Little Numbers
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Little Numbers: Chapter 8

T - Words: 1,083 - Last Updated: Apr 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jan 19, 2012 - Updated: Apr 12, 2012
9,672 0 11 1 1

Tues 16 Dec (3:45pm)
Tuesdays. Tuesdays just aren't the same anymore, Kurt.

...What about these new Tuesdays?

It's silly.

What is?

Knowing that there's a cup of coffee waiting for me almost makes me forget that I kind of hate Tuesdays. That's silly.


Well, there are problems that even coffee can't solve.
But coffee - coffee is a hug in a cup and a hug is always a good place to start, don't you think?

Wait. Isn't tea supposed to be a hug in a cup?

Tea is for when you're sick.

And sick people don't need hugs?

Different kind of hugs.

So, coffee is...?

Coffee is everything that's good in this world.

Wow. You really do love your coffee.

You think?


Wednesday 17 Dec (5:23pm)
It's time.


Museum of Natural History. Any day you want, but preferably this week. Otherwise you'd mess up my schedule.

We have a schedule now?

Yes. This is serious business.

My treats are serious business.


What's so special about the AMNH?
Well, apart from the obvious.

Blaine, please.
Your ticket will be at the museum's box office; they know you're coming. You'll get directions from there.

Seriously, Kurt. Do you have friends everywhere or do you just know how to pull strings?

My methods shall remain secret.

Of course.
How long is this gonna take? The treat, I mean.

Depends. I guess you could stay there for 5 minutes or the entire day. It's your choice.
Although I do have a little task for you.

A task? But this is supposed to be a treat.

And it is. Doesn't mean you won't have to work for it.

That's new.

This is where we go back to you trusting me. You'll enjoy it, I'm sure.

What's my task?

Details when you get there.

That's what I thought.


Thurs 18 Dec (2:05pm)
This is my last boring Thursday class.

For the year?

Yes. And it's going to be even more boring now that I've already passed it. What's the point?

Why don't you skip it, then?

Blaine. When I first told you about this back in October, you said I should pay attention. Now you're telling me to leave? I'm shocked. It's like I don't even know you anymore.

Maybe you're having a bad influence on me. Or maybe it really doesn't matter, because you've already passed.

I can't just leave now.

Did the class already start?

No, but I'm already seated.

And what about the teacher?

Hasn't arrived yet.

Get out of there. Quick!


Do it!

And then what?

And then you go do something nice, something you like.
I bet finals are just as exhausting for you as they are for me.

You're to blame if something goes wrong.

Don't be ridiculous. What could go wrong?

Okay. Okay, I'm doing it.

Yes! :)

You're acting like you're the one who just managed to get the afternoon off.

I'm living through you.
Actually, could you go grab a burger and describe the experience to me? Thanks.

Instant regret.




You're gross.
Wait. That's your idea of doing something nice?

Would that be so wrong? Food, Kurt. Delicious food.

You sound just like my brother.

Oh, there's a brother?

Yes. And, believe me, you do not want to sound like him.
You're just making puppy eyes right now, aren't you?

How did you know?

I'm on to you.

And I'm not impressed. Now go get that burger.

Sometimes I wish I knew your last name, because in moments like these, you really don't deserve to be called by your first one.

Less texting, more burgers.

Goodbye, B! I cannot talk to you anymore in fear of brain damage. (B either stands for bastard, bossy, brat, basket case, or baffoon. Or Bush. As in George W. You choose.)

I love it when you get creative.
But I actually think B stands for baby. I'm 100% sure.

Yes, because you're 5.

Please. 5 1/2.


What did you end up doing?

I went to get coffee.

Ha! See! Everything that's good in this world.


Sat 20 Dec (12:01pm)
There's a line.


At the museum. There's a line.

I'm sorry?
Wait. Are you live-texting this?

I might be.

That's a first.

Maybe I'm doing it because this is the first time I've had to wait.

And the suspense is killing you.

Actually, yes.

This is exciting!

We'll see. Going in now.
Is this gonna be a scavenger hunt?

Not really, you're just taking one tiny detour.

Is that your handwriting?

