated inside his suite to whomever.

Blaine rolled his eyes, and went to go put his card key in the door. Before he went inside though, he was called.


Blaine turned to his right to see Sherman coming out of his own suite in casual wear. That was definitely different. He'd never seen the man in anything but a suit.

“Mr. Phelps. Hi sir.”

“It's Sherman son, for the billionth time.” The man came over to shake his hand. Blaine smiled nervously.

“I wasn't aware Sebastian had brought you along. Actually, I think I have to check in when I get back to your Westerville office, but I don't think assistants were permitted for business this week because it's so far.”

Blaine let his mouth open a bit. “Well, um, I've been helping lately with stuff….”

Sherman raised an eyebrow.

“Helping with what kind of stuff?”

Uh oh. He's suspicious….. What do I say now?! I have respect for this man. I don't want to lie. Blaine thought.

“Oh, just, you know. Errands, and note taking…. Filing stuff, mailing stuff…. Sebastian is really busy, so I've been helping with whatever he tells me. Meeting people and getting things signed. Negotiation….. Just, stuff……” Blaine gulped…… He was too tired to even remember what part of what he said was even supposed to be in his job description.

“Assistants are just supposed to carry stuff around, make mail and coffee runs, and answer phones.….. He has you doing all of that?!” Sherman asked.

Crap….. “Well, you know, not… Not all the time, just… Every once and a while…..” Blaine stuttered. The lie was completely false, and he honestly didn't sound convincing. Damn the curse of the teenage lying stutter.

Sherman was quiet. He tried to keep eye contact with Blaine, but Blaine just gave a quick and very fake smile, and looked down.

“Blaine, if you're boss has been-“ But the man was cut off by his room door swinging open and he was called away by another businessman in casual dress.

“Hey Sherman, we gotta run. Hersen's downstairs for those drinks. We have until midnight for this deal to be made. Contract's gotta to be faxed over. Come on.”

Phelps shot his partner a quick, “K sure, I'll be right down.” and turned quickly back to Blaine; who had already managed to get in his room doorway.

“Have a good night sir.” He said, thankful to escape.

This was definitely not right, Sherman thought. Something really fishy was going on FOR SURE. He knew it now. Knowing this is more serious than cause for silly nicknames, he addressed Blaine by name.

“Goodnight Blaine. I'll be seeing you tomorrow in the meetings I presume.”

Blaine just nodded, and closed his door. “See you tomorrow.”

Sherman knew that Sebastian wasn't the greatest guy to deal with personality wise, but he was good at his job, especially lately, and he always got shit done.

Except, it's only been this way lately. Since he'd got an assistant. And it seemed Blaine was doing things that were WELL beyond what his title is supposed to do. Was Sebastian even the one doing the work at all?

It was time to start doing some digging on his CEO employee.


Thursday evening, Savannah was at the condo, alone now with the twins for an entire 24 hours, and Wednesday, she had been up with the babies all day AND night long. With Blaine unable to get out of working in Cincinnati, and Kurt in D.C with his dad, she was starting to crack. Even with the in and out help from family yesterday afternoon, Savvy was EXHAUSTED. With no one to help out during the day today after having been on every feeding shift through the night, she was completely drained.

At 4, she called her mom to tell her they were out of laundry soap, and around 5pm, her mom came to the rescue, rushing over to the condo to drop of laundry supplies and visit for a bit. When she came inside, she changed her course of action. The house was pretty trashed. Not dirty, but, it looked like someone was alone with two babies for two days. Messy and frazzled.

Savannahs hair was completely sticking up in 9 different directions, and it smelled like sweat, baby puke, and diaper rash cream in the house! The twins still going through their bout of colic like never before, Janah took charge and fixed a few bottles of formula.

“Ma!?” Savannah objected, trying to get situated on the couch to feed her babies.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures. That Spaghetti needs to get flushed out of your system completely before you can feed them again honey.”

Savannah huffed, “But they get really fussy and loud when they have to drink formula!”

“They're fussy and loud now Savannah. They are colicky and gassy from all that acid.” Her mom said.

And it was true. And being brought to the surface of her brain, Savannah felt the guilt present again.

While giving Savannah a free minute without babies in her arms, she started feeding both twins, allowing Savannah to sit down and pump her milk to throw away. Such a waste, and she had her drink a few bottles of water to help flush out the acid.

With both babies fed, and dozing off while being burped, Janah was able to get a look at her grandbabies for the first time in over a week.

“Oh honey, they're coming into some color. Both of them….”

