Seventeen Again
Chapter 1 Story
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Seventeen Again: Chapter 1

T - Words: 2,450 - Last Updated: Jan 04, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Created: Jan 04, 2013 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
452 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: The first part in bold is a Flashback of the football game then the bit which isn't in bold after is back to the present time, six years later.


Flashback - The Football Game:

The bright light shined upon his face, adrenaline pumping through his veins, breathing heavily as the final whistle was blown. Getting into position, he looked round at the large crowd, who had uncharacteristically gone silent. His heart was racing, breathing in the crispy air surrounding him. As the light started to dim, he blinked hardly, moving his arms over his eyes not used to being in utter darkness. After a brief technical fault the lights appeared back on, and the players who had been making their way through the darkness steadily made their way back to their original spots.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes focused back to the short and curly haired boy in perfect sync. He felt a lot of pressure, as his mind wandered; filled with uncontrollable thoughts. Swallowing, he looked towards the ball, sweat dripping from his forehead before another player managed to speak up, breaking the peaceful yet awkward silence, "Well come on then! What on earth are you waiting for?"

The other player scraped some mud of his boots, before looking up and swinging his arms back and forth impatiently. Blaine licked his dehydrated lips, looking towards the tall blonde who stood only inches apart from him. He said nothing, just simply took a step back, about to kick the round ball. Then he stopped.

Everybody's jaws dropped in confusion, as Blaine turned round staring at the side of the pitch where Kurt was stood, his eyes sparkling in the darkness.

From the other side of the pitch, another player seethed angrily. "What the bloody hell is he playing at? He's in the middle of an important game for god's sake! And all he cares about is that boyfriend of his!"

To say that everyone was confused would be an understatement, everyone was completely confused. This was Blaine's final football game of his high school years; it was his chance to show the middle aged woman, with a long grey ponytail in the audience, that he could get into the college of his dreams. After being captain of the McKinley football team for two years straight, and winning many trophies for the team, this was it. This game was going to change his life, forever.

Soon, everybody was furious. The coach ran a hand through is hair nervously, wondering what was going on. One of the players in the opposing team was about to ask him if he was going to kick the ball, but it was too late. Forget the name, Blaine Devon Anderson, because you won't be seeing it at football games in future games to come. Blaine ran towards Kurt rapidly, who was also very shocked, his hand covering his mouth.

"Come on then." Blaine looked at Kurt as he gestured for him to follow him.

As they made their way through to the corridors of McKinley, Kurt started to yell. "Blaine, what on earth are you doing? Are you stupid?" Kurt screamed, shaking his head angrily.

"Hey, don't be mad at me! I did this for you, so that you can stay here and look after your dad while I'm by your side, or I could just run back out there, get into college in New York and not be there for you. How does that sound?" He punched a locker, before turning back round, sliding down onto the floor.

Kurt clenched his fists. "I'm not mad about that, I want you to stay, Blaine! I really do, but you could've at least made the decision of staying in Lima before the game started, instead of letting all the team down!" A tear came from his eye, but he didn't even wipe it away, he just let it run down his cheek.

Blaine tried to breathe properly, but he had a sickly feeling in his stomach. "Kurt, I'm sorry. I really am, and I didn't want to give up my dreams either, but I did it for you Kurt. You know why? It's because I love you, Kurt. And, the thought of me going to New York without you just killed me. At the start of the year, it was all going to work out. You were going to come with me to New York, you were going to work somewhere to do with Fashion or even go to NYADA. But then, it got towards the end, we had everything planned. But then your dad got cancer, and ever since then everything has turned upside down and I don't know what the hell to do! Part of me wants to go back, but the other wants me to stay here. With you." Blaine lifted his head up high, looking into Kurt's eyes, even though his vision was blurry from all the tears.

"I love you too, Blaine. I think it's too late to go back to the game now though, there's no turning back. You've already screwed it up for yourself. I'm sorry." Kurt sat next to him, resting his head on his shoulder.

