May 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
As usual I found Kurt at the coffee shop but instead of sitting alone he was with a crowd of people. Did I scare him so much that he didnt want to come back alone? No. He did say he sometimes comes over with friends. I ordered my coffee and watched him laugh and converse with his friends. He looked up and noticed me. He summoned me over. So maybe he doesnt hate me? I grabbed my cup and joined him and his friends, luckily there was an empty seat at the end of the table next to him so I didnt have to sit next to a stranger. Although, he was still a stranger to me.
"Everyone, this Blaine. Blaine, this is Mercedes, Rachel, my step-brother Finn, Santana, Sam and Artie." Kurt introduced all of us.
"Hi guys." I smiled, my cheeks were turning a bright pink. All of his friends looked at Kurt with a suggestive look.
"We began talking the other day." Kurt continued.
"And how did you meet Blaine?" One of the girls asked.
"We met here and he just sort of started talking to me." I waved to his friends.
"Are you two...?" Another girl asked.
"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no." Kurt said as if he didnt want to be with me. Why though?
"Were just acquaintances." I chimed, going along with it, "In no way are we involved beyond just bumping into each other at this exact coffee shop."
"Thank you, Blaine, I think they got it." Kurt said. I blushed slightly as I looked down at my coffee cup.
"I was only trying to help." I said, hoping it would make things better.
"And you just happen to start talking?" The first girl asked.
"Yes, Rachel. He just started talking to me." Kurt said. The "he" almost sounded as if it was emphasizing that it was all my fault. But what did I do wrong?
I sat there awkwardly the rest of the time while they all chatted and laughed. I, occasionally adding my input. I did learn who was who.
Rachel was the girl who asked how we met and started talking. She was the short, annoying brunette that oddly was similar to Kurt and I both.
Mercedes was the black one and seemed as equally close and similar to Kurt as Rachel was. Just less annoying and nicer. She was a bit of a diva though.
Finn was the extremely tall one who was a bit air-headed. He was the only one there not drinking coffee but shoving his mouth full of biscotti instead.
Santana was the Latina. I picked that up just by the name given. To put her summary short she was a bitchy lesbian.
Sam was the blond. He was friendly and much like Finn wasnt the brightest. But he was good with impressions and kept us all in the mood.
Last was Artie. He was a wheelchair bound kid who was very bright and new much about directing. He was a cool kid. Not one you imagined for how he dressed. But he was really cool. And his rapping: He could be the next Slim Shady white rapper.
That was all the people who were introduced to me that day. I knew there had to have been more. Finn kept on bringing up this Puck guy. Who names there kid Puck?
"I think I better get going. Nice meeting you all." I said as I stood, "Nice seeing you again Kurt." I patted him on the back. He looked up at me quizzicaly.
"Youre the one walking out on me now?" He asked with a light giggle.
"Yeah, well..." I shrugged. What do I say?
Kurt playfully rolled his eyes and shook his head, "Ill see you tomorrow, Blaine."
"You know me so well." I said then waved back at his friends before leaving.
"Can I get your number?" I asked after a long silence as Kurt and I sat at The Lima Bean. He put his cup down and looked at me. Not saying anything. Just stared me down, "Please? So we can talk outside the shop."
He sighed, "You like talking to me? Dont you?"
My cheeks turned a bright red, "Yeah..." I trailed.
Kurt smiled at me, "Give me your phone." He commanded. I dug through my pocket and pulled it out. I handed it over to him. He played with it for a minute and even pulled out his phone and played with that before handing mine back to me, "There, now you have mine and I have yours."
"Thank you" I smiled as I put my phone away.
"So...? What?"
"Whatd ya think?" Was he playing a game with me?
"About what?" I asked.
Kurt threw his head back and groaned, "Do you have short term memory?"
"I dont know." I shrugged.
"My friends, Blaine. What do you think of my friends?"
"Oh? Theyre... nice."
"Not who I expected you to be friends with" I admitted.
"Theyre from Glee Club." Kurt said.
"Thats how you all became friends?" I guessed. Kurt nodded.
"But theyre also my family. I love them too much. And like I told you the other day the only people who love me are you and my family."
"About that. Im sorry for the other day." I said sincerely, "I was going to tell you yesterday but I didnt want to in front of all your friends - family."
"What are talking about?" Kurt chuckled.
"When I pushed that on you. About how no one loves you. I scared you."
"You didnt scare me. I just didnt want to further the conversation."
"Then why did you leave?"
"I also had a pile of homework at home. Im sorry. I should have told you that before you left."
"Youre covering it up."
"I like you. I like that you want to get to know me. I didnt want you to see me get emotional and I had homework."
"I want to see you emotional. I want to see all sides of Kurt."
"My last name is Hummel."
"No, Hummel."
"My last name is Anderson."
"Stop copying me!"
We sat there for a second, staring at each other then bursted out laughing, "That took a turn." Kurt stifled his laugh long enough to get that out.
"Why did you tell me your last name?"
"Well, you have to get to know me before you get to know me."
"Whatever that means." I shrugged.
"Well, Blaine Anderson, its that time of day where I must go. I presume youll text me tonight?"
"As soon as you leave the parking lot." I replied proudly. Kurt shook his head.
"What am I going to do with you?"
"Love me."
"Might as well. Since youre not leaving."
"Most likely not."
Kurt got up and began to walk away but turned back, "Oh, by the way, Im an atheist."
"What? Oh." Kurt nodded and continued to walk away, "I am too!" I called back. He turned his head and smiled back at me, "Gesundheit is just an expression!"
He stopped and turned back on his heels, "Goodbye, Blaine." He then turned back again and left.
What do you think about Broadway -Blaine
Excuse me -Kurt
Gesundheit!!! -Blaine
Oh my God Blaine, enough with that -Kurt
Nope, you brought it on yourself. And if youre an atheist whyd you use God -Blaine
Its an expression -Kurt
But you took gesundheit the wrong way -Blaine
Were getting off topic. Hi Blaine. You did text me I see. Now, what about Broadway -Kurt
We wanted to get to know each other, right??? Whats your thoughts on Broadway? -Blaine
I love Broadway -Kurt
Me too :) -Blaine
Youre just saying that to find common ground -Kurt
No, I really mean it. I plan on applying to NYADA -Blaine
Oh -Kurt
Shall we meet for coffee again tomorrow -Kurt
As always -Blaine
Goodbye Blaine -Kurt
Until we meet again -Blaine
Thats how Ill sign off via text, until we meet again -Blaine
Until we meet again ;) -Kurt