A Story of Klaine
Chapter 2 WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Story of Klaine: Chapter 2 WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?

T - Words: 737 - Last Updated: Jun 10, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Feb 05, 2014 - Updated: Feb 05, 2014
70 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

hope you liked it!

kurt and blaine were at the coffee shop getting coffee; blaine in his blazer and kurt in his red leather pants and black button down. while they were in their spot- the two seater table directly in front of the door- drinking their coffee. kurt was about to go shopping because it was about summer and he had to get rid of anything out of season, but kurt was going alone.

“So what are you going to do today?” blaine asked with a very curious look on his face. “because i have at the very least four hours worth of stuff to do before i study for my government test tomorrow”. blaine said looking directly into kurt's eyes (kind of ish not really blaines thoughts) -not sure why but he got a bubbly butterfly feeling looking into them- he ignored it. kurt- while looking at blaine- thought about if he should invite blaine to go with him even though he had homework. kurt didn't want to overstep the line line they created- the line being his boyfriend-. but before he over thought even more he went for it.

“ you could come shopping with me. i mean it might be boring and i know you have homework and i know it might be boring to other people but you can shop for your self if that makes it better or you could hang out with that tall meerkat faced thing-” kurt rambled, hands in the air and all, before getting cut off.

“ what tall meerkat faced thing? sebastian?” blaine asked not mad but a little confused.

“ yes” was all kurt could say after realizing what he just said. blaine touched his hand.

“ i know you don't like him but you could at the very least try and hide it? i mean i really like him and you're not very nice or even trying to be nice. your very important to me in every-      ” blaine was interrupted by kurt in the middle of his speech. then blaine realized what he said.

“ im important to you?” kurt asked with hope and love in his eyes.

(a/n: the rest in a way is blaines thoughts but just in 3rd person if that makes sense- ask me if you don't understand-)

kurt new blaine loved him in a platonic way, and blaine at least knew kurt had or has a crush on him(silly little love songs). but each time blaine felt anything he would ignore it. each day kurt is getting more and more attractive to him and he can't stop it. blaine thought it was normal for him to find his friend attractive but it wasn't normal. so everytime he felt absolutely anything in that nature he would push it has far down as hell.

if blaine started to even think of kurt in that nature he would cling to his boyfriend. just lean toward him or kiss his cheek just anything to stop thinking of kurt like that. one time they did about kiss, they were practicing for regionals alone in blaine's house. they were in his room on the bed just singing to each other in a flirty way. but when they locked eyes they both leaned in… then the doorbell rang and that was the end of that.

a few weeks after that “accident” he got a sebastion, he only knew him for about a month before he asked him out. he knew sebastion liked him so he knew he was a safe bet, plus sebastian was constantly flirting with him so what the hell.


the furthest they have ever gotten was a couple heavy make out sessions (light on blaine's part-ask me if you don't understand-) but blaine just mostly did a kissing motion with his lips and let his mind wonder-mostly to his home work-. it wasn't that sebastian was bad it was just blaine was just never turned on by him. they've been together two months and he couldn't feel anything. but every time kurt even got into the vicinity he got butterfly in his stomach and turned on all at the same time. while blaine thought about all this he realized……. hes in love or like with kurt and kurt loved him back in a total non friend way! blaine then- with all this new information- gave his answer………………………………………….


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