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Kryptonite: Two

E - Words: 2,703 - Last Updated: May 01, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Apr 22, 2013 - Updated: May 01, 2013
228 0 0 0 0

Despite being gratuitously used by Hunter, the taste of latex still lingering despite brushing his teeth twice, drinking a lot of coffee and eating a late lunch with the rest of the staff when the rush slowed, Blaine still had a spring in his step and a shine in his eyes the next day as he worked. The very idea that Kurt was waiting for him kept his nerves buzzing all day, and the moment Isabelle released them he was gone, leaving Kitty to do the grocery shopping while he flicked desperately through his closet and tried to decide what to wear.

Tight red jeans, the ones that always made him feel confident. He looked over his array of silk shirts, but he didn't want to appear so cheap to Kurt. Choosing his favourite boots, brown leather scuffed from wearing them up and down the country to hundreds of unsuccessful auditions, he slid them on and contemplated his closet carefully, flicking through his sweaters and cardigans for something appropriate. Finally, he chose his old lobster-patterned cardigan and a white polo for layering, and a tie in the same shade of grey as the soft material of the cardigan to pull the outfit together.

Fixing his hair to leave it mostly curly, just restrained to keep it from growing too wild in the wind rattling the windows, he gave his reflection a carefully considering once-over and grinned at himself. He looked good, younger than he would usually aim to be when heading out for a night with a client, but Kurt was younger than anyone else he serviced. The door opened and Bond went skittering across the floor, joyfully barking his greeting, and Blaine came out of his room to find Kitty putting the groceries away. "I'm going out, don't wait up," he told her, and she rolled her eyes as she presented her cheek for a goodbye kiss.

"You're always out late," she observed, and Blaine froze, hoping she hadn't realised where he was going three nights out of a week. "Do I have to call your mother, Blaine Devon Anderson? Do you have a boyfriend you're not telling anyone about?"

"Yeah, that's it, I'm seeing a boy in secret, don't tell anyone," Blaine teased. "It's the only time to get that auditorium at NYADA so I can practice for auditions, you know that. I promise I'll call if I'm going to be any later than midnight." He kissed Kitty's cheek, feeling her smile, and scratched Bond beneath the chin before he left, a spring in his step as he walked with the wind at his back, squinting at the map he'd printed out for the directions to the hotel where Kurt was staying.

As he strode into the reception of the hotel, gazing up in awe at the extravagant chandelier hanging from the ceiling, the pretty young woman at reception gave him a smile and beckoned him close. "What can I do for you, sir?" she asked sweetly.

"I'm here for Oliver Twist, he should be expecting me," Blaine said, drumming his fingers nervously against his own thighs. "He said he would tell reception he'd be expecting a guest at seven o'clock today."

"Yes, we do have a record of that," the young woman said, and slid a black keycard across the counter to Blaine. "He's staying in room 421. Here is your key, sir, and enjoy your evening." Blaine just smirked at her and turned towards one of the elevators, bouncing eagerly on the balls of his feet all the way up to the fourth floor, counting each gold number embossed on the doors until he found 421 and slid his card expertly through the scanner, waiting for the red light to flicker green before letting himself in as the grandfather clock at the end of the corridor chimed seven.

He was greeted by a wonderland of seduction. Red was everywhere, in the sheets on the bed, in the candles, on Kurt's body as he sashayed across the room to him in a hotel issue red bathrobe, hair perfectly coiffed and eyes glittering with anticipation. "Hi gorgeous," he murmured, leaning in so his breath gusted warm against Blaine's lips, obviously wanting to be kissed.

"I have certain rules for these encounters," Blaine said softly, stepping back, drawing his lip nervously between his teeth when he saw Kurt's eyes dim with disappointment. "No barebacking, for both mine and my customer's protection. I get tested every three months, but you can never be sure, it's safer to use protection." Kurt nodded sagely, and his long fingers toyed with the buttons of Blaine's cardigan, Blaine fighting to control his breathing as he gave Kurt a tiny nod and allowed him to take it off, hanging it neatly on the stand by the door.

"No pain. Not by hitting me or not using lube or with any object. It's not my kink and I'd much rather steer clear of any risk of it." Kurt nodded gently, eyes raking over Blaine's body, exposed now in his closely clinging clothes, his robe falling open a little to expose a V of flawless pale skin that Blaine ached to touch.

"No asking questions. I may have more encounters with you, I don't know, that's for you to decide, but I prefer to stay as incognito as possible. You won't know me accept for my name and my place of work." Kurt gave him an expectant look, and Blaine smiled. "It's Blaine, by the way. So you know what you'll be screaming later."

