Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
“I hope Amy doesn't mind me being here,” Kurt blurted out. Blaine gave him a funny look. “I mean, I'm guessing this is something you two usually do alone together and I'm kind of party crashing.” Blaine laughed.
“Kurt don't be stupid, it's fine. Actually, it's more than fine, I mean I never get a hand job when it's just me and Amy,” Blaine joked and kissed Kurt's nose.
“So... How exactly is this going to work when we're in school now?” Kurt asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. Blaine seemed a bit taken back, he never really thought about school before.
“Um... well, I guess just the same really. Interact like any normal student and teacher would.” Blaine shrugged.
“But we have never really interacted like a normal student and teacher would.” Kurt stated. “And I don't want to have to stay behind every night to catch a kiss and stuff, I just want to do normal boyfriend stuff.” Kurt shrugged and played with Blaine's fingers.
“Like what?” Blaine asked, Kurt shrugged again.
“I don't know... like this,” he said, gesturing to how they were right now. “Just being with each other, you know? No pressure, no risk, just... happy.” He smiled.
“Well we can do that.” Blaine smiled too. Kurt rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, on weekends,” Kurt added. Blaine shook his head and used his hand to tilt Kurt's chin so they were looking into each other's eyes.
“No, let's pick a day. A day that's ours, okay? We can do whatever we want after school,” Blaine suggested. Kurt smiled.
“How about Wednesday? It's right in the middle of the week, so it evens it out,” Kurt told Blaine. Blaine nodded and kissed the back of Kurt's hand.
“Wednesday it is, that can be our day.” Blaine smiled, Kurt nodded and smiled too.
- - -
“And then he kind of just... asked me.” Kurt blushed into a pillow before looking up to see Mercedes' reaction.
“To be his boyfriend?” she asked, shocked. Kurt nodded. “So you guys are like... together now? As in boyfriends?” she asked. Kurt nodded but was surprised when she didn't smile.
“What's wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing, I mean... I'm happy if you're happy,” she replied.
No, that's a total cop out! Kurt thought.
“What is it, Mercedes?” Kurt asked.
“It's just... I don't want you to get hurt,” she confessed. He smiled and squeezed her hand.
“Blaine won't hurt me,” he assured her. She stood up from where she was sitting on his bed.
“How do you know that, Kurt? I mean, I know you're in love with him and all that but seriously, what do you actually know about this guy? He babysat you like, a million years ago! He was young, and a kid back then, you know nothing about him, he's practically a stranger and here you are jumping in the sack with him?” she questioned. Kurt was thankful that his dad was at the shop right now.
“Why are you being like this? First of all, I do not love him, and I haven't slept with him! Nor do I plan on any time in the near future... and I know stuff about him,” Kurt defended himself. Mercedes still seemed to be kind of pissed.
“Oh really? Okay, what's his middle name?” she asked Kurt.
“Um...” Kurt didn't know.
“Does he have any brothers or sisters?”
“Uh...” Kurt didn't know.
“When's his birthday? What's his favourite colour? Where was he born? What are his parents like? Are they even still alive? What was his fir-”
“Okay, okay! I get it, okay?! You've made your point!” Kurt shouted, Mercedes seemed a bit taken back. “I'm sorry that you're just mad because I have a boyfriend now and you don't!” Mercedes' mouth hung open slightly at Kurt's words.
Kurt automatically regretted saying it. That isn't how he felt. He just wanted to hurt her... like she hurt him.
“I can't believe you would think that, but you know what? Fine. Enjoy your pathetic, illegal little relationship, if you can even call it that,” she spat out before storming out of Kurt's bedroom.
Kurt stayed silent. He was in shock about what just happened... he never fought with Mercedes. Ever.
Maybe he and Blaine weren't going to work out as well as he thought.
Maybe they were just from two different worlds.
And maybe they're meant to stay that way.
- - -
Sunday seemed to drag on for years without talking or seeing Mercedes. Weekends were always Kurt's and Mercedes' time together. They'd go shopping, or order in pizza, or even just call each other, but there was always something.
'Hi' Kurt typed to Mercedes' cell. He stared at the screen... no reply.
'I know you're mad at me, but I'm sorry' he sent. Still nothing.
'Cedes, please talk to me! I'm so sorry, it's unforgivable what I said, I know that but please!' Kurt sent.
'Like you said, it's unforgivable. Just leave me alone Kurt' Mercedes replied. Kurt sighed as his face dropped.
She hated him, all because he said something stupid in the heat of the moment. He felt like slapping himself. He picked up his phone again to text, but this time... it wasn't to Mercedes.
'Can I come over?' Kurt sent and smiled when he looked down at his phone a moment later with the word 'Blaine' on it.
'Sure you can, you never have to ask' Blaine replied.
He was so sweet. Kurt couldn't help but smile until his cheeks started to hurt. He quickly grabbed his coat and made the journey over to Blaine's apartment.
“Hi,” Kurt said into the speaker.
“Hey kid, come on up!” Amy replied, Kurt smiled a little.
I guess Blaine wasn't kidding when he said she's over there all the time! Kurt thought.
He arrived at 247 and knocked, this time it was Blaine who opened the door. He had grey sweatpants on and a blue polo shirt.
And here's me thinking he couldn't get cuter! Kurt thought.
Kurt walked in and it was slightly awkward, neither of them knew how to greet each other... a handshake? A hug? A... kiss?
“So... I just wanted to talk,” Kurt told Blaine, who nodded slowly.
“Um, Ames, you think you could give us some time?” Blaine asked Amy. She stood up from the sofa and walked over.
“Sure, I guess I could eat everything in your fridge at my own apartment,” she said giddily. “Oh and do you have the number for that Jeff guy?” Amy asked, Blaine nodded and quickly wrote down a number and gave it to Amy. “Gots to get my nookie!” She winked and left, leaving Kurt with another blush.
“So... what do you want to talk about?” Blaine asked, Kurt shuffled around on his feet.
“Maybe we should sit down?” Kurt suggested. Blaine nodded and followed him over to the sofa.
Is he breaking up with me already? Blaine thought. Maybe it's just too much for him? With the whole age thing? Damn... I really hope not.
“Okay so, we're sitting...” Blaine prompted, Kurt nodded.
“Tell me about you,” Kurt stated simply. Blaine let out the breath he was holding and laughed slightly.
can't wait to see what kurt and blaine do during "their day"–something "wicked" perhaps? and yeah, i didn't like reading kurt and mercedes' fight, it's just so wrong and not them.
Awwww, poor you. I just got done watching the episode where she broke his windshield because he told her he was in love with someone else, so I know how you feel.
I didn't like 'Cedes and Kurt fighting either :c
Mercedes was right though.. sucks that they're fighting though :/
I for got in the last chapter that Siren did a great job. great chapter
I had a hard time reading it! Damn! Please let them be friends again?!
it was a good argument.
I don't like the way Mercedes was being. Yeah she is his friend and cares for him but needs to let him be,
awe poor mercedes