It's Frowned Upon
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It's Frowned Upon: Memory Lane

E - Words: 1,791 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
7,591 0 7 0 0

Blaine sat and watched as Blue- err, Kurt practically ran out the room. He was dumbfounded. Why did he go?

They were having a perfectly normal conversation and then Kurt just took off. It confused Blaine, to say the least. Suddenly he remembered the reason Kurt ran out of the room. Blaine knew him. Not just as his student but from somewhere else.

“Kurt. Kurt. Kurt.” Blaine mused aloud, “I must know him from somewhere! But he's so much younger than me. How do I know him? Okay, let me work this out. I'm 24 now and he's a senior which makes him... hmm... 17, 18? And I can't place him in my recent years so it must have been when I was a kid.” Blaine continued out loud to himself in an empty classroom. Anyone walking in now would hear him talking to himself and think he was nuts.

“Well, it couldn't have been until after I was 9 because that's when I moved here. So when I was 10, Kurt was, what, 3 or 4? That seems too young! Wait. Hold on.” Blaine said, a thought suddenly striking him.

“No, it couldn't be! That can't be Kurt! Then again, what are the odds of having the same name and the same age gap?” Blaine continued and then started laughing to himself. “No, it really just can't be!” he said once more.

The thought of Kurt played on Blaine's mind for the rest of the day until finally he could go home. He stayed late after school to fill out some paperwork for the school which made the day agonizingly a little bit longer. Finally, after a short, quiet car ride home Blaine drudged up his apartment building steps and up to his apartment.

Apartment 247. It was reasonably small but had a lot of extra room considering Blaine lived alone. It was 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Blaine decorated it in a smart manner. Everything in the living room was cream and beige, everything in the kitchen was black and white. His bedroom was different shades of brown with a turquoise trim which Blaine wasn't too sure about at first but which really worked well. The spare bedroom was decorated in a sophisticated grey and silver and the bathroom was a spotless white. He was very pleased with his apartment, it wasn't great... but it was home.

Blaine made his way into the guest bedroom and opened the closet, which was used for storage. He pulled out a giant cardboard box filled with photos and photo albums. He skimmed through them until he saw what he was looking for. “Ahh,” he said aloud, “Here we go.” he picked out the photo album that read 'Blaine – age 14'. Thank God Blaine's mother was super organized.

He flicked through the paper memories and smiled at a few until he reached the photo he desired. He pulled the photo closer to his face and studied it. He saw his younger self, smiling and laughing with a small boy on his back. A boy who looked a lot like Kurt, Blaine had to admit.

He had brown hair, slightly lighter than Kurt's but... hair does grow darker as you get older. His eyes however, were something that hadn't changed. They were still like big whirlpools in the middle of his face. A blue that Blaine had never seen in anything other than Kurt's eyes. His skin was pale and clear just like it still is, his body was skinny and slightly lanky.

That's changed a bit, Blaine thought. He then roughly shook his head, as if he was trying to shake the thoughts right out. He's your student, Blaine! What are you doing?

Blaine knew he shouldn't be noticing these things about Kurt, but he couldn't help it. It was like someone dangling a giant piece of chocolate cake in front of you as soon as you started a diet. You're just not strong enough to say no! And if, somehow, you do build up the strength to say no, it's all you can think about. I wonder what it tastes like? Would it be too chocolatey and make me sick? I bet they used real cocoa in it! Etcetera, etcetera.

There was only one sure way to find out if this was the same boy. He'd just have to ask Kurt about it tomorrow. However seeing Kurt run out of the classroom earlier didn't exactly shout 'ASK ME!' Blaine rolled his eyes.

He was 80% sure it was Kurt in that photograph. He was 90% sure that if he asked Kurt about it tomorrow, Kurt wouldn't lie to him. He was 100% sure that the feelings he was developing for Kurt were completely wrong and inappropriate.

He was also 110% sure that he didn't care about that.

Blaine showered and went to bed, not really caring about drying himself or even getting dressed. He slipped into bed soaking wet and sighed. He had a feeling he might have a restless night.

- - - - -

Blaine walked into his classroom and saw Kurt sitting there. It was very early, there were only a few other people in the school. Blaine liked to get to school early to set himself up, have a coffee, and get ready for the day.

“Kurt,” Blaine breathed out, shocked to see anyone else in there. He laid down his bags on his desk and leaned against it. “What are you doing here so early?” Blaine asked, looking at his watch to emphasize the time. Kurt let out a shaky breath.

“I wanted to apologize about yesterday. Me just running out like that... it wasn't right,” Kurt explained. Blaine nodded slowly.

“Yeah, about that... I need to ask you a question,” Blaine said. He saw Kurt freeze and his eyes go wider. “It's nothing to worry about, it's just... I was trying to figure out how I know you and-”

“Well, you teach me English and Psychology, Mr Anderson. That's how you know me,” Kurt said quickly. Blaine laughed a little.

