Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
“Hi,” Blaine said. He was hoping to avoid Kurt as much as possible, after his dream last night he was finding it hard to concentrate on anything but wanting to rip Kurt's clothes off and devour him completely.
“So how did you like the song?” Kurt asked, smiling and staring at him intently with his blue eyes.
“It was good, you're very talented,” Blaine gushed. Kurt laughed a little.
“I know, thank you,” Kurt responded. Blaine laughed slightly and brought his hand back to rub his neck in a nervous manner.
“Kurt... Do you have, um, any free time today?” Blaine asked, letting out a shaky breath.
“No. Nothing at all.” Kurt said back quickly and backed off a step from him.
“What about after school? Just for... ten minutes or so,” Blaine suggested. He had to finally ask him, even though he really didn't want to. He just needed to know!
“No free time today whatsoever, okay bye.” Kurt said. Now it was his turn to dismiss Blaine. Blaine sighed.
The girls got up and did their performance of 'Wannabe' by the Spice Girls, which was also very good and very energetic. Blaine liked subbing for glee club, it was a nice break from serious work.
The bell rang and the students filed out, all but Kurt and Mercedes. That was the girl from his English class, he knew her name now because he overheard it in glee.
“Kurt, I need to ask you something,” Blaine said. Kurt continued to pack his stuff away.
“I'm going to be late,” Kurt responded, trying to make a break for it. Blaine stood in his way.
“I'll write you a note. Mercedes, could you give us a moment, please?” Blaine asked. Kurt stared at her with full eyes, mouthing the words “Don't go!” to her.
“Um, sure Mr. A. Kurt, I'll see you in math, okay?” she said. Kurt just squeaked as a response and he heard the choir room door slam.
“Kurt, sit down,” Blaine said. Kurt sighed as he did so. “I know,” Blaine said. Kurt's head snapped up to him and his eyes bored into Blaine's.
“Know... what?” Kurt asked, testing him.
“I know that I used to babysit you, okay?” Blaine confessed. Kurt's head dropped into his hands and Blaine's eyes went wide. Oh my God! My dream is coming true! he thought.
“Kurt, shh, it's okay,” Blaine soothed him, but not going any closer.
“This is. So. Embarrassing.” Kurt whined and lifted his head. Blaine was confused.
“Wait... You're not crying?” he asked. Kurt raised an eyebrow.
“Crying? Why would I be crying?” he questioned. Blaine shrugged because he thought it would be a better response than 'Well, last night I had this dream that when I brought this up, you started crying and then we starting getting it on, so I just expected it.'
Yeah, that probably wouldn't really go down well.
“Why is it embarrassing?” Blaine asked.
“Because I had the biggest crush on you as a kid,” Kurt blurted out and then covered his mouth. “Oh my God! Just kill me now! Please!” he said, standing up. “I have to go,” he announced before running out of the choir room.
Blaine was alone again and just sat there, staring at the floor.
He had a crush on me? Blaine thought, I can't really remember any tell-tale signs of him liking me. Then again, I was about 13, would I really notice it if a 7 year old boy liked me?
Blaine closed his eyes. This really was far too much to take in on his first week. He sighed and made his way back to his classroom, happy to finally be alone.
He leaned�back in his chair, closed his eyes and sighed in content. Peace at last. His peace, sadly, was short lived as his phone started to ring. He looked at the screen that read 'Amy'. He picked up.
“Yo, idiot what's up?” she asked over the line. He sighed and laughed a little. Amy had called him idiot from the first day she met him, ever since she walked in when he was hanging a shelf and saw that he was holding the hammer backwards.
“Kids just screwing with my life, what about you?” he asked.
“Just boned a guy,” she replied. Blaine laughed, she wasn't exactly prude about that sort of stuff.
“Amy! It's 10:30am,” Blaine choked out whilst laughing.
“Ah, it's a slow morning, sue me,” she replied. “So, how's your boner?” Blaine groaned and he heard Amy laughing. “Dude, no seriously. It was like, staring at me. I think I'm gonna need therapy."
“I think you've seen enough of them not to need therapy, slut,” Blaine replied. Amy faked shock with a gasp.
“Well, Mr Anderson. I am offended,” she joked and started laughing.