Savannah smiled. “Their hair is starting to curl too….. Cheryl was right.” Sav mumbled. She was half asleep mid pump, and drifting closer to being fully asleep on the couch.

Janah made a decision. She could admire the babies changing faces later. “Okay. We need to bring them, and you need to come home."
Savannah opened her eyes slightly. “Mom, this is home.”

Her mom rolled her eyes. “Yes, it is their home, but until you are 18 and not a baby yourself anymore, under my roof will always be your home. Come on.”
Janah kept hold of her grandkids to enable Savannah to pack an overnight bag.

“Kurt and Blaine will probably both be home late tonight and want to see them.” Savannah said, objecting to leaving.

"If either of those boys gets home tonight, they're going to want to sleep and or have the night together after their days apart! Believe me. Just call him and let him know you're coming home for the night."

So Savannah accepted that there was no excuses, and she went up to pack a bag for her, and the twins. She rushed downstairs with half brushed hair, her backpack looking empty, and the diaper bag bursting at the seams.
Janah rolled her eyes. Of course she'd pack for the babies and not for herself.

Savannah was a good mom, but she was really learning the hard way, not taking a break when it's offered to her enough times to even shower every day, was going to bite her in the ass..
Savvy reached for a car seated baby when going to the front door, but Janah shook her head, and walked them to her car herself. Accepting her mom wanting to help, she dialed Blaine's number, and followed her mom out the door. As Janah put the car seats down to buckle the twins in the car, Savannah closed and locked the condo front door.


Sherman Phelps was ahead of the meeting in Cincinnati today, moving forward on a large deal with FAO Schwartz in New York City. Everyone in the room was looking sharp, professional and business-ey. Even Blaine, who had been given a suit early this morning in his hotel room, compliments of his stupid boss. And there was a stupid note on it.

“For the meeting this afternoon. Can't wait to see you in this pretty boy!” With a winky face on it. Blaine rolled his eyes.

The meeting had run very long, and Blaine was growing fidgety. He had been calling or texting Kurt and Sav every couple of hours to check in. To see how Kurt was doing, and to see how the babies were doing. It had been 3 hours and 45 minutes now since his last check in.

Smythe was up and speaking to the group when a strong vibrate sounded from Blaine's pocket. The boy looked completely panicked. Sherman eyed Blaine curiously though still, as he excused himself as discreetly as possible out to the hallway to take his phone call. Sebastian was subtly seething with death glares at him but tried to remain focused on his presentation. But Sherman saw the look in his eyes screaming, What the hell are you doing! And Blaine get your ass back in here now!
Sherman stood to go after Blaine, seeing his pleading eye apology to his boss. Now is a perfect chance to gather some information on Blaine, and maybe Smythe, in the process. He stepped into the hallway to see if everything was okay.

"Savannah, I know. I'm sorry…….You must be exhausted..... ….Yea..... I asked my mom to come by tonight and help out, she agreed so” Blaine sounded so tired. Apologetic.

“……….. but…....... ok.. Well she's gonna come and clean up the condo..... I'm so sorry......... I'll be back as soon as I can....... Sebastian is just...” He sighed in defeat. “He's freaking relentless. I've been with him for over 36 hours now......... No, we stayed in a hotel room for the night, but I didn't get much sleep........ Preparing for the meeting today…......OF COURSE not the same bed! I can't stand him! We weren't even in the same room, though he DID offer! I had to pay for my own room so I didn't have to… Damn Jerk…”

Sherman let that thought sink in. That's questionable.

“.….............. No Savannah, you don't need to worry about me…..I'll be fine…… No, I promise, I can take over when I get back.......”

He heaved another sigh..... He had been running frustrated hands through his hair throughout the whole conversation. Blaine had left who knows how many responsibilities back home when he was dragged out here.

“I'm so sorry Sav........ok. Kurt will be back tonight after midnight though. And he'll take over…………Ok then…. I'll let him know that you're with your parents....... ok... I swear I'll do EVERYTHING for a week when I get back okay? Swear!..…... bye......" He hung up and banged his head backwards against the wall.

What was that all about? There wasn't quite enough said to read between the lines, but he is leaving SOMETHING behind. He was oozing stress through the entire call. Frustrated sighing every time before he spoke. He's very young for sure, can't be any more than 19 or 20, and lately, he's had nothing but stress. Bags under his eyes, and apologies spit-firing from his mouth every time he was around..... So maybe it wasn't only Sebastian causing problems. Something was going on with Blaine too.