Of course it is.



Don't laugh, but that kind of makes you more real.

I'm quite real, Blaine.

I know.
Okay. First stop: North American Mammals. Why?

What does the note say?

It says I should go there to visit my friends.
...the squirrels, Kurt?! How very morbid of you.

What? Why?!

They're dead.

But they'll always be there. That makes them eternal.

Okay, I guess that's not the worst way to end up for a squirrel. I'll ask Watson about this tomorrow.
Second stop: Milstein Hall of Ocean Life, because “it's one of my favorite places to be in New York.” Really?

I dare you to sit down or even better, lie down and look up.

They let you do that?

Sure. The kids do it all the time.

And you?

And me.
No really, do it.

This is nice. I can see the appeal.
It's calming.
Wow, okay, I could stay here all day.
When do they close again?

This does make me quite happy, but you've still got a third and final stop.

Mhhhhhh. Just a little longer.

Are you mocking me now?

No!! I swear, this feels like therapy.
How come I didn't know about this?

I guess you're welcome?

Thank you.

Are you still there?


And you're actually lying down?


All this time?


They do close before 6pm, you know.

I know.
Remember when I said I was staring at my ceiling?


This is that, only SO much better.
Okay. Moving on. I can do this.
Grand Gallery, here I come.

This is the Christmas part of the treat.

I... I can see that.
How do you come up with these things, Kurt?

I didn't build the tree.

Can I open the second note now?

Yes, go ahead.

I just laughed out loud. People are staring.
I'm not sure I know how to do that.

There are people there to help you.

But it's mostly kids doing it!

And you're 5. You can do this.
Sorry, 5 1/2.

Does it have to be something specific?

Whatever you want. Just remember to send me a picture!

These kids are so much better than me, holy shit.
There's this amazingly talented girl next to me. I could steal hers and pretend it's mine.
She's side-eyeing me now, though.
Damn, my plan is flawed.

Come on.

This is my 4th try...
Okay, I admit that I had help. But I'm proud of this. Don't mock me.
An origami dog

I would never mock this! I'm impressed.

It could be Bradshaw. After he's eaten too much.

Or after he's rolled around in the grass instead of snow.

Grass doesn't do it for him.


This has been my favorite.

Your favorite treat?


I'm glad.
But I do hope that there's still room for a little more.

Always. Bring it on!

You bet. :)


Milstein Hall of Ocean Life
A large room in a museum with blue ambient light and a giant whale hanging from the cieling

Origami Holiday Tree / Grand Gallery
A large Christmas tree decorated with origami figures


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Kurt is both sassy and sweet. I disagree with BLaine's coffee sentiment--Kurt Hummel is all that is good in this world.

Hi!! First off, I just want to praise you because this fic is just brilliant. I would have never thought that texting could bring out such emotion in people or readers. So bravo :) Also, my question is if you have any resource for instructions on how to make the cute origami bradshaw i would love to make one for my klaine loving friend. actually i would make a whole bunch of them and pretend to have a whole family of dogs ;) just kidding. my friend would really love it because she loves this fic too. So if you don't mind letting me know. thanks so much.

omg! just looking at this place, i want to go there so badly. hopefully when i get to NY later this year. :D

This has been my favorite too ;)

What an amazing and adorable idea for a fic. Lovely.

I love this story this is my favourite chapter well one of the, there all so amazing its hard to pick x

woooooooooow this is totally amazing, i thought i was there. contining

woooooow!!! thise pics were freaking awesome!!!!! and i love that kurt is so awesome to him!!!! why cant his byfriend fall in a ditch? and then he and blaine can meet and then get together and make beautiful CRISSCOLFER babues, and then live happily ever after???? gah!!!!! i hlope they meet before this story is over.

woooooow!!! thise pics were freaking awesome!!!!! and i love that kurt is so awesome to him!!!! why cant his byfriend fall in a ditch? and then he and blaine can meet and then get together and make beautiful CRISSCOLFER babues, and then live happily ever after???? gah!!!!! i hlope they meet before this story is over.

I bet its a cool place.I seen it in movies.cute chapter