“No, other than that and- well, this is going to sound really weird if it isn't you but... did I... babysit you?” Blaine asked. Kurt started to breathe shallow.

“I'm almost 18, Mr. Anderson, I don't need a babysitter,” Kurt let out nervous laughter, but Blaine didn't laugh.

“I mean when I was young, when you were young-" well, younger than you already are now, Blaine said the last part to himself. Kurt wasn't younger, he was young. He wasn't even 18! Blaine couldn't have these thoughts about him. Not only is it wrong but it's illegal!

“Fine!” Kurt shouted and sighed. “Yes, okay? You were my babysitter!” Kurt confessed and sighed once more before letting his head fall into his hands. Blaine saw his body shake slightly from crying.

“Shh, Kurt! It's okay, please don't cry. I wont tell anyone, it doesn't really make a difference anyway,” Blaine said, moving closer to Kurt, bending down so he was opposite Kurt on eye level. Kurt raised his head from his hands, evidence of tears on his face.

Blaine reached over and wiped a falling tear from his cheek. “It's fine,” he whispered. He saw Kurt gulp and only then did he notice how incredibly close they were.

Their faces were barely 2 inches apart and Blaine saw Kurt looking into his eyes, down to his lips, and then to his eyes again. Blaine inhaled shakily and backed off. This was too much.

“It's fine,” Blaine repeated, this time sounding suddenly a lot more like an authority figure. It snapped Kurt out of whatever daze he was in before and he cleared his throat and stood up, slightly taller than Blaine.

“No, it's not fine, Blaine.” Kurt announced.

“It's Mr. Anderson to you, Kurt. I'm your teacher, remember?” Blaine reminded him.

“Oh yes,” Kurt replied sarcastically. “How on Earth could I forget that? It's not like you've been on my mind constantly since we met a few days ago. It's not like I've been ignoring the feelings I had for you as a child and still have for you! It's not like I savor every time I look at your face so at night I can jerk off to you. Nope, it's not like that at all!” Kurt exclaimed. Blaine took in shallow breaths. That was a lot of information to take in.

Blaine couldn't suppress his urges anymore. He leaned up and grabbed Kurt's face and brought their lips together, making Kurt gasp. It was hot and passionate, yet sweet. Kurt's tongue ran across Blaine's bottom lip and he parted his lips to allow Kurt in. Their tongues battled for power against each other as they searched each other's mouths.

Blaine felt Kurt's fingers in his hair, scratching at his scalp, which made Blaine moan into Kurt's mouth and he felt him smile. Kurt's fingers then moved to Blaine's shirt.

Thank God I didn't wear a bow tie today, Blaine thought.

Kurt's nimble fingers quickly made their way down every button on Blaine's shirt and tore it off him, revealing Blaine's chest. Kurt ran his fingers down every indent on Blaine's abdomen and ran his hand over the small amount of chest hair. This time it was Kurt who moaned.

Blaine's mouth moved from Kurt's and down to his neck, softly sucking and biting on each piece of skin he could find. He ran his hot, wet tongue down Kurt's neck and found his collar bone. Kurt gasped as Blaine found a delicate spot and began sucking on it.

The noises Kurt was making made Blaine hard, very hard.

“Blaine! Blaine! Blaine!” Kurt moaned over and over again.

- - - - -

“Blaine!” he heard and felt a slap over his head. Blaine sat up and focused his eyes. It was Amy, his best friend and neighbour. He gave her a key so she could water his plants during work and in case there was any other emergency. Ever since then, she was around a lot.

“Blaine! You're going to be late for work, you idiot! Why are the sheets damp?” Amy asked. Blaine sighed and realized it was all a dream. Everything about Kurt.

“Get out, why did you wake me?” Blaine complained, pulling the sheets over his head.

“Because you're going to be late! Wakey wakey, sleepy head!” she said, grabbing the covers and whipping them off him. “Oh my God!” she shouted and covered her eyes. Blaine realized he was completely naked and well... let's just say, it was morning. Blaine grabbed the sheets again and covered himself up.

“Or should I say 'sleepy hard,'” Amy joked.

“Just get out! I'll be out soon,” Blaine groaned. Amy left whilst laughing and Blaine just felt heat cover his face. “Oh God,” Blaine said aloud after recalling the events of his dream. “I am so screwed.”

I can't face him! Blaine thought, Oh my God, I have feelings for a student!


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Gaaaaahhhhh!!!!! Ugh I couldnt breathe when they finally kissed- then to find out it was just a dream... *dies*

hahahahahaha! This story makes me feel literally all the feelings!

im glad it was a dream I thought that was happening way to fast and Kurt confession was so unlike Kurt cuz Kurt all romantic and such xD

i had goose bumps on that chapter

yep your screwed ,dearly boy

Yayyyy great chapter. I thought it was real though it was just a dream :/ I hope he does ask Kurt and Kurt doesn't lie to him