It's Frowned Upon
Lady Bush Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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It's Frowned Upon: Lady Bush

E - Words: 1,532 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
5,553 0 17 0 0

Author's Notes: Hi everyone! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas or whatever holiday you're celebrating! I wish you all the happiness and health in 2012 :) Soooo here's the next chapter! This one features the lucky, 20th, 40th and 60th reviewers! Niamh, Lauren and Alexandra (I'm sorry, I don't know what you guys look like, so I kind of just made it up!)
Kurt was paranoid all day in school, waiting for revenge for the day before, but nothing out of the ordinary happened from Blaine. It was quiet... too quiet.

“Hi, how are you?” Kurt asked in between classes. Blaine looked up at him through his glasses.

“I'm fine, how are you?” he replied with a small smile. He seemed normal. And that's what was scaring Kurt most of all.

“I'm good,” Kurt answered with a nod. Blaine nodded too.

“Shouldn't you be getting to math? I dont need a math teacher on my ass.”

“Yeah that's my job,” Kurt joked. Blaine laughed a little and continued to mark the papers on his desk. Kurt stood up straight and just left for math.

He didn't stay after school that day because he planned to meet Blaine at his place at 6:00 for 'their day'. Something Kurt was not looking forward to!

- - - - -

He took a deep breath and knocked on the all-too-familiar door and Blaine answered, still in his clothes from school.

“Come in,” he said with a smile. Kurt nodded and hesitantly took a wary step into the apartment. “So I thought we'd... bake!” Blaine smiled and showed Kurt the kitchen where he'd laid out all the necessary equipment to bake a cake. Kurt smiled and suddenly forgot his worries.

“That's really sweet but I'm hardly dressed for the occasion,” Kurt joked. Blaine took in his appareance of designer attire and nodded.

“You can grab a shirt and sweats of mine if you want?” Blaine suggested. Kurt swore to himself he would never wear sweats... but if they were Blaine's... he could be persuaded. He nodded. “They're in the closet in my room, just come out when you're done.” Kurt went into Blaine's room and closed the door. He took a deep breath and the whole room smelled of Blaine and he was sure he could simply die in it!

He opened the closet and what he saw scarred him for life.

There were whips, handcuffs, ball clamp... things, and a giant leather suit.

Kurt's eyes went wide as he saw all of these things... did Blaine really use them? Oh God! Did he expect Kurt to use these things too?!

- - - - -

Blaine watched as Kurt entered his room and started laughing silently, thinking about the expression on Kurt's face when he saw all of those weird sexual things that he borrowed from Amy's... man friend. Weird man friend. Kurt must have dressed quickly because he was out within seconds with a very strange look on his face that Blaine was eating up.

“What's up? You look like you've seen a ghost,” Blaine asked, internally belly-laughing.

“Oh, n-nothing.” Kurt forced a smile. “Shall we just forget it and bake?”

“Forget... what?” Blaine prompted and saw Kurt's eyes widen and shudder.

“Nothing. Let's just bake. Please.” he ordered. Blaine nodded and they walked into the kitchen.

Knock Knock Knock

Just in time, Blaine thought and smiled to himself quickly.

“Why, who could that possibly be?” he said aloud and made his way to the door. Kurt peeked around the kitchen so he could see the visitor. It was a woman, slightly taller than Blaine. She was beautiful. She had long, shiny brunette hair and very smart looking glasses. She had amazing green eyes and cheek bones you could stab someone with. If Kurt had to be a girl for a day... he'd probably choose to look like her. She was dressed very smartly, a black pencil skirt with matching blazer and a white ruffled dress shirt. Then Kurt noticed the heels she was wearing, quite high black ones. He guessed she was probably smaller, or the same size as Blaine without them.

“Just thought I'd drop in and say hi since I'm in the neighborhood,” she said in a delicate Irish accent. Blaine hugged her and kissed her on the cheek, just like he did with Carole when he came over for dinner, but now it seemed...different.

“Hi, I'm Kurt, I'm Blaine's-”

“Cousin? Hi, I'm Niamh, nice to meet you,” she smiled. Kurt forced a smile back.

“No, I'm Blaine's boyfriend.” Kurt smiled and held out his hand. She shook it, seeming very shocked.

“Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that you look very young, you must have skipped a few grades.” She giggled, a sweet sound that made Kurt slightly sick at how beautiful it sounded.

“No, I didn't, actually I'm a senior.”

“In high school?!” she asked. Kurt nodded and she turned to Blaine who was rubbing his neck.

“It's... complicated,” Blaine answered and cleared his throat. “Anyway Kurt, Niamh and I know each other from college.” Something struck in Kurt's mind and he thought back to the 'family dinner'.

I've slept with a few girls... It was when I was in college.

“College? Oh how interesting. I've been wanting to meet some of the girls that Blaine met in college.” Kurt stared at Blaine, who looked away and smiled to himself. “So were you around when Blaine was having sex with girls?” Kurt asked. Blaine didn't expect him to be so upfront about it. Niamh blushed and hit Blaine lightly on the arm.

“You've told him about us?” she asked. Kurt's eyebrows hit his hairline. “It was only a one time thing,” she assured Kurt.

“Oh... you a-and... Blaine... together. Wow.” Kurt said, not exactly sure how to react to this news. “So you guys were drunk?” Kurt hoped. She shook her head.

“No we were just bored.” She giggled again and Blaine nodded.

Knock Knock Knock

Blaine looked confused.

“I hope you don't mind! I've invited a couple friends over from college. Once I told them I was going to see you, they wanted to drop in too.” Niamh smiled. Blaine nodded slightly and went to open the door.

