Little Numbers
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Little Numbers: Chapter 1

T - Words: 747 - Last Updated: Apr 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jan 19, 2012 - Updated: Apr 12, 2012
20,089 1 53 2 1

Thurs 2 Oct (2:33pm)
Hey, would you mind meeting me at 4 instead of 3? A dog just threw up on me (no, really) and I have to make a detour.

a) Who is this? and b) Why do we have a meeting? and c) How does that even happen? Mostly a) though.

Oh god, sorry! New phone, wrong number! Never mind.

I'm never gonna hear that story, am I?

You're oddly interested for a stranger. It's not even that great a story.

What can I say? I'm stuck in an exceptionally dull class. You could've been my savior.

Pay attention, you might get something out of it! Gotta run! Sorry again.

...are you a teacher? Anyway. Goodbye then, puppy magnet!


Thurs 9 Oct (2:30pm)
So yesterday I saw a dog throw up on the streets. It reminded me of you.

...Who is this?

Your wrong number from last week.

Bored again?

Ah so you *do* remember me! It's 2:38pm on a Thursday; of course I'm bored.

What's at 2:38pm on a Thursday?

History of Fashion lecture.

That doesn't sound as boring as “normal” history.

Believe me, it is, especially when you've known this stuff since you were 3. So yes, I've got nothing to do and your number popped up in my text history.

You're weird.

You're the one who dances with dogs.

Again, you're weird.

And yet you keep replying. What does that say about you?

Should I change my phone number? Are you gonna come find me at night and cut me open while there's creepy opera music playing in the background?

Wow. Should I change *my* number?

I dunno, you tell me. A puppy thought I was worth puking on. Maybe that makes me detestable.

Detestable in that puppy's eyes, sure, but full on serial killer? I'm not too worried.(2:57)What *did* you do to that puppy?

Can't let it go, can you?

You brought it up. Don't blame me.(2:59)
You've got 5 more minutes.

What and then you'll vanish?

You wish.(3:03)
Time is ticking!



?!? My name is Blaine.

Okay, sure, why not.

You're not gonna tell me your name are you? I knew you'd be the serial killer in this equation.

See you same time next week, Blaine!

...Now I just feel used.


Thurs 16 Oct (2:20pm)
Hey Blaine.

Do you just like saying my name or...?

Oh there you are. Hi!

Hello, Wrong Number.


(2:30)Is there something you want?

(2:31)Start where we left off. I'm still waiting on that dog story.

And I keep telling you there's no actual story.

You do know that by refusing to tell me you're just building it up, right?


Someone's in a crappy mood. You didn't have another puppy throw up on you, did you?



(2:38)What? No!


Are you on crack?

Hardly. Caffeine maybe. Gotta get through this lecture somehow. The prof doesn't like it if we fall asleep.

I wonder why.

Wanna tell me what's going on?

From serial killer to therapist?

Is there a difference?

Hey now.

You're not a therapist, are you?

No, but my mother is.

I'm sorry.

For insulting my mother or for the fact that she's a therapist?

Does it matter?


Come on.

Maybe you should just focus on your lecture for once.


Excuse me?

My name.

Sure, why not.

Oh you think you're clever now.
All right, we're not strangers anymore. Spill.

Technically we're still strangers.


Just go back to your lecture or whatever you did before you starting using me as a distraction, okay?

Wow, okay.
Sorry if I upset you.


Thurs 23 Oct (2:25pm)
Hey... I'm sorry. About last week.

Well, hello. Sticking to our usual time slot, I see?

It's our thing!

We have a thing?

(2:28)Apparently we do.



About last week.

Oh. Yeah... I was having a crappy week.

And it's better now?

I guess.

My offer still stands.

Do we really wanna do that?

Do what?

Details. Personal... stuff.



Why do you keep texting me?

You keep texting me!

“No you keep texting me!” Seriously, Blaine? And you started this time. So why?

See, that's what I don't know!


Look... okay you know what? I'm behind on half of my courses (yeah, I'm a student... details!), my workload is insane, I'm really starting to freak out because what if I can't keep up, this was supposed to be easier... one of my professors is a biased pervert, AND I got dumped last week.
Is that really what you wanted to talk about?
I didn't think so.
Shit, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you all... that.

Did it cheat on you?


