May 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
"Warbler Blaine. I presume you have an idea for our choreography for Come on Get Higher?" Wes asked as the group stood in our agreed starting lineup.
"Umm... Yeah, Ive been working on a few routines." I lied.
I have been too caught up with Kurt that I lagged on everything else. I still only had that paragraph and a half written for my essay. Last nights homework was piled up uncompleted. I took zeros on the assignments. I didnt even have one move for either song.
I stood in my placing for a moment as I thought up the first dance move to come to me. I then began demonstrating the group of Warblers the move that I rehearsed a few times over in my head just then, failing and falling on the floor.
The boys all gasped as I picked myself off the ground.
"Blaine Warbler fell!?" Wes gaped, "A man of your poise and dedication would never fall unless hes never practice the dance move before."
"You caught me." I sighed, "I completed nothing for our routine."
"Youve seemed to be in a trance lately." Jeff inputted.
"Yes, I suppose he has." Wes said.
I turned around to face the group behind me, "Im fine, really."
"Are you sure?" Nick asked.
"Yes. Yes, Im fine." I assured.
"Well, we shouldnt be fighting." Wes said, "Lets figure out a routine, together."
I was glad when practice let out. It gave me the opportunity to change and head out to the Lima Bean to meet Kurt.
When I got out into the parking lot I shot Kurt off a quick text:
Heading off to the LB, be there soon :) -Blaine
I wasnt expecting an immediate reply back but I did keep a hopeful eye on my cell as I drove off.
I was halfway there when I got a reply back:
K, got you a coffee, hope you dont mind :) -Kurt
My heart began pounding. He bought me a coffee. I was broth grateful and worried. What if I didnt like it? I didnt want to disappoint him though. He was not a guy you would want to disappoint. He was too precious to hurt.
I finally arrived at the Lima Bean. I got out of my car and peered throughout the windows. There he sat: coffee cup in hand, reading a magazine. I noticed another cup sitting at the empty chair across from him. That mustve been mine. I smiled and walked into the tiny building, marching straight to the table. Kurt greeted me as I took the empty seat.
"Whatdya get me?" I asked, a bright smile on my face as I peered down at the coffee cup in front of me.
"What I overheard you order yesterday. A medium drip!" He said with a satisfactory smile on his face.
"You know me so well." I said as I forced fake tears to fill my eyes.
"No need to get emotional." Kurt giggled sarcastically.
I let out a little chuckle myself, "Thank you, but you didnt have to take money out of your own wallet for me. Im capable of buying my own coffee." I told him.
"I know." He said, "I just felt obligated to do so. If that bothers you then Ill stop."
"Oh, no, that was very nice of you. Ill buy you coffee tomorrow. What does Kurt Hummel preference?" I asked.
"Oh, Blaine, you dont have to do that. I did this out of the goodness of my heart. No need to return the favor." Kurt tried.
"But I must. Im obliged so I must return to you what you did for me." I said.
"Im not going to win this war? Am I?" Kurt asked with a subtle sigh.
"No..." I trailed off with a goofy smile on my face.
Kurt sighed again, "Well, in that case, I always get a grande nonfat mocha."
"Grande non fat mocha?" I checked to make sure I heard correct. Kurt nodded in response, "Great, thank you." I smiled.
We sat and talked for a little while longer. Laughing, getting to know one another. We learned so much about each other.
Sadly, time flew by faster than we thought and we had to go our separate ways. Kurt was the first to stand.
"Ah, back to our usual style, are we?" I asked jokingly, remembering that I left first yesterday.
Kurt chuckled with a wide smile as a blush creeped across his face, "I guess we are." He said.
I stood up too and together we walked out to the parking lot.
We stopped at his car, "Until we meet again." I said.
"I thought thats your goodbye through text?" Kurt asked.
I shrugged my shoulders cheekily, "Maybe it can be our usual goodbye."
Kurt chuckled and nodded his head, "Until we meet again." He replied then kissed my cheek before unlocking his car and getting into it. That made a blush furiously spread across my face.
I was happy getting out of my last class. Im finally going to meet Kurt and after yesterday it was that much more worthy to see him. I was positive now that he liked me which gave me little butterflies in my stomach when I thought of the little cheek kiss he gave me yesterday.
I made sure to shoot off a quick text to him:
Im heading out now. Be there to get your coffee in a few ;) -Blaine
It didnt take long for Kurt to text back:
If you must. Im still not up to it but... -Kurt
You know youre not going to win ;p -Blaine
*Eye roll* until we meet again, Blaine Anderson ;) -Kurt
You too, Kurt Hummel :D -Blaine Anderson