Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Blaine just stood there and stared at the person in front of him. He was shocked. He could barely think never mind actually speak!
“So… are you going to invite me in or are you just going to stare at me all day?”
Blaine blinked quickly and forced words out of his mouth so he didn’t look completely insane. “C-come in,” he said before clearing his throat. “Don’t think me of rude but… what the fuck are you doing here?” Blaine asked. There was a laugh.
“I missed you so I thought I’d drop in.” Blaine scoffed slightly in response. “So… are we doing the formalities or are we just going to make out?”
“Excuse me?” Kurt asked, walking into the hall. Blaine rolled his eyes.
“Who’s this?”
“This is Kurt, my boyfriend. Kurt, this is Sebastian… he's my… friend from college.”
“Your boyfriend? Oh, are we shopping in the kiddy section now?” Sebastian jabbed. “How rude of me… I'm perfectly capable of introducing myself… I'm Sebastian, Blaine’s fuck-buddy. Oh sorry, ex fuck-buddy, so it seems,” he said, holding out his hand to Kurt. Kurt raised an eyebrow at him.
“I’m not a kid,” Kurt responded whilst glaring at Sebastian’s hand that he was most definitely NOT shaking.
“Kurt’s actually a senior in high school,” Blaine corrected him. Sebastian nodded in a way that showed he didn’t actually care.
“Oh… so you’re just… babysitting.” Kurt flinched a little. Blaine used to be his babysitter. Not anymore ASSHOLE!
“Sebastian,” Blaine warned.
“No, Blaine it’s fine. I actually kinda feel sorry for Sebastian. I mean, the one person he has to show him some sort of affection is already in lo- a relationship,” Kurt answered. Blaine's heart nearly jumped at the sound of the almost-L-word.
“Believe me. I have plenty of people to show me affection,” Sebastian replied. Kurt smirked.
I bet he does… which is why I didn’t shake his hand… just imagine the bacteria on that thing! Kurt thought.
There was a sudden awkward silence.
“So… where are you staying?” Blaine asked Sebastian, who smiled and turned towards the smaller guy.
“Well, I was planning on staying here but- seems like your bed’s full so…” Sebastian shrugged.
“You just assumed you’d stay here? Assumed that Blaine would just let you in his bed?” Kurt said, raising an eyebrow to the giant meerkat.
“I’m assuming Blaine didn’t tell you about our certain relationship. This is how we roll, okay kid?” Sebastian answered.
“I think it’s time you left,” Blaine finally spoke up. Kurt nodded in agreement and Sebastian held his hands up in surrender.
“Whoa, fine I’ll go. I’m sorry if I overstepped or was rude. Wasn’t my intention at all. Blaine I’ll… call you,” Sebastian finished. Blaine nodded and avoided Kurt’s eyes as he watched Sebastian leave the apartment, closing the door and leaving a silence behind him.
Blaine still avoided Kurt’s eyes and moved back to the couch. “So… movie!” he announced. Kurt’s eyebrows shot to his hairlines.
“So we’re really not going to talk about what just happened? We’re just going to ignore it?” he asked, astounded.
“Well you ignore things so I think I have the right to do the same,” Blaine snapped.
There was silence… again.
Kurt knew exactly what Blaine was talking about when he accused him of ignoring things. It was the whole L word thing. Kurt sat down next to Blaine on the sofa.
“So are you going to talk to him?” Kurt pressed.
“Why wouldn’t I? He’s my friend. He doesn’t mean anything to me, Kurt. There is nothing romantic between Sebastian and I. There never was… not completely anyway,” Blaine muttered the last part.
“What do you mean?” Kurt questioned, his voice soft and low. He didn’t want Blaine to think he was attacking or bitching at him.
“Well let’s just say you’re not the first guy not to say it back.” Blaine snapped again and stood up, running his hands through his hair. “I’m sorry… I think you should leave,” he added. Kurt was confused… what had he done? “Seeing Sebastian again… it does things to me, Kurt. It confuses me and I need time to think. I’m sorry.”
“You need time to think about who you want? Seriously? Well let me make that choice a little easier for you.” Kurt snapped. He wasn’t going to avoid attacking Blaine anymore because all it felt like Blaine was doing was attacking him! He picked up his bag and stormed out of the apartment and ran through the pouring rain straight to his car, failing to keep the tears behind his eyes. He was shaking with sobs at the wheel until he heard a soft knock on the window and looked out to see a drenched Blaine outside the car.
Kurt didn’t say anything but neither did Blaine. They both just stared at each other through the window, Kurt couldn’t really tell if Blaine was crying or it was just the rain… but he didn’t really care. He could see the vibrant red of Blaine’s hoodie darken to a wine colour under the rain but he just stood there. He didn’t make a move to enter the car or run back to the shelter of the building. He just stood there, staring.
Kurt barely breathed but he found the power to push the keys into the ignition and start the engine before driving away, leaving a small figure of Blaine in his rear view mirror.
Oh. Oh. OH.How can you do this to me? really?!I can't handle this. Where's the love?!Please don't stop the epicness of your writing :3
You just madey day by updating :D
Wow. That's a really powerful ending. And, you know, this thing in Blaine's mind about Sebastian is exactly what I see coming on the show, especially after that look exchanged at Regionals. If Blaine can actually forgive him after the Slushee incident, even though it was meant for Kurt and even though it almost cost him an eye, forgive him enough to show him sympathy that he lost a SINGING competition, something is going on...something very bad for Klaine. :'(
Nooo! I was so excited to see this updated and now i'm sad!:( Fix it pleeeeaseee! Update soon!
omg i just love this whole thing so,sooo friggin much!I've read it none stop in like a day...creys cause poor bby's,ok,waitinn for the next!*very uggly sobbing*
Yes I agree, it has to be difficult, and I find all this angst actually delicious. I can't wait to see more of Sebastian in this... asdjlfkasdjlfkds
Poor Blaine. Poor Kurt. That is all.
awe,i felt the end
Omgggggg you're killing me