Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
“Sebastian?” Blain questioned when seeing the man dressed in his robe in his kitchen. He clutched his head and covered his face with his palms. “Ow, my head hurts... what are you doing here?” he asked.
Sebastian continued cooking the breakfast he was making for them. “Well, last night you were... indisposed to say the least, so I came back here and stayed to make sure you didn't choke on your own vomit or something,” he answered, smooth as silk.
“Wh-what happened last night?” Blaine asked, still clutching at his head, hoping that would subside the throbbing and ringing in his ears.
“What can you remember?” Sebastian replied, placing some eggs on two plates.
“Um, I can remember you taking me to the club that I said I didn't want to go to... ordering a drink-”
“Two actually... both for you,” Sebastian interjected. Blaine nodded slowly, starting to realize why his memory was so foggy... tequila.
“Oh yeah and then we um... we... danced? Maybe? I don't know I can't remember. Ugh I feel like hell.” Blaine slumped on the coach heavily, a motion in which he regretted almost immediately as the force of his weight bounced back to his stomach and head, making him feel, if possible, worse.
“Yeah, you look like it too. But seriously yeah, that's all that happened. We danced, we talked, we drank,” Sebastian said, tight lipped and nodding. Blaine nodded too, standing up slowly.
“I'm going to get my mail,” he said, walking to the door and opening it.
“You bastard!” Amy shouted, storming into the apartments, pushing Blaine backwards. Her volume hurt Blaine's head so he clutched it again.
“What?” he asked.
“You! Bastard!” he shouted louder, now hitting him. He tried to block her attacks, eventually grabbing onto her small wrists.
“What the hell are you talking about, Amy?!”
“How could you do that?! How could you sleep with him?!” she accused, trying to wrestle out of Blaine's grip which was now tighter.
“Sleep with who? Seriously, what are you talking about?” Blaine questioned. He felt like he'd woken up in an alternate universe where Amy was even crazier!
“SEBASTIAN!” she shouted. “How could you do that to Kurt?!” she asked, wriggling her wrists free just to punch Blaine in the arm with some force.
“WHAT?! Who told you that?!” he asked in disbelief.
“Kurt! Remember Kurt? Your boyfriend? You ass!” she shouted back. She was very loud today.
“Kurt told you that?”
“Oh yeah I forgot to mention... Kurt stopped by this morning, I answered the door and told him you were sleeping... he left pretty quickly,” Sebastian interluded.
“And you! You are a slimy, arrogant, pompous asshole that nobody fucking likes! So just jump in a grave a die, okay?!” Amy shouted at Sebastian. He didn't respond, just smirked at her. “I'll wipe that smirk off your meerkat face with my foot if you don't fucking watch it, green giant!” He smirked again.
“Amy! Amy! Where is Kurt now?” Blaine asked, grabbing her shoulders and forcing her to look at him.
“I don't know! He just texted me about what happened and I came over here to chew you a new one.” She shrugged his hands off her shoulders and stared at him intensely. “I didn't think you were capable of something like this, Blaine... I thought you were different then the other guys. You know what? Just... don't talk to me anymore, okay? Kurt's a nice kid, he deserves better than you... and so do I-”
“I hope you and Sebastian are very happy together,” she said before leaving the apartment after slamming the door. There was complete silence until Sebastian clapped.
“Well that was an Oscar worthy performance. She's quite the drama queen,” he announced. Blaine didn't speak. Amy doesn't act like that when she's joking. Amy never acts like that.
“I have to go and find Kurt,” Blaine spoke, barely above a whisper.
“Blaine, I don't think that's a great idea-”
“I realized something when I was away,” Sebastian replied calmly.
Blaine scoffed at him. “Oh yeah, what was that? Please, tell me! I'm all ears!” he replied sarcastically.
“I realized that... I'm in love with you. I didn't realize soon enough, or at the right time for anyone but... I realize it now which is what I came back to tell you.”
