April 12, 2012, 9:36 a.m.
April 12, 2012, 9:36 a.m.
Oh lord. This is it. This is the last one. There might be a tear in my eye but shhhhh. Please please PLEASE put your spoilers behind a read more on tumblr! It sort of worked the last time, but I've still seen people getting spoiled. Thank you! I'll keep the rest for the end notes, because you'll probably just dive right in anyway. Enjoy!
Fri 6 Mar (6:01pm)
Maybe we should check on them.
Should we check on them already?
I think you should check on *me* again.
Did you really just send me that?
I don't know. I might be dreaming. Or you might be dreaming.
*We* might be dreaming.
Oh god. I thought Blaine was the dorky one.
It's what happens when you spend too much time with him.
And with you.
That was a compliment.
We'll work on your compliments.
Hey Kurt.
Will you be coming home tonight?
Shut up.
Is that a no?
That's a 'you're being ridiculous.'
How's it going?
Hi Rachel, this is Blaine. He refuses to text you back but Iksfjdgbhsdfn
I see.
Maybe I should get a hotel room for the night, just to mess with her.
That's how rumors start, Kurt.
True. It would be fun, though.
She deserves it, too. She tricked me.
I was in on that! We didn't trick you.
That's debatable.
...Do you regret it?
No, of course not.
It was a really nice afternoon.
It was.
Good luck with that stain.
You promised not to bring that up again. You *swore*.
What can I say? I told you before, birds aren't your friends, Blaine. No matter how many Disney movies you watch.
Outgoing call
“Tell me everything!”
“Hi, Wes.”
“Yeah yeah yeah. Spill! Was it really romantic? Was it everything you ever dreamed of? Was it awkw-”
“Do you age backwards?”
“Okay. I just...”
“I don't know what to say.”
“...You called me!”
“I know and I... but then... and-”
“Are you having a stroke?”
“I'm having a Kurtdown.”
“A... what?”
“It's like a breakdown, but with... Kurt. I don't know; it made much more sense in my head.”
“Is that something good?”
“Yes and no? I... Can you meet me at my door in ten? I need to walk Bradshaw and... You know. Talk.”
“Sure, but if you hang up on me right now, I swear-”
“Wes, I...”
“I know it's stupid and I'm doing that thing again where I rush into things and feel too much, but I... I think I... I think I could fall for this guy, Wes.”
“...Stop it! What?!”
“I'm hanging up on you right now!”
“You're... You're so precious... Oh god, I can't breathe.”
“You think you could fall for this guy?”
“I don't unders-”
“You're so precious, so precious; it's a miracle they didn't cast you in Lord of the Rings.”
“Shut up.”
“I'll shut up if you stop being blind.”
“God, could you be any more supportive?”
“Supportive is all I am. I support you and Kurt getting it on and-”
“Are you high?”
“No, but you are. ...Okay, I might be tipsy.”
“You're... Why?”
“There's no need to sound so condescending.”
“I was going for amused curiosity.”
“You were being judgemental.”
“And you're trying to distract me.”
“Fine. I celebrated.”
“About what?”
“About your epic display of love and the blossoming romance that is you and Kurt.”
“You're drunk, not tipsy. And...Wait. Alone?”
“Did you celebrate alone?”
“Oh, Wesley. We've got so much to talk about.”
“Shut up and get your bony ass over here. I'm already waiting by your door.”
“That is nothing but a lie.”
“No, I really am at your do-”
“I was talking about my ass.”
I know you're not with Blaine anymore. Come home and talk to me.
You're so scary sometimes, Rachel.
Come on come on come on.
What if I don't want to?
What if I come find you and hug it out of you?
...Ten minutes.
Sat 7 March (9:23am)
What are you doing?
What are *you* doing?
I'm still in bed.
What are you wearing?
I was... That was a joke. I'm joking!!! Because... Texting. And... Worst joke ever, Blaine.
Excuse me?
(Shhhh, this never happened.)
(Oh, okay.)
Hi. ;)
Would it be weird if I asked him out?
Good morning, my over-analyzing friend.
It would be weird if you *didn't* ask him out.
Yeah, but... Meeting him didn't change anything, did it? We're friends.