"Blaine. Is everything alright?" Sherman asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. Blaine had met Sherman's eye for only a short second, and broke the gaze, but the elder still saw a tear in the corner of the boys' eye.

"I'm fine sir... just.... I'm – I've been…. I'm..."

But Blaine's babbles and stammers weren't saying much. And with him not giving straight answers, he only worried Sherman more.
He had only heard one side of the conversation. He learned that he'd been working 36 straight hours. Unacceptable.

He sounded like he had responsibilities at home that were put onto someone else. Not good. That he didn't get much sleep last night.

But that didn't FULLY explain the excessiveness of the bags under his eyes. Did he do this often then? Work these insane hours? Not get any rest?
“Blaine, when was the last time you slept?"
But Blaine chuckled despite this not being funny. "Heh. A month ago."

But before Sherman could respond, Blaine caught Sebastian's gaze from inside. He was finished presenting up front of the meeting, and now sitting, he wasn't happy.

“Get in here, NOW!” He mouthed.

“Sorry sir, I- I have to get back...” and Blaine hustled back inside....

Oh yeah. He knows it for sure now. Something fishy was definitely going on with Sebastian….. And his much too tired for his age, assistant. And he is getting to the bottom of it first thing when they're back in Lima.

Big green eyes, cream and yet slightly cocoa like complexion, plump little mouths, and tiny little fingers and toes.

They hadn't truly smiled yet, but they stuck their little tongues' out all the time, and suckled on the air. Sleeping angels, and terrors awake, adorable and beautiful, fresh and new. They were the perfect little twins. They were Kayle and Kaidyn. Sweet, and cuddly. Loud and definitely in charge, one of them always reaching for the other. Not completely happy unless they are facing or next to each other, or in someone's arms. In Kaidyn's case, if she's eating, she's also happy. With Kayle, he's happy in the car. No matter what time of day.

He missed them so freaking much. Even worse, he knew Blaine wasn't with them, or with him. It just made his so nervous and worried.

He sat up in his hotel room just looking through his phone pictures. He had taken thousands since they were born, and was sent dozens today from Savannah via his demands. Pictures just weren't the same as being there with them, but for now, they were working to ease his worries a bit. Also, knowing that they were both with Savannah AND her parents for the night, made him a bit more at ease than he was yesterday. He was still just so upset with Blaine. Kurt just felt like he didn't even stop to think for a second how Kurt would feel about both of them being so far from the twins at the same time.

So my dad says that the twins are “cocoa-ing up.” Starting to look mixed race. They kind of are. lol : ) –Sav

Kurt smiled too, because Savannah had attached a picture. They couldn't possibly be any cuter than they were. Except that they were getting cuter every day. And she's right. They are getting a more olive and cocoa complexion. Harry and Janah were waiting for it to happen. It was only a matter of time. Savannah is mixed with 4 races, her mom being Mexican and Caucasian, and her dad being Black and Portuguese. Savannah looked more Mexican than anything, with an olive complexion barely darker than Blaine, but her dad was a little bit darker than her. The babies were tanning closer to Savannah's complexion, while looking COMPLETELY like Blaine, and he's Italian and Philipino, so… yeah! They're REALLY mixed. Which is great.

Another great thing Kurt thought about them was their eyes. Their dark green eyes that matched his sometimes, and that aspect was so amazing to him. That the babies weren't biologically his in anyway, but they still have things about them, that are like him. Their hair was also sandy brown like his. All of the grandparents said that their hair would darken within the first year because both Blaine and Savannah had dark hair, but Kurt remained optimistic.

Regardless, they were really beautiful babies, and he would think so, no matter what they looked like.

“I agree. They're mixed with a million races after all. So, how are they doing? Tummies any better?”-Kurt

Savannah responded quickly.

Same as the last time you asked daddy Kurt. They're good. They've calmed down A LOT since my mom gave them formula at around 5. Now they've been sleeping for 2 and a half hours. And you know Kayde. She NEVER sleeps that long! Haha –Sav

Kurt chuckled. Yeah, that little girl was a true to form spoiled brat. A perfect little brat, but still, a handful. As for Kayle, the little boy was equally as spoiled, but not quite as loud. He preferred to show his anger with angry faces. And his death glare was sight to be afraid of. At 3 weeks old, he knew how to scare his parents.

I know it! She's a brat. But Kayle is too. How is he taking the bottle? Blaine always has a hard time with him. -Kurt

Waiting for Savannah's reply, Kurt's dad came into his room and sat beside him and his open laptop.

