Until We Meet Again
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Until We Meet Again: Chapter 1

T - Words: 1,778 - Last Updated: May 02, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Jan 07, 2014 - Updated: Jan 07, 2014
230 0 0 0 0

I walked into the little coffee shop in Lima. I heard it had a decent coffee and although I lived a ways from the place I still wanted to check it out. I made my way to the counter where the barista stood waiting to take my order. I examined the menu.

"Uh, can I get a medium drip?" I asked the barista. The barista punched it into the cash register.

"Is that all?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied.

She tapped a few more buttons, "Two twenty-five." She said. I pulled out my wallet and paid her. She grabbed a cup from the stack, "Name?" She asked

"Blaine." I responded. She uncapped a black sharpie and wrote my name on the side as I stepped off to the side to wait for my coffee. I studied the shop. It was quaint. It was - welcoming. I really liked it already, it seemed promising. She called my name a few minutes later and I took the cup, thanking her before finding a place to sit.

Thats when I saw him. He had to simply be the most beautiful person on Earth as he sat there, coffee cup in hand but still resting on the table, his eyes: glued to a magazine. He was perfect. Absolutely everything I could ever imagine. His hair: chestnut and in a coif. His eyes: blue, with a hint of green.

I chose to sit close to him without intruding on him. I fixed the strap of my laptop case then took the empty table across from him next to the windows. I sat my cup down and pulled out my laptop from the case. I opened it on the table and sat the case under my feet. I played with the mouse pad to awake the computer, logged on and began my research on The Alamo for a paper in my History class. I already had a small knowledge on it but not enough to write front and back with at least five five sentenced paragraphs. It was like taking an English class. And although I had my eyes locked on a historical website I couldnt focus. Not when he was sitting just a few feet away from me, his presence was known and his beauty could not be forgotten. I looked up from my screen and turned to look at him. His profile was marvellous. It was like somebody sculpted it out of marble. It made me smile.

I studied the magazine he was reading. It was fashion. He seemed really into it too.

I felt compelled to ask what he was reading, "What are reading?" I did ask out loud. He looked up at me then scanned the restaurant before looking back at me, bemused, "Yes, you!" I chuckled as my cheeks flushed a deep red. I somewhat regretted it, but at the same time, I didnt.

In response to my question he lifted up his magazine and turned it so the cover was facing me, "Vogue." He replied back before setting the magazine back on the table, "Latest issue." He added as he turned his attention back to it. His voice was high and light. Like nothing Ive ever heard before.

"You look interested in it." I said, wanting to keep the conversation going.

"Im always interested in fashion." He said, his eyes still glued to the article he was reading.

"Whats your name?" I asked. Oh, God, what if he thought I was leading him on and beginning to scare the poor guy? What if he has a boyfriend? What if he wasnt gay? I highly doubted the last one. No one with his fashion and beauty could possibly be straight. Could they? Even so he probably was in a relationship. He was too beautiful not to be.

"Kurt." He answered me. I was surprised he did too.

"My names Blaine." I smiled proudly, "Do you come here often?"

"Yes. Everyday." Kurt replied.

"This is my first time." I said, raising my cup.

"Do you like it here?" Kurt asked.

"The place is nice, I havent tried the coffee yet."

"I bet you wont be disappointed."

I hesitantly brought the cup to my lips and took a sip out of it. I had to admit, It was a good coffee. Kurt sat there waiting expectantly for my answer, "I like it." I simply said.

"I knew you would." He nodded. I nodded back.

"So... everyday?" I asked, clarifying what he said earlier.

"Yes, after school I come here. Some days with my friends. Mostly Im alone."

"You dont have a boyfriend or anything who comes with you on dates or anything?" I asked.

"What? No - I - uh-"

"Y-your straight?" I asked, reading his appearance all wrong.

"No, Im gay. I dont usually get asked that a lot. At all, actually." Kurt said, "I also dont get asked out a lot either."

"Oh, so you do swing for the same team. So do I." I replied. I probably sounded stupid and desperate in his ears. I was positive of it.

"What school do you go to?" He asked me. I remembered I wasnt wearing my blazer that I would usually show to those who asked.

"Dalton Academy." I replied.

"Ah, a few hour drive away from here isnt it?"

"Sometimes I like getting out of town to study." I said, "Im actually supposed to be doing research on The Alamo right now."

"But instead you bothered talking to me." Kurt said.

"Bothered? I wanted to talk to you. Not bother talking to you. Theres a difference."