Blaine. What did you say to me yesterday? About him?
...That he was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen?
And what did I say?
'If you two don't get together by the end of the semester, I'm going to punch myself in the face.'
And then you said you'd punch me, too.
...You're really violent, Wes.
And then what did we agree on?
To get pizza?
We agreed on making it happen.
In what world didn't meeting him change anything?
I'm sleep deprived.
Because you thought about him all night?
Well then.
Starting over means silence?
Sorry, I was distracted.
But now you've got my full attention.
And now I have to run. Later?
Oh. Sure.
Do you tell Wes everything we talk about?
No, of course not.
Just checking.
Is there anything you want to tell me?
I want to see him again.
Sorry, sometimes a person just has to dance.
So ask him out.
Like... on a date?!
Yes, sure!
I don't know.
You don't know what?
What if he doesn't want to? What if regrets meeting me? What if I'm not his type and he wants to go back to just texting?
What if he made your brain all mushy just by looking at you with his dreamy eyes?
Omg, Rachel!!
Tues 10 Mar (10:23pm)
Outgoing call
“Remind me why I do anything ever.”
“I... What's going on?”
“Hell. I'm in hell.”
“That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?”
“You think?! Wes. Wes, why would anyone want to be with Frodo if they could have Legolas?”
“...Are you drunk?”
“Maybe? I found an old bottle of wine my father got me. I wasn't supposed to drink it until my graduation and... But that's not the point. The point is that I... What's the point?”
“Where are you?”
“Good, fewer opportunities for you to get lost. Now tell me what's going on.”
“I wanted to surprise Kurt.”
“Right. You told me.”
“Surprises are bad, Wesley, so bad. As bad as...”
“Shh, hey, come on. What happened?”
“He was there.”
“No. I mean... Yes. But he was there.”
“Who's Legolas?”
“How did you know it was him?”
“I heard them talk. I was... I didn't want to, but I couldn't move and then they both saw me and just stared at me and I ran.”
“Well, I didn't run. I hobbited off in the general direction of the next 'This is your life, Blaine Anderson; look how much you suck' exhibition sign.”
“Is that exhibition still running? I thought they'd taken those down by now.”
“No, it's back by popular demand.”
“All joking aside-”
“Who's joking?”
“All joking aside, that's nothing you should be riled up about.”
“I know! I'm pathetic...”
“I can't hear you when you hide your face in a pillow.”
“This pillow is a dog.”
“Same thing. Did you talk to Kurt after this?”
“No. My life is such a cliché. I'm going to have a show on Bravo someday.”
“I'd watch that.”
“Not funny.”
“Blaine, come on. Just talk to him; I bet it was nothing. You know they go to the same school and see each other sometimes.”
“Every day. We saw each other once and he hasn't asked to see me again.”
“Neither have you.”
“It's his turn.”
“Oh my god, how old are you?!”
“Uh-uh, don't even answer that. Take a shower, go to bed and call him tomorrow, okay?”
“What if I-”
“Nuh-uh. Tomorrow.”
“You called me for advice. This is my advice.”
“I called you to whine.”
“Go to bed, Blaine.”
“Okay. ...You're gonna rule the world one day, Wesley.”
“...Bed. Now.”
What does he look like?
Like a fashion model. I bet Kurt dresses him in his dreams.
At least he doesn't *undress* him?
Who's ready for bed now?!
Sorry. Too soon?
Yeah, okay, too soon.
Wed 11 Mar (1:23pm)
“Blaine... How many times do I have to call before you pick up?
“Whatever you saw, it's not... I don't want to say "It's not what you think," because that's a line people who cheat use and... Look, I don't have to explain myself to you, right? And there's nothing to explain. Just call me, please.”
Incoming call
“Oh thank god - I thought you were really mad at me and that you'd never contact me again after that message I left you. I was just worried; I didn't mean to sound rude. But I got scared that you... That you wouldn't-”
“Hi, Kurt.”
“Sometimes I just need time to clear my head.”
“Okay. ...Is it- Is it clear now?”
