It's Frowned Upon
English Assignment Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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It's Frowned Upon: English Assignment

E - Words: 1,385 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
7,290 0 7 0 0

Blaine sat alone once more in his classroom and brought his hands up to face to feel how much he was sweating. What was Kurt doing to him? This wasn't fair!

Blaine was dreading last period...psychology...with Kurt. No one could save him there, well to be one could save him anywhere.

The day, unfortunately for Blaine, flew by and last period was right infront of him.

“Hello Mr Anderson” Kurt said as he walked straight past him without a glance and sat in the back row, in the corner. Blaine raised an eyebrow but Kurt didn't see it.

“Um, Hi Kurt” he replied awkwardly. He filed through his papers and lesson plans with the occasionally glance at Kurt who looked like his head couldn't have been further away from the classroom.

I wonder what he's thinking. I wonder if he's thinking about me, Blaine thought and then mentally scolded himself for even having such thoughts.

When the rest of the class piled into the classroom, Blaine cleared his throat to get the attention of the class. Something he did successfully...well...almost. Everyone was looking except Kurt, Blaine rolled his eyes slightly, fine if that was the way he was going to be.

“So hey guys, we're going to start with something interesting today, and I know what you're thinking. It's probably not interesting” Blaine joked, some people laughed, “but like seriously, this is actually really interesting, trust me, okay? And if it's boring as hell, you can have a free period tomorrow instead of my lesson” Blaine said, the class showed their enthusiasm, “just kidding, gotcha” Blaine winked. Some giggles escaped as Blaine rested against his desk, proud of his teaching manner. Sure, some people might say it's unorthodox but hey, it works for him, so just back off okay? Jeez!

Blaine smiled at the class as he seen some students who were genuinely interested in what he was saying, “so we're just going to do a quick look into Freud. Freud is this guy who has some seriously crazy ideas. Some things that I'm going to tell you today, you're probably going to think 'what was this guy on?' but, he's really clever and he does make it work, somehow” Blaine laughed, “now Freud is a huuuuge section of the syllabus so we're just going to breech on his development theory” Blaine clasped his hands together and stood up from leaning on his desk to walk in between the isles.

“Now, it's called psychosexual development and believe me, it's totally psycho! Because no one in their right mind would think of this stuff” Blaine joked, “Freud basically believed that people's personalities were pretty much set by the age of 5, so the stuff you do before that is really important; the stages that you have to go through as an infant. He said that if each stage wasn't properly completed then a person would get fixated on that stage and never really move on from it. Which means their personality would be classed an 'unhealthy'” Blaine continued on to explain, all the while looking at Kurt whilst he was weaving in and out of the rows.

Finally he got to Kurt's row and walked towards him, Kurt didn't even look. Blaine turned around and felt something hard pinch his ass. He squeaked and the whole class looked at him. He blushed slightly and faked a cough, “sorry about that guys” he joked. He carried on speaking and looked at Kurt, who still wasn't looking much had a huge smirk on his face.

Oh my God! He pinched my ass! Blaine thought.

“Now, the first stage is called the oral stage-” There were outbursts of laughter in the class and Blaine rolled his eyes and sat behind his desk, “come on guys, how old are you? Yes, oral” Blaine said. He glanced over and Kurt was staring at him with another smirk on his face, Blaine cleared his throat as he began to talk.

“The, um, oral stage is when a baby needs to use it's mouth” Blaine's thoughts were blown away when he saw what Kurt was doing. He picked up his pen and put it in his mouth, sucking on it slightly and pulling it in and out his sweet pink lips, “feed. They use their mouths to feed” Blaine continued and tried to tear his eyes away from Kurts stare and obscene gestures.

Kurt was more than aware of what he was doing to Blaine. He watched him figit in his chair and try and continue to talk as if nothing was wrong, but something was wrong. He had feelings for Kurt, and if that was wrong then Kurt didn't want him to be right.

Kurt used his pale fingers to pull the pen in and out of his mouth, slightly deeper each time.

God, I hope this doesn't leak on me. This is a new shirt, Kurt thought, no come on! Sexy, Kurt! Think Sexy!

Kurt pulled the pen completely out of his mouth and started slowly licking down the sides of it, but not in an obvious way so people could see in the class...just enough so Blaine knew exactly what he meant.

Meanwhile Blaine was thanking the Gods that he sat down behind his desk, otherwise the whole class would have saw what was...going on behind his desk.

“ they could trust people and be comforted by them” Kurt heard the end of Blaine's sentence. Wow, being sexy takes a lot out of you.

“The most important reflex that is developed in this stage is the...sucking relfex. Fixation in this stage can lead to drinking problems, eating disorders and even something as little as still sucking your thumb when you sleep” During Blaine's whole speech he had been trying to ignore the fact that Kurt has started to suck on his pen again. Blaine's mouth was very dry and he just needed to get out of there!

“um, guys, give me two seconds okay? I've just got to run and get a drink, I'm dying over here” Blaine announced and practically ran out the room. He leant on the wall outside, out of sight, closed his eyes and took a few deep breathes.

“he's a student. He's a student” he repeated in a very low whisper.

“who's a student?” he heard a voice asked, he opened his eyes and saw Kurt standing there with an innocent look on his face. Blaine straightened up and cleared his throat.

“Kurt, you shouldn't be out of class” Blaine informed him, he nodded and used his index finger to trace small circles on the base of his neck.

“I know but you looked a little weird, so I thought I would come and see if you were okay. Are you? You look a little tense. I could probably work out a few of those...kinks if you wanted me to?” Kurt asked, emphasising the words that he knew would drive Blaine crazy. Blaine's mouth got even more dry.

“Yes, I'm fine thanks. Now go back inside, I'll be back in a minute” Blaine told him he nodded.

“okay, well don't be long, Mr Anderson. It's really hard when you're not there to teach us this stuff” Kurt smirked and winked at Blaine before leaving to go back into the classroom. Blaine realised how much of an idiot he must have looked, standing there with his mouth wide open practically drooling.

“Good God” Blaine whispered before getting a glass of water from the teacher's lounge. He looked at his watch, not that long left and made his way back to the class.

“sorry about that, again” Blaine smiled as he walked in, “right, there isn't long left so i'm just going to run through the rest real quick” Blaine told them. He continued to explain about the other stages and soon realised that Kurt had began to work his mouth on his pen again, harder and faster this time and Blaine just couldn't take it, “so even though Freud held case studies, they were on adults and not children, so they're not 100% accur-Kurt?” Blaine announced, Kurt quickly put his pen down just in time for everyone to stare at him, Kurt felt a blush take over his cheeks, “I just remembered, I need to see you after class today” Blaine told him, he raised an eyebrow, “It's about your english assignment” Blaine smiled at him, and Kurt nodded in response.


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Hmmmm. All through this chapter, I've been thinking, "You'd better be careful how much you play with fire, Kurt...." (I'm assuming you're writing him as a virgin?) I'm very curious to see if his shameless flirting gets him more than he'd expected/wanted.

Omg kurt's banter and play on words just about killed me. I LOVE your kurt!!!

I would have took his pen away.great chapter

Damnnnnnn Kurt is crazy but I love this version of Kurt

kurt the little dare devil