Sugar Baby
Seventeen Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sugar Baby: Seventeen

E - Words: 1,777 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 32/32 - Created: Dec 11, 2012 - Updated: May 10, 2013
960 0 4 0 1

Author's Notes: Chapter Warnings: Mpreg, violence


Sugar Baby


"Puck, did you have one of your endless pathetic groupies snuck in here last night instead of at your mess of an apartment?" Sebastian asked, lip curling in contempt as he looked haughtily at the man. Blaine looked up from keeping a careful eye on the sandwiches he was grilling for him and Kurt to see Puck looking as offended as he could with his cheeks bulging out like a hamster's, filled with food.

"Hey, hey, I'm trying to wean myself off the groupie diet, become a little more high-class in my choices," Puck retorted around a mouthful of sandwich. "What were you doing here last night anyway?"

"Sam was pre-approving the answers for my next interview, and I was here until late so I decided to stay over, and there was a lot of screaming," Sebastian explained with an arched eyebrow, and Blaine felt his heart skip a beat at the realization of what exactly people had heard. "I thought it was you with some girl."

Blaine cleared his throat loudly, a blotchy flush rising in his neck as he loudly proclaimed, "That was Kurt and I, last night. I was glad he was okay and we made a big step in our relationship, we were celebrating. I didn't realise how loud we were, sorry."

When he turned around, both Santana and Puck were giving him knowing smirks, Brittany was smiling and bouncing a little on the balls of her feet, Quinn was looking proud, Jeff's eyebrows had disappeared under his hair but he was still smiling, and Sebastian was smirking at him, drawling, "That was Kurt? Well, no wonder I thought it was a girl."

Fury rose up in Blaine and his head whipped around to look at Sebastian as he snapped, "Shut your mouth, that's my boyfriend you're talking about."

"Boyfriend?!" Blaine grinned to himself in satisfaction at the surprised tones in everyone's exclamation, the resignation in Sam's expression, the happy glow in Brittany's eyes, the proud smile on Quinn's lips and the unadulterated shock painted on Sebastian's face, and he placed their sandwiches and orange juices and Kurt's glass of warm milk and honey onto a tray as he said, "Yes, my boyfriend. My boyfriend who I care about and do notwant anyone to insult at all, never mind in front of me. I happen to adore Kurt, and if you're going to insult him and cause stress to him then maybe this isn't the place for you."

"What, you'd fire me over him?!" Sebastian yelped, and Blaine crossed his arms belligerently. "You would fire me, with our history and my talent and the money I bring to this label, over a stupid teenager with a hard-luck case of the gay face and a faked pregnancy and sob story to get into your wallet?"

"Faked?!" came a shriek, and Blaine wheeled around to see Kurt standing in the doorway, arms folded over his chest, eyes flashing with anger. "You think I'd fake emotional trauma for money?! You think I would pretend to be pregnant as a sixteen year old boy to get into a man's wallet?!" He stalked across the room to Sebastian, who was still staring boldly at him. "Fuck you!" The crack of Kurt's hand into Sebastian's jaw echoed through the room and Santana burst out with a whoop as an affronted and infuriated Sebastian affected an arrogant demeanour and stormed out, and Kurt turned to them with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"God, that felt good," he said softly, and Quinn and Brittany both started laughing, both blondes leaning forward to kiss his cheeks as he crossed the room into Blaine's waiting arms, falling into a long kiss that had Brittany cooing and Puck making exaggerated gagging noises. Kurt glared at Puck when Blaine let go of him, and Blaine smiled affectionately, pressing a soft kiss to the tip of his nose. "Thank you. You gave me the courage to do that. I'm so crazy about you, Blaine."

"You are amazing," Blaine breathed, and lifted Kurt into his arms to kiss him, deep and passionate and a little hungry, wishing the room wasn't full so he could back Kurt up against a counter and slowly peel off his clothes, kiss the sweet little swell of his belly and make love to him against the marble countertops. Sadly, Santana slapped him over the back of the head with a spatula and caused him to let go of Kurt, groaning and rubbing the back of his head.

Kurt giggled softly and curled into Blaine's arms, and Blaine held him close, sliding a hand down to curve over his slight bump, kissing just behind his ear. "You have an ultrasound appointment at the hospital later, I made it for you," he whispered, and Kurt smiled against his shoulder. "I want to see our baby." Kurt's smile was utterly dazzling when he turned to kiss him again, jumping up to wrap his legs around Blaine's waist, unconscious of their company.

After a minute, Brittany came over to unwrap them from around each other, all smiles and shining eyes as she said, "You have to show me some pictures or a video of your baby, I bet he or she already looks just like you two!" A brief flash went through Blaine's mind, of a child with Kurt's eyes and pale skin and his dark curls, and he hugged Kurt closer, holding on to the fantasy, caressing the slowly forming bump and kissing the back of his neck.