“I slept on it and I'm sorry that I overreacted. ...Which you don't even know because I never talked to you about it. I'm so-”
“No, it's okay. After all that's happened... I would've reacted the same way. Ethan just... We see each other a lot and I want to... Maybe 'friends' is the wrong word, but I don't want it to be that awkward anymore. We just talked about his mom and-”
“No, please. You were right; you don't have to explain anything to me. I'm not that guy. And we're not... I mean, we're not... God, why do you always turn me into a stammering idiot?”
“I have that effect on people.”
“You'll learn to live with it.
“...I mean, that's not... Uhm...”
“Oh, stop laughing. I was just distracted.”
“Distracted, sure. By me?”
“By... stuff.”
“Mhm. Try to be more convincing next time.”
“There's going to be a next time?”
“Are you planning to get rid of me?”
“No. Blaine?”
“What did you... Why did you come to my school?”
“Oh. I... I wanted to... I thought about stopping by... For coffee... I had coffee for you and me. Well, chai tea for you and coffee for me. Rachel told me about your schedule and I thought it would've been nice. To... To see you.”
“...Probably a bit too much. I'm not a stalker, I swear, and I won't do-”
“I would've loved that.”
“Yes. I was sad that you left so quickly.”
“You were?”
“...Oh my god. Were you dropped on your head as a child?”
“Excuse me?!”
“Do I have to spell it out for you?”
“Fine. Blaine Anderson, would you like to have coffee with me this week?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Is that a yes?”
“What? Oh, yeah. I mean, yes. Yes, I'd love to.”
“Great. Friday afternoon?”
“I've got class till 3, but I'm free for the rest of the day. ...Kurt?”
“Anything but Think Coffee, okay?”
“Um.. Sure, I would've suggested something else anyway. But should I be offended on Rachel's behalf? Their coffee isn't bad, ri-”
“Oh no, that's not it. I'm just a little traumatized. Somebody stood me up there once.”
“I'm joking! I'm totally joking.”
“Oh my god.”
“But yes, it would be nice to go somewhere else.”
“Of course. I'll text you the details.”
I've got a date I've got a date I've got a date!!!
With who?
Well done, sweetie.
I never said it was a date.
Oh god, what if he misunderstood me?
I'm sure he knows that you want to bang him.
And I'm sure he wants to bang you. You're quite bangable if I may say so.
You may not!!!
I think it's time for someone to step away from the coffee fumes.
I'm off duty.
So you're drunk.
Most certainly not.
Are you... Where are you?
Did you know that Blaine works out?
*Where* are you?
He looks really good with his shirt off.
I'm not rehearsing with you ever again. Ever. Washing my hand of all rehearsing duties as of now, do you hear me?!
Whoa, hey, calm down.
I'm at Wes's.
Shut up!!!
No, don't! Spill.
We're watching old Warbler videos. There's a lot of interesting backstage material.
Are you...?
How did *we* land ourselves two prep school boys?!
Excuse me - as far as I know, you haven't landed him yet.
Nice, just lovely. I'm in agony here.
No, you're not. You can't wait to see him again.
Our food just arrived. Are you going to be okay?
Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Love you!
Love you, too.
I think he could be good for you.
I think so, too.
It's March 11.
At least I think it is. It's all a bit blurry.
No, man.
I've got a date!!! :)
Does that mean what I think it means?
What does it mean?
That I don't have to kick your ass.
Anger issues are a serious matter, Wes.
Did you ask him?
No, he asked me.
Of course.
What if it's just a casual meeting?
It's not, trust me.
Why would you... Wait. What do you know?
Just go on your date and let it happen, Blaine.
Let what happen?
The magic.
...Are you okay?
Simply splendid.
When exactly did our idiot friends become a couple?
Excuse me??!
What oh???
I thought you knew.
Know what???
Calm down, tiger.
Rachel is with Wes as we speak and I think it's been going on for a little while.
...Why am I always the last to know?
Splendid, huh?
You call me as soon as you can, understood?
And you say you're my best friend.
I love you!
Save it for the talk.
And Wes?
Well done.
Did you say that in an angry voice as well?
Shut up.
Thought so.
Does that mean we're matchmakers?
Did we *do* anything?
Okay, Bradshaw is a matchmaker.
Are we talking about Wes and Rachel only or...?
I don't know. You tell me.
