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Triplets!: Chapter 6

T - Words: 1,572 - Last Updated: Dec 12, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Sep 30, 2013 - Updated: Sep 30, 2013
180 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I feel like this is a good place to stop teehee... :)

Don't forget that this is always updated on first so if you're on there keep a look out for updates to get your head start on reading...

It was nearing the due date and the closer they got the jumpier Blaine found himself to be. It was like every thing that happened was going to put Kurt into labor. Blaine often tried to keep himself busy, to get his mind off of things, to forget about it all until it actually happened. He would take his kids out to the local park and play with them. He was always looking for an excuse to go shopping. But he still kept his phone with him, watching it like a hawk, answering it on the first ring. At nights he would check on Kurt, depriving him on his well needed sleep for when the time came that he would be challenged as a dad to not one more but three more little ones to take care of.

"Blaine!" Kurt called from the couch in the living room. Blaine jumped and turned to face his husband.

"What?" He asked, a bit too worried.

"I need another input on names." Kurt said.

"I still think Lucifer." Blaine said walking into the little room and sitting down next to Kurt.

"I understand, and although I'm not to full agreement we still need names for the girls." Kurt said.

"I always like unique names." Blaine said.

"Go on." Kurt said.

"Well... what about Desdemona?' Blaine shrugged.

"Do you want our kids to get picked on?"

"No?" Blaine asked.

"Damn right, no." Kurt said, "Pick another name."

"Um... Jatinder...?" Blaine asked.

"Jatinder? Really?"

"I'm sorry, I... I don't know any good, unique, nobody ever uses names." Blaine said.

"Just forget about it." Kurt said, putting his head down.

"I-I- Kurt... this is hard for me, right now I'm just so preoccupied on the triplets... and-and you, going into labor. Names are the last thing I can think of right now." Blaine confessed. Blaine heard a sniffle come from Kurt. Blaine reacted quickly. He moved in closer and hugged Kurt.

"What's wrong?" Blaine asked,

"I just really- really wanted to be able to- sit there in the hospital, holding the triplets in my lap- all laid out in a row and-and to be able to call them by their n-names right then and there." Kurt sobbed. Blaine held him tighter thoughtfully. He knew it was just the hormones but this was a serious thing. He too wanted to be able to hold one of their kids after they're born and to look down at the tiny thing and whisper his or her name to him or her. To all of them.

"Shh," Shushed Blaine, "It'll-it'll be alright. You'll be fine, everything will work out. We'll be sitting in the room repeating their names over and over again, until the names stick to us and... and It'll be the best moment of our lives." Blaine was lost in words so he just continued to shush Kurt's tears some more. Kurt wiped his eyes.

"You really think so?" He asked. Blaine nodded. Kurt giggled, "And now on to your, jumpiness."

Blaine rolled his eyes, "What about it?" He asked.

"I understand your worry for me, I really do, but could you just not worry so much?"

Blaine nodded slowly, "I guess..."

"I'm gonna be fine, nothing's going to happen to me. And when the babies are ready, they're ready but if you freak out like you've been doing then it will stress me out and cause for a nasty childbirth that I do not want to experience, all the effects it wil-"

"Okay, Kurt, I got you. I will take things calmly, steadily and be ready when they're ready." Blaine said, "It might be hard bu-"

"But you acted so calm when the other three were born, it shouldn't be too much to be able to sleep again at night, for as long as you are allowed to sleep without disturbance."

"But they were different. This is you we are talking about and although I was worried for Lucy at all hours of the day she wasn't both a male and carrying three at one time." Blaine reminded Kurt.

"Then pretend I'm Lucy with... Cory." Kurt said.

"What?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, just act like you did the day Cory was born." Kurt said, "Since he was our last it was the easiest for you."

"Jessie!" Katy exclaimed running up to her friend when she walked into homeroom that morning. Jesabelle went for a hug holding her friend tight in the embrace, "Omg, you have to look at this cute new top I bought yesterday!" Jesabelle smiled widely and nodded her head. Katy unzipped her hoodie and fixed this all blue blouse with ruffles gong around the neck and it was tied in the back. She threw her hair back to reveal the sleeves that fell to show the tops of her shoulders. Jesabelle squealed.