“Hey son. How are you?”

Kurt shrugged. “I'm fine dad. Just…. You know.”

Burt put an encouraging hand on his son's shoulder and gave a sympathetic and apologetic smile.

“I'm sorry Kurt. I know this was rotten timing. It's just, someone had to give Sue a run for her money, you know?”

Kurt nodded. He understood completely why his dad needed to run for congress. Even more, he was VERY happy that he had won. But, that didn't mean that he had to be happy about being away from his family. His other family.

“I know dad. And I'm really proud of you. I just… I can't wait to be home too.” Kurt said quietly, his fingers running over the arrows slowly, scrolling through every picture on his computer of he and Blaine, Blaine and the twins, each individual baby, the three of the parents and the twins. He missed them all.

Savannah's reply came in as Burt started admiring the photos with his son.

“We can tell he's not happy, that's for sure. His little scrunched eyebrows are just the cutest. But he's eating. The drop in bottles are the ones to stick with FOR SURE. –Sav

In mid text reply to Savannah, his phone started to vibrate from a phone call. From Blaine.

“Oh! Tell Blaine I said Hi.” Burt said getting off of the bed. But Kurt declined the call, and Burt raised an eyebrow.

“….Uhm…. Okay. What's wrong? I have NEVER seen you reject a call from Blaine.”

Kurt didn't answer just sighed and layed back onto the pillows.

“Is everything okay with you guys?” Burt pressed.

Kurt really just didn't want to talk about it. Not right now. Maybe not at all. He didn't feel like talking to Blaine, still really upset with him, but even more so, he didn't want his dad getting in the middle of it.

“Yeah dad. We're fine.” He lied.

Burt sat back down beside Kurt though.

“Kurt, if everything was fine, you'd have accepted his call. You've been apart for two days now, so there HAS to be a reason you two aren't speaking.”

Kurt exhaled again, annoyed that his dad was pushing.

“He's in Cincinnati.” Kurt answered plainly.

“… Okay…. What's he doing in Cincinnati?”


Burt looked back at Kurt's phone, to Kurt, and back again. “Okay. Why is that a problem?”

Kurt closed his eyes. “Because he didn't tell me he was going out of town, and he's been there since Wednesday morning. And neither of us are near enough to the babies in case of an emergency or something.”

Burt understood now. But why didn't Blaine tell him where he was going?

“Oh. I'm sorry kid. But there's probably some reason he didn't tell you, I'm sure.”

Kurt nodded. “Yeah. I guess there kind of is. He was supposed to only be there for one meeting on Wednesday and be off at 8 or a few hours after like he normally is. But, his boss made him stay. And now he won't be back until after us.”

Burt nodded again. “Kurt, you should talk to him. I know he didn't mean to upset you by not telling you. And it's not his fault he's stuck there.”

Kurt still wasn't comforted. “We're partner's dad. He is over 2 hours away from the twins driving distance. Even if just for a day, he should've told me. He knew on Monday, and the reason that he DIDN'T tell me is because he knew that I wouldn't agree to come here to DC with you and Carole if both he AND Savannah weren't with the twins.”

Burt got it now. Blaine purposely went out of his way not to tell Kurt that he would be out of town in order to help Kurt take care of things he needed to take care of.

Burt got it. And he didn't blame Blaine, but understands why Kurt is upset with him.

“Well Kurt, you're right, you guys are partners. And now, you're also parents so, you've gotta work it out son.”

Kurt nodded, but didn't say anything. He planned on working it out, but he felt entitled to a grace period where he could be upset and give Blaine the silent treatment.

Even if it was a little immature.

“Okay, well, we leave for the airport in an hour. So be packed and ready to go alright? Time to say goodbye to DC. I don't think I'll need to be bringing you or Finn back with me here for a while. Probably not until the New Year. But we do have a Columbus event in a few weeks, but that's not too far.”

“K. Thanks dad.”

Burt walked towards the door, and when it was almost all the way shut, Kurt called him.


Burt opened it more than the crack.

“Thanks for caring.” Kurt said softly.

“Always son.”


Kurt arrived home to a very quiet and empty house Thursday night.

Well, Friday morning technically, since it was WELL after midnight. The condo was spotlessly clean, and smelled fresh. Kurt went around the house just looking; not for anything in particular, but just to look. He'd grown to really love this condo in last few months.

He looked in the diaper genies to find them all empty. The dishes were all cleaned and put away. Bottles all sanitized and on the bottle rack. The floor swept AND mopped. That was when he noticed a note on the fridge.