"I wouldn't be so sure that I'll be the one screaming," Kurt teased, giving Blaine a look from beneath his lashes that made him want to damn his rules and kiss this gorgeous man, lay him out on the sinfully scarlet sheets and learn every inch of his body, never leave the warm freckled curve of him.

"Don't expect me to still be here in the morning," Blaine continued, keeping his voice strong as Kurt untied his bowtie in one deft movement and yanked it away, pulling him closer with the motion. "I'm not a boyfriend, I'm not a lover, I'm here for the money, not out of personal interest. I come in, we have sex and I leave." Not entirely true in Kurt's case, but he couldn't admit that and still have this unbelievable older man take him seriously.

"And no kissing," he concluded as Kurt fisted his hands through the hem of his polo, dragging the material up over his head. "I had an awful boyfriend in high school who'd always do more than I wanted by distraction me with kisses, and I never want to be in that position again, so the rule is no kissing. If that's a problem, I can give you your money back and just leave."

"It's not a problem," Kurt said softly, and Blaine looked up to meet his eyes, resting reverently on his rather than roaming hungrily over his naked torso. "Can I kiss you in other places? Not your mouth, I promise, but would it be okay to kiss your neck? Your shoulders? Your gorgeous arms and chest and stomach and justeverywhere?"

Blaine tilted his head as if considering the offer, eyes smouldering deep gold at Kurt from beneath his lashes as the older man patiently waited, loosening the cord around his waist a little more, robe sliding off his shoulders and interrupting Blaine's train of thought with acres of creamy skin he wanted to leave bruises ringed with the marks of his teeth all over.

"I suppose that would be acceptable," he finally acquiesced teasingly, for Kurt to slam him back against the door, lips hot on his neck, sucking bruises into the tender skin and sending a shudder down his spine, knees turning liquid and almost sending him crashing to the floor.

Kurt whipped them around, a tendril of flame flying through the night, and backed Blaine rapidly towards the bed, the two of them tumbling down on a confusion of limbs and hands and lips. "You're gorgeous, Blaine," Kurt murmured against Blaine's collarbone, running his tongue along the line of the bone, hot and wet. "Let me make you feel good. I've never had a man like you under me."

"But you're paying me," Blaine said hesitantly, halting Kurt's worship of him by pulling his head up to look into his eyes. "I don't understand. Don't you want to use me to make you feel good?"

"If I wanted that, I'd buy a vibrator," Kurt scoffed, making Blaine giggle beneath him. "Do you not see how I got room service to set up this room? There's champagne on ice, and I can order those cliched chocolate strawberries from reception. You're not just a toy to me, you're a person and you matter."

Blinking up at Kurt in surprise, Blaine's gaze dropped to his lips, watching Kurt's tongue dart out nervously, the glistening trail it left behind. He wanted to kiss him so badly. Would it be a bad thing, to break a rule just this once? It would never happen again, just an impulse to follow and then forget about. Kurt's mouth was so close to his, just one tiny move and they'd be kissing, Kurt's lips on his, moving with his.

But then Kurt pulled away and slid down the bed, mouthing at him through his jeans before opening them and pulling his cock free, pressing soft kiss along the shaft, and Blaine forgot all thoughts of kissing him in favour of letting his head fall back against the bed with a moan, burying his hands in Kurt's hair and canting his hips towards his face. "Oh God, I'm sorry," he whispered, and Kurt just laughed, pillowing his chin on Blaine's thigh and smiling at him.

"It's been a while since anyone took your pleasure into account, right?" he asked softly, and Blaine nodded. "I plan on fucking you very thoroughly, and it won't burn as much if you come first." Blaine bit into the side of his own hand to choke back a scream as Kurt sucked at the pre-come beading at the head of his cock and sank his mouth over him, hot and wet and sending Blaine's head spinning with desire, spreading his legs to give Kurt better access, fingers tugging desperately at Kurt's hair.

"Come on, baby," Kurt whispered, pulling away briefly to suck kisses into the inside of Blaine's thigh, sweet and undeniably tender. "Just let go." With a cry, Blaine arched up from the bed, taut as a bowstring, and came.

"Oh my God," Blaine sighed as Kurt swallowed heavily and slid up the bed to lie next to him. His erection dug into Blaine's thigh, but he seemed to have no desire to get himself off. Perhaps he really had put a priority on Blaine's pleasure. "You're wonderful."

