Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
“I. Don’t. Know. I’ve told you a million times!” Kurt snapped. Why could she not get it through her head?!
“I know but I’m just trying to get to the root of the problem here. Is it because… you know… what Karofsky said?” she asked. Kurt winced at the memory he had hidden from Blaine.
“N-no, it’s not because of that… I don’t think. Ugh! Cedes I just don’t know, okay? Can we drop it?” he begged. She sighed and nodded.
“You’re going to have to say it eventually, you know,” she told him. Kurt nodded slowly.
“I know.” He sighed silently, not wanting Mercedes to know that… he didn’t think he could ever say it.
- - - - -
“So he just never said it?” Amy asked. Blaine stayed silent and shook his head. “Well, he’s still young. You might be sure but I mean… at 17, are you sure about anything? Never mind your feelings! Especially feelings you're not meant to have for a guy that you’re not meant to be dating. It must be hard on the kid,” she told him.
“Please don’t call him a kid… it makes me feel like a creepy child snatcher or something,” Blaine said… pretty much the first thing he’d said all day. Amy rolled her eyes.
“Maybe you should talk to him about it, if it’s bothering you?” Amy suggested. Blaine shook his head.
“I can’t do that! I said for him to take his time! I can’t hold a gun to his head and make him say it… plus I don’t want him to just say it… I wan’t him to mean it,” Blaine sighed. Amy stayed silent.
“Well you’re going to see him in class tomorrow so you’ll have to face him,” Amy stated. Blaine just nodded. “Just invite him to hang out tonight, Blaine. It’ll be less awkward if you can actually talk about stuff-” Blaine opened his mouth to butt in, but she continued. “Not ‘love’ stuff, just… stuff… in general.” Blaine nodded and picked up his phone.
Miss you. Wanna come round?
Kurt felt his phone vibrate and smiled when he saw Blaine’s name on his screen.
Sure, be there soon
“That was Blaine, wasn’t it?” Mercedes asked. Kurt nodded. “I could tell by your insane smile.” She laughed. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Kurt stood up and kissed her on the cheek. “Oh and Kurt!” Kurt turned around and looked at her. “Remember to practice safe sex!”
“I hate you,” he jokingly replied before leaving her house and sending a quick text to Finn to tell his dad that he was staying late at Mercedes’ house.
Kurt made the trip to Blaine’s place and knocked on door number 247, which just so happened to be his new favourite number.
“It’s open!” Blaine shouted. Kurt turned the handle and walked in.
“Hi,” he said as he walked in. Blaine bussled out of the kitchen wearing bright yellow rubber gloves and an apron, kissed him quickly on the lips, and moved back to the kitchen. Kurt couldn’t help but laugh when he saw what Blaine was wearing. “Wow, you really are gay,” he joked before joining Blaine in the kitchen.
“Sorry, thought I’d have this done by the time you got here but the dishes were stacking up and it was getting disgusting.” Blaine smiled at him, whilst trying to rub some bubbles from his nose.
“No, it’s fine. Don’t worry… so what did you have in mind for tonight?” Kurt asked.
Sex. Lots and lots of sex. Blaine thought. Oh, but wait… what if I say the L word again and he doesn’t say it back? It might kill me… again.
“A movie?” Blaine answered. Kurt smiled and nodded. There was a knock on the door and Blaine raised an eyebrow. “Might be Amy looking for condoms or something,” Blaine joked, taking off his gloves and apron. He looked at the sink. “I’ll carry them on later.” Blaine smiled and moved to the door as Kurt sat on the sofa and got comfortable.
“I’ll be right there,” Blaine shouted to Kurt as he opened the door.
“Hi! Do you have any-”
“Condoms?” Blaine said, trying to finish Amy’s sentence. She seemed shocked.
“No… actually I was going to say pretzels. But if you’re offering free condoms, I’ll take some,” she joked. “Hi Kurt!” she shouted as she pushed past Blaine. Blaine sighed and closed the door.
“Actually Kurt and I wanted to be alone…. we’re going to watch a movie,” Blaine told Amy.
“Ooh, is it gay porn? I love gay porn! Lemme watch!” Kurt laughed and held his now-crimson face in his hands.
“No! We’re not watching porn, Amy. We were going to watch… um… Schindler’s list,” Blaine lied.
“Oh, sexy,” Amy replied sarcastically, moving into the kitchen to grab a bag of pretzels. “Well I just came over to tell you guys that I’m sleeping with a guy tonight,” she said. Blaine and Kurt looked at her.
“So…? That isn’t new information, Amy.” She rolled her eyes at Blaine’s words.
“No, what I meant to say is, I’m sleeping with the same guy for a third time in a row… after we go on a date… in public,” she said. Kurt and Blaine were both speechless.
“Oh my God! I’m so happy for you!” Kurt said, hugging her.
“Thank you, I knew you were my favourite gay.” She smiled and Kurt laughed.
“Amy’s got a boyfriend, Amy’s got a boyfrienddddd,” Blaine mocked her.
“Shut up! I have not! I just have a guy, that’s nice and hot who I like to be around and like to have sex with. That is not a boyfriend,” she pouted before walking out of the apartment, still holding the pretzels.
Blaine joined Kurt on the sofa.
“I can’t believe Amy has a boyfriend!” Kurt said. Blaine nodded slowly.
“I need to meet this guy.” Kurt smiled at how protective Blaine was acting towards Amy. They make fun of each other and piss each other off but… deep down they really love each other.
There was a knock on the door again.
“I swear to God, if she came back for dip I’m going to fucking kill her!” Blaine joked as he got up from the sofa to answer the door.
“What do you want n-” Blaine’s words stopped in his throat as he saw the person in front of him leaning against the door frame.
“Blaine… it’s been a while.”
Oh no! Who's the mysterious vistor??? I'm confused... Please update quickly!!!
Oh my goodness! If its Sebastian I will scream. Too late, I already am. Why can't they ever catch a break? I am wondering what Karofsky said to him too. I was also wondering, will there be more of Hummel-Hudson family interaction with Blaine in the future of the story?
great chapter as always! looking forward to the next update :)
...if this is an old boyfriend, I will SCREAM. You cannot do that.
GAH. I really, REALLY hate cliffhangers. I can't decide whether I think it's Cooper or Sebastian/an old boyfriend. I might cry in frustration if it's the later... On another note... This is fantastic as always! :D
Who is it?!?! Omfg I can't be left like this!!! You're evil! LOL
Ohmygodwhywouldyoudothat! If it's a Ex boyfriend he best not blow the whole thing out the water cause imma cut him.. Or her.. Blaine has a complicated past. Omg what if it's his parents (I can't remember what Blaines parents are like in this oneI read too much) and they say they'll tell if they don't break it up ohmygod SUSPENCE "." *glares at you and your darn cliff-hanger*
Idk who the vistor could be.. maybe another girlfriend? OHHHH I KNOW WHO IT IS!!! IT'S BLAINE'S DAD! I totally think it is!! oh... and seriously you end it like that? come on! and Kurt better say he loves Blaine soon.. seriously that's so sad for blaine. and Idk what karofsky said to Kurt. Maybe he told Kurt he loved him???
"I'll carry them on later." Does that mean, "I'll finish them later"? If he was referring to completing the task of cleaning the dishes, that's how we say it in the USA: "I'll finish them later." Just FYI. :)
Gahhhaaaaah!!! Just why?
errrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhh how cruel of u to end the chapter like this !! jk .. luv ur story girl !! keeep up the fantastic work
oh boy,
DAMNNBITTT! It's sebastian right? Did Karofsky tell him he loved him? I hope Kurt can tell Blaine he loves him though