No, *you* tell me.
Shut up.
No, *you* shut up!
Thurs 12 Mar (3:45pm)
What if I packed my bags, stuffed Bradshaw into a box, and moved to France? I hear they make good pancakes.
And... uhm... what?
Sweetness, sweetness, I was only joking. (*)
When I said I'd like to smash every tooth in your head.
What's going on?
...You like The Smiths?
My mother loved them.
Always good for a surprise.
Loved them?
She died when I was a kid, but I remember her singing their songs around the house every now and then. I guess most of them are really melancholy, but they make me happy. They're good memories, some of the few I have of her. I loved her voice.
I'm sorry, why am I telling you all that?
Wait a second.
Just a sec.
What are you doing?
Incoming call
“Blaine, what are y-”
“Haven't you learned anything by now?”
(click link to play)
“...Are you still there?”
“Oh god, no. I didn't mean to make you cry. I was going for... Happy. You said happy and-”
“I'm not sad, Blaine.”
“No. I'm... I'm really happy.”
“Because of the song?”
“Because of the song. ...And because of... You. I'm happy because I've got you.”
“Can I... Can I see you now?”
“...Right now?”
“I know it's Friday tomorrow and I thought I could wait, but... I don't want to wait. I can't wait. ...Is that okay?”
“Is that... Of course it's okay! Where?”
“There's this coffee shop on 23rd between 7th and 8th. It's really tiny, but they make the best mocha in Chelsea.”
“I thought your dirty secret was that you don't drink coffee.”
“...Okay, first of all, dirty? Really, Blaine? And, well, I make an exception for their mocha once in a while. Don't tell Rachel.”
“Oh, so that's your dirty secret. You've got another coffee shop on the side.”
“Focus, Blaine.”
“When can you be there?”
“Hm... forty-five minutes?”
“It doesn't take that long to get to Chelsea from the Upper West Side.”
“First of all-”
“Ohhh, 'first of all.'”
“Shhh. First of all, you don't know where I live. Secondly, I've got things to do before I leave.”
“What kind of animal threw up on you now?”
“...My hair is a mess and I'm wearing sweatpants. That's the ugly truth. Happy?”
“Are you going to change into your top hat and tails for me? Oh, Blaine.”
“You're way too cheeky right now. Maybe we should wait until tomorrow.”
“It's probably just the adrenaline rush.”
“Adrenaline rush?! You'd think that meeting me is like going bungee jumping for you.”
“...Actually, that's... kind of what it feels like.”
“Are you nervous?”
“...We could wait until tom-”
“No. No, I'd really like to see you now. I...”
“Forty-five minutes?”
“Don't get lost.”
“I should be telling you that.”
“Very funny.”
I'm leaving my apartment.
I'm almost there.
Oops, ran into a tree.
Just one more corner.
Aaand I'm there. I'm saving you a seat.
Did you just livetext your walk to the coffee shop?
Yes. To give you the reassurance that you need.
I could send you a picture, too, if you need more proof.
It's okay.
I'm really here.
I can see that.
You're looking cute today.
Where are you? I thought we were having dinner together. :(
Change of plans.
Your school assignment?
No, something much nicer.
Don't be a tease!
That's what you get for being so secretive yourself.
Shhh. I'm busy.
Did you get home all right?
I'm not a little boy and I don't live in the shady area of the Upper West Side.
There's a shady area in the Upper West Side?
Maybe. We don't speak of the place.
I could get used to this.
To what?
To... us.
Well good, because you're not getting rid of me.
Is that a promise?
Fri 13 Mar (4:59pm)
I haven't heard from him all day.
Maybe he's too busy to answer.
I haven't texted him.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
It's not!
Sure is.
Are you waiting around by your phone?
No, I just... Oh god, yes, I am.
Just call him.
I don't want to be clingy.
Kurt, one of these days, this will have to stop.
I know.
Sat 14 Mar (1:01pm)
Incoming call
“You should've kissed him.”
“Next time you see him – kiss him.”
“And that solves everything?”
“Well, you're both going back and forth again. He's not sure about your feelings; you're not sure about his. And you're both too... I don't know, what are you? Scared? How can you still be scared after all that's happened?”
