Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
“You horny little devil,” Amy said, coming into Blaine's room unannounced once again, eating a pretzel.
“What?” Blaine questioned her, sitting up and making fully sure that he didn't have a little Blaine ready to greet the morning – he didn't.
“Does this sound familiar?” she cleared her throat. “I'll call you back, oh, uh, yeah,” Amy continued making sex noises and kissing sounds. Blaine's face dropped. “Little tip Blaine, to hang up the phone you pwess the big wed button, okay?” she said, making it seem like she was talking to a baby.
“That was you on the phone?” he asked. She rolled her eyes and nodded.
“So... Who was he? A cute janitor? Oh oh! I bet it was some hot, mysterious science professor, am I right? Oh and I see your lip looks a little swollen, bite it, did he?” she asked, taking a bite out of her pretzel.
Blaine lifted his finger to his lip and winced slightly when he grazed over the bite. “No, it wasn't any of them,” Blaine confessed. Amy nodded, edging him on to tell her more. Amy was his best friend, he could trust her with anything... even this. He sighed and� rubbed his eyes. “Fine, okay... it was Kurt.” he sighed again. Amy's eyes went wide.
“Kurt... as in Kurt Kurt? The student Kurt? Blaine! What the hell are you thinking? You're going to get fired, you fucking idiot!” Amy shouted, pacing slightly.
“No I'm not! It was a one time thing. Freak accident, it's never going to happen again,” Blaine lied. It was totally going to happen again.
“Hey you know what, my sister gave birth yesterday, now you two have something in common!” Amy said. Blaine looked confused.
Be seduced by student – check. Make out with said student – check. Give birth – che- wait...no...
“You both had an infant yesterday,” Amy finished. Blaine groaned and stood up from his bed. He walked over and kissed her on the top of the head.
“Everything is going to be fine,” Blaine started. “You'll see.”
- - -
“Everything is not fine.”
“I see,” Amy replied over the phone. Blaine rolled his eyes. “What's wrong? Make out with another student Mr. Pedo-creepy pants?”
“I am not a pedo, he's practically an adult,” Blaine whispered into the phone.
“Practically being the word to focus on here, sweetie. Practically,” Amy corrected. Blaine rubbed his eyes again.
“I have his class first period. How am I meant to be calm when he's sitting right there?” Blaine choked out.
“Whoa, whoa, now calm down, okay? Deep breaths. Look, like you said, everything is going to be fine, and then if it's not... we'll go out and get you good and drunk, okay?” Amy suggested. Blaine sighed.
“Yeah, okay,” he replied. He could practically hear Amy nodding on the phone.
“Good! I'm going to go to work now and you're going to act like the professional you are- well, the professional you were before you started making out with students.” Blaine sighed again and Amy just laughed. “I'll see you later, don't worry,” she finished before hanging up the phone.
The bell rang into Blaine's ears and he felt all the blood drain from his face.
“Dear God! I can't do this!”
- - -
“I can't do this, Mercedes! Please don't make me,” Kurt whined into Mercedes' shoulder.
“Everything's going to be fine, Kurt,” she replied.
They walked into the classroom and Kurt couldn't help but notice Blaine sitting slumped behind his desk looking at the floor.
“I've killed his spirit, look at him. He looks dead!” Kurt continued to examine Blaine from his desk. “You don't think he's dead do you?” Kurt asked Mercedes. She studied him too.
“No, he's breathing. You're cool.” Kurt nodded.
- - -
Blaine saw Kurt and Mercedes enter the room and kept his eyes glued to the floor. He couldn't face looking at him. Not because he was ashamed, or embarrassed. Simply because if he looked at Kurt he really didn't know if he could control his urges. He'd want to throw him on the floor and fuck him in front of everyone... which he couldn't do...obviously.
“Um... Mr. A? Are you okay?” a girl in the front row called out. Blaine snapped out of his daze and realised that the rest of the class had arrived.