The puppy. You said you got dumped. Did it cheat on you by throwing up on someone else? Happens to the best of us. I'm sure it's not personal.
...I'm sorry. That was inappropriate.

Thank you.

Are you holding up a huge sarcasm sign I'm not seeing or...?

No, I'm serious. That actually made me smile.


Really, Kurt? A smiley face?

What? I get ineloquent when I'm insecure.

Insecure? Aw.

Oh shut up.

There you go!

Sorry, gotta run. Class dismissed. Next week?



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This fic is everything that is good in the world. I have so much love for it. Just. Asdfghjkl. I wish I could rate it higher than 10!!!

I love this so much, it's just so cute! I got very worried when I saw you accidentally deleted it! So excited for our boys to meet sometime soon!

What schools are you having Kurt and Blaine go to in the story? I'd love to know for my imagination :)

So, I'm pretty sure that I've review before, but I just have to say Q'WELK SG'FAS[DGEL;A/LSDV;DVN! This is the most wonderful story ever! Oh, and I have one more little thing to say. Me and my friend are in a creative writing club at school, and are teacher gave us this link ( for pictures to inspire writing. Only earlier that day, I had enlightened her on the joys of Little Numbers. We both got to picture 27 of the slide show and freaked out because just minutes before, my friend had been reading the story and quote about how squirrels lose their fur if you feed them only peanuts. I'm just going to say how perfect this story is again.

Thank you for re-posting it! I was wondering where it went!! Let me just say this, this story is a-maaaaaaaaa-ziiiiing. I love it. Seriously like, it's one of the few stories I really follow attentively, it's my new drug! I never thought I'd love it that much but hey, here I am! And I can see I'm not the only one! I'm really, really excited for the next chapter, thank you for all your amazing work! :)

hard to follow

I had to know what all the rave about this was youre all over my dashboard today. And so far way better then Go Your Own Way (the other fanfic all over my d-board)

When I first read that this story was going to be entirely in text message format, I wondered if it would be hard to follow and read in that format. But it's not hard at all, it's amazing! I love theynway you write dialogue between Kurt and Blaine and that you have included Rachel and Wes too! Thanks a lot for writing and posting. Now we need an update where they meet!

where did chapter 13 go? i didnt read it:(

Where is the newest chapter - chapter 13??? I need to see what happens when they meet! BTW Darren's StarKid friend Brian Holden sent this tweet Saturday night - (2/2) "Hey. Would you mind meeting me at 4 instead 3? A dog just threw up on me (no, really) and I have to make a detour." People immediately recognized it as being from the KLAINE fanfic Little Numbers!

Thanks to your story, I am now obsessed with Philip Glass.

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Whyyyy end there?! This is too much! -_- Blahhhhhhhg!

I think Bradshaw is on the episode of 'Castle' tonight!

I've been following this on lj and am downright charmed by the dang thing. Beautiful!

Hahahaha this is great never read somthing like this so true to real life texting

THIS ! I'm so exited to read the next chapter, going from tears to laughter reading your fic!

Hey, I absolutely love this fic, but I just wanted to let you know that the formatting for chapter 1 is a little out and it makes it difficult to read. But still, I freaking adore it either way, so thank you so much for writing it!!

100 Reviews!!! I have to text my friend Lynn when I see there is an update to this story. Thanks so much for posting! Did Blaine have a birthday?

Need more like aaiiirrrrrrr.

o my god o my god ... i read all of it continuously for the last 3? hours my head is about to explode and i neeeeeeeeeeeeed the next chapter .. usually i go for the M rated but i loved this one i mean LOOOOOOOOVE

I hate you for not finishing this... D: It's such a sweet way of writing, and I love you. Please write more. Pleeeeeaaaaaase <3<3<3

God bless this story. That's all I really have to say, but it's one of the most captivating and unique ones to come out in a long time. Thanks do much for sharing this story with us.

Loved the chapter! But why does the update doesn't show in the tracked stories tab? I came to read the new chapter because I read people on Tumblr flailing over it... but it doesn't appear updated here. If I wasn't on tumblr I would have missed it :(

I think your story is awesome) I hope there's gonna be a next chapter tomorrow. Cause when you read in-progress stories waiting is the worst.Thanks for a great story so far.

Easily one of my favorite fics I have read in the Klaine fandom so far! I just love how simple the story line is. Can't wait until the next update! <3

Dear Author, I apologize for my comment about Blaine's character. Please accept my apology. Thank you for writing this fic!

