Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
“Tell me about you! I mean, I know nothing and I want to know... everything.” Kurt smiled, leaning back into the plush sofa cushions.
“Um, okay what do you want to know?” Blaine asked. Kurt thought back to his argument with Mercedes.
“What's your middle name?” Kurt asked.
“Matthew.” Blaine answered.
“Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
Blaine shook his head. “Nope, only child... Always wanted a sister though, I think that's why I'm so close to Amy.” Kurt smiled.
“When is your birthday?”
“July 24th.”
“What's your favourite colour?”
“It used to be grey but it's changed,” Blaine answered.
“To what?” Kurt asked.
“The color of your eyes.” Blaine smiled and so did Kurt.
“That's sweet,” Kurt said, blushing fiercely.
“You're adorable when you blush.” Blaine laughed a little, causing Kurt to blush more.
“Wh- um, where were you born?” Kurt asked, trying to convince his cheeks to return to normal colour.
“In Ohio, my mom doesn't like to travel so she's lived here all of her life.” Kurt nodded. His mom used to love to travel. He could remember her telling him that she wanted to travel the world with him when he got older and that her favourite place in the world was New York and she'd be in the audience every night when Kurt made it big on Broadway.
“Speaking of your mom... What are your parents like?”
“Well my mom is amazing, she's the greatest woman you'll ever meet! She's sweet and kind, she's the reason I love singing so much, I grew up around so much amazing music thanks to her! She taught me to be humble and appriciate everything I have because she grew up with nothing... she's just... amazing.” Blaine smiled.
“Wow, she sounds like an incredible woman.” Kurt smiled when Blaine nodded. “And your dad?” Kurt prompted. Blaine shifted awkwardly in his seat and avoided eye contact.
“Um... my dad and I... it's... complicated. We were never really that close when I was growing up. He's an architect so he wasn't really around much, he'd be gone weeks at a time and then when he came back he wanted to take me to see football games and car shows and all other things sons are meant to do with their fathers but- it wasn't me, you know? I mean, I like football as much as the next guy but... I wanted to hang out with my friends and stuff. Then when I told him I was gay, um... he didn't exactly take it well. He tried to do everything he could to 'fix' me, you know? Restoring old cars, playing football, playing baseball, going the gym, wrestling and all that stupid stuff. Safe to say it didn't work and I guess you could say it's tense between us,” Blaine finished.
“I'm sorry... I didn't know,” Kurt said, squeezing his hand.
“Well isn't that why you came over? To get to know me?” Blaine gave a sad little smile. He hadn't thought about his father in a long time. Kurt nodded slightly.
“What's your favourite food?” Kurt asked. Blaine smiled.
“Grilled cheese.” Kurt laughed.
The Q and A continued on for the rest of the day and Kurt learned a lot about Blaine, but he still felt something was wrong. He just couldn't put his finger on what.
“So I should get going,” Kurt announced, standing up. Blaine nodded and stood up too. They walked to the door. Blaine leaned in and they had a quick peck on the lips for goodbye. “I guess I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Anderson.” Kurt giggled slightly.
“And none of that acting sexy with the innuendos tomorrow, don't want to get yourself hard under your desk,” Blaine joked.
“The only one that will be getting hard is you,” Kurt replied.
“Oh yeah?” Blaine questioned, moving closer to Kurt again.
“Yeah.” Kurt replied, smirking.
“It's war.” Blaine stated.
“It's so on,” Kurt responded with another smirk and a deeper kiss to Blaine. He got back into his car and made the short journey back to his house and walked through the front door to see his father watching a game as usual.
“Kurt!” his father shouted, Kurt looked over and saw him motioning to come sit with him. Kurt sighed silently and walked over.
“Hey dad, what's up?” Kurt asked, sitting down.
“So, kiddo... are you going to tell me about Blaine?” Burt asked whilst opening another can of beer.
“Wha-what?” Kurt asked, doing a double take to his father's question and studying his face. He was still watching the game.
“Blaine, remember? You came home all upset that he was your new teacher, and you never told me what happened,” Burt explained. Kurt exhaled deeply and laughed a little.
“Oh, right, nothing really, I mean I don't come home and talk about my teachers all the time so I don't know why I would now,” Kurt stumbled out in one breath. He just hoped his father couldn't pick up on his nerves from the suddenly random conversation.
“Yeah I know but, come on, Blaine isn't just your teacher, now, is he?” Burt prompted and stared at Kurt.
“I-I... I-I-” Kurt stuttered, at a complete loss for words, which very rarely happened to him... well, when he's not around Blaine anyway. “I don't know what you mean, of course he's just my teacher,” Kurt explained to his father. Burt took a giant gulp from his drink.
“He used to babysit you, Kurt. He's more than just your teacher.” Kurt let out another huge breath he didnt know he was holding. “So tell me about him, what's he like?” Burt asked.
“Um... well... he's nice... I guess... you know... for a teacher.” Kurt shrugged, avoiding his father's gaze, and if he was alone he would have laughed at how ironic his father's question was considering he's just spent the whole day trying to find out 'what Blaine's like'.
“I think we should invite him 'round for dinner,” Burt suggested.
“What?! No! No, no, no-no-no. That is a bad idea!” Kurt protested, Burt held his hand up.
“Nope, I hired the kid a few years back and I want to let him know he's welcome back into this family any time he wants. Having dinner with your teacher for one night isn't going to kill you, Kurt” his father finished and continued to watch whatever game was on tv.
Kurt's head fell into his hands.
No, but I'm pretty sure my family having dinner with my secret boyfriend will kill me!
OMG!! This is going to get so interesting! Maybe playing footsies under the table? I can just imagine how nervous Kurt is going to be during that dinner. I feel nervous just thinking about it!
Oh this was good. Can't wait for the next part. Dinner with Burt is going to be amusing
can't wait to see what dinner with the hummels and blaine will be like. i'm guessing it's going to be an exercise in massive amounts of awkwardness. and i agree with the other commenter about playing footsie under the table–will kurt be blushing the color of a fire engine in pleased embarrassment or will it be a hot, hot game?
I love this fic I'm glad you update so often!
love this story!!! amazing amazing amazing!!! <3
Gosh! I love this story so much! You gave such good visual images and had me laughing or really enjoying the story and character development the entire time! Great job! I'm a big fan! And I look forward to reading the rest of this story ;) and other ones as well(:
P.S XD The adding people into the story is a really awesome idea ;)
love the story!
Wohoo! Great with another update! .. I am really looking forward to Blaine going to dinner at the Hummel house, that should be interesting!
You have no idea how panicked I got when I noticed this story missing from my tracked list. I nearly fell out of my seat - but I searched and there it was :) WOOOHOOOOOOO KURT, BLAINE GET SOME! that is all. Also yay awkward dinners :D
Sooo glad you reposted this it's like one of my favourite fics ever! ^_^
I was wondering what happened when i saw this and found that i wasnt tracking it anymore :'(. I was sad but then i tracked it again! now i get to read a lot of stuff! I havent read the chap yet but i'm excited to! You never fail to entertain!
Bahaha oh i can see the hilarity and chaos that will ensue!!
You don't have to put me in the story. I would SO be shitting my pants if I was Kurt. Loved the Q&A, though! Hope Kurt's anxiety won't interfere with the innuendo challenge!
Me Guesta
another great chapter
You are absolutely amazing. Such a different writing style. Love this story!
awesome chapter
Love this fic!!! Great job :)
I love your story and I am sorry you lost everything but maybe you will get enough reviews back to make it worth putting it back up,this is different from the other story's I have read and cannot wait to see what happens.
oh well. nice chapter