"Just to procrastinate?" He guessed.

"No, I - uh - saw you sitting here and I wanted to talk to you." I said and the reaction I got from him showed that he doesnt usually have people talk to him outside of his circle of friends, "Where do you go to. I didnt hear where you go." I said, "Although, Im guessing youre from McKinley?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"No, McKinleys just the local school and you noted my long distance travel which makes me assume you dont have a far travel."

"That would be correct." Kurt nodded, "I better get going. Nice talking to you, Blaine." He got up and grabbed his magazine and coffee.

"Bye." I mouthed with possibly the largest smile on my face as he walked to the exit, throwing his cup away in the nearest trash can.

I sat there a few minutes longer to do some research, still unable to concentrate. My mind buzzed while thinking about him, "everyday" the word rushed through my head. He came here everyday. And everyday I should come, just to see him. To talk to him. To get closer to him. I felt attached to him. In a way I have never felt with anybody else, ever.

"Alright Warblers, Sectionals is among us." Wes began the meeting, hitting his gavel against the sound block a few times to get the attention of the other members, "As decided Blaine will be singing the opening number. I suggest we open with Matt Nathansons Come on Get Higher? And then we could do Maroon 5s Payphone?"

"I suggest not." Nick said from the other end of the table.

"Im actually cool with those choices." I inputted.

"No, I do not like them." Nick said.

"But I want to do them. Im willing."

"Nicks right on Payphone." David said, "I dont like the idea of Blaine singing Payphone."

"Then we dont have to do Payphone." Wes said, "But its a must that we do Come on Get Higher."

"I can tolerate doing Come on Get Higher. As long as I choose the closing number." Nick said.

"Whatever you want, boys." I said.

"What about if we do... Paradise? By Coldplay?" Nick suggested.

"I object." Wes said.

"Hey, you said I could choose the closer and I think Blaine should sing Paradise." Nick said.

"You did say that. And I like Paradise. I agree to the songs." David said.

Wes sighed, "All in favor of Come on Get Higher and Paradise to be sung at Sectionals?" All the Warblers including me put up our hands except for the council, "Alright," Wes said as he pounded the gavel on the sound block, "agreed. Meeting suspended."

Thank God he said those two words. Every council meeting turned into a arguing and I hated sitting there listening to it. Although, I myself have started many. I rushed to my dorm to collect my stuff before heading to the Lima Bean.

As I thought, Kurt was there. He, again was alone. He noticed me coming in and smiled. I smiled back before ordering my coffee. When I got it I walked over to him and sat in the seat across from him.

"You came back?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I believe this is going to be an everyday thing. Like you." I said. I noticed a slight eye roll.

"I cant believe youd drive two hours out of town just to get coffee everyday." He said.

"Its good coffee." I said.

"I bet. So, did you get your paper written?"

"Well, I got a paragraph and a half written, but Im working on it." I smiled, playing with my cup.

"Thats good." He said.

"You know I was thinking about you." I said. I really wished I didnt. God dammit, Blaine why are being such a moron.

"Oh?" Is all Kurt responded back in more of a question.

"I know it sounds crazy. Im crazy." I chuckled, blushing slightly.

"Its not crazy." He said, "Its nice. Endearing, really. Ive never actually had someone thinking about me." He said.

"Oh...?" I too used as a question.

"What? You dont believe me?" Kurt asked.

"No, actually I dont. Youre too beautiful not to-" I shook my head, "No."

"Im the only outed gay kid in all of Lima, Blaine. Until you came along I was the only one to love me. Besides my family." Kurt said very seriously. He almost like he was ready to cry as he bit back his lower lip.

"Somebodys gotta love you?"

Kurt shook his head, "Nobody loves me like I love myself."

"I do. I think you are the most gorgeous person ever. Any guy would just melt to a puddle when they see you."

Kurt got up, "Yeah, well, they dont." He shrugged then began walking away.

"Wait, where are you going!" I called back, turning around in my chair.

"I dont want to continue this conversation." He said, "Besides, I should be leaving anyways."

And with that he left. He left earlier than yesterday. I wanted hi. to spend longer with me. Did he just not want to spend time with me? Was it something I said? I wanted to believe not. This thought kept eating me up. I shouldnt have offended him. Did I really scare him? I am such a horrible person. Kurt was a simply lovely person. Im not trying to hurt him. I should apologize to him. Tomorrow I shall apologize for anything I probably did. I didnt want him leaving when there was so much more I wanted to learn from him. About him.


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