They spent the morning drifting lazily around the house, lying curled up together on the sofa, not talking but simply revelling in each other's company, as people drifted in and out, Brittany learning choreography in one corner, Quinn practicing yoga in another, and Santana flipping through a magazine, looking for commentary about any of them. Finally twelve thirty came and they left for the hospital, sent off by Brittany kissing their cheeks and handing them a blank DVD to burn a film onto, and Quinn wishing them luck.

When Kurt was lying in the doctor's chair, staring up at the ceiling and clutching Blaine's hand much too hard, Blaine squeezed his hand before pulling away as the doctor came in, smiling reassuringly at them an addressing Kurt in a doubtful tone as she asked, "Is this the father?"

"No, no, the father wants nothing to do with me, this is my friend, here for moral support," Kurt said softly, sliding his hand out of Blaine's grip. "So can I see my baby now?" The doctor smiled and squeezed the clear gel onto Kurt's stomach when he rolled his shirt up, Blaine smiling fondly when Kurt jumped at the cold shock to his skin.

The doctor narrated what she was doing as she ran the wand over Kurt's stomach, saying, "Okay, if you look at the screen now, you'll be able to see him or her. I can't tell you the sex yet, but I can tell you that you are twelve weeks pregnant and if you come back in eight weeks we'll be able to tell you the sex if you want to know." She smiled at Kurt's misty eyes, the soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips, and quietly said, "I'll give you two a few minutes alone. When I come back, I'll burn the video onto your DVD for you."

She left, the door clicking quietly shut behind her, and Blaine shifted closer, taking Kurt's hand and staring in wonder at the image on the screen, the black and white film moving slowly, showing them where their baby was. "Oh my God," he breathed. "That's our baby. Our son or daughter. God, it's beautiful." He smiled at Kurt and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. "This is the happiest day of my life. Thank you."

Kurt pulled him closer, blinking back tears, and met him in a long, deep kiss. "Swear you'll never forget seeing him or her for the first time," he whispered, and Blaine nodded, sliding his arms tighter around him and kissing him hard, wanting to lay him down and make love to him for the second time in the day, desperate to show him how much he cared. "Blaine, I...I'm so happy I'm here with you." Blaine smiled and nodded, pressing into another kiss and only pulling away when the doctor knocked on the door to come back inside.

Santana grinned at Kurt as he sat down next to her, curving a hand over his stomach and smiling at the three women. "What's got you in such a good mood, kiddo?" she asked, reaching for her drink and grinning as Brittany sat down on her lap, squirming to get comfortable and laying her blonde head atop Santana's dark one.

"I think Blaine's in love with me," he confided quietly, grinning to himself and wrapping his arms around his belly. Quinn started upright, staring at him questioningly. "He told me he wanted to help me raise the baby and he would be there no matter what I needed him for, and when I asked him if he'd want to be my boyfriend he said yes and he asked me and I said yes and he said it was the happiest day of his life last week at my ultrasound when we saw the baby for the first time. He's falling for me. And I'm in love with him. Every time I tell him I'm crazy about him, I'm really telling him I love him."

"Kurt, you can't possibly know how someone else is feeling, especially someone as cryptic as Blaine, hiding everything he feels like that," Quinn said slowly, reaching over to stroke his arm gently. "I know you think this is a great love story between you two, but just be careful, okay? He could so easily break your heart."

"But six months ago it was just sex, and now it's so much more!" Kurt pointed out, hating that they were questioning him, his heart sinking as their realities seeped into his soul. "He said he'd be there for me, he's told me I'm perfect and amazing and beautiful and he wants us to be a family."

"So that's great, he's stepping up to be responsible for your baby, but he's not necessarily in love with you," Santana said, giving him a sad semblance of a smile. "You can't put your heart on the line, what you and Blaine have is too fragile."

Kurt stood up, folding his arms over his chest and glaring down at the trio. "Blaine is in love with me, and I can prove it," he said belligerently. "I will go and I will tell him and he'll say it back because he feels the same way. You'll see."


End Notes: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! :)


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Great chapter! I can totally related to how Blaine and Kurt are feeling, i have a son myself. and seeing him for the first time was just nothing short of amazing! But anyways Yes great chapter and i cant wait for more. but sadly i have the feeling that blaine isnt going to return the feelings. well not right now at least. but i could be wrong!


I have a feeling you going to brake my heart and have my babies fight ones again .... We will see

I feel so bad for Kurt, I know he loves them and as much as I hate to say this the girls are right. And I am so glad Kurt hit Sebastian. I hate that they can't tell anybody that Blaine is the father especially the Doctor.