This is the Cutest Story ever! I seriously Have squealed so loud at moments. I love reading this because I can actually believe it is them talking. They actually sound like they would talk. They are so smart. You are an amazing writer! I can't wait for an update. Please just Break up with Ethan Kurt and LOVE BLAINE!

This feels less like a fan fic and more like something that's happening to friends. I'm forever hoping someone's gonna call me with gossip about Kurt and Ethan, or maybe Blaine will call and ask me to check in on Bradshaw. So refreshing and well done, just goes to prove fics don't need to be smut to get noticed. (Not that I'm above the smut too:) )

This is amazing so far! LOL I am totally reading the rest of this story. Ta-ta for now

Three words. BEST. FIC. EVER. Simple.

wow i have done this befor in my life XD ok i love this fic

this is my first time reading this .pretty good

Can't wait for more!

Omg!! You had me in tears. I listened to the last piano piece as i read on after and it was like i was watching a movie in my head! AMAZING. Love this story so much and will miss it when its gone.

THEY FINALLY MET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI almost had a heart attack when Kurt tried to run away again :'(

I've just read this for a second time and I'm crying but I seriously don't know what I'm crying about. this really is just perfect ♥


Ok. Don't listen to the last review. They are extremely rude. This story is amazing, and I really really hope you update soon. I'm sorry that last review was so terrible, I don't get why people are like that. You're writing is amazing, keep up the good work!

Okay, so this was the fanfiction that introduced me to the fabulously fantastic world of fanfiction (now i'm reading and reviewing and even writing and like...whoa. Weird!) and I just want to say thank you. Thank you for this precious, creative, adorable, wonderfully written work of perfection. I loved every moment of it! Well done! Bravo! Brava! Grazie :)

I just registered myself on this site just so I can leave a review on this story.I read it yesterday in one go... till 3 AM in the night.And I'm still smiling everytime I think about it!This story was kind of a present for me. Absolutely amazing and breathtaking.The style was unusual but I got used to it pretty quickly and the pictures you involved where taking me on a journey. Like I had experienced the whole thing myself...And then I reached the part with the piano songs... Oh my god you have no idea what that did to me! I was sitting in my living room all alone at night and was listening to the songs while I was reading your beautiful, MAGNIFICENT story and was just being... happy.Thank you sooooooo soooo much for writing this story and completing it with all the pictures and songs.It at least made my day... totally... if not my whole week!This story is really a treasure. One of the best stories I've ever read (and that says a lot because I'm reading fictions since I was 14 and I'm 25 now).Again... Thank you!PS: But I have one question left... Is Bradshaw your Dog or did you just take pictures from the internet? ;)

I liked this story for the things you left out. It allowed me to use my imagination to fill in the 'rest of the story.' I liked the format of text messages. I had been reading this all along and somehow forgot to check when the last chapter was posted. I finished it last night. You made me smile! Now I want to read it all over again and pick up more nuances. Thanks for writing a captivating story!

this! is.! hilarious!!!!!! how do we know that darren reasd this? did he review or something? if so, you are sooooo lucky!! but either way, this is hialrious and awesome!! twitter has been talking about your story all morning by the way, in case you didnt know! jackie

awesome, hilious, can't wait to see what is coming next

ok Im going to finish your story,Im giving your 400th review.I hope your happy.all my friend want to know.Are you going to do sequel?I wish this story was longer.

This was on of the most beautiful stories I have ever read... The way you have written it in textmassages made it feel so real and all the pictures and music you put in! Everything just matched so perfectly!! The storie is so so wonderful! I laughed, I had fear, I nearly cried and than laughed again!!! Thank you for an wonderful day filled with a bunch of emotions!!! Lot's of Love! Franzi <3

best ever! perfect idea. and i loved how you used their personalities. it really seemed like a conversation that klaine would actually have. i litterally cried a little bit when i realized i had one text left til the end of the story. please write more, you are very talented, and this was the first story i read on this site- really made me want to read more.

I read Little Numbers last year. And from time to time I read some chapters again. It&acute;s amazing, it&acute;s funny and romantic, it makes you a little angst sometimes and you can&acute;t stop reading. It&acute;s hard to name just one klaine fic as the best one, but for me, Little Numbers is one of the best. I really think all klainers should read it. =)