“We're still getting to know each other. We've only met twice after months of just texting. It's something we have to get used to, okay?”
“Okay, I'll give you that, but do you even talk about it?”
“About what?”
“The two of you.”
“...Not really.”
“Do you want to be more than his friend?”
“You know the answ-”
“And on Thursday when you saw him, did you want to kiss him?”
“...More than anything.”
“Then you should talk to him about that.”
“That I want to kiss him?!”
“That you'd like to be more than friends. ...Do you want me to write you some notes?”
“Shut up. I say the right things in the right moments.”
“Not funny.”
“A little funny.”
“Are you done?”
“Yes. Still going to the party tonight?”
“...Do I have to?”
“You promised.”
“Okay. I guess I'll pick you up at nine.”
“Okay. You know, you could fix your problem in the meantime.”
“Bye, Wes.”
“Hey, don't-”
No drunk texting tonight?
Wes took my phone.
Wait. Why are you asking me that?
I know that you're at a birthday party with Wes. Or should I say *were*? You seem to have gotten your phone back.
You'll always be the stalker in this relationship.
Excuse me?
I know how this all started. I was there.
You texted me first.
It wasn't my fault! It was his.
How can you blame such an innocent little puppy?
He's as big as a calf and he's drooling onto my sheets.
He's an excellent matchmaker, that's what he is.
Again, are you just talking about Wes and Rachel or...?
You tell me.
Not this game again.
'You!' - 'No you!'
Incoming call
“I'm sorry.”
“For what?”
“For being so distant over the last two days.”
“Oh, so that was deliberate?”
“Some of it? I was busy, too, but I... I'm not sure how to... After we met on Friday... Shit, I do need Wes's notes...”
“I can't do this over the phone.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Would you like to... Do you... Could we meet tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow morning?”
“In Central Park? ...I just... I've always wanted to walk through that park with you. And I think it's time for me to meet your dog.”
“How much sleep do you need?”
“I would meet you now if it wasn't-”
“Dark outside and a little creepy?”
“...I'm not creepy.”
“But parks at night are.”
“Would ten be okay?”
“Ten would be just fine.”
“Goodnight, Kurt.”
“Goodnight, B.”
I think I just made use of Blaine's drunken state.
I knew you had it in you.
Not what you think.
Or wait. What are you thinking?
Are you at home alone?
Then it's probably not what I'm thinking.
I... No, I'm ignoring that.
He agreed to meet me at Central Park tomorrow.
SO romantic!!!
No, it's lovely. Everything is falling into place. I'm so happy for you, Kurt.
I think you swallowed a pink kitten or something and it's talking for you.
Come on! This is something to be happy about.
A walk through Central Park doesn't mean anything.
KURT. Stop being so pessimistic!
He said he wants to talk to me in person. That it's something he can't say over the phone.
Rachel. He's going to tell me that I'm not what he's looking for.
Shhhh, I'm wondering how long it takes me to get home from here.
Because I need to smack you in all the right places, THAT'S WHY.
What exactly gave you such a stupid idea?
No, I'll tell you what. Your stupid fear of rejection and your stupid brain that still doesn't believe that good things *do* happen to you, which is obviously false, and your very stupid habit of thinking about these things after 12am, when we both know that after 12am is when your brain is at its most stupid.
...I'll just go to bed, then. Lick my wounds.
Congratulations, you just made a smart choice after 12am.
Congratulations, you know how to smack someone via text.
I'll make sure not to meet Blaine after 12am.
For now.
Sun 15 Mar (11:45am)
Hey Blainey! I need your best hangover cure asap.
Mmmhmm. All of them.
What was that?
Me punching the air.
Are you okay?
Did you... Or did he? Was it good? Was it everything you ever wanted? Was it sweet? Or passionate? How many times? With tongue?!
Would you stop and listen to yourself?
I need my voice of reason back.
It's gone.
They're back.
Kurt and Bradshaw.
They were gone?
Running contest.
Gotta go!
Tell me everything.
I mean it. It's – He's everything.
So I just saw someone and his dog cross the street and it reminded me of you.
You're ridiculous.
And you seem to be unable to text and walk at the same time.