“Ugh,” Blaine groaned, “please don't call me Mr. Anderson!” Blaine rolled his eyes, automatically thinking of Kurt and bringing back all the stuff he wanted to forget, just for an hour! A million and one kids in the past have called him Mr Anderson but now... All he can think of is when Kurt calls him it and what it... does to him.
“Trouble in paradise, sugar plum?” Amy asked, and Blaine groaned in response. “I can't help but notice you're groaning a lot. Oh god, you're not like... masturbating, are you?” she snorted.
“Amy! I'm in school!” he replied, he could practically hear her rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, so? I used to do it in school. Girls restroom, third�stall. Ahh, those were good times, and I mean gooooood times,” she laughed.
“You're disgusting, you know that?” Blaine replied.
“Yuh huh, catch you later, Blainers. Call me if you need me, kay? If I don't answer it's probably because someone is balls-deep. Love ya,” she said in a jolly tone before hanging up. Blaine smiled and laughed a little. His best friend really was disgusting.
He didn't know why she thought he wanted to hear that sort of stuff. He didn't. At all.
He looked at his watch, 45 minutes left of peace. That will do him just fine.
“Mr. Anderson?” he heard and snapped his eyes back open.
“Kurt,” he said, coughing and trying to hold back his coffee.
Kurt walked into the classroom and shut the door behind him and took a seat in the front row.
“Wait, I thought you had a class?” Blaine asked, specifically remembering Kurt saying 'he was going to be late'.
“Yeah, um... I lied. I just kind of, was trying to like... avoid you, a little, I guess,” Kurt stuttered out. Blaine nodded. "About what I said and you know, me just leaving like that. It was really rude,” Kurt sighed. “And don't worry, I totally don't have those feelings for you anymore,” Kurt confessed. Blaine's heart sunk a little.
“You... don't?” Blaine asked him. Kurt's eyes stared at Blaine's and the room became very tense, very quickly.
“Well... you know, you're probably not even gay and plus, you're my teacher, you know?” Kurt explained.
“Yeah, I'm your teacher. It would be totally inappropriate, and you know, illegal. But, just so you know... I am gay,” Blaine said, nodding slowly.
“You... are gay?” Kurt questioned, Blaine nodded his head. Kurt took a deep breath. “Oh right well... Do you think maybe you could help me with my English assignment after school?” Kurt asked. Blaine raised an eyebrow.
“You don't have an English assignment due,” Blaine stated. Kurt looked away and blushed slightly before taking a deep breath.
“Do you want to help me with my English assignment?” Kurt asked him, now making full eye contact. Blaine gulped after realising what Kurt meant. Kurt was trying to inititate something with him. Something that he desperately wanted. But something that he could never have.
“I... I'd love to but I c-can't. It's not right, I'm your teacher, Kurt,” Blaine stuttered. Kurt's face froze and slowly turned into a smirk. A smirk that made Blaine want to attack his lips.
Kurt stood up and walked to the door, pulling down the door shade and moving over to Blaine.
“Well then, I hope I don't get detention for this but... I think my teacher is pretty hot,” Kurt smirked again as he saw Blaine gulp and lean back in his chair, trying to add any distance between them. “See you around, Blaine,” Kurt added.
“It's Mr Anderson, Kurt. We've been through this,” Blaine corrected. Kurt stopped at the door and turned around to look at Blaine again.
“Oh well since we're telling the truth, my name isn't really Kurt H. Eckles, but I guess you know that already,” Kurt giggled. “It's Hummel. Kurt Hummel. Oh and Blaine, try not to look at my ass too much when I walk away,” Kurt finished with a wink and opened the door and walked out.
Despite Kurt's warning, Blaine did nothing but stare at his ass as he walked away. Hips gently swaying side to side, watching each ass cheek as it rose and gently fell with each step he took. Blaine closed his eyes.
He hated this! However... he could definitely get used to this side of Kurt. Even though it was this side of Kurt that was probably going to get him fired.
Good job! I fully expected Blaine to wake up from a frustrating dream again!
I love it i love it omg kurt on the prowl is amaaazing
oO Kurt that was hot
grrreat chapter
yep,incase your wandering,yes im reading your story again.awesome chapter.will you please post this story in fanfiction.net
He wasn't imagining that? I love it! I thought Kurt was innocent haha he sooo isn't he is a tease lol
yep. I have a friend that wanting u to update too.