It's Frowned Upon
Meet The Framily Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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It's Frowned Upon: Meet The Framily

E - Words: 1,286 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
6,125 0 4 0 0

“Blaine?” Blaine heard a voice him in his bed. He moved but didn't open his eyes. He recognised the voice to be Amy's. “Blaine?” she repeated. He groaned as an answer. “Are you sure you're gay?” this caused Blaine to open his eyes slightly and give her a puzzled look. “Because I really want to have sex but I can't be bothered getting dressed,” she whined. He rolled his eyes and pushed her out of the bed. “Take that as a no to the sex then,” she stated. Blaine rubbed his eyes and sat up.

“So what are we doing today?” Blaine asked groggily. Amy shrugged and climbed back into the bed with him.

“Well, I was thinking maybe we rent a couple movies and eat everything in your fridge.” Blaine nodded and smiled.

“Sounds like a plan,” Blaine answered before his phone made a small noise. He reached over the bed and grabbed it. He opened the new text and read it.

'Hi, it's Kurt. I thought it was only fair that you had my number too :)'

Blaine smiled and quickly replied.

'Hi, I'm glad you texted me :) Are you okay about yesterday? I don't want to push you, you seemed a little freaked.'

Blaine pressed send and nervously awaited the reply.

- - -

“Um yeah I was freaked,” Kurt said aloud to his phone after receiving a text from Blaine. He didn't know what to say back. Oh my God! It's only texting! Why am I being like this?! Kurt thought.

He remembered what Mercedes advised him. Be sexy. Yeah, sexy. He can do sexy.

'Well I wasn't going to run home with someone I've just met ;)'

That was sexy. Right? Right. Was it? I'm so screwed! Kurt scolded himself.

'Would you like to go for coffee or something?' Blaine replied. Kurt's eyes went wide and he almost dropped his phone. Coffee? Isn't that kind of a big step?

Well, I suppose it's less of a step than sucking him off in his classroom- did that actually happen? Oh God! I'm such a bad person! Kurt thought.

Kurt really didn't know what to respond this time. He didn't even know if they were allowed to go get coffee and be seen together.

'In public?' Kurt typed quickly before pressing send and then automatically regretting it.

Kurt was worried in case Blaine took it the wrong way. It wasn't that he didn't want to be seen with Blaine, because look at him! He really does, it's just... he's still his teacher.

'Maybe that wasn't my best idea haha, how about hanging out at my place?' Blaine replied. Kurt started to worry again. What if Blaine meant something else? What if he just wanted to have sex? Kurt wanted to but... he's just not ready, not yet at least.

'Um yeah, okay sure' Kurt typed. He stared at his screen before pressing send, thinking and rethinking the decision multiple times before he built up the courage to press the button. He watched the circle load around until a check mark appeared in it's place.

No going back now, Kurt thought.

Blaine replied quickly with a time and his address and Kurt stared at the clock and then glanced over to his wardrobe. What was he going to wear?!

- - -

“That was the longest ass shower in the world,” Amy complained to Blaine as he walked out of the bathroom, still dripping wet with a white fluffy towel clinging low on his hips.

“Yeah, well it takes a lot to get this gel out of my- Amy...what did you do?” Blaine asked, taking in Amy's mischievous smirk and his phone laying next to her on the bed.

“Nothing,” she replied, obviously lying. He launched forward and grabbed the phone before she could. He scrolled through his messages and Amy watched as the colour slowly drained from Blaine's face.

“Kurt?! You texted Kurt?! Seriously?!” Blaine shouted at her. She didn't even flinch.

“Look, you like the guy, right? You need to get to know each other properly,” she justified. He rolled his eyes.

“He's going to come over here, Amy! He freaked out when I asked him yesterday! And now you of all people are inviting him?!” he asked her loudly.

“Calm down, you're freaking out! He's coming to hang out! And he probably freaked because he thought you meant to get lucky,” Amy told him. Blaine stopped and thought about yesterday before sighing and closing his eyes.

“I... did,” Blaine confessed. Amy scoffed.

“Think about it Blaine, he's in high school, barely a senior, and he's the only openly gay kid in school? Odds are... he's still plucking flowers and making daisy-chains in virgin city,” Amy explained.

“Ugh, I suck,” Blaine said aloud.

“I thought he did the sucking?” Amy joked. Blaine rolled his eyes and sighed. He knew he shouldn't have told Amy.

“So he's coming over, we're gong to chill out, watch a couple bad movies and eat our way to obesity,” Amy explained to Blaine. He sighed.

“Whoa...wait...we?” he asked, Amy smiled wide and nodded.

“Yes, we! Time to meet the family- well, the cool family,”

“Shouldn't it be 'meet the framily' then?” Blaine joked, he loved using puns in jokes...he was an English teacher for crying out loud!

“Meet the framily,” Amy mused. “Yeah... yeah I like it.”

- - -

Kurt looked over his appearance in the mirror and nodded and smiled. He decided to go quite simple today, just white skinny jeans with a maroon shirt with decorated shoulder pads and white doc martins... well, simple for him.

He ran upstairs and saw his dad at the tv, as per usual.

“Bye dad!” he shouted.

“Wait, kiddo. Where you off to?” Burt asked.

“Um... just... Mercedes' house,” Kurt lied. He hated to lie to his dad but... sometimes it's a must. Burt nodded and Kurt sighed before leaving the house. He ran to his car and sat in the front seat, trying to calm his nerves before driving anywhere. He input Blaine's address into his GPS and watched the route form. He then connected his phone to his car and rang Mercedes.

The ring of his phone surrounded him through the car speakers.

“Hey!” she answered.

“Help me! I'm freaking out!” he exclaimed, still parked outside his house.

“Okay, calm down, what's up?” she asked.

“I'm going to Blaine's! He invited me, I said yes and now I'm freaking out!”

“You're going to his house? Whoa... um, okay... just be cool, like you don't even care! But don't act sexy because he might get the wrong idea! Just... don't let him know you're freaking out and most of all... leave his place like you entered it... a virgin.”

“Mercedes!” Kurt scolded, he heard her laughing through the phone.

“Everything's going to be fine, if you need any help just text me, okay? Good luck, Kurt!” she said before hanging up.

Well that didn't help me like, at all! Kurt thought. He took a deep breath and started the car. The sudden roar of the engine felt like the butterflies in Kurt's stomach had started to speak, which made it seem even more nerve-wracking. He took a few deep breathes occasionally on the drive over to Blaine's place and stopped when he 'reached his destination' as the GPS put it.

He parked in the parking lot and looked up at the building, it wasn't as big as he thought it would be but it was towering over him still. It kind of looked like Karofsky... if he was a building, which he isn't really far off now.

Kurt ran his finger down the list of names next to apartments.

“A, A, A.” Kurt mused as his finger ran past other residents, “Anderson, Blaine. Here we go.” He took another deep breath and pressed the buzzer for apartment 247.

“Hi-Hi, It's m-me,” he stuttered out.

“Oh hey, yeah come on up.” he heard over the intercom and then a buzzing sound.

Here goes nothing.


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another great chapter