Blaine dear,

You're father is demanding a visit with little Mackaiyn. Also, when you get back, Everett has some things that we all need to discuss. About the apartment and the rent. I tried to reason with him on the matter, and I will continue to do so, but we'll talk about it soon. Call me when you get in. We both really want to see the babies. Call first though.

Love Mom.

Kurt finished the letter and thought right away, “That doesn't sound good.”

He read it over once more, and then rolled his eyes at “a visit with Mackaidyn” as if Kayle doesn't exist at all.

He left the note where it was and brought his suitcase into the laundry area. He took out the bag of dirty clothes and left them on top of the machine to take care of tomorrow. Right now, he was just tired, and wanted nothing more than to go up to bed.

Settled in bed, warm blanket wise, but not so much in any other ways, he found that he couldn't sleep. He needed Blaine beside him. The past two nights without Blaine beside him, was enough. He was angry with Blaine right now, but he still could do well with having the warmth of his body temperature beside him.

They always made the jokes that if twilight had no Bella, and Jake and Edward were gay and a thing, Blaine was the warm wolf, and Kurt was the icy vamp. And yes, they were guilty of following the twilight franchise.

Oh come on! It's a great love story. It's flawed, and kind of ridiculous at times, but they love it.

Get over it!

Kurt was laying on Blaine's side of the bed, covered with the comforter, but just lying there trying to think of what to say when Blaine came home.

Not long later, he heard the front door being disturbed, and he didn't move. He decided he'd wait for Blaine to approach him.

Blaine locked the door behind him, and tossed his bag to the nearest couch. He saw that Kurt had his suitcases in front of that same couch telling him, that Kurt was upstairs.

He headed that way, and quickly because if he knew his boyfriend the way he thought he did, he would be lying in bed, still awake waiting for him.

“Kurt?” Blaine called, coming into the room slowly, not too loud just in case he was wrong, and Kurt actually was asleep.

“Hi.” Kurt replied barely audible.

Blaine came further into the room, and walked around to Kurt's side of the bed to see him.

“Kurt… Baby, I said I'm sorry.”


The couple for the first time, were arguing back and forth and after Blaine had apologized at least a dozen times, he didn't know what else he could do.

“Why can't you just please forgive me? I understand that I kept something from you and you have right to be angry about that, but I don't know why this is making you this upset. The babies are just fine.”

Kurt didn't know why he was so upset about it.

Except he did. There were a few reasons.

“We're supposed to be partners Blaine. I mean, it's bad enough that I'm not their real dad. But I tell myself that's okay because it'd be impossible for us to have a kid together anyway, and Savannah is my best friend, but were supposed to be partners, and to not be included in telling me you were going to be 2 hours away from our babies worries me. I'm afraid of being pushed out of things at another time later on.”

And Blaine understood. That's what it was about. And he felt like an ASSHOLE. How could he be so careless? He didn't even realize how Kurt could've taken it.

Blaine just put his hands up to shrug. “I'm really sorry Kurt…. I didn't think about your feelings at all I guess. I'm sorry, I screwed up.”

Kurt was just shaking his head. This sucked. He didn't want to argue with Blaine, but everything about this had him so worked up. He just had so much to say.

“Mostly this is so upsetting Blaine, because you've never lied to me before! And this Hurts! That you would lie to me!”

“Kurt, I said I was sorry.” Blaine plead, and then paused to think. “Wait. You have lied to me before Kurt! So, can't we just call it even and make up?”

“I have NEVER lied to you Blaine.”

Blaine looked behind him as if looking for some reinforcement or something. “Um, Savannah? When she told me she was pregnant? You knew about it and never said anything!”

Kurt put his finger up. “I never lied to you though Blaine, I just didn't tell you.”

“So that makes it okay!? Keeping secrets?” Blaine asked.

“It wasn't my news to tell okay? And we already dealt with that! Months ago! And that's not what this is about!”

“Yes it is. It's the same thing Kurt. I didn't lie to you about this either. I just didn't tell you. And I didn't know that I would be stuck there. It wasn't my fault! I didn't have a choice!”

Kurt walked closer to Blaine now. “You did have a choice. You had a choice on whether or not to tell me that you had to go! You should have told me that you had to go out of town for work. And because you didn't tell me, you made a decision for me that I should've been able to make for myself.”

Blaine just sighed. This was he and Kurt's first big argument. And after the week he'd had, it was just draining him more and more with every word. He was tired, and he just wanted Kurt to forgive him. He said he was sorry. Countless times.