And you seem to be unable to stop looking at me.
That's because I changed my mind.
I'd like to have lunch with you. Now.
Breakfast *and* lunch? Are you sure?
Yes, I know what I want. Stay where you are.
I told you you'd better get used to it. :)
~ The End ~
I can't believe I just wrote "the end" and not "tbc". I can't believe it says (20/20) and not (20/?).
Where do I even begin?!
I'd like to thank every single one of you - everyone who's been with me for these seven months (seven months, holy shit!) and everyone who's joined me along the way. When I posted the first chapter I thought that nobody would read this and you just blew me away. All the love, the support, the incredible artwork... I'm left speechless every single day.
I've met some of the loveliest people because of this story and I hope that you can see this final chapter as a little thank you.
To my lovely beta secret_chord25 - thank you so much for taking a chance on me and for being the fastest beta in the whole wide world. You've been nothing but patient and helped me shape this into what it is. I hope I didn't make too many mistakes. <3
Many many thanks to iloveweasleys, my own voice of reason. She'll deny it, but I probably would've stopped writing the story very early on if it wasn't for her. Thank you for always letting me yell and whine at you. If I could, I'd send you all the kisses from Wes.
I have to stop now, because I just can't describe how much all of this meant to me. *hugs every single one of you*
Thank you.
Music note: The song Blaine plays for Kurt is "There is a light that never goes out" by The Smiths. The two song lines the boys quote to each other are from their song "Bigmouth Strikes Again" and I linked to the lyrics right next to Blaine's line. I hope you didn't get confused.
I promised you my Little Numbers playlist (the songs that made me think of my Kurt and Blaine, the songs I listened to while writing this) and you're hopefully going to get it on the weekend. Look out for it on my tumblr. :)
OMG, its actually all over I'm glad my friend pointed me to this fic its one of the best i've read so far... Thank you! your writting is amazing, i hope one mine is as good :D *hugs* -Toastie
<img src="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lu4e6jo1Zr1qafrh6.gif" alt="some_text"/> An Amazing ending to an Amazing story!
kmvdncv.zM?D.kf nbcvnm.fsmxenbcvhd,jacrxr
it was so perfect. i couldn't ask for anything more. it was such a sweet ending. thank you so very much for writing this. it was the greatest experience. it's a little bittersweet to see the very first fic i read end, but i enjoyed it so much.
Oh my god. Another chapter of my life has just come to a close.This was so beautiful and perfect and amazing and adorable and fantastic and I am running out of adjectives to accurately sum up this story.You are incredible.Thank you so much for this.
Well done! I have so enjoyed this story and already know I'll be rereading it soon. Thank you so much for what you've given us!
Okay this was precious. It was a little confusing trying to figure out what happened at their meetings since you don't even do face to face dialogue but it fit the rules of the story.Fabulous ending!
oh wait what is this it cant be .. i want more ahh i was hoping we did see face to faces contact but of course texting is texting. we i assume they together happily eva after.. loved it
Wow. Just wow. This story is one of the best ive read and trust me, I've read a lot of fics. Just thank you so much for sharing your talent with us. I will be thinking of your story, of your Kurt and Blaine for a while, I'm sure of it. I also know that I'm gonna reread this fic many many time. Thank you for giving them the perfect ending they deserved.
kjkhs;kdgdASKajhJASD That is all. I will now go and collect my feelings from my laptop. /typing from the grave. Thank you so much for this story! I loved every bit of it. And well. Just. <3
I cannot believe it is all over:( I just joined this story a month ago, and I fell in love with how perfect it was! I just wish there was more to this perfection of a story:(
I... I don't want it to be over lol. That was... I can't even think of any adjectives that I haven't used to explain how utterly amazing this story is. I've toyed with the concept of texts and IM's in other works, but to write and entire story purely on them is brave and dare I say it, genius. I enjoyed every single minute I spend reading this. My hats off to you for doing such a wonderful job. :)
God, I LOVE this story and I'm both happy and sad it's over now (obviously I'm happy about the ending, not that there won't be any more chapters).But apart from going crazy over you having the amazing idea to write a whole fic in texts and calls, I was just wondering ... what are the odds of sending a text to a random number and - getting a reply - from a nice male - your age - who is gay (just like you) - and lives in the same city ???That seems pretty unlikely to me, but still this story was AMAZING, I've laughed so much and couldn't wait for the next chapter.And by the way, my favourite part was the "turn around before I change my mind"-scene. For the past few days after I read that chapter, I would just stupidly start smiling whenever I whought of it! <3 I hope you'll continue writing fanfiction and posting it on scarvesandcoffee.net
Oh my word. This was amazing. The whole fic was amazing. Thank you for writing such a wonderful story! :D xxxxx
-cries of how beautiful the story was-
thank you so much for this perfect story. i loved every moment of it!
