Dec. 12, 2014, 6 p.m.
Dec. 12, 2014, 6 p.m.
Did you catch something....?
"Hey there little Jesabelle. How's my favorite girl?" Blaine smiled once his three year old daughter, Jesabelle was fully awake and looking up at him.
"Fn da-ee." She mumbled as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
"Great!" Blaine exclaimed as he lifted her out of her small bed.
"Why you woke me up so early?" She asked as she fell limp in her dad's arms.
"Because today you're gonna be a sister!" Blaine said happily as he carried Jesabelle down the stairs.
"Really?" Jesabelle asked, perking up.
"M-hm, Lucy is having the baby right now so we have to go visit her and father at the hospital." Blaine said as he placed Jesabelle in her booster seat.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go see my baby brother." She said bouncing up and down.
"Not yet. You have to eat breakfast and get dressed before we go. Plus, your baby brother isn't here yet." Blaine chuckled as he sat a bowl of canned peaches in front of his daughter.
"But, I thought she's having him right now?" Jesabelle asked as she dug her hand in the peaches.
"Use the spoon." Blaine said as he waved the spoon in front of Jesabelle. She took it from him and started scooping the peaches with it.
"You still haven't answered my question." She said. Blaine laughed.
"Oh, you're your father's daughter. Even though, you're not biologically his. You're mine." Blaine mumbled, "No, she is having him, it just takes time."
"Oh." Jesabelle frowned.
"Hey now, don't be like that." Blaine frowned. "You finish up your peaches then we'll go see father and hopefully your baby brother would already be here."
"Okay daddy." Jesabelle smiled as she scooped more peaches up.
"Father!" Jesabelle exclaimed as she ran into the waiting room.
"Hey sweetie." Kurt smiled as he scooped his daughter up.
"Has Lucy given birth yet?" Blaine asked as he walked over to Kurt and Jesabelle.
"Not yet, no, but she is seven centimeters dilated. The nurses say she might be ready in the next hour or so." Kurt responded as he sat Jesabelle down who ran to the play area.
It was an hour and twenty minute wait before a nurse came out to announce the arrival of the new Anderson-Hummel child. A son.
Blaine looked down at the little hazel-eyed boy in his arms, "What should we name him?" He asked Kurt who was massaging Lucy's back.
"I don't know. Any name would be beautiful for such a boy." Kurt smiled.
"Jesabelle and I have an idea." Lucy smiled down at Jesabelle who sat at the foot of her bed.
"Yeah, we came up with the name when we found out it was a boy." Jesabelle said.
"Oh, really?" Blaine asked as he handed his son over to Lucy.
"Go ahead, tell her Jessie." Lucy smiled as she rocked the baby in her arms.
"Damion!" Jesabelle exclaimed.
"Shh!" All three adults shushed Jesabelle who began tearing up.
"No, no, no, no, no. Don't cry, don't cry." Kurt pleaded.
"All, I said was-was Damion." Jesabelle sobbed.
"And we know that, we know that and it's a lovely name it's-" Kurt began.
"It's the perfect name for him, Damion." Blaine smiled, cutting off Kurt and playing with Damion's little fingers.
"It's just that if you're too loud Damion will start to cry, babies can't handle noise." Kurt whispered.
"Oh." Jesabelle sniffed as she wiped the tears out of her eyes.
"And Damion is the perfect name." Kurt smiled.
"Really?" Jesabelle asked.
"Yeah, Damion, Damion Michael Anderson-Hummel." Blaine said.
"I like that." Kurt said softly, "Damion Michael."
"The perfect middle name for the perfect first name." Lucy added.
"So now we have Jesabelle Dakota." Blaine said as he tickled Jesabelle's stomach, earning a cute chuckle from her, "And Damion Michael."
*** 3 years later ***
"Lucy!" Damion exclaimed as he and Jesabelle came running into the hospital followed by Kurt.
"Shh." Jesabelle shushed. Damon's lip began to quiver as he dropped his head.
"No, don't cry." Jesabelle said as she began patting her little brother's back, "Baby's just don't like noise." She smiled. Lucy couldn't help but laugh at the cuteness of the young siblings.
"Jessie, Damion, Kurt, we would like you to meet, Cory." Lucy introduced the three to the little boy in her arms.
"He's beautiful." Kurt smiled as he grabbed Cory from Lucy.
"Now we need a middle name." Blaine said as he stood up from the foot of Lucy's bed, "And I know just who gets to give Cory his middle name." He said as he lifted Damion up, "Any ideas?" He then asked Damion.
"Allan!" Damion exclaimed, earning him another shush in the room. Kurt handed Cory back over to Lucy.
"So, Jesabelle Dakota, Damion Michael and now, Cory Allan." Kurt said as he pointed to each kid.
"That's correct." Blaine smiled.
"That's enough." Kurt chuckled.
"I agree." Lucy said in a mock out of breath voice.