“Kurt…. I said I'm sorry. I won't ever, EVER, keep something from you again okay?” Blaine walked directly in front of Kurt. “I promise you that. I promise Kurt. I don't know what else you want me to say.” And Blaine grabbed his pillow from the bed and walked toward the door. It looked like he'd better sleep on the couch tonight.

And it might have suddenly seemed a little crazy that he was thinking that. He is actually a 16 year old who is living with his boyfriend, and is heading to sleep on the couch.

Kurt was still angry. Especially because Blaine had just tried to turn it around on him by pointing out his own lie from the past. That wasn't even a lie!

He didn't even know where it came from. But something boiled in him, and he couldn't contain it.

He walked after Blaine before he could completely leave the room, and he grabbed his shoulder.

He turned his body around, and kissed him.

Hard, and forceful, and….. and… Angry.

Blaine dropped the pillow from his hand, and let his mouth stay open when Kurt's lips released him.

“…..Does… Does that mean you forgive me?”

And Kurt kissed him again. Hard. “No.”

But still, the boys grabbed each other's necks and started fervently making out. It was very rough and the tension between them was palpable.

“But I need you right now!” Kurt growled at him, his voice laced with ‘mad'.

Blaine just let Kurt back him to their mattress. “Then take me!” He replied just as angrily.

Kurt bit hard into Blaine's neck while tearing his shirt down his shoulders, the buttons popping off.

“Kurt!” Blaine panted. “This is my best work shirt…”

Kurt just tore it all the way down his shoulder, none of the buttons salvaged, then moved to undo Blaine's belt. “And I just said you are NOT forgiven……”

He pushed Blaine back onto the bed, and pulled his own jeans off while Blaine unfastened his.

Kurt crawled over his boyfriend and linked eyes with him, forehead to forehead.

“This doesn't change anything….. I'm still upset with you…..”

Blaine blinked, some sadness creeping through the wave of lust that had come over him in the past 60 seconds.

“Do you still love me?” He asked, afraid that Kurt might say no.

Kurt grabbed his boyfriends face. “There's NOTHING you can ever do that would make me not love you.” And he kissed his nose. But he resumed his frown after. “I'm just mad at you.”

And as Kurt reached down to pull Blaine's unbuckled pants down and throw them to the floor, he thought, ‘I can live with that!'

And the sweet intimacy ensued for the next part of the night.

Sheathed by Blaine's boxers, Blaine's cock rested there, untouched, and not quite erect, but Kurt had plans to make it so.

Dark and messy barely hairs, led the way to his waistband and Kurt reached down to grab it firmly. Slowly he glided his fingers over his boyfriend's hot and heavy member, feeling it grow a bit under his touch. He fully wrapped his hand and all of his fingers around it, and started to pull upward. He was applying plenty of pressure, and still angry, he didn't plan on being very gentle.

Blaine whined and arched his back up pressing into Kurt's torso.

He currently felt very empty, and with his dick getting harder, he needed to be filled.

Kurt gripped Blaine's waist and held him down still to the bed, and then grabbed one of his legs to wrap around his back.

He reached under Blaine's boxers, and let his slightly chilly finger reach Blaine's perineum, and press onto it.

He pressed that finger over him a couple of times before doing so harder, only stopping when Blaine whimpered out his name. “Kurt!”

He looked straight at Blaine, into his eyes, and only blinked. He may be upset with him, but he missed him a lot too.

He adhered himself to Blaine's lips again to let out some pent up passion, and when Blaine's hands came to rest in his hair, he felt himself relax.

He needed to love his boyfriend. Mad or not. It'd been 2 days.

Kurt leaned over to their drawer to get some lube, and Blaine took advantage of the free minute, and took his boxers completely off. Easier access, and he needed something inside of him soon. He hoped Kurt wouldn't tease him too much.

Kurt came back to Blaine's naked bottom half, and with lubed up fingers. Blaine wrapped his legs around Kurt's waist, resting on his back, and Kurt wasted no time putting 2 fingers in Blaine's heated ass.

“Oh…” Blaine moaned, relaxing his muscles as Kurt's fingers intruded his walls. He started to pump his long digits inside, at a quick, but steady pace. He was already fully hard for him, and he wanted to wreck Blaine tonight. Hard, and fast. Quick, and rough. But well too, so he needed him properly stretched.

“Don't ever lie to me again!” Kurt scolded, Blaine panting beneath him.

“God! Kurt. I'm sorry! Fuck!” He shouted, Kurt grazing his prostate. “Baby, I won't.”