“Blaine!” Kurt heard from the door, it sounded like women, as in more than one woman. Blaine walked into the living room with two other women. One was small, about 5 foot 2 and very petite, and the other was about 5 foot 6, very slim but had big breasts.

“Um Kurt, this is Lauren.” He referenced to the very petite woman who had a blonde bob and very pixie-like features. She was, again, very pretty. “And this is Alexandra.” Referencing to the taller woman with huge breasts. She had curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes with a few freckles delicately sprinkled on her nose. “Ladies, this is Kurt... my boyfriend.” Blaine attempted to smile at him but Kurt looked away.

Kurt could understand why Blaine liked these women. They were all gorgeous and very feminine. Kurt looked in the mirror next to the tv and looked over at his appearance. He had never looked worse. He was still wearing Blaine's oversized sweats and his hair seemed like a dull, muddy brown. His eyes were a cold, ice blue. His skin was sickly pale and he was all around... frumpy. He didn't like it.

“So, you've all had sex with Blaine then?” he asked, not beating around the (lady)bush.

“Kurt!” Blaine shouted. Kurt ignored him.

“Oh, um, yeah but we were drunk,” Lauren laughed.

“Really? We were just-” Alexandra started.

“Bored?” Kurt guessed. She nodded. “Wow Blaine, seems like you needed a hobby,” Kurt added.

“Seems to me like he already had one.” Lauren giggled. She was funny and if Kurt didn't hate her right now he probably would have loved her.

“Or three,” Alexandra added and they all burst out into laughter.

The girls stayed another hour, skipping down memory lane together. Kurt wasn't very happy listening to how Blaine used to be a 'playa' or a 'ladies man' until he turned gay. Blaine laughed along with them until he looked at Kurt and realized that Kurt was doing anything but laughing.

“Well girls, it's been great seeing you again but maybe it's time to go, Kurt and I have plans.” They nodded and all filed out of the room.

“If you and Kurt break up, call us,” Niamh said.

All of us,” Alexandra added.

“We've learned some new moves,” Lauren joked and then Blaine said his final goodbye before closing the door.

“Well... memory lane was fun.” Kurt said. Blaine ran over to him.

“I'm sorry, it was meant to be a joke and then she invited-”

“A joke? What do you mean?” Kurt asked, interrupting Blaine.

“Well, it was to get you back for yesterday. I invited you around and then put that stuff in my closet and then called Niamh to come around but then-”

“Wait... so you called her? To come around. To annoy me. Wow.” Kurt said, picking up his bag and his clothes. “I'll see you tomorrow.”

“No, Kurt wait. Please. I just wanted to have a bit of fun and I thought it would be funny. How did I know she would invite the other girls over?” Blaine defended himself. Kurt stopped.

“If you even thought that would be funny then you're crazy and obviously don't know me. I will see you tomorrow.” Kurt repeated and left. He was greeted by Amy waiting outside.

“That wasn't my plan by the way. I didn't help him with that,” she told Kurt. He nodded, wiping the newly falling tears. She hugged him. “Everything will be okay, I promise,” she whispered into his ear. He nodded.

“Thanks Amy, I... I have to go,” he said before running back to his car and crying.

Maybe Blaine really didn't know him at all.

End Notes: What did you guys think? I can see where Blaine is coming from to think it would be funny didn't work out so well... What would you do if he did that to you? p.s. I know loads of you are superrrr talented so if any of you have drew anything for this fic (which I would lovveeee to see!) then tag it on tumblr with 'It's Frowned Upon' or something like that, also tag me if you want! 'justbitchesruiningmylife'


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If Blaine did that to me, I would have honestly been pissed off and jealous and felt that I wasn't good enough. I think Kurt was right for leaving. Crying? Hell, I wouldv'e done the same.

I mean, I'm a girl. The closet would just be funny if it was explained properly, however rubbing in the fact that they were the real people that he had sex with in the past, I probably would have punched him - regardless of sexual orientation. That was just a douche move.

awwe, if he did that to me i would honestly just leave( and maybe get in a good punch or two), cause i'm pretty sure he knew how jealous Kurt got when he talked about the girls he got with at collage durring their supper.

Aww poor kurt! I am dying to see how blaine resolves this

I would so pretend Blaine wasn't there if that shit happened. It was a poorly thought out prank and that conversation would steer from the 'college' path of memory lane and right down the 'who all the girls have laid' highway; he could sit there as I recounted my own sexual conquests thank you very much.

God Kurt handled that way better than I would have. The closet stuff was fun and all but bringing those girls over? Crossing the line majorly, I would have punched him and walked out.

I loved it! I wish I looked like that :) But now I feel bad that I upset Kurt :(

I love this story! Please bring on any smut ASAP!

I would slap him into oblivion...can't wait to see what Kurt has planned!

Perfect as always xD!! I absolutely loved it!! i freaked out when I saw that I was featured and counted the reviews to make sure it was me xD! but gjsnrgkl angst! can't wait for more!

I'm going to be honest and say this felt really OOC for the Blaine you had established thus far in the story; but maybe, like Kurt, I don't know him as well as I thought I did. :)

i'd say that blaine's revenge blew up in his face. kurt's saucy plan (it's on!) was just meant to embarrass blaine a bit. but reading blaine's revenge, i could tell that he really hurt kurt. and i'm sure that blaine never meant to hurt him, but it just the unintentional end result. i hope blaine feels some guilt about hurting kurt.

i actually got teary eyed at the end.

yea it blue up in blaines face

Omgggg Kurt got tooo mad about it but then again it was kinda messed up when the others showed up ughh I hope they don't fight about this

I dont know how to tag.But I am following you on tumblr.It was a cruel joke.He said he never hurt kurt.yeah right

how do u tag on tumblr? That was a mean joke. poor kurt