"I try," Kurt teased, tracing the tip of one cool finger around a red mark shining proudly out on Blaine's neck. "I'm just going to freshen up a little, I won't be long." Blaine watched him go and let himself simply sink into the bed, his thoughts drifting.

When Kurt returned, hair swept back into his neat coiff, smelling of his sharp and spicy cologne, Blaine smirked up at him, eyes glittering as Kurt slipped off his robe and knelt between his spread legs, popping open the bottle of lube. "Hello gorgeous," he whispered, leaning down to press a soft kiss to Blaine's wrist, right over the spot where his pulse fluttered at the butterfly-wing touch of Kurt's lips as he slicked up a finger, slowly circling Blaine's rim before pressing slowly into him, making Blaine keen long and low, arching closer, aching for more.

"So long since someone else did this," he murmured, watching the concentration in Kurt's eyes, the set of his mouth, so focused on making Blaine feel good. "Usually do it myself. Don't like trusting people to do it. Feel like they won't know what I like or how to do it right. Most of my usual clients are married to women and having me on the side."

"I can tell you that I'm definitely not married to anyone, unless something went very wrong when I was in Vegas last month for my manager's bachelorette party," Kurt assured him and Blaine giggled, the sound turning into a gasp as Kurt pressed another finger in, absurdly turned on by the slight burn and stretch, wondering in some distant part of his mind why he could never reach this state alone. "That must be hard, though. Knowing no matter what you do they'll be leaving for someone else's arms at the end of the night."

Blaine opened his mouth to respond, but Kurt's crooked fingers found his prostate and his words became a cry that trailed away into a gasp, writhing down desperately onto Kurt's fingers. "'Nother one," he pleaded breathlessly, and Kurt smiled as he complied, leaning down to wrap his lips around Blaine's nipple, making Blaine jerk and cry out. "Kurt, now, please please now. I want you so bad."

Hands shaking, Kurt reached over Blaine for a condom, rolling it expertly onto himself and slicking himself up with three sharp tugs, pressing soft kisses to Blaine's chest as he pushed slowly into him, Blaine lifting his leg and wrapping it around his hips, heel digging into Kurt's ass and pressing him in deep. His eyes rolled back in his head as Kurt bottomed out, breathing heavily and pressing his forehead against Blaine's shoulder, chest rising and falling raggedly. "You feel so good," he gasped, undulating his hips experimentally, making Blaine cry out and his free leg twine around Kurt's, pulling him closer. "God, Blaine, you're so gorgeous. Please say you won't last, because I just can't."

"Just a little more," Blaine promised, a sweat-damp curl falling over his forehead as he shuffled upright to meet Kurt's eyes and give him a soft smile. "Move, Kurt, please."

The moment Kurt did, Blaine collapsed against the mattress, the springs creaking beneath his body, letting himself sink into the hypnotic sway of Kurt's marble-pale body above his, revelling in letting someone else go to the lengths of giving him pleasure instead of the usual role reversal, absorbed in the grit of Kurt's teeth as he concentrated, the sweet drag of him inside, how he could feel him hot and hard even through the layer of latex that separated their skin, the scent of his cologne heavy with sweat and sex on the air, the deep cerulean of his eyes and the shiny black of his blown pupils, the warmth of his breath and the scrape of his teeth against Blaine's neck, the shudder that rolled through his body when Blaine cried out his name, pushing him deep inside.

And that was all it took for Blaine to come with a high thready moan, white streaks webbing over the olive of his stomach and chest, and he forced his orgasm-heavy eyelids open in time to see the flash of ecstasy and relief across Kurt's face as he came, shaking and whining through it before collapsing heavily on top of Blaine, stroking his hair thoughtlessly as they simply lay content in each other's company and the sounds of their heavy breathing as they came down from their shared high.

"Best I've ever had," Kurt declared after long minutes of pleasure-high silence, raising his head from Blaine's chest to give him a bright smile, eyes glittering, voice deliciously rough. "Do you want to clean up before you leave?"

"Actually, I was thinking about staying," Blaine said softly, and Kurt's eyes lit up. "I don't want my roommate to get suspicious, and I think staying out the whole night might help ease her up on the interrogating. I know you have to be on set early tomorrow morning, I can wake up early and go."

"It's not a problem," Kurt assured him. "I'll tell reception you're still here and they'll send up breakfast." He pressed a soft kiss against Blaine's shoulder and said, "I better go take my second shower of the night. Only downside to sex." He gave Blaine a smile and climbed out of bed, swaying hips and mussed hair and flushed skin as he sashayed into the bathroom, leaving Blaine to sink into the bed and give the ceiling a giddily smug smile.


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