"I don't care, as long as I get to be with you." Blaine replied, grabbing his pale hand and just staying there with him for a moment, feeling the soft brown hair collapse on his shoulder, the tips tracing against his neck every so often, sending small shivers down his spine.

Despite giving up his dreams to be with the love of his life, Blaine Devon Anderson had a perfect future to come with his boyfriend, or so they say.

Moving sleepily through the glass door, Blaine struggled to carry the thick books which were piled up randomly in his hands, he sighed slamming them on the table before the lifting the half drunken coffee cup off the top and taking a long sip.

"Tired?" His boss asked curiously as he sorted through some folders on his desk.

Blaine pulled out his chair, slouching into it, his arms crossed. "Do I look tired?" He asked sarcastically.

His boss said nothing, just simply handed over a red plastic folder to him, "It's the plan for our next project, unless you're here to moan about how tired you are, I suggest you get working on it." He smirked, walking to the other side of the room jotting down notes on some scrap paper.

A short chubby man, in his forty's then gently dropped his copy of the folder onto the table. "I suggest that for this project we have the building be built on the upper west side of Lima, that way-"

He was interrupted by the tall man at the front of front of the room near the whiteboard, "Wait, a minute please, Charles. Before we go onto the project, I have an important announcement to make."

Everyone's head turned to pay attention at this point, including Blaine who was highly interested. Charles, who was clearly disappointed about the interruption considering he always had something to say just flicked through the pages of his folder lazily; skim reading through the information as he took a bite out of his bagel which made Blaine grin a little.

"Now, as you know, I'm leaving in early December for my retirement and because of that I will need somebody just as smart and just as sexy, to take my place." The room erupted into laughter, as Blaine was confident that it would be him.

I mean, why wouldn't it be him? He'd only worked his ass of for six years to get in the position he was in now, and the way he worked was exceptional, he put great effort into every project he got given and took time and care into it, all this besides coming home to his gorgeous husband and helping him look after his very strong father, who had managed to last six years with terminal cancer and had put up a pretty good fight.

Blaine waited for the name to be called out, drumming his fingertips on the edge of the table.

"So, I've chosen a hard working, amazing and focused young man." His boss smiled, looking around the room confusing everyone, making sure that he didn't make it to obvious before he even said it.

"And the person who will be taking my place is, Blair Roberts!" The table applauded him loudly, all except Blaine who was very disappointed. He looked up to Charles who was sat opposite him. "Oh give me that bagel." He chewed on the bagel angrily, before the meeting finished.

Only a few moments later, the doors flung open slamming against the wall and almost making Blaine jump out of his seat rapidly. "Careful, they're glass doors." Blaine raised his eyebrows as he finished clearing up the items on his part of the desk.

"Sorry, I was just wondering if you were mad about the whole Blair situation. I know you've been wanting this a long time; it's just that you were so busy at home all the time and well, it made you late to most meetings. Don't get me wrong, the work has been outstanding, but your attendance needs to improve, Blaine." His boss glared at him angrily.

Blaine rolled his eyes. "Don't you think I know that? I'm completely aware alright? I'm completely fucking aware; don't you know how hard this is for me? Why don't you come to my house and help my husband's father who has cancer while trying to finish some projects for work? Why don't you do all that while trying to fit in some free time with your husband? Why don't you come to my house and look after your kids after all the other things you need to do? At least then you'll know how fucking hard it is for me. Look, I'm sorry alright, it's just that this was meant to be my chance and Blair has loads of letters in the name Blaine and it really teased me! So I'm just very pissed of right now." He ran a hand through is hair, realising what he'd just done.

"You're fired." His boss adjusted his glasses before crossing his arms.

"Excuse me?" Blaine's mouth dropped wide open.

"I said you're fired, Blaine. You are fired." His boss repeated.

Blaine tried to hold back his tears while shaking his head. "No, no. Please, no. You can't do this. Please, you don't know how much I need this job, I need it for my husband and his father, and I screwed up my college dreams to be with my husband and now I've lost my job? I'm begging you; please don't do this to me. If you make me lose this job then my life is ruined, I'll have no money. You don't understand how important this is now please just let me have one more chance." He swallowed, his heart almost flying out of his chest.

