June 10, 2014, 7 p.m.
June 10, 2014, 7 p.m.
Guys this is like over a month late and the reason is that school got so bad I was having panic attacks I know thats not a perfect reason, but its summer for me so im finally starting to breath again. I hope you liked it and I'll see you next time I find time to write, thanks ya'll so much. BYE:)
Here blaine is just sitting right outside the dressing room, waiting for Kurt. He has been here for a while, so he goes to kurts dressing room, down at the very end. “ Kurt, hon, everything going okay?”, blaine asks with confusion.
“ Yeah sorry i just can't get these jeans over my ass, could you help? I mean if you're comfortable with that?”.
“ Of course thats such a stupid question,” blaine slowly opens the door, he thinks he might die. Kurt is standing there in tight deep purple boxers on, shirtless, holy shit i might die, no im dead, how can someone be that beautiful and not know it, oh he has to know how couldn't you, why is he staring at me… oh i havent moved in, I don't know ten years think think think. “ oh sorry, but what do you need me to do to help?”, Blaine asked quickly and not making eye contact.
“ … okay” Kurt asked confused by blaine, “ so I need you to pull my pants up while i wiggle down, k?”
“ Yeah sure okay” blaine said absentmindedly, he grabed on to the pants, by each hip, and tugged. They got them over his ass with a little effort. Blaine looked at him and dear everything holy, they looked like paint.” You're getting them, I don't care if you like them it's happening.” Blaine said with lust filled eyes.
“ Oh, dont worry I like them and that look on your face”, kurt said with a wink at the end.
“ So when are we leaving? I have alot of plans that don't involve the public”, blaine said with a wink of his own.
“ Let me pay for these then we can go, but no funny buisness, you know what i said and I'm staying strong to it,” Kurt didn't look the happiest turning him down and he understood a hundred percent where he was coming from.
“ Yeah sorry i forgot, but doesnt mean we can't cuddle,” Blaine said with a hint of a question in his voice.
“ Of course thats such a stupid question,” kurt said repeating blaine with a smile.
Kurt changed really quick and they headed to the cashier hand-in-hand, with big love struck smiles. When they got there and Kurt was paying (all while still holding hands), blaine noticed something or rather someone in the corner farthest away from them.
Blaine tapped Kurt on the shoulder and he said in a whisper “ Kurt Hon” Kurt turned to look at him, “ is that Sebastian?”
Kurt turned and looked and there he was and he wasn't alone. Sebastian had a boy attached to his lips, he wasn't attractive ,you could tell he wasn't beautiful on the inside, and he didnt seem in the least bit worried to stop. Blaine finally said something, to Kurt “ He looks happy”, he turned back to kurt, “ ready to go?”
“ You're not bothered by that?” Blaine shook his head no,“ okay if youre sure you're okay then lets go”. They both left both happy, Blaine not bothered by the cheating in the slightest bit.
They didn't notice to eyes on them, with a killing glare.