"Where did you get it?" She asked.

"Boscov's, silly!" Katy said, playfully hitting Jesabelle's arm, "Oh my God you have to come shopping with me today, it's a must!"

"Uh... maybe not today." Jesabelle said, she wanted to be there with her father for whenever it might happen and if her dad wasn't there.

"Oh, then we can go next week, but we have to find you a cute outfit to go with those new shoes you got for Christmas that you're always talking about. I bet you're dieing to wear them." Katy exaggerated, she was always one to exaggerate. She was also the one who kept up with fashion. Although Jesabelle's father was good at that too

Jesabelle never really paid much attention to it. She stuck with jeans, comfy t-shirts and sneakers, but she did like clothes and anything that just looked cute.

"Can I text you when I get the chance for a shopping day? This month is just full of stuff for me." Jesabelle said.

"Oh, sure." Katy frowned, "Do you mind, what are you busy doing?"

"Uh.. nothing to your concern, don't feel neglected, it's... personal stuff." Jesabelle answered. Katy furrowed her eyebrows.

"Sometimes, I question you, Jesabelle Dakota Anderson-Hummel." She said then skipped merrily to her seat.

It was three in the morning, everyone was well asleep when it hit him. Kurt awoke and laid still in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. It soon passed but came again within less then a minute. Kurt carefully sat himself up on his bed and grabbed his abdomen. He hurt, it was hurting him a lot as he sat there in bed feeling the most painful thing in his life. It passed and came again just as soon. He closed his eyes tightly and let out a heavy breath. He reopened them and looked over at a sleeping Blaine.

"Blaine." He whispered, no response, "Blaine!" He tried again, louder. Still not a muscle was moved, "Blaine!" He nearly yelled, hoping he wouldn't wake the kids. Blaine stirred slightly but remained otherwise unresponsive. Kurt moved slightly, another contraction hitting as he reached for his pillow behind him. He held it against him tightly and clawed at it as he fought through the pain. Once it passed he took the pillow and hit Blaine with it a couple times until he finally awoke. His eyes were still droopy and he looked ready to go back to sleep as he stared up at his husband.

"What?" He mumbled tiredly.

"It's time!" Kurt hissed in a whisper. Blaine turned and read the alarm clock on his bed side table.

"About three ten." He mumbled as he fell back to sleep. Kurt hit him again.

"What!?" He whined.

"Not what time, it's time!" Kurt said just above a whisper. Blaine looked at Kurt with his tired eyes for a second before they opened up wider. He threw the covers up off himself and began scattering the room pulling on a pair of sweatpants grabbing the diaper back. Kurt winced at the pain, "Hurry!" He nearly squealed as he watched Blaine's confused, tired body run around thinking of everything he needs.

"Car seats are in the van, bag is on my shoulder. Am I wearing pants? Yes, I put some on just a minute ago. Kurt's right there-" Blaine looked over at a hunched over in pain Kurt as he tried to pull himself out of bed, "Kurt!" Blaine ran to his husband's aid and helped him up. Kurt slung his arm around Blaine's shoulder and used his free arm to protect his abdomen. He cringed as another contraction hit him. Blaine helped him down the living room stairs and to the door where he quickly slipped on a pair of his shoes and grabbed his car keys. He helped Kurt into the van then stopped as he began walking around to his side, "Phone!' Blaine said then ran back in and was out in no time with his cell phone in his hands he got into the drivers side and took off down the road to the hospital.

As he drove he dialed Lucy's number. Lucy picked up on the last ring, "Hello?" She asked with a yawn.

"Lucy? This is Blaine." Blaine said using one hand to hold the phone and the other to steer. Lucy woke up right away.

"Is everything alright?" She asked, now more alert then ever.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Kurt just went into labor though. I need you to get over to the house now. I left the kids in bed, the spare key is in the right plant pot. Take care of them while we are gone. You know what to do." Blaine said.

"O-o-okay, yeah, I'll be right over. Tell Kurt I said good luck." Lucy said.

"Thank you." Blaine said then hung up, right as they pulled into the parking lot.


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