Just one word, really - PERFECT!!! Thank you for a wonderful journey.
Oh crap ewingfvengvelkwnme. I don't think I've ever squee'd so much in my life. I feel like a friend just moved away or something. Kudos, so wonderful. (Sorry about that, words have deserted me)
(Applauding you) Well done, dear writer. It was a beautiful story. My only wish was I was hoping we'd get a live discussion, but that doesn't fit your story format. But I loved every minute of it. Makes me want to text my hubby more. Congratulations on a fantastic, well-written story that is kinda famous, at least on Tumblr. ;) I hope you keep writing. Enjoy every review, every rating, every moment of this time. You deserve it.
I just loved this whole fic so much, I'm so sad to see it end, but hey, I can't say I didn't love the ending :)
NOOO alsdkflk NOO YOU CAN'T BE DONE NOOO SDLKFLSDKF Kay, now that I got that out of my system.. That was beautiful. Gorgeous. Like, perfection. You did an absolutely amazing job with the story and I loved it so much. :D I would ask for a sequel just cause I love this verse and love your writing, but the ending was too perfect to add anything on. Which actually kind of saddens me xD
I. NEED. MORE! love this fic so much! assdfghjkl♥ and 15 March? Aaaa
CUUUUTTTEEE!! Oh God that was adorable. This is definitely one I'll have to go back and read again sometime. I seriously just love you.
I'm crying so hard right now. :')
This was so amazing. Emotions were definitely present in my chest, while i was reading this. I could actually feel my heart clench when kurt told blaine they should stop. fantastic! the only thing i felt i was missing, was when ever they met. Also, the music choices were sublime! (;
Can I describe how much I love you - how much I love this story? I don't think I can. I don't think anyone can. I think that to measure my love for you, I'd have to use another language. But no language that I know of have words which can describe it. So I guess I'd have to use a language outside of earth. But I'm no astronaut, so that will be impossible. All I can say is this; thank you. Thank you so much.
I don't know when you posted the last chapter, but I just read it. You had me at ... I hope you will write an epilogue! Writing in text messages left a lot to the imagination so I felt engaged. Thank you for writing this fic!
OMG...I just....I can't...Wow..I read it all...in one night...I mean the songs were all perfect and...ASDFGHJKL...I'm crying now...than you very much haha ;) Awesome sweetie...like really...you are amazing..and this fic is flawless..perfect!!! GBY!
It's crazy not having a 'next' button to click, I really enjoyed that, it was so different and unusual! Thank You <3
OMG, this story is so amazing. Brilliant writing, and storyline. I loved it. This is absolutely going to be one of my favorites. Without a doubt. ^^
this was the best best best story, thank u 4 writing it i really enjoyed reading it/ i could put it down so to speak.
I loved this. Great job.
loved it!! :) couldn't stop reading it so i read it within a few hours haha :D great story <3
Amaziiiiiing ! :) Good job !!!
I absolutely love this story! I love the music and pictures you added to make it all more real. I love all the thought you put in. Wonderful.
i read this srory in one sitting. it was AMAZING!!!! i cant believe its over! its def one of my favs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for doing this fanfic it was TOO amazing I was addicted to reading it! I love how it was all txts and phone calls made it very different! Would of loved it know what happened more when they met :( but i cant complain when i loved it so much! Was so sweet And cute! Wish there was more! :) Lots of love sent your way! :3 <3
Do you want to know how many times I've read this story?So many times that I've even quoted it to my friends in real life without actually realizing it till a week later.It's absolutely perfect.