“What?” Blaine asked, in disbelief. He started laughing. “No, no,” he added. “You do not love me, Sebastian! You don't! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO LOVE ME! NOT NOW!” Blaine shouted, “I loved you then! In college! I loved you so much but you told me you needed space! You told me that you didn't love me! And now I'm with a guy that I love- who I guess doesn't love me either and now- NOW you choose to tell me that you're in love with me?! NO! THAT IS NOT FAIR, SEBASTIAN! What?! Do I have to wait until my next boyfriend for Kurt to say it back? Is that how it works? CAN'T I JUST BE IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE WHO LOVES ME BACK AT THE SAME TIME? DON'T I DESERVE THAT?! AFTER ALL THE SHIT I'VE BEEN THROUGH! DON'T I DESERVE THAT?!” Blaine screamed, falling to his knees and crying.
Sebastian didn't move... he just watched Blaine rock backwards and forwards in tears.
“You... you really love Kurt then, huh?” Sebastian asked. Blaine looked up at him through his tear stained face and nodded.
“Yeah, I do,” he answered. No anger in his voice... just pain. Sebastian stared at him like that- fragile and heartbroken. He took a deep breath.
“Nothing happened last night... make sure you tell him that,” he said. Blaine looked up at him. “We didn't- just... nothing happened, okay? You were drunk and I put you to bed and you fell asleep and that's the whole story- I... I didn't even sleep in your bed with you, I crashed on the couch... make-” Sebastian took another deep breath. “Make sure that you tell Kurt that.” Blaine nodded.
“...If he'll even speak to me,” Blaine sighed. Sebastian closed the distance and kneeled opposite Blaine on the floor. He grabbed his face and forced him to look at him.
“Listen to me, he will speak to you. Because you're an amazing person, Blaine. You're kind, and funny and- you're beautiful, inside and out. Kurt's a smart guy... he won't let you go without a fight... because, you're worth fighting for, Blaine. You're worth so much more than you even realize and it kills me to think that I didn't show you what you were worth when we were together. I know you've had a lot of shit in your life but just remember that, okay? You are worth fighting for,” Sebastian said, gently kissing Blaine on the lips. Blaine closed his eyes after Sebastian pulled away.
“I'm going to go... I'll... I'll see you around, Blaine,” he said, before grabbing his bag and leaving Blaine alone on the floor in the middle of his apartment.
“Goodbye Sebastian,” Blaine whispered to the empty apartment. “I'll always love you.”
A half-nice Sebastian?! About time!!!! Now get Kurt to listen to Blaine so we can have happly Klaine klisses :-)
I wouldn't get used to the half-nice Sebastian, sorry. Or is he even half-nice right now?...hmm...not too sure ;) hahah thanks for reading!
Wowza. This chapter was really really good. Blaine's blow up was heartbreaking. "CAN'T I JUST BE IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE WHO LOVES ME BACK AT THE SAME TIME? DON'T I DESERVE THAT?! AFTER ALL THE SHIT I'VE BEEN THROUGH! DON'T I DESERVE THAT?!" This part is what hurt the most. Sebastian is totally right. And he really does love Blaine if we got that response after the blow up. I'm excited for the next one. Thanks for the update :)
da fuuq? I'm confused, so does Blaine love Kurt or Sebastian? I don't like Sebastian waaaaaaah :(
Wait... So Blaine still loves Sebastian?!?! So Kurt and Blaine are dating but Blaine still loves Sebastian!?!?!? No, this isn't right. But I trust you, you'll fix it somehow... I hope :')
OMG! MY HEART!!! askfjsdkfjsd This was OGMG! I cannot WAIT for the next chapter. Poor Kurt though.
Oh, seb has a heart! I love that!
"I'LL ALWAYS LOVE YOU"?????? what the HELL!??!?!?? Nonono, pleaaaaaase tell me Blaine only loves Kurt -.- pd: love this story Update as soon as possible xD
OMG!!! I'm totally in love with this story!!!can wait to see the next!!!hope kurt and blaine don't break up...the OMG!!!just please write the next and upload it!!!I'm dying in here!!!really!!!!
Oh my gossshhh. I can't wait for the next chapter omg
of course it ainnt ;p great chapter
Oh wow... AND JUST LET ME SAY, I. AM. NOT. CRYING... There's just something in my eye... *SOBS* Oh Blaine! Don't worry, I love you!!!!
Not the end of senestian? Is he gonna come back and do something stuoid cause i was just gonna say awww he is not a total ass. I love Amy. And wth is this about Blaine saying I will always love you? No he can't.