"I'm sorry, Blaine. You're fired."

Blaine nodded lightly, "Y-yeah. I- I understand, sir." He packed away all of his things into a box he'd found on a shelf nearby, including the half drunken coffee cup he'd been drinking during the meeting. He walked swiftly out of the room, saying no word just feeling dizzy, yet frustrated. The tears started to build up in his eyes as he just wanted to run away, and get out of there. He regretted everything, shouting at his boss, giving up his college dreams, just everything.

Finally, he returned home, where Kurt was stood; painting the garden fence. "You're home earl- Blaine honey, what's wrong?" Kurt winced in sympathy, dropping the paintbrush back into the pot, running towards Blaine and placing a hand on his face. But Blaine didn't react back; he just stood, letting the tears fall down his face.

"Blaine, please." He wrapped his arms round his waist, "What happened, Blaine?"

Instead of replying, Blaine lifted up the small box in his hand which contained some papers from work, a large photo frame with a picture of him and Kurt on their wedding day, a coffee cup and some paper clips. Blaine looked down as more teardrops fell from his eyes.

"Oh." Kurt responded, pulling Blaine into another tight hug. "Why did he fire you?" Kurt asked.

"He's, he's retiring and uh, well. He handed his job over to that Blair guy instead of me, but at first I thought he was going to say Blaine because B, L, A and I are in Blaine. But he didn't. He said Blair and I got pissed off about it and had a huge go at him and now I really, really regret it." Blaine drifted off in his thoughts, feeling extremely bad about himself.

"How are we supposed to get money?" Kurt asked in realisation.

"We can't, unless you get a job, of course." Blaine suggested, shrugging his shoulders a little.

"Blaine, I can't! I have to look after my dad. He's probably going to be gone, soon. And I want to spend my last minutes with him instead of coming home from work one day and finding him dead." He replied, rubbing his eyes showing that he'd clearly had a tiring day.

"And I understand that Kurt, I really do! But, we'll have no money. We barely have any left now because I've got fired two days before my payday! And I can't get a new job because I'm a fail at everything other than football and the job I'm currently doing, so how will I cope with any other job?" Blaine shouted as his cheeks flushed purple.

"Are you blaming this on me? Blaine, it was your choice to stay with me in Lima, if you were going to be so damn unhappy then why did you stay!" Kurt yelled, clenching his fists.

"I did it for you! I gave up my dreams for you; can't you just be grateful for one minute? I could've gone to college and played football and been known all around the world. You always knew how much I wanted to show them bullies in school that I'm better than them, and when I finally had the chance I gave that all up, for you." Blaine screamed furiously.

Kurt was fuming, his heart pounding like the beat of a drum as he held the bridge of his nose. "I'm sick of you always blaming this on me! Just because you fail at something it doesn't suddenly make it my fault, alright? I'm sick of this Blaine. I, I want a divorce."

 "You what?" Blaine felt like he was physically going be sick as sadness surged through him with an extreme amount of power. His whole world was collapsing and he had to stand there and watch it happen. All his dreams, all his hopes and all his love had been demolished in such a small amount of time.

"I want a divorce, Blaine."

The words repeated again, making Blaine die inside. He'd lost everything.

"You know, sometimes I wish I could just start my high school years all over again!"



End Notes: Hi.I'm sorry if the writing's not the best, I'm simply doing this because it's an escape since my life is pretty much a living hell, when I'm writing I forget about my life and everything around me and I'm just focused on writing. So, of course you can give me critisism, I mean everyone gets it but please don't say "You shouldn't be writing on here, come back when you're sixteen and a better writer" because I may not be any J.K Rowling but it's what I love to do and I'm not exactly expecting reviews anyway.:)


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I love it... please write a new chapter soon!

get anther chapter up soon please! :D


This was really good. I haven't watched the movie before but I have a general idea of what happens so I understand what is taking place so far in the story. I also think the story is probably better than the movie because Kurt and Blaine make everything better. I can't wait to see what happens next and I love the picture that you used for the story.