Little Numbers
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Little Numbers: Chapter 9

T - Words: 1,110 - Last Updated: Apr 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jan 19, 2012 - Updated: Apr 12, 2012
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Sun 21 Dec (8:30am)

Good morning, Blaine.

Hi. :)

It's really early.

Is it?
Maybe. Bradshaw and I like early when it comes to Central Park Sundays. I like the quiet and he likes the fresh snow.
So... I wanted to say something. No, wait. Did I wake you up??

It's fine.

I did, didn't I?

Not really, no. It's okay.
What did you want to say?

Just... I really think it doesn't get better than yesterday. Maybe you should stop, because there's no way you can beat that.

Why would I want to beat my own treats?
Do you want me to stop?

No. Never.
But maybe I thought about the fact that this will end on Christmas, and if it has to end, why shouldn't it end with that perfect Saturday?

Who says it has to end?

Well, this was all about making me like Christmas, wasn't it?

It didn't start out that way.
Think about the coffee, for example – there will always be coffee.

'Always'. Be careful with your words. ;)

I am.

Okay, good. Because there'll always be room for coffee in my life.
Are you still in NYC?

Yes, but I'm leaving tomorrow.
And you're still staying?


Are you... I mean, will you... What are your plans for Christmas?

Will I be alone? No.
I'm having dinner at a friend's house on Christmas Eve.

And then?

And then on Christmas morning, I will walk the dog. I will come home and warm up and open the presents that my parents remembered to send my way. I will sit down in front of my non-existent fireplace, read a book and drink some tea. (Yes, I do drink tea.) And then I'll walk the dog again, because Mr Donovan (that's my neighbor) isn't really good with the snow these days and “You keep forgetting that I've got a bad leg and a bad back, Blaine Theodore, and compared to me you're basically a toddler.” And then, I will go to bed.

Blaine Theodore?

He demanded to know my middle name when we first met and he's called me that ever since. I tried to make him stop, but he's stubborn like that.



Did I cheer you up at all?
Maybe it was naïve of me to think that I could change anything with stupid little missions.

Oh no. Please don't think that. Don't ever think that. You were amazing.
Are amazing.


But maybe I'm just having one of these days.



Blaaaaaine. Don't bullshit me.

Kurt. Kurt! You said 'bullshit'.

I believe I did.

Okay. Okay, so maybe when I got home yesterday there were all these presents from my parents.


And maybe a part of me thought that this year it would be different.


Well, now that the presents are here, I'm not gonna get a surprise visit, am I? And I'm so stupid to think that things could be different. So very stupid.
God, I'm sorry. It's early on a Sunday morning and all I wanted to say is how much I liked yesterday and look where that got me.

Don't worry about it. Remember when I told you that you could tell me anything you want?

'Anything'. So careless with your words again.

I'm always careful.

I won't bother you any longer. My Sunday coffee awaits me.

Blaine. Don't make me get angry with you!

What? Why?!

You're never bothering me.


Now go before Bradshaw gets all cranky. You're keeping him from his coffee!

Yes, sir.


Guess who just walked in?


You should get your pretty little butt over here!


He's here.

Who? Santa? But he's already got my wish list.

Very funny. You know who.

No, Rachel. I really don't.

Lonely Boy. Your mystery guy. The one we don't talk about. Never talk about, unless I want you to snap at me. Your Blaine.

He's not my Blaine. Stop saying that.
Wait... what is he doing there???

He's having coffee. What else? ;)

But it's Sunday.

I guess he can be spontaneous, too.

You should just get back to work.

And you should come over and visit me. Keep me company. The bagels are exceptional today.


Relax, I won't tell him anything. We've got a deal.

Yes, and I know just how good you are at keeping your mouth shut.
I'm heading out for brunch anyway.

With Ethan?

Yes, with Ethan.

You never told me he had a dog. Or a boyfriend.

He doesn't have a boyfriend.

Are you sure?

Yes. Why?

He's here with someone.
Say, what does that do to you, Kurt?

So much for the deal you made with him.





Okay, okay. Go have your stupid brunch. But this isn't over.

I love you too, Rachel.

He's cute.


The other guy.

For the love of... just stop.

Have a lovely brunch, Kurt! :)


This is sort of short notice, but can you make it to the coffee shop today since you're leaving tomorrow?


Because I left you a little something and I want you to have it before Christmas.

You didn't get me a Christmas present, did you? Because you really didn't have to.

It's not a present. Just... a tiny, tiny thing. Silly, really.



Can you bring the thing he left with you home tonight?

Who left what with me?

Rachel, come on.

Why don't you come over and get it yourself?

Is he still there?

Mysterious Blaine? Of course not.

Can you please just bring it home? I'm packing.

Only because it's Christmas.


You never told me you were good at making origami squirrels!

It's a talent I didn't think I had. Besides, I can have secrets, too. ;)


You know that I had help.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


Mon 22 Dec (11:45am)
Not sure if you're already up in the air, but have a good journey home! :)


I just landed, actually. It was as pleasant as these trips can be.
Oh and Blaine?


Tomorrow, around 4:15pm, Brooklyn Bridge.

What will I be looking for?

You'll see the light.

Literally or figuratively?

Who knows?

As usual, I'm intrigued.


Tues 23 Dec (4:01pm)
I'm early and I'm cold.

1) Why are you early? 2) Why aren't you wearing appropriate winter clothes?

1) Because. 2) I am.

So wordy.

It's really cold, okay? Makes typing hard.

You could dance.

I'm not dancing on Brooklyn Bridge.

Your loss.

Kurt. Kurt, why am I here?

You're smart - figure it out.

Why do I even... oh... okay.

Is it happening?

I think it's happening.
Okay. Yeah. I can see why you made me come here. This is beautiful.
Why is this so beautiful?

I'm glad you think so.

Who wouldn't?

I hope you're not disappointed. I know you said it doesn't get better than Saturday, but I pegged you for someone who appreciates the little things.

Are you kidding? I meant it when I said this is beautiful.
I know these treats were all about Christmas, but they were about New York, too. Sometimes I forget that this city is breathtaking and that I came here for a reason. You keep reminding me of that.

Now I don't really know what to say...

You don't have to say anything.
Just let me stand here and send you my gratitude.

I can do that.


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you too, Kurt.


I couldn't find anything better, but you'll get the idea.


Second video by night
New York City buildings with the sun setting behind them, lit up.
An image of the Empire State Building lit up with red and green lights against the sunset


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ahhhhh!!!!!!! so coooool!!!!!!

wow this is so awesome

wow,beautiful pictures.adorable chapter