“Yeah, I'm fine,” Blaine lied, he glanced to Kurt who had a small smile on his face. Blaine looked away instantly. “So what were we talking about last lesson?” Blaine asked.
“Psychosexual development,” Kurt answered. Blaine looked at him and saw the small smirk on Kurt's face. He smiled at him and let his eyes wander over Kurt's beautiful face.
“Yeah, um... thank you, Kurt,” Blaine replied. His eyes travelled down to Kurt's scarf and he knew it was to hide the love bite he made there yesterday.
Blaine snapped out of his daze once again and continued on teaching about other theories of development. He spoke for the whole lesson, weaving in and out of the desks as usual but this time, when he walked past Kurt's desk he dropped a note.
- - -
“Everyone's here... why isn't he doing anything?” Kurt asked. Mercedes shrugged.
“Um... Mr. A? Are you okay?” a girl called Sarah asked. Kurt didn't really know Sarah too well but she seemed like a know-it-all so Kurt wasn't really all that fussed about her.
Kurt saw as Blaine's eyes went wider and he just stared at her before blinking a few times. He sat up slightly and rubbed the back of his neck, something Kurt had seen Blaine do a few times – it was cute.
“Yeah, I'm fine,” Blaine replied to Sarah. Just hearing Blaine's voice made Kurt happy, a lot happier than it should. He was scared that he was going to fall too deep with Blaine. Blaine glanced over at Kurt and snapped his head away less than a second later. Kurt sighed.
“He hates me,” Kurt whispered to Mercedes. She rolled her eyes.
“He doesn't hate you,” she replied. This time it was Kurt's turn to roll his eyes.
“Look at him! He can't even look at me, I feel so ashamed,” Kurt sighed.
“Don't! Just be 'sexy Kurt', you'll have him eating out of the palm of your hand,” Mercedes advised. Kurt nodded.
“So what were we talking about last lesson?” Blaine asked the class. No one answered so Kurt took advantage of the small silence. If not now, then when, right?
“Psychosexual development,” Kurt said aloud. Blaine's eyes went straight to his and a small smirk made it's way onto Kurt's lips. Blaine smiled back at him.
“Yeah, um... thank you, Kurt,” Blaine replied. Kurt nodded and watched as Blaine looked at him. Mercedes smiled.
“Told you so,” she whispered. Kurt giggled. The lesson continued on and Blaine just carried on talking some psychology babble. When he walked past Kurt's desk, he dropped a note and Kurt's eyebrow raised as he opened it secretly.
I'm not enjoying the scarf, and by the way, my lip's fine. Thanks for asking. See you after school? :)
Kurt blushed slightly and scribbled down his response underneath Blaine's message. He moved it to the corner of his desk and Blaine picked it up when he walked past again.
It keeps my neck warm, why else would I wear it? ;) I can't remember asking about your lip though, and yeah, sure, see you then :)
- - -
Blaine read Kurt's response and couldn't help but smile. Before he knew it, the bell rang and the lesson was over.
“Thanks guys, see you soon,” Blaine said to the class, full of a lot more life than at the beginning. Kurt waited until everyone had left and waltzed out of the class.
“See you later Mr. Anderson,” he said in a sultry way before strutting out of the class.
“Later,” Blaine repeated as he watched Kurt leave.
He couldn't wait until the end of the day.
Oh, my. Oh, my, my, my.
The tension between them is sweet torture!
Wait...But if its English why are the talking about Psychosexual Development?
Blaine teaches both English and Psychology :)
Wait...But if its English why are the talking about Psychosexual Development?
another amazing chapter
hey, you had them talking about freud in what was supposed to be 1st period english not last period psych.
boy are they playing dirty
Awww I love the little note they passed ;)
love it
was this a filler chapter.yep i was right about blaine and the scarf
I know where u got that infant joke from. Im sure they used it in Queer as Folk :D