April 12, 2012, 9:36 a.m.
April 12, 2012, 9:36 a.m.
Not Mondays?
No, Tuesdays.
Do you like going against the tide in general or is that really how you feel?
I don't hate Tuesdays ironically. What am I, a hipster? I really just hate them.
Because they're pointless.
Care to elaborate?
So everyone knows what to expect when it comes to Mondays, right? You go back to work or whatever you go back to on your Mondays and it sucks but you know it's supposed to suck and that it sucks for everyone. You know how to deal with it and you've got some common ground. People like hating on Mondays. It's a group sport. And then it's over and you think “Hey cool, we survived another Monday.“ But then Tuesday comes around and the group sport is forgotten because “Calm down, it's just a Tuesday“ and it's useless. It's not the beginning of the week, it's not the middle of the week and good god, it's sure isn't the end of the week, is it? It just is. It just is and it sucks.
That was...
You read the word “elaborate“ and really went to town with it.
Are you sure this is a general thing?
So nothing out of the ordinary happened today? Nothing at all?
I think I liked you better when you were sunshine and rainbows.
Okay, maybe I don't feel like sunshine today. Maybe today I'm cloudy with sunny intervals. Would that still be okay?
And what about cloudy with outbreaks of rain?
Heavy rain?
Patchy bits of light rain.
Sure, yes.
How about full on hurricane?
Are you a hurricane, Blaine?
Not today.
Then let's cross that bridge when we get there.
Thank you.
What for?
For letting me elaborate.
Wed 12 Nov (1:03am)
Did you know that a squirrel loses its fur if you feed it only peanuts?
I did not know that!
Well, apparently it's true. And the peanut isn't even a nut.
Such wisdom at this late hour!
How do you know that?
I know things.
Did you google squirrels, Kurt?
I know things!
You totally googled squirrels. I don't know whether to be touched or appalled.
I do know things!
I'm very knowledgeable!
Okay fine, I googled it. I can't sleep and I do the stupidest things when I can't sleep. Happy?
Very. (Not about your insomnia though.)
What's your excuse? Wild party in the middle of the week?
If only! I have to hand in an essay by tomorrow...
But I'm printing it as I'm writing this.
Ouch. I'm gonna try sleeping, then. Again. Goodnight!
Good luck and goodnight!
(You should try counting squirrels!)
That's beneath me. Guess what I'm counting?
Ignoring the weirdness that is you in 1...2...3...
Tell me!
Puppies throwing up on you. It's not a pretty sight.
Cause that's not weird at all.
It's your life, Blaine. It's real.
I think you should go to sleep.
But they just keep coming! How can you live like that?
Wed 12 Nov (5pm)
I'm sorry about last night. I was up for 19 hours at that point.
Relax! I think it was adorable.
You think everything is adorable. You probably thought the puppy was adorable.
Sat 15 Nov (12:35am)
It's weird to not hear from you on a Thursday.
Is it weird that I think it's weird?
We already established your weirdness. Several times. Tell me something new!
It's going to snow tomorrow.
No it's not!
What are you, the weather report?
No, apparently that's you. And you're defective.
Okay, I'm gonna tell you something.
Remember Tuesday?
The day that will forever be known as Blaine-could-be-a-hurricane-day from now on?
It was “cloudy with...“ something.
And remember when I had this shitty week in October?
Well, yesterday was a continuation of that. I said I got dumped, right? It wasn't soul-crushing, it wasn't life-changing, I guess I didn't care enough for it to be much more than another unpleasantry in a week of unpleasantries (or maybe that's what I want it to be? If I were insane, I'd ask my mother to analyze me, but I'm not, so... we'll never know!) – but it still sucks to see your ex loving someone else up on campus just weeks after. While you're having lunch. On the bench next to theirs.
The situations you get yourself into...
I'm sorry.
I'm fine. Like I said, I guess it wasn't meant to be, but...
It's still less than ideal.
Did you confront her about it?
Thank you!!!
For once again making me laugh when I needed a laugh.
Okay, you were being serious, wow.
No, I didn't talk to him at all. I fled. With dignity. But yeah, I got out of there as fast as I could, without looking like a fool.
Oh? You don't think I can look anything but a fool, right?
No. No, I'm pretty sure you were as graceful as a racehorse stung by a wasp.
I guess I didn't want to assume.
Assume away.
Because it's true?
What is?
Blaine! You're ridiculous!
I'm also very gay. Happy?
Is it supposed to make me happy?
I don't know. I thought maybe it would.
Sorry. Too much?
I kind of set myself up for that one, didn't I?
On second thought, no. That crossed a line. I'm known for stupid jokes. Sorry.
Always the gentleman.
I keep forgetting that we don't actually know each other.
Weird, huh?
You were the one who wanted details a couple of weeks ago and now look what you got yourself into!
I know, I know. I'm established weirdness. I'm gonna shut up.
Look, it's fine. Let's forget about it. This was about you feeling crappy and wanting to talk about it and nothing else. That's okay.
And Blaine?
I have a boyfriend. So this doesn't have to be awkward.
Oh. Okay.
Phew. I thought I'd ruined this!
My one and only text message-friendship based on wrong numbers and puppies?
Yeah. That.
You'd have to try a little harder than that.
I'm gonna say goodnight for now, I've got a class tomorrow. Or today. Whatever now is.
On a Saturday?
Cruel, huh?
Very. I'd file a complaint.
Been there, done that. Goodnight!
Sleep well!
Sun 16 Nov (1:37pm)
How was Central Park?
Did you get lost?
Or maybe the squirrels got fed up with you trying to investigate their history and dragged you into their cave?
(Because squirrels live in caves, everyone knows that...)
Tues 18 Nov (8:17pm)
I hope your Tuesday was tolerable this time!
Thurs 20 Nov (3:04pm)
It wasn't! But I'm used to it, right? Thank you, though.
Who is this?
I thought we were past that?
And I thought you had manners.
Are you seriously randomly replying to a text I sent two days ago?
I'm sorry!
Yes well...
Are you mad at me?
Is that a question?
You are mad at me!
You could have been dead.
I'm not dead! I'm just having one of those weeks.
Did you really think I could've been dead?
Hurt by the squirrel mafia? Maybe.
There's no such thing!
Since when are you the sane person in this relationship?
You know what I mean.
Can I just say that I'm sorry and that it won't happen again?
That doesn't explain it, though!
You're not making this easy for me, are you?
I never said I was easy.
And I never said I was perfect.
Look, if you wanna be pissed at me for that, fine. But when did this start being a responsibility?
...Blaine, calm down. I was only messing with you. You're not obligated to anything here, you know that.
Okay good, cause I'm not gonna be around for the next week either and I don't want you to think that I'm dead and lying around in a ditch somewhere.
Shit. I'm sorry. Really really sorry. I'm tired, okay? I'm so very tired and things keep happening and... I'm sorry okay?
Do you want to talk about it?
No, it's fine. But can you give me a week?
great chapter
this story is very interresting and i need to read on
i think blaine is being abused or something......... weird... i must know whats happening next!!!! its awesome so far though!!!!!
This is hysterical. Thank you so much for writing this. It's making my life right now.
very cute