Kurt was very thorough making sure Blaine was ready for his length, fingering for a good 8 minutes or so, leaving slow and sweet sloppy kisses up and down his chest and he did so.

When he withdrew, Blaine whined at the loss, but Kurt positioned his cock at Blaine's entrance. Ready or not, he needed to be inside. His cock was pulsing for the heat that was just on his fingers. And Blaine started to stroke himself waiting for Kurt to get inside him.

The freshly lathered head of Kurt's cock steady and very hard pressed into Blaine with no stalling. It was fast, and he went all the way in on the first thrust.

“Oah Kurt! Yeah……” Blaine groaned, his voice high pitched, and squeaking a tiny bit at the new pressure. Kurt pushed himself deeper, harder, inside, abusing Blaine's prostate with every thrust in. Bottoming out and gripping Kurt's ass like his life force, Blaine thrust his pelvis up with Kurt's every thrust down trying to get Kurt to never pull away from that sweet sweet bundle of heaven buried deep within his ass.

Kurt's pace got faster than it ever had before as he bucked in and out of Blaine, his balls hitting Blaine's slick crack with every movement. Both boys moaned, and panted in perfect tune. They synced in pitch, and seemed to make a perfect harmony, even now, in the bedroom.

“I freaking love you….. You-…. You're in so deep Kurt….” Blaine gasped in breathless air. His open mouth was barren on Kurt's shoulder; previously attempting a hickey, but halted when Kurt's hips started to stutter erratically. Fast, and then slow for a while. Rapid pace, and then slow again.

It meant one thing. Kurt was close. “Do you need to come baby?” Blaine asked him, whispering it low in his ear.

Kurt just slowed his hips, and left only his head in the very beginning heat of Blaine's ass. He didn't need to answer Blaine, choosing instead to come inside now, unable to hold back.
He started to stroke the length of his shaft fast, squeezing the head of his cock tighter, his eyes rolling into his head as he let his cum slide into his partner.

“……Ah….. Blaine, your ass is so………God….. I love it….” Kurt breathed, followed by pulling his head out, watching his cream drip out following it.

Blaine clenched his hole, trying to keep his boyfriends seed inside. There was no closer feeling than having Kurt come inside of him.

Kurt watched Blaine clench and unclench his perineum, his ass playing with the stream, and Kurt let himself fall at his side, grabbing Blaine's body to him, and holding him close to his chest.

“I love you Blaine. I always will.” Kurt spoke, softly, but aloud.

Kurt took Blaine's still very much erect length in his hand, and barely stroked it. Slowly up and down only a few times, before releasing it, and moving his hand to rest on his thigh.

Blaine quirked an eyebrow at the sudden stop, and turned only his head to question his boyfriend.

Kurt understood completely. He was thinking ‘What about me?' or ‘my turn?'

Kurt shook his head though.

“Oh, you're still not forgiven.”


Waking up early, unable to get off of his usual schedule, used to the fussing babies and rustling noises downstairs from the twins' morning schedule. As much as the dried stickiness in between his legs, and on his stomach made him immediately picture a nice morning shower with Kurt, he had to pass this time. He had a few things to do this morning. He very quietly moved to slip out of bed, but Kurt tightened his grip on him a bit. Blaine turned his body to be face to face with his slumbering boyfriend. He kissed his head, long and slow, and Kurt smiled in his sleep. When he tried to get up again, Kurt whined, prompting his to stay. “Sleep in with me….”

Blaine was tempted, but he had work to do this morning. Real work, as well as work on getting forgiven.

“Babe, I have to go to the bathroom.” Blaine laughed.

When released, he went into their bathroom and only grabbed his towel, and body wash. He closed the bathroom door to make it seem like he went in to stay, but he snuck out to the downstairs bathroom and took a VERY quick shower. If he showered in their room, Kurt would surely join him, and he wanted Kurt to be able to sleep in so he could make him breakfast.

And stuff.

Freshly showered, he snuck back to the room realizing that he forgot clothes, and thankfully, Kurt had shifted to be laying on his stomach, head turned to the side, away from their dresser. Blaine settled for plain blue jeans and a t-shirt. He did NOT plan on going into school today. Not with his being pretty tired still, and wanting to spend the whole day with the babies and Kurt. Starting an early weekend so to speak, because he planned on spending all weekend with them. He went up to see if Kurt was still asleep before he felt in the clear to leave and go to the store. He had something to get for Kurt when he woke up.

At the store down the road a few minutes away, Blaine purchased his prize and a few things to go along with it, and on the way to the checkout line, he grabbed a few giant bags of Halloween candy for the weekend. Maybe they would be able to go out together later with the twins and get them some little infant costumes or something. Just to have a silly night together, and for ‘tons of pictures' purposes. And, they could try to keep them awake for a few hours on parents' laps while they hand out candy as a family. Maybe then they'd sleep through the night.

Back at the house with a bag full of stuff, he arranged his gift for Kurt, and then proceeded to go upstairs and check on his sleepy head. He wasn't in bed anymore, but in the shower, and not knowing how much longer Blaine had to make breakfast, he rushed downstairs to get started.

He got out the fresh blueberries and bananas he'd just bought and started mixing some batter for pancakes.

Going to the fridge for items, he paused seeing a note on the freezer.

Blaine dear,

He read. His father had things to discuss…… Great.  About the rent… Perfect…… He decided to deal with it later. He didn't want his dad to be able to ruin his morning. Not after the week he was going through.

The note having slowed him down, he rushed to fry up some bacon. Blaine was very knowing of his boyfriend, and though to the outside world, he objects to fatty bacon, Blaine knew better, that Kurt secretly loves it, but won't tell anyone.

Lastly, he scrambled some fluffy eggs. He made a couple plates just in time for his gorgeous wet haired boyfriend to make his way downstairs taking in the sight around him.

“Good morning!” Blaine announced happily, holding something behind his back while approaching Kurt who just narrowed his eyes walking toward his curly headed man friend as well, in fresh clothes and a smirky smile on his face.

Kurt looked around him at the table. “Hmm…. You…. You lied to me again.” But he said it with a smile.

Blaine raised an eyebrow.

“You didn't leave to go to the bathroom.”

Blaine smiled back though as the couple were head to head now. “I didn't lie. I did go to. I went to the bathroom downstairs.”
Kurt put his hands on Blaine's shoulders. “You're a goob.”

Kurt kissed Blaine for a short minute and Blaine took his hand.

“Breakfast?” And he gestured to the table, showing also his rose bunch for Kurt.                          

Kurt blushed deep. “Blaine….” He whined a bit embarrassed at the absolute blush his boyfriend had caused.

Kurt grabbed the bouquet and admired it. There was a pure white rose, representing unity, red rose for love, a yellow rose for friendship, A yellow rose with red tip, and we all know that that was the EPITOME of everything that is Kurt and Blaine; and then right in the middle, tying it perfectly together, was a light blue rose, which was VERY rare, and expensive, and most importantly, it was said to represent family. Kurt was stunned. They were beautiful.

The most amazing part about the roses though honestly, weren't not the roses, but the two pacifiers; one pink, and one blue, that were holding the 5 roses together.

Kurt had a tear in his eye. Blaine was freaking perfect.

Blaine just stayed quiet as he watched Kurt admire his gift.

“Do you forgive me yet?” He finally asked fully equipped with a puppy dog lip, after a minute of silence.

Kurt kissed his lip away. “Yes Blaine.” Kurt answer surely. “I forgive you.” And he kissed him again.

Blaine pulled a chair out for Kurt to sit.

“If you lie to me again though Blaine, were going to have a SERIOUS problem.”

Blaine took a seat right across from him and put two fingers up.

“Scouts honor, I never will. Never again Kurt.”

Kurt smiled and reached for a fork.

But with a few seconds of contemplation, Blaine added, “As long as we make some deal stating that we can FAKE fight in the future. In order to ensure that angry sex happens again. Sometime soon….?” He ended it like a question.

Kurt smiled so big, it nearly blinded his boyfriend.

“Last night…. That was really hot wasn't it?”

Blaine widened his eyes with drama at his boyfriend. “Uh… Yeah!”

The couple ate their yummy breakfast with mild chatter, and major sharing of the pictures Kurt had been sent of the twins in the past two days. Blaine didn't get much time AT ALL to enjoy his twins. Not even in picture form.

After filling his plate with seconds, Blaine stepped a little away from the table to put on a baby Einstein infant DVD, so it would play softly in the background.

What?! It was a comfort because the twins weren't home.

They finished breakfast, and didn't even need to prompt each other to know what next on today's agenda.

Time to go and see the twins. Blaine was just lucky that he had made Kurt breakfast, otherwise he'd have rushed over to Janah and Harry's immediately after coming downstairs, starving and dehydrated.

But, with nothing else on their minds at all, it was time to go and pick up their babies.




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